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Per-Erik Ellström et. al: Competence Development in the Workplace: Concepts, ... - 2 views

    In spite of the expectations that exist regarding efforts to develop competence and in spite of the large amounts of resources devoted to it, there is a marked lack of empirically-based research on competence development in companies and other organizations. The purpose of this article is to present a review of research on strategies for competence development in organizations, their prerequisites and effects. More specifically, the following three questions will be addressed: (i) Why do organizations invest in competence development? (ii) What effects can realistically be achieved through competence development? (iii) What characterizes successful strategies for competence development in organizations? Before these questions are dealt with, different views of the meaning of the concepts of competence and competence development are presented and discussed.
    Hér er grein eftir Per-Erik Ellström um svipað efni og fyrirlesturinn

Welcome to IBSTPI - 2 views

    • Hrobjartur Arnason
      Hæfnin sem er lýst í þessari bók er undirstaða undir alþjóðleg próf í færni sem kennari í fullorðinsfræðslu. Sum tæknifyrirtæki, eins og Microsoft og Cisco gera kröfu um að kennarar á námskeiðum með þeirra efni hafi staðist próf sem er byggt á þessum hæfniviðmiðum.
    • Hrobjartur Arnason
      Það er líka þess virði að skoða fleirri hæfniviðmið hér á síðunni ;-)
    The original set of Instructor Competencies was published in 1993 following extensive review and testing by a group of practitioners and academics in the training and instructional design filed. The publication identified the core competencies of instructors - those decisions, actions and behaviors that competent instructors must demonstrate to complete an instructional assignment successfully. The competencies define the generic instructor role, independent of settings and organizations. Competent instructors will accomplish these standards whether delivering simple instructions to a small group or addressing a huge audience.

Bjarne Wahlgren: Educating professionals How to develop a curriculum for professionals? - 2 views

    The purpose of the professional bachelor's degree is to qualify the students to act competently in a subsequent job situation. Anecdotal experience and research have shown that limited transfer between what is learned during the coursework and the subsequent professional practice. This article relates to actual development work, where a social worker education program is restructured and developed, with the aim of creating optimal transfer. The social worker must 'be able to co-operate, organize, coordinate, implement, evaluate and develop social efforts' in accordance with the curriculum. How does that look in practice? Based on interviews with newly-educated social workers, I have analyzed which competences the social worker (hereafter 'he') uses in practice, how these competences are developed, and how the student learns to apply the competences acquired in the educational program.

Bjarne Wahlgren: Educating professionals - Forskning - Aarhus Universitet - 2 views

    The purpose of the professional bachelor's degree is to qualify the students to act competently in a subsequent job situation. Anecdotal experience and research have shown that limited transfer between what is learned during the coursework and the subsequent professional practice. This article relates to actual development work, where a social worker education program is restructured and developed, with the aim of creating optimal transfer. The social worker must 'be able to co-operate, organize, coordinate, implement, evaluate and develop social efforts' in accordance with the curriculum. How does that look in practice? Based on interviews with newly-educated social workers, I have analyzed which competences the social worker (hereafter 'he') uses in practice, how these competences are developed, and how the student learns to apply the competences acquired in the educational program.

Per-Erik Ellström: Formal and integrated strategies for competence developmen... - 6 views

    Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to increase understanding of the relationships among the workplace as a learning environment, strategies for competence development used by SMEs and learning outcomes. Specifically, there is a focus on a distinction between formal and integrated strategies for competence development, the conditions under which these strategies are likely to be used, and their effects in terms of individual learning outcomes.
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    Önnur grein eftir ellström, þessi var að koma út
    Ég fæ upp login glugga á proquest. Þarf ég að sækja um aðgang?
    Nei þú hefur aðgang, þarft bara að opna proquest fyrst í af síðunni og opna svo greinina hans Per-Erik!!!
    Þetta tókst núna. Takk fyrir hjálpina.

Instructor Competencies - 1 views

    Hæfniviðmið leiðbeinenda

Pedagogical patterns in required Masters level instructional design courses with refere... - 2 views

    Doktorsritgerð um skipulangingu... ATH þið þurfið að vera búin að skrá ykkur inn í Proquest til að síðan opnist!!! Hægrismellið fyrst á þessari slóð: og látið hana opnast í öðrum glugga smellið svo á slóðina á doktorsritgerðinni.

Key competences for lifelong learning - 1 views

    Lykilfærni í nútíma samfélagi.  Efnahagsbandalagið hefur sett fram lista yfir færni sem menn eru sammála um að evrópubúar hafi á valdi sínu eigi evrópsk samfélög að virka sem skyldi. Hér er vefsíða um þessa lykilfærni.

Seminar - Promoting the Good e-Teacher: Didactical Choices when developing e-pedagogica... - 0 views

    Grein um kennslufræðileg attriði sem gott er að hafa i huga þega maður skipuleggur nám á netinu. Mér sýnist höfundir sækja hugmyndir til margra þeirra helstu á sviðinu.

Framtidens kompetenser - och hur vi utvecklar dem - 0 views

    Skýrsla frá NVL um hæfni sem þykja vera mikilvægir til að takast á við atvinnulíf í næstu framtíð.

PIAAC (Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies) - 0 views

    • Hrobjartur Arnason
      Á þessari síðu er sagt frá áætlun OECD að mæla færni fullorðinna, á svipaðan hátt og þeir gera með PISA könnun meðal barna. Á undirsíðum má finna skýrslur sem kafa aðeins dýpra inn á tiltekin svið þekkingar og færni. Þetta má sjá sem bakrgrunn og hluta af pælingunum um hæfni og færni...
    Nýlegt verkefni á vegum OECD um mat á færni fullorðinna: Hver er staðan?  Hvað kuna og geta fullorðnir í dag...
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