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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Aninder S

Aninder S

What Is Exercise Addiction - 0 views

  • Exercise addiction may not necessarily sound like a bad thing to everyone. After all, numerous studies have demonstrated the physical and emotional health benefits of regular exercise -- it is essential to our well-being
  • exercise addiction is maladaptive, so instead of improving the person’s life, it is causes more problems.
  • Exercise addiction can threaten health, causing injuries, physical damage due to inadequate rest, and in some instances (particularly when co-occurring with an eating disorder), malnutrition and other problems.
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  • Secondly, it is persistent, so an exercise addict exercises too much and for too long without giving the body a chance to recover
  • exercise addicts exercise for hours every day, regardless of fatigue or illness
  • Exercise addiction is probably the most contradictory of all the addictions
  • Exercise is even promoted as part of a complete program of recovery from other addictions
  • exercise addiction is a controversial idea. Many experts balk at the idea that excessive exercise can constitute an addiction, believing that there has to be a psychoactive substance that produces symptoms -- such as withdrawal -- for an activity to be a true addiction
  • exercise releases endorphins (opioids produced within the body), and excessive exercise causes tolerance to the hormones and neurotransmitters released, these physiological processes are often not considered comparable to other substance addictions.
  • Exercise addiction is not currently included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV), the gold standard for psychological diagnoses, although several authors have suggested diagnostic criteria
Aninder S

When Too Much Exercise Becomes a Problem - 0 views

  • But while a little exercise is a good thing, taking exercise to the extreme can cause serious health issues, even death.
  • When few adults exercise regularly, and many struggle to find just 20 minutes to dedicate to a workout, it may be hard to believe that some people place exercise at the center of their lives
  • Compulsive exercise is more than a desire to get in the ultimate shape or manage one's weight.
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  • Sufferers of exercise bulimia use excessive exercise to purge or compensate for eating binges or simply regular eating, often working out multiple times per day or for three or four hours at a time
  • Deep down, this disorder has more to do with control than it does the desire to fit into a smaller size of jeans
  • The scary thing about an addiction to exercise is that it creeps up gradually, usually among everyday people who start exercising, feel good afterward, revel in the calories they're burning, have a desire to get healthier or lose weight, and therefore start believing that more is better
  • Oftentimes, people who develop an exercise compulsion don't feel like there's anything wrong with what they do
  • Compulsive exercisers build their lives around working out and are genuinely distressed if they can't exercise as much as they feel they need to (or should be)
  • Exercise bulimia is similar, but involves eating binges. People who suffer from exercise bulimia often binge on food and then exercise obsessively to make up for it. Exercise becomes a way to control calories, justify eating, and punish oneself for eating too much or eating the "wrong" things.
  • In general, exercising for up to 60-90 minutes, most days of the week is reasonable and healthy for most people as long as recovery and downtime is built in.
  • Exercise is usually a good thing, but rest and recovery are very important, too
  • Excessive exercise can weaken the body and cause a host of problems, including: Fatigue Suppressed immune system Lack of menstruation (amenorrhea) in women due to a lack of body fat Reproductive problems Heart problems (such as muscle wasting and rhythm problems) Dehydration Arthritis Osteoporosis Stress fractures and sprains Kidney failure
  • Getting a Diagnosis
  • Compulsive exercise and exercise bulimia can affect both men and women of all ages, races, body types and weights.
  • A doctor may ask if the person is exercising and get the right answer (yes), never knowing the extent to which the patient is actually jeopardizing his or her health by taking exercise to the extreme
  • A physician may first suspect a problem if a woman stops menstruating due to a drop in body fat, which affects estrogen levels, but the condition may be virtually undetectable in men whose body fat levels can be much lower without creating any health problems.
  • Treatment Options
  • Studies have found that sufferers often come from families where food was used as a way of controlling behavior and battles surrounding food were common
  • Traditional treatments for exercise bulimia include support groups, cognitive behavior therapy, psychotherapy, and/or medication, such as anti-depressants.
Aninder S

