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9More - Weights Or Cardio: What's It Going To Be? - 0 views

  • Your primary goal will give you a general starting point for figuring out exactly how to balance your training, as well as what type of cardio and weight training you should be doing. In addition to your primary goal, you will also need to take into account two other major factors: Your Body Type - Are you naturally slim? Do you gain muscle easily? Do you tend to hold onto fat readily? The Type Of Cardio Training You're Doing - Is it high- intensity or low-intensity? Does it fatigue you for weights? Does your weight training fatigue you for your cardio?
  • If you're training to gain muscle, you will need to do less cardio training. Too much cardio can actually hamper your muscle gain by slowing recovery and burning up calories that your body needs for the process of building muscle. As a general guideline, one or two cardio sessions per week should be enough to maintain your cardiovascular conditioning and keep your bodyfat gains in check while not slowing muscle growth. You should train with weights at least three times per week, up to even six times if you can recover from it and still make progress.
  • The ectomorph is the naturally-slim person. They have a smaller bone-structure and can seem to "eat whatever they want and not gain an ounce."
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  • The ectomorph has a fairly easy time losing fat so they will will generally not need to do as much cardio for fat loss. Two or three times per week should be plenty. An ectomorph trying to gain muscle may need to lay off cardio training completely in order to have enough recovery energy available for their body to even build muscle. Once or twice a week should be the maximum cardio frequency. Even weight training may need to be less frequent (two or three times per week) in order to see results
  • Moderate-intensity cardio training, such as jogging or swimming, will need to be done a little less frequently. This type of training requires more energy both to perfom and for your body to recover from. A person trying to lose fat can generally perform four to six moderate-intensity sessions per week at around 20 to 30 minutes each. A person trying to gain muscle should reduce this amount to two to three sessions per week.
  • This type of hard training should be done less frequently than the more moderate forms of cardio as it is much harder for your body to recover from. If you are training for fat loss, you should do at least two but no more than three high-intensity cardio sessions per week. If you are training for muscle gain, once or, at the most, twice per week should be the limit.
  • High-intensity training is extremely effective for fat loss as it not only causes you to burn a lot of calories during the activity, it also raises your metabolism for a long time after the activity is done.
  • This would mean an ectomorphic person looking for muscle gain and doing low-intensity cardio training could do cardio two days a week at a minimum to maintain cardio capacity while trying to gain muscle.
    • Wasif H
      This is source that goes in depth to your actual goals. I would reccomend people to look at this site to get information on how much cardio to do.

Weight Training for Teens | Pure Matters - 0 views

  • Weight Training for Teens
  • Teens who work out with weights, as well as exercise aerobically, reduce by half their risk for sports injuries.
  • Weight training also helps improve sports performance
  • ...23 more annotations...
  • boosts bone density and strengthens tendons,
  • Weight training vs. body building
  • Weight training focuses on improving musculoskeletal strength and total fitness
  • Fitness, not superhero
  • Middle- and high-school students should train to increase their strength and improve their physical fitness
  • good teen weight-training program focuses on toning muscles with lighter weights and a high number of repetitions.
  • Be responsible
  • Teens should be supervised at all times while strength training, and should always use safe equipment.
  • Start slowly
  • should begin slowly and increase gradually.
  • shouldn't be increased too soon or by too much.
  • emphasize proper technique
  • Two to three sessions a week on alternating days should be enough to strengthen and tone muscles.
  • Size matters
  • "Programs for teens often rely on free weights, such as dumbbells and barbells; rubber tubing; and calisthenics, such as abdominal curls."
  • Focus on the individual
  • should be individually designed for each adolescent
  • Make it fun
  • should be noncompetitive and fun
  • Stay active
  • Conditioning exercises should be part of an active lifestyle that includes plenty of other physical activity.
  • should feel comfortable with the weight-training program and look forward to it.
  • "Participating in a wide variety of physical activities helps teens stay balanced, trim and physically healthy."
    Good page to read up on muscle training for teens 
15More - How To Get A Six-Pack - Complete Ab Program! - 0 views

