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Trace Software | geographic information systems | gis mapping | Location Based Mobile A... - 0 views

    Trace software gives you geographic information systems, gis mapping , Location Based Mobile App Development Services you should try for once for best services in India.

U.S Territories and commonwealths Worksheets | Geography of the World - 1 views

    where is Puerto Rico located, what was the population of Puerto Rico in 2016, What is the capital of Puerto Rico, what is the name of the largest city in Puerto Rico, what is the Moto of Puerto Rico
Phil Taylor

T.I.E. for iPad on the iTunes App Store - 0 views

    Technology Integration in Education is an App that does away with the hours of searching the net for the right instructional technology resources for you. TIE is the one stop location for everything related to educational technology.

B M S P Recruitment 2017 IT Manager Clerk Posts - 0 views

    Hi friends, many candidates wait for to the recruitment in the Patna city for Bihar museum society. But you can take the best opportunity for the new job in the Bihar state. The Bihar Museum Society, Patna announced the notification for recruitment for various positions of computer posts, registrars and curators. The organization invites the application form to fill talented and competent candidates for these 25 vacant positions. These are people of golden opportunities for those looking for a government job in Bihar, then take that excellent chance and heal your career with this organization. The selection of candidates will be based on a written examination and an interview. Interested candidates who are eligible and meet all the required criteria, complete the online application form on the official website by the latest date of application. For more information on the application form of Bihar Museum Society Patna, such as selection procedure, educational qualification, important dates, etc., are listed below in the section of this page. Name of the Organization Department of Art Culture and Youth - Bihar Museum Society. Name of the Post IT-Manager, Clerk, Mult-Tasking Staff Jobs. Total Number of Vacancies 25 Posts. Application method Offline. Start date to send application Available Now. Last date to send application 28th July 2017. Job Location Bihar. Job Category Government Jobs Official website Vacancy Details S. No. Name of the Post Number of Vacancies 1. IT-Manager. 01 Posts. 2. Curator. 02 Posts. 3. Curatorial Associate cum Young Museum Professional. 05 Posts. 4. Chief Conservator. 01 Posts. 5. Conservator. 01 Posts. 6. Young Museum Professional. 01 Posts. 7. PA to Additional Director. 01 Posts. 8. photographer. 01 Posts. 9. Electrician. 01 Posts. 10. Clerk. 01 Posts. 11. Manager Facility. 01 Posts. 12. Carpenter. 01 Posts. 13. Plumber. 01 Posts. 14. Multi-Tasking Staff. 05 Posts. 15. Assi
Phil Taylor

Ideas - The Learner's Way - 0 views

  • For our students how we locate time sends important messages about what constitutes important learning
  • For students the time they are given to think and reflect on their learning is critical to the quality of their learning
Phil Taylor

Dean Shareski: I'm Not Crazy for Using Foursquare - 0 views

  • I've had my home address posted for anyone to see since as long as I've been living. It's called a telephone book and this technology lists the names, addresses and phone numbers of virtually every resident of every location. Scary.
Phil Taylor

6 Top Tech Trends on the Horizon for Higher Education - Wired Campus - The Chronicle of... - 0 views

  • notes that mobile devices have been listed before, but it says that resistance by many schools continues to slow the full integration of mobile devices into higher education.
  • Learning analytics
  • Challenges to adoption include incorporating information coming from a variety of sources and in different formats and concerns about privacy and profiling.
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • Augmented reality, the layering of virtual information over actual locations, such as an interactive, mobile-based museum map, is another up-and-coming trend. It is two to three years away from adoption in education.
Phil Taylor

Shake things up with blended learning SmartBlogs - 0 views

  • Blended learning is an education program in which a portion of the student learning is provided through an online delivery system, with the student having a level of control over the pace and location of the lesson.
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