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Hypnosis Training Academy

[AUDIO] Guided Self-Hypnosis Meditation: Part 2 - How To Find Inner Peace - 0 views

    Struggling to connect with an inner sense of calm and peace? [AUDIO] Guided Self-Hypnosis Induction With Master Hypnotist Karsten Küstner: Part 2 - How To Find Inner Peace & Drop Into Your "Centre Of Calm" In Part 2 of our self-hypnosis induction series, master hypnotist Karsten Küstner will help you connect with your inner world so you can experience peace and calm. Listen to this 11-minute self-hypnosis induction now to feel more balanced, relaxed and energized. Head on over to the Hypnosis Training Academy now to listen to this calming self-hypnosis induction. In Part 2 of this guided self-hypnosis induction series, master hypnotist Karsten Küstner will help you connect with your inner world so you can experience peace and calm.
Hypnosis Training Academy

[FREE] The Ultimate Guide On Hypnosis Training - 0 views

    The Hypnosis Training Academy has created an ultimate guide on hypnosis training that breaks down the type of training you should do in order to go from being a novice to hypnosis master. This 3-part hypnosis guide contains hypnosis resources, videos and advice from master hypnotists Igor Ledochowski and Karsten Küstner. With this guide, you'll get a very clear sense of how you can hone, improve and advance your skills as a hypnotist. In essence, consider it as your complete guide to hypnosis training. A roadmap that'll arm you with insider tips, resources and training programs to transform you into a confident and proficient hypnotist. The guide also includes online training recommendations for beginners, intermediates and advanced hypnotists - so no matter your level, you're sure to find this free guide invaluable as you strive to become a great hypnotist. Visit today and start your hypnosis training with this ultimate guide.
Hypnosis Training Academy

[INFOGRAPHIC] How To Hypnotize Yourself: 6 Easy Steps - 0 views

    Interested in discovering the many rewards that come from a regular self-hypnosis practice, but not quite sure how to hypnotize yourself? Well the good news is, you'll be surprised just how easy self-hypnosis actually is, all it takes is some practice and dedication on your behalf. It's a little like going to the gym - at first your muscles don't have much stamina, but as you continue to train, they get stronger and stronger, and what once seemed difficult, now you're able to accomplish with ease. Learning how to hypnotize yourself is much the same - it might seem uncomfortable or even impossible to begin with, but with time, you'll find it easier and easier… and eventually you'll begin to wonder how you ever got through your week without spending some time going inwards. To discover the benefits of self-hypnosis and 6 easy steps that'll help you flex your "self-hypnosis" muscles, check out this infographic from the Hypnosis Training Academy today.
Hypnosis Training Academy

How To Hypnotize Yourself: The 6-Step Self-Hypnosis Formula - 0 views

    Interested in reaping the many rewards that come from a regular self hypnosis practice, but not quite sure how to hypnotize yourself? Got good news for you. Self hypnosis is a lot easier to learn than you might think (it's actually very similar to meditation). Anyone can master it - all it takes is some practice and dedication on your behalf. It's a little like going to the gym - at first your muscles don't have much stamina, but as you continue to train, they get stronger and stronger, and what once seemed difficult, now you're able to accomplish with ease. Learning how to hypnotize yourself is much the same - it might seem uncomfortable or even impossible to begin with, but with time, you'll find it easier and easier… and eventually you'll begin to wonder how you ever got through your week without spending some time going inwards. To discover how to get started with a self hypnosis practice, visit us at
Hypnosis Training Academy

How to Master the Skills of an Expert NLP Practitioner - 0 views

    Interested to find out how you can use NLP in hypnosis for fast and effective results? Now is your chance to double your hypnotic power by getting your hands on Igor's advanced training. This program is specifically designed for you to master the techniques of NLP quickly and shows how it can complement your hypnosis skills. Simply by listening to the audio sessions, you'll be absorbing the knowledge, secrets, and skills of an expert NLP practitioner. If you're ready to take the next step and combine the strengths of NLP and hypnosis into a new and more powerful way to help people, take this course. This special NLP in Hypnosis Program will provide you a thorough grounding in the advanced concepts and the core principles of NLP. Included in our Master's Program is NLP main training of 9 hours and 52 minutes, the extra TWO bonus inductions and the 186 page PDF manual. You can either carry on at your current level of skill, perhaps slowly improving or you can take advantage of this proven program and quickly take your powers to dynamic new heights of excellence. It's Now Your Choice... All of this is available to you now for just $497 3 simple monthly installments of only $59 at When you think about it, it is a very modest investment for something that can bring you enormous benefit. Moreover, your investment is covered by a generous 60-Day Money Back Guarantee. Hurry, It's a Limited Time Offer!
Hypnosis Training Academy

