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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Laura Wood


Civics Lesson Plans - 22 views

    AWESOME civics and citizenship lesson plans. High school level but very cool. Lots of stuff where you apply Rousseau's theories to paintings from the 60's etc. Lots of multimedia type fun stuff. Love them. A part of the "Youth Leadership Initiative"

Globalization 101 - 1 views

    Great resource on globalization. I used the issues briefs for my unit plan. They have different collections of articles about various global issues. Supposedly they are academic and opinionless, which is nice because it gives more balance than most of the other stuff you get. :-)
    Oh. But the lesson plans are for college level so . . . I wouldn't use those. Or you could adapt them. :-)

Teachable Moment - free lesson plans and topical activities for k - 12 - 6 views

    So rad! Social Justice lesson plans on current events. AHHHHH!!! I looked through a few. Looks like they just have articles and then questions on them. So they'll pick a topic and then amass a number of readings on it and write critical thinking questions. So rad. One of the lessons is how to teach Freire to 5th graders. I'm in love! Happy Thanksgiving!

Civic Participation and Citizenship Collection - 3 views

    Goldmine! Annotated Civics Website Collection. Links to some fantastic civic resources - with brief descriptions of each. A nice collection of current issues, civic procedures and ESOL resources. Also some interesting websites about civics for folks with limited resources/incomes - hmmm . . .

Area Man Passionate Defender Of What He Imagines Constitution To Be | The Onion - Ameri... - 2 views

    This article is hilarious and should ABSOLUTELY be used in US Government to point out WHY students should learn the Constitution. Oh. Onion. How dear you are to my heart!

Civic Voices - Welcome - 3 views

    So this site has a survey that students from different countries around the world have taken about citizenship. You can sign up for free as a teacher and there are two different projects. 1. Survey - See what your students think are the most important responsibilities of citizenship and how they compare to students in other places around the world. There is also a reflective essay assignment for students if you like. 2. Memory Bank - Students record stories of civic engagement from around their own neighborhoods and upload them to the site. Currently there are none up. But yours could be the first!

DC Vote - 1 views

    DC voting rights are the PERFECT way to get DC students engaged with politics and government. As one student told me, "nothing gets students motivated like being pissed off." One of the teachers that I'm working with has folks from DC Vote come into her classroom and teach about the history of DC voting rights (the 23rd amendment and all) and then has students do a project on it. It gets them heated and it's critically important for them to know about - more than just a license plate! Also, you might consider using Sweet Honey in the Rock's "No Taxation Without Representation" which outlines the entire history of DC voting rights and potential avenues for action in song. ;-) As they were a crucial part of the civil rights movement this might be a nice tie in of history and current events. From the website: "Founded in 1998, DC Vote is an educational and advocacy organization dedicated to securing full voting representation in Congress and full democracy for the more than half a million residents of the District of Columbia. DC residents pay full federal taxes, fight and die in wars and serve on juries yet are denied voting representation in the House and the Senate. DC Vote is working to end this injustice."

Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools - 1 views

  • Civic Education on the Daily Show!
    • Laura Wood
      "In early March, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart featured former Supreme Court Justice (and current CMS co-chair) Sandra Day O'Connor discussing the importance of the civic mission of schools. Click to watch the video."
  • Civic Mission of Schools Report
    • Laura Wood
      My thesis draws heavily from this report. It's fantastic. "Written and endorsed by more than 50 scholars and education practitioners, The Civic Mission of Schools report summarizes the status of and need for civic learning in schools, kindergarten through 12th grade. It analyzes trends in American political and civic engagement; identifies promising approaches to educating students for democracy; and offers recommendations to educators, policymakers, government officials and funders."
    From the website: "The Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools is a coalition of over forty partner organizations working to improve civic education in America's schools. The Campaign's goal is to increase and improve civic learning in grades K-12 by working for policies that implement the recommendations of the Civic Mission of Schools report. This includes efforts to bring about changes in national, state, and local education policy."
    They also have civic lesson plans under resources and a toolkit for advocating for the civic mission of schools which I, personally, think is critically important in this age of education for economy, and such.

