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Phil Taylor

Why most teachers don't know what they don't know. « My Island View - 1 views

  • Technology is the driving force behind most of the education innovation. It is impacting not only what we can do as educators, but it is also changing how we approach learning. These innovations may have not all reached the education journals yet, but they have been presented and are being discussed digitally and at great length in social media.
  • Information from technology may be easily accessed, but it is not yet a passive exercise. It requires effort and an ability to learn and adapt. These are skills that all educators have, but many may not always be willing to use. The status quo has not required educators to use these skills in a long time. Using these skills requires effort and leaving a long-standing zone of comfort in order to learn and use new methods of information retrieval.
  • They need to be the life-long learners that they want their students to be.
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  • In order for teachers to better guide themselves in their learning, they need to know what it is that they need to know. They need relevant questions about relevant changes. Being connected to other educators, who are practicing these changes already, is a great first step.
Phil Taylor

Educating in the 21st Century: You Don't Know What You Don't Know - 2 views

  • Sadly, what dawned on me is that as hard as I had once worked as a teacher, I had restricted myself by my own educational paradigm. I had been stuck within a paradigm of 'coverage' and in hindsight I realize that all of the improvements I had made were incremental at best. Now, thanks in large part to my Personal Learning Network, I view teaching and learning through a new paradigm...a paradigm of 'inquiry'. (more on this in a future post!)
Phil Taylor

Which Came First - The Technology or the Pedagogy? -- THE Journal - 0 views

  • The formal expression of this is 'technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK),'" Bull says. "TPACK says that you have to know three things to use technology well. You first have to know the content. It's going to be hard to teach calculus if you don't know calculus yourself. You also need to know the pedagogy associated with that content-- the instructional strategies that will be effective. Finally, you need to know the innovation or technology that you're going to then use."
Phil Taylor

Shared Leadership: What is the Difference Between Learning and Knowing? - 1 views

  • I believe the gap in know how is related to learning -- new learning, unlearning, relearning.
  • I think of knowing as a more staid, steady, stable state. When I know something, it is for sure; it is so sure it is fact.
  • Learning is an active state, an process of searching, digging, questioning, connecting, thinking, imagining, visualizing, trying, pitching, collecting, building, sharing, enhancing, coloring, synthesizing, communicating.  Learning is unfinished.
Phil Taylor

Leading Motivated Learners: Everything We Need To Know We Learned on Twitter - 0 views

    "Everything We Need To Know We Learned on Twitter"
Phil Taylor

The More I Lecture, The Less I Know If They Understand - 0 views

  • A good lecture does more than convey facts or put problems on the board — it lays bare the cognitive processes that an expert uses to assimilate those facts or think his or her way through those problems.
  • Lectures provide the important opportunity for the lecturer to share the mental models and internal cognitive frameworks that worked for him/her when he/she was learning the content.
  • Since the lecture was invented in the era before the existence of the printing press – never mind the Internet – what is the role of the lecture in the modern era? Does it have great value? Or does it hang on by habit?
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • the longer I speak, the less I know how my words are being taken and processed by the learner.
Phil Taylor

3 things you should know about Twitter - YouTube - 0 views

    "3 things you should know about Twitter"
Phil Taylor

Top 20 Hidden iOS 7 Features That You Likely Don't Know About | Redmond Pie - 0 views

    "Top 20 Hidden iOS 7 Features That You Likely Don't Know About"
Phil Taylor

Which Technology Tool Do I Choose? | Edutopia - 0 views

    "how can you know where to put a tech tool in if you don't know what's out there? "
Phil Taylor

4 things everyone needs to know about the Facebook overhaul - 1 views

  • Oh, no! Facebook is different! You were just starting to feel like you’d cracked the secrets of getting into followers’ “top news” feeds. Now everything is different. What will you do? Don’t panic. Breathe deeply, read these four tips and know that it’s going to be all right.
Phil Taylor

Google Docs: Know Your View Menu - Teacher Tech - 0 views

    "Google Docs: Know Your View Menu"
Phil Taylor

Social Media Video 2013 | Did you know 2013 - YouTube - 0 views

    "Social Media Video 2013 | Did you know 2013"
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