  • Learning how to get a six-pack does not require expensive workout equipment promoted through obnoxious infomercials. You can't flick on the TV anymore without seeing two new abdominal exercise machines being promoted at once. There are so many of them that if you get suckered into these 'ab workout' gimmicks, you will be broke quicker than Ben Johnson sprints the 100 meter dash! And get this: Of the $520 million dollars a year spent on exercise equipment, abdominal machines get a $208 million dollar piece of the pie!
  • Learning how to get a six-pack does not require thousands or even hundreds of crunches a day. So much for the Brittany Spears ab workout! Crunches are decent but totally overused and associated with more being better.
  • Learning how to get a six-pack does not involve starvation diets. Starvation diets starve the muscle when you should be feeding the muscle instead. Guess what happens when you starve your body? Your metabolism shuts down out of survival and causes your body to store fat.
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  • Just Because You're Skinny Does Not Mean You Will Have A Six-Pack
  • Abdominals Are A Muscle, Too! You want your arms to be bigger, your shoulders to be broader and your chest to be fuller, correct? And what is the solution to making these muscle groups increase in size? High intensity weight training, overload, consistency and a healthy surplus of calories. Starting to sound familiar? The same goes for your abdominals. Your abdominals are a muscle group that requires the same formula and attention and are not any different from other muscle groups. For some reason many consider abdominals to be a 'special' body part that requires a different set of rules and a completely different formula for training.
  • To get thick, dense abs - the ones that 'pop' out - you must train them with intensity and overload. Here are some practical tips you can apply to your program so that you can be the 'man' or 'gal' at your gym with a ripped and muscular six-pack. Then I will provide a sample
  • If your abs are your worse body part, then why do you keep training them last, at the end of your workout? Which muscles group will receive the highest priority when you train? The ones done at the start of your workout or the ones done at the end of the workout? Of course, the exercises done at the start of the workout while you have the most energy and focus.
  • he typical response is "Nobody does abdominals first..." That is pure BS. This just supports the notion that many people who work out don't ever question what they hear or do. They want to be spoon-fed answers and follow the trends of others without thinking for themselves. I ALWAYS train abdominals first in a workout if they need the highest attention.
  • What's going to receive better results? A muscle group that is trained one time a week or two times a week (assuming you recovered prior to the second workout commencing)? Of course, the muscle that is trained 2x a week. The more stimulus on a muscle, the more growth. That is why professional athletes are professional athletes. They have conditioned their bodies to such a high amount of stress that they are able to train more frequently.
  • Right now some of you can see a perfectly set of staggered abs that are wide and thick and separated by a line down the middle. Some of you have the classic four-pack which is four big abs with a smooth lower section. Some of you have tiny cubicle boxes sitting high on your abdominal wall. Some of you have the picture perfect eight-pack that makes people's jaws drop.
  • If building a sexy six-pack is on your 'to do' list for 2007, then start training abdominals 2-4x a week. I will teach you in a moment how to split your abdominals up into two different days based on movement.
  • To train your abdominals safely and effectively you must know the basic movement patterns of your abs and train them within all sub-categories: Truck Flexion (upper abs) Hip Flexion (lower abs) Rotation (obliques) Lateral Flexion (obliques)
  • Perform this workout at least two times a week separated by at least 48 hours rest. You should experience a deep muscle soreness after each one of these workouts. Focus on using a load that causes failure within 8-12 reps and then move to the next exercise. This is a non-stop circuit. Rest 1-2 minutes and repeat until you reach 4 sets total. Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Rest Hanging Leg Raises 1-4 8-12 311 - Rope Crunch 1-4 8-12 311 - Reverse Crunch 1-4 8-12 311 - Weighted Ball Crunch 1-4 8-12 311 1-2 minutes
  • As said earlier, buiding razor sharp abs is not the easiest task in the work but nor is it the hardest. The above abdominal exercises will help you build a deeply separated and evenly placed set of abs in little time. The truth is that if you can't see your abs, then the best exercise for your abs will be better diet.
    • Wasif H
      I think that getting abs just requires the right knowledge and this site provides it. There are so many myths on abs and it is hard to get good info on them. The best thing to do is look on a source like this or ask someone you know with abs or just the trainer at the gym .