EDSITEment - The Best of the Humanities on the Web - 2 views

    • Laura Wood
      Has great lesson plans by category and subcategory. Most of the time when I've google searched lesson plans and found them helpful, they've come from this site!
  • Advanced Placement US History Lessons
    • Laura Wood
      For Lindsay! :-)
    Great lesson plans! "EDSITEment is a partnership among the National Endowment for the Humanities, Verizon Foundation, and the National Trust for the Humanities. EDSITEment offers a treasure trove for teachers, students, and parents searching for high-quality material on the Internet in the subject areas of literature and language arts, foreign languages, art and culture, and history and social studies. All websites linked to EDSITEment have been reviewed for content, design, and educational impact in the classroom. They cover a wide range of humanities subjects, from American history to literature, world history and culture, language, art, and archaeology, and have been judged by humanities specialists to be of high intellectual quality. EDSITEment is not intended to represent a complete curriculum in the humanities, nor does it prescribe any specific course of study."

Virtual Jamestown - 0 views

  • Newest Timelines
    • Laura Wood
      Has timelines arranged around the following: "a) Jamestown in the Global Context b) Journey to Jamestown - the Voyage of the Susan Constant and the first 90 days at the fort c) Jamestown, 1606-1608 d) Virginia, 1608-1612 e) New England, 1602-1620"
  • Chesapeake Indians
    • Laura Wood
      Includes contemporary interviews with Native American descendants of Jamestown as well as maps of the Native American towns that predated Jamestown in this area. Also contains a Google Earth map based on the original drawings of John Smith. "Dr. Julie Solometo researched and organized the entry on the Paspahegh Indians. What the English called Jamestown, the Indians called Paspahegh territory.. Interviews and videotaping of contemporary Indians was done by Phyannon Berkowitz, Jeffery Dalton, and Crandall Shifflett."
  • Complete Works of John Smith
    • Laura Wood
      From the Site: "Letters and first-hand accounts allow us to see seventeenth-century society as no other record can. . . . They are best approached with the questions: what are the authors trying to tell us and what are their agendas? These materials do give us a sense of the contingencies, uncertainties,and dilemmas that surrounded choices and when read critically should lead to a better understanding of what factors shaped individual decisions. newspapers A full-text searchable database (XML) gives us a powerful tool for tracing and comparing topics, ideas, concepts, motivations, and much more from vantage points of time, space, power, authority, race, class, gender, and ethnicity"
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • Teaching Materials
    • Laura Wood
      LESSON PLANS!!!! Some of these are even in our exact format!!! All are on Jamestown. Lots about runaway slaves and indentured servants, some on Native American relationships. Most make use of primary documents. Check em out! :-)
  • Virginia
    • Laura Wood
      MAP!! Okay so sort of hard to read but here is a map based on John Smith's records. It's interesting to note how the water lines have changed. hmmmmm.
    From the website: "The Virtual Jamestown Archive is a digital research, teaching and learning project that explores the legacies of the Jamestown settlement and "the Virginia experiment." As a work in progress, Virtual Jamestown aims to shape the national dialogue on the occasion of the four hundred-year anniversary observance in 2007 of the founding of the Jamestown colony."