Excessive Exercise - 0 views

  • One of the techniques frequently used by people with eating disorders is to try to control their weight by burning up calories with exercise
  • Doing exercises for people affected by eating disorders usually means exhausting hours of aerobics such as: gym, dancing, cycling, running, etc., that can last several hours a day, every day.
  • Moreover, it has been found by some Australian researchers that excessive exercise can cause further hunger sense suppression.
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  • In this way you risk maintaining or worsening an eating disorder
  • We have noticed that when a patient begins to regain weight this vicious circle is interrupted
  • Excessive exercise risks are linked to the induction of a fasting effect that leads to further protein-calorie deficit and then to a worsening of the malnutrition situation.
  • Doing exercises in a weak physical condition can be very dangerous
Aninder S

College students' performance suffers from lack of sleep - - 0 views

  • Colleges are starting to wake up to how sleep deprivation cuts into the academic and athletic performance of their students.
  • All-nighters have become a habit in higher education, but a handful of small new studies
  • Sleep experts say the amount of sleep each person needs is largely dependent on the individual: Some people can get by with only five or six hours. The National Sleep Foundation says adults need seven to nine hours a night.
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  • Sleep (deficit) built up over just five nights can significantly stress the heart
  • Many students believe that it's a "rite of passage" to stay up all night during college and that "it's kind of fun," Thacher says.
  • A study this summer in the journal SLEEP examined the heart conditions of 39 adults, ages 22 to 45, whose heart rates were tested twice — the morning after a 10-hour sleep and then again after five consecutive four-hour sleeps — using a portable monitor.
  • if you use all-nighters, your GPA is slightly lower on average,
  • "You can't do your best work when you're sleep-deprived
  • "It's not common knowledge, because if people understood how much of a difference (getting more sleep) could make athletically," they'd incorporate it more into their lives and not focus solely on nutrition and exercise.
Aninder S

Extra Sleep Improves Athletic Performance - 0 views

  • Participants in this ongoing study were five healthy students on the Stanford University men’s and women’s swimming teams
  • For the first two weeks of the study, the students maintained their usual sleep-wake pattern
  • The athletes then extended their sleep to 10 hours per day for six to seven weeks.
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  • Athletic performance was assessed after each regularly scheduled swim practice. After obtaining extra sleep, athletes swam a 15-meter meter sprint 0.51 seconds faster, reacted 0.15 seconds quicker off the blocks, improved turn time by 0.10 seconds and increased kick strokes by 5.0 kicks.
  • The study also monitored daytime sleepiness and weekly changes in mood
  •  Daytime sleepiness decreased significantly with extra sleep, while mood improvements related to getting extra sleep included higher ratings of vigor and lower ratings of fatigue.
  • Typically, many athletes accumulate a large sleep debt by not obtaining their individual sleep requirement each night, which can have detrimental effects on cognitive function, mood, and reaction time
  • These negative effects can be minimized or eliminated by prioritizing sleep in general and, more specifically, obtaining extra sleep to reduce one’s sleep debt.”
  • Mah and colleagues reported similar results in a previous study of six players on the Stanford men’s basketball team
  • also has worked with the football, tennis, golf, cross country, and track and field teams at Stanford.
  • It is interesting to note that many of the athletes in the various sports I have worked with, including the swimmers in this study
  • Make sleep a part of your regular training regimen.
  • Extend nightly sleep for several weeks to reduce your sleep debt before competition.
  • Maintain a low sleep debt by obtaining a sufficient amount of nightly sleep (seven to eight hours for adults, nine or more hours for teens and young adults).
  • Keep a regular sleep-wake schedule, going to bed and waking up at the same times every day.
  • Take brief naps to obtain additional sleep during the day, especially if drowsy.
Aninder S

The Importance of Sleep - 0 views

  • We don't need to know that rats who generally live 2 - 3 years die within 3 weeks when deprived of sleep to understand how important sleep is to our bodies and health. But it does emphasize the importance of sleep!
  • brain wave activity during sleep and how the eyeballs roll around rapidly during certain stages of sleep
  • Sleep is the time we rest so that the body can rejuvenate and recharge.
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  • The body needs sleep and rest time to build and repair itself.
  • babies can sleep up to 20 hours a day
  • children need 10 - 12 hours of sleep every day on average.
  • importance of sleep is obvious when we look at how it's necessary for physical growth and health!
  • One thing that definitely affects sleep is a certain hormone that your body produces called melatonin
  • Sleep (or lack of sleep) has a direct impact on your health and energy levels
  • The main factors that determine wellness or illness in addition to sleep are: Nutrition Physical Activity and Stress Management
Aninder S