How Much Weightlifting & How Much Cardio Exercise? | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

  • The amount of weightlifting and the amount of cardiovascular exercise you perform depend entirely upon your goals. If you plan on competing in a weightlifting competition or running a marathon, your training will need to be tailored accordingly. If your goal is to build strength and power while improving your overall health, your training demands can be less specific and less intensive.
  • Weightlifting training is unlike recreational lifting or bodybuilding in that you train to improve on two lifts. You will spend the majority of your training time practicing the two lifts, variations of the lifts, and then some simple assistance work such as barbell squats.
  • If you wish to make significant progress, increase both the intensity and the duration of your exercise, whether it is rowing, running, jumping rope, or swimming. And if you wish to improve at a specific activity, you need to train for that activity. While running will help your cardiovascular conditioning, it does not mean that it will make you a strong swimmer.
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  • While it is technically possible to train for a marathon and weightlifting competition at the same time, it is doubtful you will do well at either one, and run the risk of injury secondary to over-training. If your goal is general strength and conditioning, a few weightlifting training sessions a week and cardiovascular exercise on your off days will improve strength, power and health. If you wish to do well at one activity, you need to specialize. If you go for a limit run the day before a weightlifting meet, you are going to be too tired and sore to lift very much. If you snatch and clean heavy the night before a race, you are going to be stiff, sore and slow, so only you can determine how much of each.

Youth Sports Training - Strength Training & The Young Athlete - 0 views

    There are several factors to consider when programming strength training for young athletes. - 1. Central Nervous System Maturity - The true argument with respect to children and weight lifting should not be based on the maturity (or in this case immaturity) of the child's muscular system, but rather the advancement of the child's CNS. Within proper application of load, volume and intensity, a child's muscular system will not be compromised by weight training activities. However, a lack of motor control (a function of the CNS) will affect the child's ability to perform weight-training exercises safely. It is therefore the maturity of the CNS that is the ultimate determining factor. 2. Cross Section Of Muscle - A larger muscle infers a greater strength potential. While hypertrophy of this sort is not hormonally possible with pre-adolescent athletes, this fact is why I advocate that early adolescent athletes train with hypertrophy-based responses in mind. 3. Biological Maturity - Biological age, unlike a child's chronological age, is not actually visible. Biological age is based in large part to the "physiological development of the various organs and systems in the body" (Bompa, 2000). For example, the adequate development of bone, the efficiency of the heart and lungs to transport oxygen; these are examples of items that comprise biological age. This becomes important when determining the volume or intensity of the training program for the young athlete. 4. Hormonal Issues - Androgenic (muscle building) hormones are low in pre-adolescent athletes. This means that hypertrophy-based responses are all but impossible. Strength gains are however, very possible. 5. Technical Issues - Providing a proper foundation of the technical merits of strength training is paramount when working with youngsters.

Should I Do Cardio Before Weight Lifting - Does Exercise Order Matter - 0 views

  • Ads 5 Foods you must not eatCut down a bit of stomach fat every day by never eating these 5 Weight Loss for WomenGet Cash Back. $10 per Pound. Weight Loss Resolution that Works! 50 Circuit WorkoutsBurn fat & get totally ripped with these 50 circuit workout Sports Medicine Ads Weight Loss Exercise Weight Training Cardio Weight Lifting Exercise Ads Weight Loss TipsPurchase The Book That Will Give You The Science Of Slim Today! Build muscle, lose fatFree online workout plans 800.000 people use it already!
  • What should you do first, cardiovascular endurance exercise or weight lifting? Or does this even matter? The answer really depends upon what you are trying to accomplish.
  • Exercise order may also matter if you are trying to achieve a specific goal, such as building muscle or improving sports skills, or if you have an extremely high level of fitness already.
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  • Exercise you perform when your energy supplies are low is less effective and more likely to result in injury.
  • If Your Goal is Increasing Muscle Size and Strength Increasing muscle size can best be accomplished by lifting weights first when the body's main source of energy for muscle contraction (glycogen) is high. If you do a hard cardio workout before lifting, you deplete glycogen, which makes the workout ineffective.
  • If Your Goal is Burning Calories for Fat Loss If your primary goal is to burn as many calories as you can in a single session, it's probably best to do cardio first and lift weights next. There isn't any magic behind this; it's simply easier for most people to burn more calories per exercise session when they do cardio first.
  • If Your Goal is Increasing Cardiovascular Endurance In order to build and maintain cardiovascular endurance, you should perform endurance exercise first, when you have plenty of energy for long-distance exercise. Add resistance exercises 2 to 3 times a week, either after or separate from the endurance work in order to develop muscular strength and reduce your risk of injury.