History Matters: The U.S. Survey Course on the Web - 2 views

    • Laura Wood
      "contains 1,000 primary documents in text, image, and audio that emphasize the experiences of "ordinary" Americans throughout U.S. history. All of the documents have been screened by historians and are accompanied by annotations that address their larger historical significance and context. Browse a list of documents sorted by time period, beginning with the earliest. Or visit the Advanced Search to quickly locate documents by topic, time period, keyword, or type of document."
    • Laura Wood
      "helps students and teachers make effective use of primary sources. "Making Sense of Documents" provide detailed strategies for analyzing online primary materials (including film, music, numbers, photographs, advertisements, oral history, and letters and diaries) with interactive exercises and a guide to traditional and online sources. "Scholars in Action" segments show how scholars puzzle out the meaning of different kinds of primary sources (from cartoons to house inventories), allowing you to try to make sense of a document yourself and then providing audio clips in which leading scholars interpret the document and discuss strategies for overall analysis."
    • Laura Wood
      "is our annotated guide to more than 850 useful websites for teaching U.S. history and social studies. We have carefully selected and screened each site for quality and provide a 1-paragraph annotation that summarizes its content, its strengths and weaknesses, and its utility for teachers. Information is provided on the type of resource (text, images, audio, and video) available. Browse sites by topic and time period or look through a list of some of our favorite sites. Or visit the Advanced Search to quickly locate WWW.History sites by topic, time period, keyword, kind of primary source, or type of resource. We also include extended scholarly web reviews as a regular feature of History Matters. In collaboration with the Journal of American History (JAH) we review approximately 25 websites per year. The reviews are co-published by the JAH and History Matters and appear in both venues. The archive page offers all featured web reviews."
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    • Laura Wood
      "Between 1997 and 2003, History Matters presented historical puzzles and quizzes. We are no longer adding new puzzles, but we include here an archive of 20 past puzzles that can be used in classrooms to inspire creative thinking and challenge assumptions."
  • more on this site)
    • Laura Wood
      This link has fantastic descriptions of what you can find in each of the sections of the site. I've posted some of the more exciting ones below but this site has a ton of useful history information . . .
    From the website: History Matters is "a project of the American Social History Project/Center for Media and Learning of the City University of New York and the Center for History and New Media at George Mason University with funding from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the W. K. Kellogg Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the Visible Knowledge Project. . . . Designed for high school and college teachers and students of U.S. history survey courses, this site serves as a gateway to web resources and offers unique teaching materials, first-person primary documents, and guides to analyzing historical evidence. We emphasize materials that focus on the lives of ordinary Americans and actively involve students in analyzing and interpreting evidence."

Teaching with Historic Places - 1 views

  • Curriculum Standards for Social Studies
    • Laura Wood
      WOW! They even connect their lesson plans to the NCSS standards. This link takes you to a page that lists all the lesson plans that meet each of the NCSS standards You can click on the NCSS Standard at the top of the page and it will take to you a list of those lessons that meet that one. There are a ton for each!
  • National U.S. History Standards for Grades 5-12
    • Laura Wood
      Hrm. They also link to a set of standards I've never heard of . . . "Part of the National Standards for History developed by the National Center for History in the Schools, these voluntary standards promote historical thinking skills and understanding" I'm glad I haven't had to hear of them, but this page will tell you how to meet these standards as well.
    From the site: "Teaching with Historic Places (TwHP) uses properties listed in the National Park Service's National Register of Historic Places to enliven history, social studies, geography, civics, and other subjects. TwHP has created a variety of products and activities that help teachers bring historic places into the classroom." Including lesson plans and tips!
    Lesson Plans: The Lesson Plans link has SO MANY lesson plans. They are designed at a middle school level but can easily be adapted (says them). The lesson plans are organized by Location/State; Theme; Time period; and Skill - meaning that you can click on any one of those subdivisions and search them that way. Very exciting! You should definitely check these out. Even if you're not in that state, they still have pictures, mapping materials, and activity ideas that you can use to incorporate geography into historic concepts. For example, the Battle of Bunker Hill lesson contains two maps (of Boston today and in 1775) and inquiry questions for these, a section of text (looks like a high school level to me) and inquiry questions for that AND three images (one a sketch of an encampment and two pictures) and inquiry questions for those. These might make fantastic "Do Now"s for the beginning of the lesson even if you didn't use any of the rest of the sites info. So neat!
    Also they have lots of tips for how you can incorporate place into your lessons. AND! you can submit your own lessons. They take you through the TwHP lesson creation process and you can submit them.