What Are The Causes Of Teen Stress? | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

  • Teens often lack the maturity level to be aware of the issues that are causing their feelings of stress.
  • School is the number one source of stress for teens according to a poll conducted by the Associated Press
  • Stress comes from homework demands, after school activities and over scheduling
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  • From the early high school years teens start to hear about the importance of grades to get into the college of their choice and to be constantly vigilant about succeeding.
  • teens work jobs after school to either pay for gas or to help parents who may be struggling financially
  • teen years are a time when many emotional and physical changes are occurring.
  • teens experience significant psychological, academic and behavioral problems before, during and after their parents' divorce
  • Some teens, however, experience conflict, arguments, and pressure from their friends and acquaintances
  • The pressure to conform and fit in can be overwhelming
  • Many times, teens place undue stress on themselves.
  • The American Academy of Pediatrics points out that often teens tell themselves that they need to lose weight, get better grades, score more points in the game and prove themselves to their parents
  • Many teens feel different from their peers and never feel good enough. Self esteem can suffer another blow if they are made to feel inferior, different or are made fun of by others.
Aninder S

How to Make Homework Less Work - 0 views

  • Create a Homework Plan
  • First, be sure you understand the assignment. Write it down in your notebook or day planner if you need to, and don't be afraid to ask questions about what's expected
  • It's much easier to take a minute to ask the teacher during or after class than to struggle to remember later that night!
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  • Second, use any extra time you have in school to work on your homework
  • Many schools have study halls that are specifically designed to allow students to study or get homework done
  • It's tempting to hang out with friends during study periods or unstructured time, but the more work you can get done in school, the less you'll have to do that night.
  • Third, pace yourself
  • If you don't finish your homework during school, think about how much you have left and what else is going on that day, and then budget your time
  • Most high-school students have between 1 and 3 hours of homework a night.
Aninder S

Working Teens - Managing Work and School - 0 views

  • For some teens working while studying is easy, for others it is a nightmare, the first decision you and your teen have to make is if it is possible to juggle work and school at the same time.
  • Will the job influence your teen’s school performance in a positive or a negative way.
  • teach him a few things about responsibility and discipline which will help your teen with his school performance.
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  • On the other hand some teens will find it too difficult to have a job and go to school and they will cut corners, skip their homework and eventually their academic achievements will drop.
  • You also need to consider if this will influence the extracurricular activities of your teenage
  • If your teen can’t handle both it doesn’t mean that your teen should only focus on school and skip having a job, just encourage him to look around and find a more appropriate job position.
  • Juggling two great responsibilities is hard work for adults, let alone teens.
Aninder S

High school pressure on teens: Staying focused on schoolwork, preparing for college and... - 0 views

  • The pressure for teens nowadays is unprecedented
  • With so many high-achieving kids, it’s no wonder that teens—and their parents—feel as if a child has to have a multi-page resume, be a world-class athlete or manage her own business by the time she is 18. But that just isn’t possible for everyone.
  • Staying Focused On Schoolwork
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  • In high school, grades and extracurricular activities become part of that all-important “permanent record.” And if your child wants to get into a good college, she will have to go the extra mile.
  • If your child doesn’t use her time wisely and puts her schoolwork off to concentrate on her social life or after-school activities–and if her grades are showing this–gently prod her to get back to business
  • When School is Scary
  • Besides bullying (a longtime but nonetheless devestating concern), a serious issue facing many schools today is the presence of violence and atmosphere of fear
  • Many schools have instituted a policy of zero tolerance when it comes to guns (and drugs).
  • Preventing and Dealing with Burnout
  • School pressure can come from teachers and parents, and it can also come from the child herself. Some pressure is good—it keeps a teen’s eye on the prize at the end of four years: The college of her choice.
  • But too much pressure, whether it comes from an adult or the child, is counterproductive and will lead to burnout. Make sure your teen balances her schoolwork and her life outside it, and remind her that these overwhelming years are a transition into adulthood.
  • Alternative School Programs
  • If your child is one of the thousands of kids who just doesn’t seem to be able to handle school, it isn’t the end of the world. Talk to your teen about the consequences of dropping out, and if all else fails try to find an alternative program
Aninder S

