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Carole Gerts

Librarians Using Social Media: The Role of Twitter in Forming and Cultivating Mentoring... - 9 views

    Twitter and mentoring relationships
    Personal Learning Network and engaging students..., it works for me, thanks Carole!
Carole Gerts

Tablets changing the face of education - 4 views

    Tablets iPads education
    Thanks Carole, I like this, but also the "History of tablet computers" on
Renate Beilharz

The 15 best blogging and publishing platforms on the Internet today. Which one is for you? - 2 views

    A quite recent (August 2013) post looking at the pros and cons of blogging sites. May be useful when choosing platform for ones OLJ. I think I will use Blogger - not too complex for a newbie like me.
Selina Cheong

From Web 2.0 to Mobile Librarian - 2 views

    Useful information on Web 2.0 technologies/Librarian 2.0
Selina Cheong

About RSS - Obtain details of other RSS Readers - 0 views

    Useful for links OLJ task on RSS
Carole Gerts

5 Digital Marketing Trends for 2015 - 10 views

    How many of these would you agree with?
    Indeed Google+ isn't something I have gravitated toward - it will be interesting to see if Google evolves it or replaces with a something totally new. Quite frankly I don't have many friends who use it so it has been somewhat redundant. As far as Google Wallet I'm sitting back to see if it would be of any real benefit. I suppose my key concerns would be security firstly and secondly vendors which accept it. Here is an interesting article that I refer to as TechCarrotDangling! Smart watches are definitely an area of keen interest for me. I currently own a Sony Smartwatch 1 and I find it pretty useful when I"m out and about. I keep up to date with all my social media alerts as well news and it's also a great way to never miss an important call. My husband who is an extremely serious technophile has two a Pebble and Sony Smartwatch 2. I can see this technology really starting to take off in the very near future and the types of functions and uses will only improve and diversify. As far as advertising is concerned any business that wants to thrive and not be relegated to the obsolete and irrelevant bin needs to actively get on board with targeted social media advertising. It is really is a sink or swim scenario. However, platforms such as FB , if I'm wearing my "consumer hat", are really annoying and sometimes even infuriating - from a marketing perspective though it is innovative in that it targets your interests and plays on your wants and desires. I suspect that business and various organisations need to determine and utilise ways to market themselves without it turning consumers off. There is a fine line between intrusion and ingenious use of the old 5 Ps of marketing!
    1. Google+ isn't dead yet, however, the one before it, Google Wave is dead, but it influenced many other collaboration to think of digital whiteboards to share thoughts and video. I use Moxtra's one. I use Google+ sparing, say when Mashable want to collaborate a document to the White House or a twitter user holding talk about the future of code, and so on. 2. Mobile payment is there and not quite there. At the moment, people put stickers on the back of their mobile phone and tap on PayPass machines. 3. Smartwatches, ahh, another thing to charge up at night. Good but bulky. 4. I can live with social media advertising, it isn't too annoying and some of them are quite clever. It is not different to advertisement in Freemium games, really. Ignore and tap selectively. 5. Accessible analytics. Oh la la. This would be so handy to so many people, especially I. I can use it to plan my delivery better and work my weak spots on SNS.
Selina Cheong

Australian Copyright Council - 0 views

    Useful site for Information Policy project.

Online tools and applications - Go2web20 - 1 views

    Find all Online tools and applications on one page.. Really great site.

How to create a Gantt Chart in Excel - 0 views

    Thought this may be useful for Assessment Item 2, for creating a visual timeline of the project.

Social Media Technologies for Achieving Knowledge Management Amongst Older Adult Commun... - 1 views

    Social media technologies have a number of characteristics that may suit information access and informal knowledge management by older adults, and there is a rapid uptake of these technologies by this demographic. Based on the characteristics of social media technologies and previous findings of online knowledge management, we introduce a novel framework for achieving social media-based knowledge management suited to older adult communities. The framework involves several key aspects and requirements: public peer-to-peer sharing of information, evaluation of content amongst peers, the "push" nature of these technologies, ease-of-use through simple interfaces, affordability, platforms that are extensible to support a wide range of information types, a self-organizing information dissemination network, and a human-based peer trust network. We conducted a six-month trial of 150 participants using Facebook, Twitter and Skype to determine their perceptions and preferences in relation to using these social technologies. We found that in the majority, the views of the older adult participants were well matched to the requirements for achieving social media-based knowledge management, identified in the framework. In addition, we discuss the implications of the findings for the implementation of future social media-based knowledge management systems.
Liz Eckert

This Will Revolutionize Education - YouTube - 1 views

    education is an evolution rather than a revolution
Carole Gerts

The next library and the people who will use it. - 2 views

    Some interesting stats from Pew Research
Liz Eckert

Rethinking roles & responsiblities of teacher librarians - KB Enterprises (Aust) Pty Ltd - 1 views

    "The NMC Horizon Report: 2014 Library Edition, examines key trends, significant challenges, and emerging technologies for their potential impact on academic and research libraries worldwide. Following the publication of the report, the New Media Consortium hosted a virtual symposium on The Future of Libraries which includes 4 videos on the following topics: Emphasis on mobile Content management & technical infrastructure Increasing access & discovery opportunities Rethinking roles & relationships of librarians"
Lee FitzGerald

ALIA Social Media Group - 2 views

    Found this interesting article on the ALIA Social Media Group- posted by Margie Anderson. Use of social media by the library. Current practices and future opportunities.
Heather Bailie

Student guide to social media - 2 views

    Interactive guide to various social media tools and their effective use. Aimed at university students but has wider relevance.

Social Media for Libraries - 9 views

    A compilation of articles and links related to how libraries are using Facebook, Twitter, and blogs as a tool to reach out to users. | See more about public libraries, libraries and social media.
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