Diaesitys, jossa tutkaillaan, miltä erilaiset web-palvelut voisivat näyttää Facebook Connectin avulla. Vastaavat johtopäätökset pätevät myös kilpaileviin yhteisölaajennuksiin.
9. Publish to your blogClick "Share > Publish as Web Page" in any document. Next click "Set your blog site settings" and enter your login details. You can publish to Blogger, LiveJournal, SquareSpace and others.
10. Create new documents fastHere's a trick from the Official Google Docs Blog [googledocs.blogspot.com]. Drag the following link to your browser's bookmark bar:New Document [http://docs.google.com/?action=newdoc]Select the bookmark to make a new Google Doc.
11. Open MS Word docs in Google Docs with FirefoxDownload the Google Toolbar for Firefox. Go to the installed Toolbar's options and choose "Tools". Tick the box labelled "Google Docs" and click "Edit". Tick the box labelled "Double-click a file icon". Save the changes and Microsoft Word docs will now open in Firefox.
12. Take it to the limitGoogle Docs files can be up to 500k in size with a limit on embedded images of 2MB. There's a combined limit of 5,000 documents.