Power, Speed & Strength Training | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

  • Training for speed seems straightforward; perform your activity or sport over and over working to get faster. Training for speed requires the ability to accelerate fast from a standing position or a slow jog, according to Derek Hansen, CSCS of SPS Athletic Training Group.
  • Generating speed requires nerve and impulse control and strength in your muscles. Speed requires a high output of energy and strength.
  • Hansen recommends only training for short times because you can tax your nervous system to exhaustion quickly. Recommended training intervals shouldn't be more than 300 meters for team sports, such as football, soccer, basketball, lacrosse and track and field events.
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  • Plyometrics is a protocol used to develop strength, speed and power for various types of sports.
  • Plyometrics require your muscles to contract while overcoming a lengthening phase and producing maximum strength in the shortest amount of time. According to Denis Knowles of, the faster a muscle is stretched, the greater the power output during the contraction phase of the muscle.
  • Hansen states that to perform faster and with greater strength and speed, stretching helps to elongate your stride or ability to move.
  • Stretching should concentrate on elongating your muscle overall and focus specifically on the sport you engage in. This is for two purposes: passive stretching elongates your muscles and helps them warm up and also cool down from everyday activities and training.
  • Second, dynamic stretching related to your sport works on the elastic properties of your muscles and connective tissues.
  • Dynamic stretching works on your nervous system that coordinates movement, power and strength so you can produce more power, strength and speed.

Explosive Speed Training | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

  • In regard to athletics, speed is how fast an individual can travel from one point to another. It has to do with stride frequency, or the number of steps per unit of time, and stride length, or the distance that each step covers.
  • To increase your speed, your daily training sessions should place emphasis on improving your overall work capacity, ensuring that your joint mobility is normal, increasing the strength of your legs and core, developing running endurance and improving running coordination.
  • There are numerous drills that should be incorporated into an explosive speed training program that help to improve your coordination and running technique. Marching drills, skipping and arm swings are typically done prior to more intensive training exercises.
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  • Because these are not physically intensive, you should try to fit these in every day. They’re meant to develop muscle memory and teach your nervous system and muscles how to efficiently work together, so the more repetitions you can get in of form drills, the better.
  • Form drills are very important, but it’s essential that you take the skills that you learn from them and apply them to actual speed and endurance drills.
  • There are different types of speed and endurance training workouts that you can incorporate, such as participating in extensive intervals, which means completing a high number of sprinting repetitions, or you can use intensive intervals, which require you to do less repetitions but at high-speed, very intense sprints, perhaps with added resistance such as running hills, or using a parachute for drag.
12More - Ask The Ripped Dude: What Are Your 10 Top Ab Tips? - 0 views

  • FOLLOW A HIGH-PROTEIN, LOWER-CARB DIET. Your diet is essential in building a lean physique. It is important to consume 4- to-6 small meals per day; this helps to speed up your metabolism at an incredibly rapid rate. Although there are many different theories on meal frequencies, eating smaller meals more often will help the average person avoid overeating and will curb hunger.
  • FOLLOW A CONSISTENT WEIGHT-TRAINING AND CARDIO REGIMEN. This will allow you to burn fat through the day. Weight training helps you to burn calories after the workout and throughout the day while cardio burns calories during the workout. A combination of cardio and weight training will give you the optimal fat burning rate you need to stay lean.
  • DRINK A LOT OF WATER. If you're completely hydrated, your fat-burning rate will be optimum. To speed up your metabolism, drink at least 6-to-8 glasses of water per day.
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  • MODIFY YOUR ABS ROUTINE. There isn't a specific abs routine that will work better than all others, but changing your abs routine will maximize the results.
  • UNDERSTAND THE TRUTHS AND MYTHS ABOUT ABDOMINALS. We all have abs. Unfortunately, some of us have to work harder than others to attain visible ones. Doing 1,000 sit-ups per day is not going to make your abs just magically pop out, but getting your body-fat levels very low will allow your abs to appear.
  • For a male to able to be see his abs, he has to be roughly at 12 percent body-fat and lower. For a female to see hers, she needs to be at roughly 14 percent and lower. If you can get your body-fat to those levels, you will start to see your abs.
  • A healthy breakfast is the most important meal for a reason - it jumpstarts your metabolism for the entire day. Not just any breakfast, though. Unless you want a muffin top, skip the muffins and opt for protein, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates. Emphasis on the protein. Can't go wrong with eggs.
  • BE COGNIZANT OF THE FREQUENCY OF YOUR ABS TRAINING. It is important to train your abs at least three times per week for a beginner and intermediate fitness enthusiast. For the advanced gym guru, train your abs about every other day to build them properly.
  • BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. If you believe you can do it, you will do everything necessary in your power to attain that goal. Your mind will help guide your fitness goals and if that goal is to attain great abs, then, provided you do the necessary work, it will happen for you.
    • Wasif H
      This is personally my favourite website. This article gives a good look on what we can do to achieve our goal.
15More - Growth Spurt: 30 Pounds Of Muscle In One Year. - 0 views

