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Dernières nouvelles de Planet Labor - 1 views

    "Un Mechanical Turk pour le continent Africain ? C'est l'ambition affichée par la start up nigériane. Proville Business Solutions Limited qui a lancé en mai 2018 une plateforme de mise en contact entre donneurs d'ordre et travailleurs indépendants et qui cherche des partenariats pour devenir la plateforme de référence pour l'Afrique et faciliter la mise en relation des freelancers africains avec des donneurs d'ordre dans le reste du monde."

Dernières nouvelles de Planet Labor - 0 views

    "Une initiative citoyenne pour soutenir les travailleurs 'ubérisés'. La Commission européenne enregistrera, le 1er avril, l'initiative citoyenne du collectif #NewRightsNow visant à renforcer les droits des travailleurs réguliers des plateformes numériques. "

Platform-to-business trading practices | Digital Single Market - 0 views

    "Platform-to-business trading practices About Online platforms Policies News Events Funding Consultations Reports and studies Laws Related topics Audiovisual & Media Services Cybersecurity Digitising European Industry Next Generation Internet PAGE CONTENTS Useful links The European Commission aims at promoting fairness and transparency for business users of online intermediation services. Platforms offer unparalleled efficiencies in terms of access to cross-border consumer markets and have become the go-to interface for millions of successful firms. While the gateway position of online platforms enables them to organise ecosystems of millions of users, it also opens a scope for certain unilateral trading practices that are harmful, and against which no effective redress is available for the businesses using these platforms. Both direct harms to businesses, as well as the mere scope for such harm, undermine the innovation potential of platforms, which is exacerbated by emerging legal fragmentation. The Commission therefore announced in its mid-term review of the Digital Single Market Strategy that it would deliver concrete actions on unfair contracts and trading practices in platform-to-business relations. This commitment to safeguard a fair, predictable, sustainable and trusted business environment in the online economy was confirmed in President Juncker's 2017 State of the Union address. Delivering on this commitment, the Commission proposed on 26 April 2018 an EU Regulation on fairness and transparency together with the creation of an Observatory on the online platform economy. The proposal was underpinned by an impact Assessment that incorporates evidence and stakeholders' views collected during a two-year fact-finding exercise."

Collective action and provider classification in the sharing economy - Newlands - 2018 ... - 2 views

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