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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Laura Wood

Laura Wood

Even Babies Discriminate: A NurtureShock Excerpt. | Newsweek Life | - 1 views

  • Kids as young as 6 months judge others based on skin color. What's a parent to do?
    • Laura Wood
      I find this particularly important after seeing how some race dynamics play out in my practicum. Specifically I find myself asking "Why are all the White kids sitting together in the classroom?" This article might give one reason.
  • Prior research had shown that multicultural curricula in schools have far less impact than we intend them to—largely because the implicit message "We're all friends" is too vague for young children to understand that it refers to skin color.
    • Laura Wood
      Highlights the importance of being specific with kids. I'm not sure why our modesty makes us, as teachers, code and shy away from just being real with our students. One of the goals that I have set for myself this semester is to get real with students, just tell them the truth (for example saying, "That's disrespectful. Stop.") instead of playing games (for example feeling flustered and walking away or saying something vague like, "behave").
  • They wanted their children to grow up colorblind. But Vittrup's first test of the kids revealed they weren't colorblind at all. Asked how many white people are mean, these children commonly answered, "Almost none." Asked how many blacks are mean, many answered, "Some," or "A lot." Even kids who attended diverse schools answered the questions this way.
    • Laura Wood
      And here's the gold. Kids are not color blind. Adult embarrassment to speak about race does not mean we're not communicating messages to our children about race and prejudice, it just means that we're also communicating that it's something to be embarrassed about and/or hush up. I really recommend reading this article in full. It's fantastic.
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  • Vittrup was taken aback—these families volunteered knowing full well it was a study of children's racial attitudes. Yet once they were aware that the study required talking openly about race, they started dropping out.
    • Laura Wood
      Parents are so uncomfortable talking about race with their children, they drop out of the study. Why is this conversation So hard to have???
  • hardly any of these white parents had ever talked to their children directly about race.
    • Laura Wood
      To quote Zinn "you can't be neutral on a moving train" (i.e. you can't fail to proactively oppose a racist infrastructure/social order without perpetuating that racist infrastructure/social order. i.e. If you don't teach your kids explicitly anti-racist behavior, language and attitudes, you tacitly support and perpetuate a racist system - whether you are racist or not)
    An article that summarizes some incredibly important findings on race and racism. Specifically, if you don't talk about racism with kids, you support the status quo. Even very young kids.
Laura Wood

FBI Youth - Home - 0 views

    • Laura Wood
      So clearly the coolest link on this webpage is the "History" link. This will link you to the history of the FBI which is interesting in and of itself BUT also contains some links to primary documents. For example there is a link in 1966 called "six civil rights activists murdered" that takes you to the FBI file of the murder investigation. It might be really neat to have students look at this file and look at other accounts of this incident to understand how police/FBI officers interact with communities and crime. There's another neat account under June 1933 of the Kansas City Massacre!
    • Laura Wood
      The "FBI Investigates" tab is a little like the spy museum. It takes you through two cases, what happened and how investigators solved the crime. For any CSI - philes this might be some great info.
    • Laura Wood
      "FBI Adventures" is a little not as cool as I'd hoped. While they do give brief snapshots of country profiles, students don't get to actually investigate anything on their own. What they Could do is begin to see how even crime is globalized and how countries now have to work together to protect citizens - an interesting angle on globalization/global studies.
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    • Laura Wood
      The "SA Challenge" is tragically lame. It's basically a cyber scavenger hunt to find the answers to questions about the website. Then you self check. If you find all the answers you get to be the director of the FBI - at least that's what the website says. Lame.
    • Laura Wood
      Again, "Games" are tragically low tech and pretty lame. Word hunt, etc.
    • Laura Wood
      "A day in the life" would be good for any students who were thinking about becoming FBI agents. Always good to give students career choices.
    FBI's youth website. Probably designed to entice kids to want to be in, support and trust the FBI. Some very cool stuff (no lesson plans). Check out the super rad "History" link!
Laura Wood