  • Most sets are 8-10 reps, the ideal range for muscle growth. The first two sets of the first exercise for each bodypart are warm-ups. The last two are working sets. The first working set comprises 8-10 reps to failure, plus 2 forced reps. The last working set will include 8-10 reps to failure, 2 forced reps and 3-5 partial reps at the end.
  • 1. CHANGE IT UP Don't let your body get used to anything. Every three to four weeks, change the exercises and the order in which they are done. Change the angles by using different hand/foot positions. Rest periods can also change; this is an often-overlooked training variable.
  • . REST On at least two days per week, stay completely out of the gym. This means no lifting! And don't neglect sleep - this is one of the most overlooked factors in muscle growth. Sleep equals time to grow.
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  • GOALS Create mini goals. Don't just expect to put on a ton of muscle in one year without checking yourself along the way. Set weight-gain goals every 2-4 weeks and evaluate the results. If you fall short, make an adjustment for the next goal. When you stop setting goals, you stop critical thinking and stop making gains.
  • MAINTAIN Every 8-10 weeks, take a couple of weeks to prevent a plateau. Don't stop training, but back off a little and let your body recover. Stop trying to get stronger and don't push sets to failure. After two weeks of maintaining your previous gains, go back to 110%. Reduce your calories during this back-off phase as well. This gives your body a break from digesting and utilizing all the food you nee
  • FST-7 This is the advanced training technique I've used with all my athletes.
  • Basically, you train that bodypart heavy as you normally would on any given day, keeping the rep range at 8-12, but on the last exercise you perform the 7 sets to finish off that particular muscle, with minimal rest in between to get the best pump possible.
  • Alternate the first exercise between dumbbells, barbells and machines. Use them all each workout, but change the order and angle. On all chest moves, you must arch your back, throw your chest high and keep your shoulders back. This takes the shoulders out of the movemen
  • Low-rep flat-bench presses (fewer than eight reps) are a quick way to tear a pec. Use a full range of motion on all exercises. The only exceptions are intensity multipliers used on the last set. When you reach failure, push your muscles further with assisted negative reps or partials. Lean forward on dips to emphasize chest.
  • Work the angles. There are three sides to the shoulder muscles and countless angles to hit them. Sit, stand, lean; barbell, dumbbell, machine; use them all. Start the workout with a press. Hit the big compound movement while you're strongest. Don't be afraid to work your rear delts near the beginning or middle of the workout. If you always do them at the end they will never grow!
  • Warm up your shoulders, chest, triceps and rotator cuffs before training. The shoulders are vulnerable to injury. Try seated lateral raises to really isolate the side delts. This is my favorite move to build round shoulders!
  • BALANCE YOUR PROTEINS: Take in protein of all types from all sources — fast acting, slow acting, whey, casein, egg, fish and animal proteins (beef, chicken, turkey, etc.).
  • WHERE'S THE BEEF: Beef is great for offseason growth. In addition to the amino acids, you get tons of B vitamins, iron and testosterone-boosting fats.
  • JUNK IT UP: Don't be afraid to eat some junk food once or twice per week. This boosts your metabolism and gives your body a different type of fuel. Stick to the "clean junk." These are calorically dense, but not super greasy foods. Examples are pasta, burgers, steak, sweet potato fries and cheesecake.
  • If you want to grow, insulin spikes are your friends. You just have to time them correctly, like breakfast and postworkout. These are the times to have some fast-acting carbs that quickly replenish glycogen stores.