Federal Resources for Educational Excellence - 5 views

  • History & Soc Studies
    • Laura Wood
      Okay so there isn't quite as much information on this site as I was hoping there would be. You CAN search by time period within the United States History. So if you're working through a US History text, this might be a great one stop shop to hit up and see what sorts of primary documents are available in a wealth of federal sites. For example, 1607-1763 has links to colonial documents from: the National Park Service; the Smithsonian; the National Endowment for the Humanities; History Matters; the National Archives, etc You can also search by US History topics (Government, Famous People, Wars, or Ethnic Groups . . . hmmm) or by World Studies. Each of these branch out into more subtopics. It's worth checking out.
    • Laura Wood
      Haha. My new web browser hates Diigo. This is supposed to say "Animations" So the animations page is super science heavy. They do have a couple of links to global warming and environmental issues and a link to a Napolean Game where you can wage wars and see how well you do at Waterloo . . .
    • Laura Wood
      There are 135 Primary documents. I would recommend searching for these in a different way.
  • ...2 more annotations...
    • Laura Wood
      The video section is also worth checking out. 30 links to videos, some are about science but some are clips of Roosevelt or McKinley. Again, US History stuff. The only place I've found World History stuff is specifically under the Social Studies, World History links.
    • Laura Wood
      This lists all of the topics contained on the site in each of the subheadings (Of particular interest: World History, US History, US Time Periods. Check it out!
    FREE is a website pool of teaching and learning resources from various branches of the federal government. From the website: "More than 1,500 federally supported teaching and learning resources are included from dozens of federal agencies. New sites are added regularly. . . . FREE is maintained by Peter Kickbush and Kirk Winters, Office of Communications and Outreach, with support from the Development Services Team in the Office of the Chief Information Officer, U.S. Department of Education."

First In the Family - 2 views

    • Laura Wood
      There are videos to watch so that students can know that they are not alone and learn from the experiences of others.
    • Laura Wood
      There are many resources collected on this site, from financial aid and scholarship options to programs that might give students an admissions boost to checklists on what to do before you go.
    A spin off cite of the What Kids Can Do site, this site offers advice for teens through college age students who are the first in their families to go to college. There is also a publication that you can print. There is also a portion of the site for college aged students.
  • ...1 more comment...
    Again, the Diigo isn't working so . . . There is a "planning checklist" on the site that has printable checklists of things students can do every year starting in 9th grade to prepared themselves for college. Teachers should explain to students that these are not absolutely necessary so that kids don't hyperventilate, but for kids needing to see progress towards a goal, these might be useful
    There is a "hard facts" tab that has some of the facts about parental income, race, and expected income. If students don't think it's important to go to college, some of these facts might shake them up and make them realize how important and how difficult it may be for them to go. This might inspire a school project where students determine how many of their classmates plan to go to college and where they want to go and why or some such thing.
    The "inspiration" tab has great quotes that teachers might consider putting up around the room and great books that teachers might consider assigning to their students.

What Kids Can Do - 4 views

  • stay informed
    • Laura Wood
      From the website: "Based in Providence, R.I., What Kids Can Do (WKCD) is a national nonprofit founded in January 2001 by an educator and journalist . . . they felt an urgent need to promote perceptions of young people as valued resources, not problems, and to advocate for learning that engages students as knowledge creators and not simply test takers. Just as urgent, they believed, was the need to bring youth voices to policy debates about school, society, and world affairs. Using the Internet, print, and broadcast media, WKCD presses before the broadest audience possible a dual message: the power of what young people can accomplish when given the opportunities and supports they need and what they can contribute when we take their voices and ideas seriously. The youth who concern WKCD most are those marginalized by poverty, race, and language. On this website, WKCD presents young people's lives, learning, and work, and their partnerships with adults both in and out of school. Our community of readers stretches from youth organizers in some of this country's toughest urban areas to policy makers at the national level. We believe that a good story well told crosses geographies, generations, class and race, and position. Our publishing arm, Next Generation Press, honors the power of youth as social documenters, knowledge creators, and advisors to educators, peers, and parents. WKCD is a grant maker, too, collaborating with youth on multimedia, curricula, and research that expand current views of what constitutes challenging learning and achievement. Starting in 2006, WKCD began working with youth worldwide. WKCD has become an international leader in bringing the promise of young people to the attention of the adults whose encouragement can make all the difference."
  • Youth in Policy: Civics2
    • Laura Wood
      Here they have collected various articles about how youth around the country and around the globe have been actively involved in policy making and shaping. This may be great to get teachers and students started thinking about project ideas or to inspire students (and teachers!) that students really can make a difference.
  • Want to bring public attentionto your work? WKCD invitessubmissions from youth andeducators worldwide.
    • Laura Wood
      ARG! My diigo isn't working at all. Very frustrating. I have to highlight stuff four times and then add the comments in on this page. Technology is not my friend this week.
    • Laura Wood
      So if you do a rad civics project with your students, students can then write an article about what they did and send it in to WKCD. They will then put it up on this cite and your students will have something to be uber proud of. This is another reason to make sure you photo document rad projects.
  • ...1 more annotation...
    • Laura Wood
      Similarly, one of the links on this page is to news articles from around the country where kids are making a difference. A teacher might assign students to check out some of the ways that students are getting things done and getting noticed in order to inspire kids, get their creative juices flowing, etc.
    Articles on what kids in the US have done politically, with pictures! Collected by a journalist and an educator.
    This is the organization run by the author of "Fires in the High School Bathroom." As the only permanent staff are journalists and web designers (and the staff is tiny!). I believe they just collect and make available student stories (as well as apparently offering grants!) rather than actually participating or spearheading any projects themselves. They do publish works every so often - I believe collections of the things students have done.