In Search of Tocqueville's Democracy in America - 0 views

    • Laura Wood
      "American Journey", has a link to the dates of Tocqueville's trip to the States. Some of the dates are hyperlinked to his actual journal entries. Very simple and student friendly.
    • Laura Wood
      "All About Alexis de Tocqueville" has quick facts and a timeline. Very simple for a superficial report or introductory/cursory outline.
    • Laura Wood
      "Democracy in America" has very very very basic quotes from this text. I'm not sure that it would be useful for anything academic.
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    • Laura Wood
      "Democracy in America Teaching Modules" links to C-SPANs Tocqueville lesson plans which are really just lesson plan ideas that we could develop as teachers. There are some good quotes in some of them but mostly they seem to just tell us what other (primary) sources to read.
    • Laura Wood
      "Journal Entries From Tocqueville's Trip" has a hyperlinked map that you can click on to see his journal entries in any specific state. This might be great if you were having different student groups talk about different areas during the antebellum period. Just a resource.
    C-SPAN's Tocquville page (as promised). Passages from "Democracy in America," a map of the route he traveled, references to his work, lesson plans and more!!
Laura Wood

United Nations Cyberschoolbus - 0 views

    • Laura Wood
      Curricula with information for teachers and lesson plan ideas. For example the "Peace Education" section has 5 units which each contain suggested activities for class, suggested reading, links to more resources, and projects and activities. I like that there are both background readings for teachers AND activities and lesson plans for classrooms.
    • Laura Wood
      The Community page has lots of projects that youth around the world have completed - art, video, writing, etc. This may be inspiring for students or may help to give faces to kids in other countries and places.
    • Laura Wood
      Sweet! Games! Definitely play any of these before you pass them on to your students, the Flag Tag game would be great for Global Studies and the Water Quiz might be an interesting introduction to a lesson on world problems. The "Against All Odds" game is SO intense, why does everyone put it up? Anyway lots of games . . .
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    • Laura Wood
      Each of these boxes contains information on different global conflicts and issues. You could have your students explore this website and pick an issue to learn more about. Students could, for example, use the "web quest" in the box below to learn about child soldiers and then give a presentation for the class about the various issues affecting child soldiers and their opinion of what should be done to help these youth and their communities. Each student could select a different global challenge . . .
    • Laura Wood
      The "Resources" page is the UN trying to be kid friendly. They have "student" versions of various treaties (and things) and UN Publications for download or order. If you were studying a specific international treaty or event the student versions contained here might be helpful (or you could go to the primary documents). I think it'd be better to have your students CREATE student versions of these documents than to use these, but there are some videos and some links that are helpful. The global map is outdated and slow. There are better maps elsewhere.
    "The United Nations Cyberschoolbus was created in 1996 as the online education component of the Global Teaching and Learning Project, whose mission is to promote education about international issues and the United Nations. The Global Teaching and Learning Project produces high quality teaching materials and activities designed for educational use (at primary, intermediate and secondary school levels) and for training teachers. The vision of this Project is to provide exceptional educational resources (both online and in print) to students growing up in a world undergoing increased globalization." \n\n "Within the Cyberschoolbus site there are a number of activities and projects that teach students about global issues in an interactive, engaging and fun way."
Laura Wood

Millennium Development Goals - 0 views

    • Laura Wood
      Each button at the top stands for one of the development goals. Each page contains video clips, a short web game (very simple) and information about what that goal is, what students around the world are doing to make a difference and suggestions for actions more students can take.
    • Laura Wood
      The "Add your voice" portion has a place where students can send in videos that they have made about the Millenium development goals. There's also a Youth Action Guide that you can download and print for your classes!
    • Laura Wood
      For each goal there is: * Information about the goal * Information on how much progress has been made towards that goal * Projects that other students have done * What still needs to be done * Links to more information This information is not particularly engaging but it is condensed in an easy to find location. It's certainly not a game or anything and kids won't be tricked into learning by any cool effects or anything.
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    • Laura Wood
      From the Millenium Campaign website: "*End poverty by 2015.* This is the historic promise 189 world leaders made at the United Nations Millennium Summit in 2000 when they signed onto the Millennium Declaration and agreed to meet the "Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).":/goals The MDGs are an eight-point road map with measurable targets and clear deadlines for improving the lives of the world's poorest people. World leaders have agreed to achieve the MDGs by 2015."
    • Laura Wood
      This short (3.34) youtube video is much more enticing than the webpage. Perhaps a teacher could show the video and then ask students to research one of the goals using this site. The culmination could be designing an action to participate in on the date of action. This year that is Oct 16th-18th. May be a good introductory activity to get kids to see the importance of global issues before launching into global history (or concurrently :-) Website for the event:
    The UN's Millennium Goals as they have constructed them for kids. It's still a ton of information and not in the easiest or most engaging format but it might be a great place for students to get started examining world issues like Hunger, HIV/AIDS or Infant Mortality and what they can do.
Laura Wood - Global Peace Studies - 0 views