How To Get Ripped Abs & Pecs At A Young Age | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

  • Work your abdominals two to three days per week. Include exercises that stimulate every angle of the midsection. Perform crunches, leg raises, oblique crunches, Russian twists and v-ups for three sets of 20 repetitions.
  • f you want to build six-pack abs and a chiseled chest, start strength training. Resistance training at a young age has several health benefits like stronger bones, increased metabolism and improved self-esteem, according to When strength training as a youth, it is important to pay close attention to proper form to prevent injury. Perform strength-training workouts to target your abs and chest to gain lean muscle and increase definition.
  • Step 1
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  • Train your pectoral muscles twice per week. Include exercises like decline pushups, incline chest press, bench press and chest flys for three sets of 12 to 15 repetitions. Lift with light to moderate resistance to avoid placing too much strain on growing tendons and cartilage. Don't compromise form in an attempt to lift too heavy
    • Wasif H
      info for this source is quite vague
23More - Top 5 Reasons To Use Creatine: Get The Results You're Looking For Qu... - 0 views

  • With all the different supplements that are available for use, many people have a tendency to get confused on which they should take. In some cases there will be one or two supplements in particular that will stand out to you and draw your attention.
  • One supplement to take, that often tops the list of many people, is creatine. Let's have a quick look at the top five reasons why you should consider taking creatine.
  • Why Should You Consider Taking Creatine?
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  • . Increased Workout Intensity Translates To More Muscle Mass
  • One of the first reasons why you need to start taking creatine is because it will help to increase your overall workout intensity, which means you will achieve a higher level of muscle mass.
  • The creatine will allow you to keep pushing hard in the gym at a time when you would have previously had to decrease the load or stop entirely, so this helps in terms of building muscle faster.
  • Better Muscular Contraction Means Enhanced Sports Performance:
  • The second reason to take creatine is for athletic performance. If you're involved in sports that require stop and go type of activity, creatine is going to come in very helpful for you.
  • To put this into perspective, a player in a game of hockey taking creatine would not only be able to go harder with each shift he's on the ice, but he'll be able to last through more shifts total throughout the game.
  • Quicker Atp Re-Synthesis Equates To Frequent Training Sessions:
  • Third, creatine is going to allow you to train at a higher frequency, which also means quicker and more significant muscular gains.
  • The more frequent you are able to stimulate a muscle, the faster it will grow bigger, provided that it has had the opportunity to fully grow back after the first stress load that was placed upon it.
  • Since creatine helps increase the recovery rate of the muscle cells, this means you may not require as much total rest time in between each workout you perform.
  • So if you're someone who commonly takes a few days off between each full body workout, using creatine may allow you to cut this down to just a single day between workouts. Over time this will translate to more workouts and will make a difference on your results from month to month.
  • Higher Glycogen Levels Generates Huge Muscle Pumps:
  • Fourth on our list of reasons why you need to use creatine is because of the muscle pumps you'll get. While muscle pumps don't necessarily help you out physiologically in terms of building muscle mass, they will help with motivational levels.
  • There's nothing like seeing a muscle grow at the end of a workout to motivate you to get back into the gym and do it again a day or two later, and since creatine causes a higher level of water retention in the body, the muscle pumps you'll experience will go up.
  • Faster Sprint Performance Increases Metabolic Rates And Fat Loss:
  • Finally, the last reason why you should consider investing in creatine as one of the muscle-building supplements you use is because it'll help you increase your metabolic rate.
  • If you're currently looking for fat loss, how many calories you burn on a daily basis will have a significant impact on how quickly you see progress.
  • Since sprint cardio training is one of the best ways to boost your metabolic rate and sprinting relies strictly on ATP as a fuel source, supplementing with creatine allows you to have a better sprint performance during your weight loss phase.
  • If you do make the decision to utilize creatine with your training program also remember to perform the loading phase first as this will be critical to getting the muscle cells fully saturated right from the start and allowing you to see the biggest benefits from taking the supplement.
    • Wasif H
      Good info on creatine and why it can be useful.

Cardio vs. Weight Training | - 0 views

    • Anita B
      Cardio vs. Weight Training In reality neither cardio nor weight training is bad for you. Cardiovascular exercise is meant to make the heart become stronger and more efficient at pumping larger quantities of blood with each pump and the lungs and muscles of the respiratory system become stronger and more efficient.
3More - Carbohydrate Typing: How To Use Carbs To Optimize Athlete Performance! - 0 views