Quick Exercises for the Morning - Military Fitness - - 0 views

  • Here are some ideas for those of you who only have a few minutes a day to exercise
  • 1. Wake up with Crunches
  • - Regular Crunch: 10-20 reps - Just lift shoulder blades off the floor - Reverse Crunch - 10-20 reps - Lift hips off the floor - Double Crunch - 10-20 reps - Lift BOTH hips / shoulders off the floor simultaneously - Left Crunches - 10-20 reps - Take right elbow to the left knee - Right Crunches -10-20 reps - Take left elbow to right knee - Bicycle Crunches - 10-20 reps - Take right/left elbow to left/right knee by bicycling the legs - Plank pose - 30-60 seconds - Stomach stretch - 30 seconds
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  • 2. Jumping Jacks / Pushups
  • Do 10 jumping jacks / 10 pushups and repeat the non-stop cycle 5-10 times depending on your fitness level. This takes 3-5 minutes if you push all 10 sets.
  • 3. Replace Pushups with Squats
  • If you want to add in a leg workout try replacing pushups with squats above.
  • 4. MJDBs - Multi-Joint Dumbbells Exercises
  • With a set of dumbbells mix in a few exercises into one movement: - Bicep curl, military press, tricep extensions - do 10-15 reps - Squats, bicep curl, military press, tricep extension - do 10-15 reps - Squat thrust, pushup x 5, stand up, bicep curl military press, tricep extension - 5-10 reps
  • 5. CARDIO Option
  • You can skip all the above and just run, bike, walk, elliptical glide, or row for 15-20 minutes or you can add in a quick burst of cardio for the remaining time you have.
Aninder S

The Body Blog: Quick and Efficient Exercises : CollegeCandy - 0 views

  • There are certain exercises and combinations of exercises that burn calories faster than others. If you only have 30 minutes to work out, walking on a treadmill is probably not the best way to burn off that box of cookies from last nigh
  • which exercises are the quickest calorie burners and the fastest routes to a healthy and fit body?
  • 1. Running
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  • 2. Rowing
  • 3. Swimming
  • Not only do these three exercises burn the most calories in 30 minutes (avg. 300 for a 145 pound person), but they also build muscle and tone your entire body
  • Walking, biking and even using the elliptical trainer will not work your body as hard or as well, because those exercises target your lower body and leave your upper body hanging out and doin’ nothing.
  • If you don’t even have 30 minutes in your action-packed schedule to get to the gym, try jumping rope
  • but 10 minutes of jumping rope can burn up to 200 calories
  • It is really easy to find excuses not to work out, but try and squeeze these exercises into your day. You’ll feel better, look better, and give yourself a much needed break from catching up on all the reading you’re somehow already behind on even though it’s only the first day of class.
Aninder S

7 Most Effective Exercises - 0 views

  • 6. Abdominal Crunches
  • Crunches can be excellent, but if they're not done correctly, with the back arching, they can actually weaken the abdominals," Petersen says.
  • The trouble is that poor form can change the whole exercise, putting emphasis or even strain on different areas than intended. This can hurt, rather than help you.
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  • Here's how to do it with good form. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, then bend knees and flex forward at the hips. (If you have trouble doing this exercise standing up, support your weight by sitting on an incline bench, facing backward.) Tilt your pelvis slightly forward, engage the abdominals, and extend your upper spine to add support. Hold dumbbells or barbell beneath the shoulders with hands about shoulder-width apart. Flex your elbows, and lift both hands toward the sides of your body. Pause, then slowly lower hands to the starting position. (Beginners should perform the move without weights.)
Aninder S

Quick and Efficient Workouts - 0 views

  • Packing an hour worth of fitness into 20-30 minutes can be done
  • Choose a cardio activity that you enjoy such as running, or biking
  • Do a short warm-up session to get the blood pumping and muscles warmed up
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  • do a few stretches to help prevent injury and soreness after your workout
  • do a vigorous period of which ever activity you choose for 30 seconds
  • really push the limits of what you can do
  • After the intense spurt take down the intensity level a few notches and exercise for roughly a minute and a half at this level
  • Continue this rotation for about 15-20 minutes, remembering to take about another 2 minutes to cool down and bring the heart rate back to normal
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