Center for Civic Education Home - 2 views

  • Listen to today's podcast
    • Laura Wood
      Daily 60 second podcast!
    • Laura Wood
      Also, you can search previous podcasts to find ones that have to do with your specific lesson. Listening to the Podcasts could be a "Do now" activity or an activity at a station students rotate through.
  • Daily civics quiz
    • Laura Wood
      Daily 1 question civics quiz! These questions are not always about post Constitutional US. Some of the questions that I have seen had to do with Enlightenment thinking, the middle ages, ancient Greece, etc.
    • Laura Wood
      Mission Statement From the site: The Center for Civic Education is a nonprofit, nonpartisan educational corporation dedicated to promoting an enlightened and responsible citizenry committed to democratic principles and actively engaged in the practice of democracy in the United States and other countries. . . . The Center specializes in civic/citizenship education, law-related education, and international educational exchange programs for developing democracies. Programs focus on the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights; American political traditions and institutions at the federal, state, and local levels; constitutionalism; civic participation; and the rights and responsibilities of citizens.
  • ...2 more annotations...
    • Laura Wood
      "Resources" contains lesson plans for various grade levels, online resources, links to other organizations, etc.
    • Laura Wood
      The cite largely correlates to the classroom text: "We the People"
    So this may be my favorite organization ever. They have an international branch, a branch in DC and a branch in California. They have a daily civics quiz on the the website and a daily 60 second civics podcast . . . I'm in <3.
    I'm just overwhelmed. I want to work at this organization . . . so many incredible incredible programs, teacher trainings, professional developments, etc. Lynn Cohen worked with Civitas in Bosnia.

National Constitution Center: Interactive Constitution - 1 views

  • Search theInteractive Constitution:
  • Discover how the Constitution relates to more than 300 indexed topics from school prayer to civil rights.
    • Laura Wood
      You can search by topic and see how different hot topics relate to the Constitution
  • Search the text of the Constitution by Supreme Court decisions.
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  • Search the text of the Constitution by Supreme Court decisions.
    • Laura Wood
      So this I think is super rad, you can search by Supreme Court cases and see which piece of the Constitution each case centered around
  • This Interactive Constitution is based on The Words We Live By:
    • Laura Wood
      Very Important! So this interpretation of the Constitution is taken from the perspective of Linda R. Monk who wrote the oft used text "The Words we Live By" and "Bill of Rights: A Users Guide". For more info about Linda Monk, check out
  • Interactive Constitution:
    • Laura Wood
      You can search the Constitution by keyword!
    • Laura Wood
      At the bottom right of the page is a button where you can pring the constitution in its entirety
    • Laura Wood
      At the top of this home page are various boxes that say "Preamble," "Article I," etc. If you click any of these, what comes up is that section of the Constitution. If you hover over a section of the text, a portion will be highlighted. If you click on that section, that bit of text will be explained below. The interpretation given of what that text means comes from Linda R. Monk's book. There are also sometimes interpretations given by Supreme Court justices or other additional information.
    Interactive Constitution! Broken down into Preamble, Articles, and Amendments, which are each broken down into the original text, and then if you click different pieces of the text it explains what they mean. You can also search the entire constitution for key words, search by topics, or search by court case