  • We know that for athletes to optimize their performance and be successful, they must consume efficient amounts of nutrients from carbohydrates... Here are a few facts and tips about carb loading, its importance, who benefits, and more. By: Chuck Rudolph, MEd, RD Nov 25, 2009 Email More Article Summary: Endurance athletes will benefit from optimizing glycogen stores. Performance athlete should keep glycogen stores packed at all times. Carbs are the primary energy source for intense endurance exercise. Performance is defined as "the execution or accomplishment of work, acts, feats, etc." Today, we know a lot about how nutrition can affect the strength, speed and performance of athletes. We also know that for athletes to optimize their performance and be successful, they must consume efficient amounts of nutrients from carbohydrates, fats and proteins throughout the day. The main question is, "How can nutrition go above and beyond for performance when taken pre, during and post intensive exercise/training?" Click Image To Enlarge. Athletes Must Consume Efficient Amounts Of Nutrients FromCarbohydrates, Fats And Proteins Throughout The Day. What Impact Does Nutrition Have On Performance? Most of us already know that carbohydrates are the most readily available nutrient for e
  • In fact, current research is advising endurance/intense training athletes to consume 0.5-1.0 grams of carbohydrate per minute (intensity pending) during training or competition. Trying to consume more carbohydrates has only indicated intestinal distress and it is believed that the type of carbohydrate is the limiting factor.
    • Wasif H
      this site had a lot of scientific knowledge about carbohydrates. I found it quite interesting that so much is involved for this .
17More - Skinny Guy's Guide To Gaining Weight! - 0 views

  • In a world that is obsessed with losing weight - you are interested in gaining weight!
  • People predispositioned to skinniness are commonly referred to as "hard gainers." This is the cool way to label your scrawny frame despite the fact that your body turns into a Number 2 pencil when you wear yellow!
  • n the skinny guy's defense, the reality is that you have been cursed with traits like Lamborghini-type metabolism, giraffe like limbs, and the strength of a senior citizen. You have to fight with every bone in your body to do something about your small frame and to keep up to your male buddies who seem to grow muscle just by sneezing - those muscle freaks piss me off just as much you!
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  • I defeated my skinny genetics just after college and I am about to show you four tips that helped me climb from a 149 pound weakling to a rock hard 190 pounds in six months.
  • f you are underweight, then your first step to gaining weight is to understand that you must play by a different set up rules. I have said this before and will say it again,
  • You must think outside the box and give up the excuse of being a "hard gainer." It is time to stop listening to all the naysayers who have told you that is impossible to gain weight because of your genetics. Regardless of what you have been led to believe, you do have the potential to build an impressive physique that turns heads and even intimidates!
  • Double It Up: One of the most practical steps you can take is to double whatever you are currently eating in the kitchen right now. If you are eating one chicken breast per meal, then cook up two.
  • Live Your Life Around Food: Sure, you know that you must eat every 2-3 hours, but how well do you execute? Set your clock on a countdown timer to go off every 2 and 1/2 hours so that you reinforce the habit of eating literally not a second late for each meal! Don't turn off the damn beeper until you start chowing down.
  • se BIG Eating Equipment: If you want to bulk, then you have to eat like Hulk. Do you think Hulk eats out of a small plate, or a small bowel, or a small cup? If you are aiming to get big and huge, you are going to require large amounts of food, most likely close to double of what you are currently eating.
  • Never Train Hungry: How many times have you woken up, whipped up a protein shake and than headed off to the gym? Or maybe you had a long afternoon and missed a few meals and then attempted a weight training workout after work? I thought this was common sense to avoid, until a few of my skinny clients confessed that they were showing up for their workouts having only eaten a piece of fruit and some crackers within the entire day!
  • . Eat Nutrient Dense Foods: Focus on caloric-rich foods that are loaded with nutrients. Avoid foods with empty calories, which means there is little or no nutrient value in the calories you are eating. Why would you consume a 500-calorie plus meal that is loaded with fat and sugar which does nothing but make you feel sluggish and soft? Instead, eat a high caloric meal loaded with slow releasing carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and fiber.
  • Carbohydrates: Oatmeal Rice Breads Yams Beans Potatoes Fruits Veggies
  • Proteins: Steak Chicken Lean beef Cottage cheese Whole milk Eggs Salmon
  • Fats: Olive oil Flax oil Avocados Nuts Peanut butter
  • Extras (high calorie cheat food): Ice cream Raisins Dried fruit Trail mix
  • Drink A Carb & Protein Drink While You Workout: How hard is to sip on a calorie-rich drink during your weight training sessions? Simply mix up a 2:1 ratio of carbohydrate to protein with one liter of water and you instantly have a few extra hundred calories per day. Now have an extra workout drink before your workout and extra workout drink after your workout and that's easily an extra one pound per week. Only use this technique if you are weight training at a very high intensity.
  • Live The Motto, "Never Stop Eating" Did I hear you say, "But I'll throw up if I eat all day?" Maybe... Is it necessary? Of course not. But this is a part of pushing your body's threshold.