    • Laura Wood
      This site was a research project by Daryn Cambridge while he was in the International Training and Education Program at American University. It's a great Peace Education Resource
    • Laura Wood
      The "Reading Guides" section has many suggestions for various peace education theorists and resources as well as some links to these sources and even some guides to teaching on these resources.
    • Laura Wood
      Daryn was a teacher trainer for years and all of his "Activities" are student centered, multi-sensory and action-based.
    • Laura Wood
      These Activities are appropriate or can be adapted to all ages.
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    • Laura Wood
      Links to MORE peace education websites, teachers guides, resources, etc.
    • Laura Wood
      The coolest part: A Global Peace Ed teacher FORUM! and blog site.
    A Global Peace Studies Online Curriculum created by AU alum and adjunct Daryn Cambridge. Contains links to documents, lesson plan ideas, activities and resources. A great beginner's guide to peace education
    A Global Peace Studies Online Curriculum created by AU alum and adjunct Daryn Cambridge. Contains links to documents, lesson plan ideas, activities and resources. A great beginner's guide to peace education AND offers links to news articles and a Peace Educators discussion site!
Laura Wood

Peace Media - 0 views

    • Laura Wood
      For "educators, students, organizations, and the community of practitioners working in the conflict management field" To "access multimedia materials that support conflict analysis and prevention, conflict resolution, and post-conflict reconstruction and reconciliation." Very political
    • Laura Wood
      Again, I would strongly caution you to try out games and media first. The Darfur and UNHCR games are extremely violent.
    • Laura Wood
      Search by Keyword, Country, Region, Type of Resource, Subject, and/or Language
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    • Laura Wood
      The amount of info can get quickly overwhelming so I recommend searching for what you are particularly interested in. For example there are teaching guides for tons of movies and documentaries.
    Compiled database of games, radio programs, teaching materials, etc about global peace. Some of the content is rather graphic and all should be screened for appropriate audiences. Info on Darfur, refugees, education in various countries. Etc.
    Compiled database of games, radio programs, teaching materials, etc about global peace. Some of the content is rather graphic and all should be screened for appropriate audiences.
Laura Wood

Learning Matters - 0 views

    The Actual Home Page with links to the blog, podcasts, videos, interviews, latest news, etc.
Laura Wood

Learning Matters | Learning Matters - 1 views

  • watch this 6-minute video
    • Laura Wood
      This video ROCKS! and has tons of information
    WATCH THE 6 MINUTE VIDEO ON THIS PAGE! Learning Matters has a ton of resources from blog interviews with Diane Ravitch and Herb Kohl on the new "Race to the Top" incentive program to podcasts with Michelle Rhee (DC) and Paul Vallas (New Orleans)
Laura Wood

Search Function? - 4 views

Question Diigo tool beginner
started by Laura Wood on 25 Aug 09 no follow-up yet
  • Laura Wood
    Is there a way to search through this groups previous bookmarks so that I am not bookmarking a page that someone else has previously added and so that we can search through our pages (in future) for specific sites (ie. sites with good maps, civ. ed. sites, etc)?

    I looked, I swear!

Laura Wood

Rethinking Schools Online - 0 views

  • Check out these Rethinking Schools Publications
    • Laura Wood
      Rethinking schools offers some fantastic resources for teachers. The Rethinking Globalization text has activities for all ages to start making students aware of the global nature of our lives and to help them to take action instead of being passive consumers of world goods/culture.
  • Teaching for Environmental Justice
    • Laura Wood
      Articles, resources, and publications from teachers and educators that subscribe to critical pedagogy. The information is based in opinion, theory, historical documents, and cool lesson plans and curriculum ideas. I recommend checking out the articles that are here, and checking out some of their publications from a library (or from me, I have "Rethinking Globalization").
    • Laura Wood
    Rethinking Schools is an organization committed to equity and to the vision that public education is central to the creation of a humane, caring, multiracial democracy. While writing for a broad audience, Rethinking Schools emphasizes problems facing urban schools, particularly issues of race. Rethinking Schools tries to balance classroom practice and educational theory. It is an activist publication, with articles written by and for teachers, parents, and students. It also addresses key policy issues, such as vouchers and marketplace-oriented reforms, funding equity, and school-to-work.
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