The New York Times Learning Network - 1 views

  • Daily Lesson Plan
    • Laura Wood
      So there are usually Daily Lesson Plans but apparently they are revamping the site so these are temporarily on hiatus. However you CAN access the over 2,000 lesson plans (in the "Lesson Plan Archive" below) they have on the site. I did a search for 9-12 grade economics lessons and hit paydirt. I <3 NY Times.
  • News Snapshot
    • Laura Wood
      The site says that the "News Snapshot" is for younger kids BUT it might be a great way to gather background information on a picture and gives you all the information to give students contexts about current events.
  • On This Day in History
    • Laura Wood
      Wasn't someone saying that their students demanded that this be on the board every day. Well here's a one stop shop to find information about what happened today (historically speaking of course).
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  • Crossword Puzzle
    • Laura Wood
      SERIOUSLY!?!?!? The New York TImes makes themed historical crossword puzzles!?!?! So many to choose from. I'm not sure how helpful this will actually be to students. It may be neat if they could play it online and google search for answers. Might be a cool way to learn even more information on events we cover in class. It would be important to not just make this busy work (why I had word finds).
  • News Summaries
    • Laura Wood
      Daily headlines with one sentence summaries. Short and Sweet. Could be easily followed with "Daily News Quiz" (below).
  • Test Prep Question of the Day
    • Laura Wood
      You can't escape standardized tests. The NY Times offers a test question of the day sponsored by Kaplan. They also explain the answers.
    This site is RAD! Current and Recent Events resource From the website: "Students can read the day's top stories using Knowledge Tools, take a news quiz about today's world, and play special crossword puzzles. . . . Teachers can access a daily lesson plan for grades 6-12, written in partnership with The Bank Street College of Education in New York City. Each lesson plan and the article it references can be printed out for classroom use. Previous lessons are available in the archive and in thematic lesson plan units. . . The site additionally provides teachers with the latest education news from the newspaper. "

Map Man Game from Scholastic News Online | - 0 views

    Mapman game.
    Not sure how useful this actually would be, but incidentally, I killed it! :-) Thought ya'll would enjoy it . . .

Upfront - 0 views

    • Laura Wood
      The teacher that I'm observing for my thesis research (let's call her Teacher 2) gets tons of these every month and distributes them to all of her students. They use some of the articles, cartoons and pictures for their class but I've also heard other teachers say that the kids just read them in their down time. SWEET!
    • Laura Wood
      Oops, sorry, they're biweekly. That means twice month, right?
    • Laura Wood
      Each issue contains a cover story, International story, National Story, Technology story, Environment story, History portion, Columns and Cartoons (and more!). The content is designed for teens. They also newly have an Ethics column, where teens can exercise critical thinking, opinion forming and values exploration.
    • Laura Wood
      OKAY! So "Times Past" has historical events framed in a modern context. Each issue a different historic event is featured. If you were collecting these things, pretty soon you'd have a whole curricular arsenal of articles written for teens, framed in a contemporary lens, about history. It might be interesting to contrast these against newspaper articles from say the 1979 Iranian Revolution.
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    • Laura Wood
      "Teacher Tools" - sorry my friends. While you can read all the Upfront articles online, you can't access the "Teacher Tools" unless you buy a subscription. Who knows what "Teacher Tools" could mean. Could be curricula . . . or games! . . . or account management tools.
    • Laura Wood
      Lastly, there appear to be more cool pages at the top here, including: "Computer Lab Favorites," "Word Wizard Dictionary," "Write and Publish," "Reading Responses," and "Research Projects" All of these sound promising and worth exploring. Yay for current events and technology!
    SO RAD! A New York Times publication for teens. SWEET! From the website: "The New York Times Upfront is published by Scholastic in partnership with The New York Times."
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