Should I rest my muscles after working out? - 0 views

    • Gurkirat S
      So, it is recommended that you rest your muscles for atleast 48 hours, for weightlifting sessions, so you can completely recovery and heal. But even after waiting for 48 hours, your body is still very sore, wait for another day. But this is for beginners like me, who are more likely to be more sore at first and the ones who are more highly advanced in weightlifting will, might even need more rest for their muscles to recover and heal. 
  • Rest Needed You can complete cardiovascular workouts nearly every day. The American Council on Exercise recommends that those looking to lose weight perform cardiovascular workouts four to six days per week. Your muscles require about 48 hours of rest in between weight training sessions in order to fully recover and heal, according to the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine. If you wait 48 hours between your weight training workouts and still are feeling fatigued and sore, consider waiting another day before completing your next training session. Beginners who are likely to be more sore or advanced lifters that perform high volume weight training sessions may need more rest for their muscles to recover.
    Should I rest my muscles after working out?

Strength Training Guidelines for Children & Teens (continued...) - 0 views

  • During the last stage, Specialization (ages 15-18), teens can start training for high performance development.
  • Avoid maximum strength training (one-rep max lifts) to reduce the risk of injury
  • muscles aren’t built up while they’re working out, but while they’re resting
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • set up generous sleep and nutrition goals to help your child make the most of his or her training.

Strength Training Guidelines for Children & Teens - 0 views

  • During the Initiation stage (ages 6-10), kids should participate in low-intensity programs
  • having fun and trying to improve their motor skills.
  • Emphasize multilateral development, maximizing the range of motion in multiple parts of the body.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • second stage, Athletic Formation (ages 11-14), it's important to develop the core muscles (lower back, hips, and abdominals).
  • Balance and flexibility exercises are also important.
  • Young adolescents can participate in moderate anaerobic training
    Stength training. Question 8

Build Muscle, Strength Train for Better Health - 0 views

  • For a balanced fitness program, strength training is essential. It can slow the muscle loss that comes with age, build the strength of your muscles and connective tissues, increase bone density, cut your risk of injury, and help ease arthritis pain.
    • Paul McCarlie
      Well, that's certainly a good reason to work out I suppose.
  • reduce the likelihood of falls
  • ...5 more annotations...
    • Paul McCarlie
      Hmm, anyone think I fall too much?
  • Three to four hours after a strength-training workout, you're still burning calories
  • The weight room at the gym, with all the buff bodies and complicated-looking equipment, can be intimidating to a beginner.
  • proper form: Without it, you could do more harm than good trying to build strength.
  • "I can't tell you how many people I see with a knee injury because they were not taught correctly how to do a lunge or squat
    Ah, a good answer to my question about working out

Speed Enhancement Drills For Soccer | LIVESTRONG.COM - 0 views

  • Soccer is a game of many elements including strength, coordination, discipline, communication and speed. The ability to utilize explosive speed on the soccer field sets the best teams apart from everyone else.
  • An alternate start is a sprinting drill that requires you to run 10 to 20 yards at a time. It is designed to improve your explosive speed from different positions and actions that more closely mimic a soccer game.
  • A speed ladder is a piece of training equipment that you lay on the ground and run through to develop foot speed and coordination. The ladder is laid out over a short distance and consists of small squares that you must step in on each stride.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • Adding resistance to your sprints helps build takeoff power in your legs for explosive speed down the field. You can add resistance by sprinting up a hill of about 30 degrees, or by using speed parachutes that follow behind you as you run. Parachutes are effective, but not always practical if you are training as a team.
  • Building speed for the defensive part of soccer is just as important as speed for offense. Practice sprinting backwards for short distances, using quick turns and crossovers along the way. This drill simulates an offensive player trying to dribble past you and will help you keep up during a game.
    • Wasif H
      This is a good source because it ties in with soccer. I incorporate many of these tactics in my routine. We also do many of these drills at practice. I think overall my speed has increased
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