Live Web Statistics! - 2 views Web 2.0 live statistics...pretty amazing, and a little disconcerting!
Wikis, Blog and Web 2.0 Technology - 6 views
Seven Strategies for Marketing in a Web 2.0 World - 0 views
Traditional marketing is a controlled process where messages are developed, crafted, and delivered by a PR person. With Web 2.0, this pyramid-of-influence model is being inverted online by peer-to-peer communication
“a person like me” increased from 20 percent in 2003 to 68 percent today
Examining social media policies in libraries - 18 views
Thanks for sharing dan_giles, I enjoyed reading your Blog post.
Bright Ideas - 3 views
From the website: "Bright ideas is a blog by the School Libraries Association of Victoria (SLAV) and the State Library of Victoria (SLV). Its aim is to encourage teacher librarians and educators to actively engage with ICT, to share tools and experiences, to network on a global scale, and to embrace dynamic teaching and learning opportunities."
Libraries in Second Life - Wikipedia - 2 views
Strengthening resource mobilization chains: Developing the social media competencies of... - 5 views
I was happy to find a relevant and recent article advocating the use ofcial media for voluntary organisations. Abstract: There is potential for nonprofit organizations to increase effectiveness by mobilizing social media to help achieve goals. However, the sector is only just becoming aware of the possibilities for social media and lags behind other sectors in its use. We report a New Zealand initiative to enhance the capability of nonprofit organizations through action research that has implications for nonprofit organizations elsewhere. Borrowing from resource mobilization theory, we introduce the concept of resource mobilization chains to explain the requirements for and obstacles to taking advantage of social media. A survey and two in-depth case studies found that nonprofit organizations demonstrated extremely limited familiarity with and use of social media. Participants were enthusiastic about the potential of mobilizing social media to achieve organizational goals, but struggled to take concrete steps to implement their aspirations. Lack of resources was a key obstacle identified in both survey and case study research
Western Australian Department of Education Guidelins for the Use of Social Media - 0 views
This policy informs Western Australia Department of Education employees of the potential damage their personal use of social media can directly or indirectly affect the Department. Specific areas of interest in this policy include the legitimate and non-legitimate use of social media, the identification of key risk areas, and the duty of care towards students.
Social Media Policy in Cultural Heritage Institutions - 0 views
This is a case study on social media use in the cultural sector and is related to my line of work in the same sector, but on a larger scale. The text highlights careful consideration for users' privacy within the social media policy. Also, it includes a handy section titled "Anatomy of a social media policy," which explains what should be included in the document.
Why does my library use social media? - The Ubiquitous Librarian - The Chronicle of Hig... - 2 views
Our purpose—the reason why we use the social web is to find people who “like” the library and give them a way to express it. We will use this platform to nurture that bond and move them from like to love. [Develop their passion.] We also want to enable them to share this experience and help bring others into this relationship.
Reddit: A Beginner's Guide - 1 views
LinkedIn: The Beginner's Guide - 0 views
The Beginner's Guide to Tumblr - 0 views
Facebook for Beginners - 1 views
WebTools4u2use - home - 1 views
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