[Interview] Meet the "risk-taking" and business-savvy hypnotist - 0 views

    Opening a business isn't easy. Sure, it takes preparation and planning… But once you've built a solid foundation, sometimes the best thing to do is just jump in and give it your best shot. If you've been thinking about starting your own business, but you're scared to take the plunge, you might just find the inspiration you've been looking in this interview published by the Hypnosis Training Academy. In this interview, you'll hear master hypnotist Igor Ledochowski interview a savvy entrepreneur by the name of Jason Linett. One of Jason's main skills is thinking quickly on his feet and taking calculated risks, so in this interview Jason shares advice on how to prepare yourself and act without getting bogged down in the details. You'll also find out: -- How Jason cultivated the kind of mindset that allowed him to see past the "typical" way of doing things and find a fresh approach to running a hypnosis practice -- Insights on how Jason made it to success quicker and easier than most people -- Incredible stories about how Jason took on difficult hypnosis clients and used a creative approach to get amazing results Plus you'll find out Jason's TOP tip for hypnotists and professionals to help further your career on your own terms. Listen to Jason Linett's empowering story of how to build a successful hypnosis practise based on your experience and passion.
Hypnosis Training Academy

How To Put A Resistant Subject Into A Hypnotic Trance - 0 views

    New hypnotists often fear they won't be able to put a subject into trance… which can be even more of a challenge if someone's nervous, skeptical or defensive. Yet at the same time, overcoming this problem is essential to your success as a hypnotist because without trance...hypnosis won't work. But the good news is, with the right hypnosis technique up your sleeve, you'll become confident in your ability to put even the most resistant subject into a trance. And once you do, you can get down to business and help them resolve the issue they've come to you for. Interested to discover what that technique is? Check out this hypnosis demonstration from the Hypnosis Training Academy to see master hypnotist Karsten Küstner work with an over-analytical subject and break down their resistance using the Non-Awareness Set in just a matter of minutes.
Hypnosis Training Academy

How to Overcome the 7 Most Common Barriers To Building Rapport - 0 views

    Has this ever happened to you? You meet someone and quickly fall into a deep conversation. And although you've just met this person, you feel an instant bond. This experience is known as Instant Rapport. For hypnotists, instant rapport is an invaluable tool when it comes to building trust and setting the parameters for effective communication - meaning it can make or break your hypnosis practice. Interested to find out how you can master rapport so it flows effortlessly and becomes second nature when you're working with a subject? Visit now to get your FREE eBook and MP3 audiobook to discover top rapport building secrets, including the 7 most common barriers to building rapport and the 5-step conversion formula for instant rapport building. Discover how you can enhance your hypnosis practice today.
Hypnosis Training Academy

Stuck In A Self-Hypnosis Rut? Try These 13 Powerful Induction Methods To Induce A Deep ... - 0 views

    When it comes to inducing a deep, self-hypnotic trance, a common misconception is that there is a magical, fool-proof method. In reality many people fail the self-hypnosis. And, the reason is, they tend to focus on the method first, and when this doesn't work, there is a strong temptation to give up and let out an exasperated exhale. In order to master self-hypnosis, you need to first focus on mastering yourself, and only then use an induction method to get you into a trance. Read the complete article here to understand this process and conquer the self hypnosis technique.
Hypnosis Training Academy

Interview With Mike Mandel, Leading Forensic Hypnotist - 0 views

    In this exciting interview, Mike Mandel - forensic hypnotist, master of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and consultant for the Canadian police force - shares the priceless lessons he's learned after practicing hypnosis for 40 years. Like many great tales of success, in his interview he reveals the interesting story behind it all that's made up of life lessons, failure, doubt and perseverance. Oh, and in this instance, some wise advice from an old Chinese medicine book. You'll also discover his trick for getting into an amazing mental state, and some invaluable insights he wished someone had told him at the start of his career... Intrigued? Visit to listen to this exclusive interview now…
Hypnosis Training Academy

[INTERVIEW] Expert Reveals The Link Between Hypnosis & Creativity - 0 views

    Would you like to be able to help people think outside the box and inspire them to dream big? If so, check out this free (and inspiring) interview with creativity and innovation expert, Paulina Larocca, and master hypnotist Igor Ledochowski. In this insightful interview, you'll discover: - The surprising link between hypnosis and creativity - Why innovation is critical in any field and how a "creative" hypnotist can offer a mindset shift to help companies foster innovation - The different phases of a creativity session and how you can go into a trance of opportunities - Why it's important to take people beyond their rational selves to help them dream up bigger and bolder ideas - The creative language Paulina uses to help open up the right state of mind To listen to this free interview (and to get those creative juices flowing!), visit the Hypnosis Training Academy today.
Hypnosis Training Academy

