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Free Teachers Worksheets - free teaching worksheets - 0 views

    We provide a large collection of worksheets and free downloadable resources on a wide range of topics. The majority of their worksheets are intended for elementary school students but some are for older students. Using our platform allows teachers and tutors to save time by making their students better at specific topics and skills.
Phil Taylor

Beyond Worksheets, A True Expression of Student Learning | MindShift - 0 views

  • Possession of facts is not learning. What is an important skill is the ability to sift through abundant information, identify what is valid and meaningful, then use it to create meaning and express it. This is why student creation is so important in the new economy of information.
  • The increasingly available classroom technology and the growth of student 1:1 initiatives means that students not only have access to abundant knowledge, but also the ability to create and express their learning in powerful and creative ways.

U.S Territories and commonwealths Worksheets | Geography of the World - 1 views

    where is Puerto Rico located, what was the population of Puerto Rico in 2016, What is the capital of Puerto Rico, what is the name of the largest city in Puerto Rico, what is the Moto of Puerto Rico
Phil Taylor

Googlize your Lessons: A nice wiki with simple ideas for incorporating Google Apps (RT ... - 2 views

    Take your old worksheets, slide shows, and web quests and add a twist of Google to make creative, collaborative, and engaging lessons!
Jessica Peña

Worksheets, English Teaching Materials, Lesson Plans - 0 views

    Material for teachers.
Dan Sherman

Online Summer Math Programs - proven to reverse summer learning loss - 3 views

Research shows that most students lose more than 2 months of math skills over the summer. TenMarks summer math programs for grades 3-high school are a great way to reverse the summer learning loss...

TenMarks Summer Math Programs Learning Loss Online Web 2.0 Interactive Slide Worksheet

started by Dan Sherman on 28 Jun 11 no follow-up yet
Phil Taylor - Graphic Organizers - 1 views

  • The graphic organizers on our site were selected for their value and broad appeal to many different educational situations.
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