Want To Be A Great Conversational Hypnotist? Be Merlin, Not Arthur - 0 views

    According to the Arthurian legend, Merlin was the wise wizard that engineered the birth of King Arthur through magic and intrigue. Once born, Merlin carefully coached and prepared Arthur to take center stage and become the legendary figure that he did. But without Merlin's wise teachings and magic - Arthur never would have existed - let alone become king. In order to become a great hypnotist, you have to adopt the same approach. This is because your job is to transform your subjects into becoming the heroes of their own stories… which can only be done if you empower them to take center stage. Check out the Hypnosis Training Academy's latest video blog post to hear master hypnotist Igor Ledochowski explain more on this.
Hypnosis Training Academy

How to Create Influence Channels in the Mind - Part 1 - 0 views

    Interested in discovering how to master hypnotic influence and create powerful channels in the mind using emotion, logic, and reasoning? Yes? Well, we have got good news for you as Hypnosis Training Academy has created an in-depth guide that explains the heart of influence, the Influence Strategy Tree and the 5 branches of influence that fall under it. With this guide, you will get a very clear sense of how you can effectively use hypnosis to carve influence channels in people's mind. This 2-part guide on hypnotic influence also takes you through strategic influence techniques to generate a positive change in your subjects and clients. Intrigued? Visit today to discover what is the role of influence when used in hypnosis….
Hypnosis Training Academy

How To Read Someone's Mind: 5 Ethical Hypnotic Mind Reading Techniques - 0 views

    Wouldn't it be great if you could uncover a fact about someone that they hadn't yet divulged to a living soul, and then use this information to enrich their life? Mind reading hypnosis technique is an interesting and one of the most desired method that people want to master. If you are also longing to learn this technique, here is a detailed article that explains 5 mind reading techniques to become a force for positive change.
Hypnosis Training Academy

Master Hypnotic Storyteller Home Study Video Program at 40% Discount - 0 views

    Do you want to hypnotize people without them knowing they're being hypnotized? Do you want to create powerful hypnotic stories on the fly to transform your subjects unconscious realities? Do you want to increase your persuasion with storytelling mastery? Do you want to influence people's primal decision making process? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this is the program you have been seeking….This program can be used in everyday conversations as well as serious business meetings. It is perfect for anyone who wants to win people over! Through this program, you can easily transform yourself into a master hypnotic storyteller - even if you have zero previous experience. You can get instant access to all the hypnotic storytelling secrets when you sign up for this training program. If you're a hypnotist or in the influence game in any way, shape or form, then looking this program over is simply in your best interest. Visit to grab this amazing 40% off deal. You can split up your investment into 4 simple installments of only $147. Moreover, your investment is covered by a generous 60-Day Money Back Guarantee. Hurry, It's a Limited Time Offer! Click Here To Get Started Now!
Hypnosis Training Academy

How to Use the NLP Swish Pattern to Redefine Self-Image - 0 views

    Interested to discover the NLP technique that can be used to redefine a negative self-image and increase confidence? Then you won't want to miss this important demo where Master Hypnotist Martijn Groenendal uses the NLP Swish Pattern to redefine a subject's negative and judgmental self-image into a happier, more accepting version of himself. In this video, you'll get a clear sense of how to help people create a healthy self-image, improve their confidence and drive change. Visit today to hear master hypnotist Martijn Groenendal explain how.
Hypnosis Training Academy

Transform Childhood Thought Patterns Using NLP - 0 views

    Interested to discover NLP techniques that can be used to remove negative thought patterns learned from childhood? Then don't miss this important NLP demo where master hypnotist and NLP practitioner Martijn Groenendal helps a woman confront and remove her inner critic that was formed during childhood. In this video, you'll get a clear sense of how to transform negative thought patterns into something more positive using NLP. So don't miss it. Visit to watch this exclusive video demo now…
Hypnosis Training Academy

Interview With Master Hypnotist and Neuroscientist: Ramon David - 0 views

    In this exciting interview, Ramon David, an Applied Neuroscientist, Hypnotist, Success Coach and Founder of the NeuroCoaching Institute reveals the neurological processes during transformational change work. In this insightful interview, he shares with Igor Ledochowski how his curiosity for growth and adventure led him to neuroscience, hypnosis and even extreme sport. You'll also discover Ramon's "5 domain" model of transformational personal change, which he created through a combination of psychology, neuroscience, nutrition and personal training. Plus you'll also find out the 7 most effective habits of brain-healthy people. Intruigued? Visit to listen to this exclusive interview now...
Hypnosis Training Academy

Uncovered: The 7 Emotions Ethical Persuasion Masters Use - 0 views

    Emotions can create a tremendous amount of leverage for positive change within a person as every emotion is reasonable and rational within its own context - even the "bad" ones. They allow you - as a change worker- to achieve profound results by tapping into a subject's emotions at a deep level, which in turn can transform the way a person thinks. There are 7 primary emotions that persuasion masters use to do this, interested to find out what they are? Visit the HypnosisTrainingAcademy to discover the 4 Emotions of the Apocalypse and the 3 Musketeers Of Virtue - and how you can leverage each of them so you can help your subjects lead healthier and happier lives.
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