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Hypnosis Training Academy

[INTERVIEW] Expert Reveals The Link Between Hypnosis & Creativity - 0 views

    Would you like to be able to help people think outside the box and inspire them to dream big? If so, check out this free (and inspiring) interview with creativity and innovation expert, Paulina Larocca, and master hypnotist Igor Ledochowski. In this insightful interview, you'll discover: - The surprising link between hypnosis and creativity - Why innovation is critical in any field and how a "creative" hypnotist can offer a mindset shift to help companies foster innovation - The different phases of a creativity session and how you can go into a trance of opportunities - Why it's important to take people beyond their rational selves to help them dream up bigger and bolder ideas - The creative language Paulina uses to help open up the right state of mind To listen to this free interview (and to get those creative juices flowing!), visit the Hypnosis Training Academy today.
Hypnosis Training Academy

Helping Clients Overcome Trust Issues - 0 views

    The Great Hypnotherapist helped his clients in a clinical setting by answering the questions of the people who are suffering from chronic pain or psychiatric disorders, and who also have a general mistrust of medical professionals. Igor was glad to answer such question His methods Helped Clients In A Clinical Setting to Overcome Trust Issues With Medical Professionals
mathersro dney

Things You Can Do To Help An Ex-Offenedr - 0 views

    It's just a fact that someone coming home from prison is going to need some help. It's not just about financial and job issues. Dealing with the changes that have taken place while someone has been incarcerated can be a strange experience! Belie
Hypnosis Training Academy

[AUDIO] Guided Self-Hypnosis Meditation: Part 2 - How To Find Inner Peace - 0 views

    Struggling to connect with an inner sense of calm and peace? [AUDIO] Guided Self-Hypnosis Induction With Master Hypnotist Karsten Küstner: Part 2 - How To Find Inner Peace & Drop Into Your "Centre Of Calm" In Part 2 of our self-hypnosis induction series, master hypnotist Karsten Küstner will help you connect with your inner world so you can experience peace and calm. Listen to this 11-minute self-hypnosis induction now to feel more balanced, relaxed and energized. Head on over to the Hypnosis Training Academy now to listen to this calming self-hypnosis induction. In Part 2 of this guided self-hypnosis induction series, master hypnotist Karsten Küstner will help you connect with your inner world so you can experience peace and calm.
Steve Scott

To Keep Your Networking Working: What Do You Say When You Talk to Yourself: Part 3 - 0 views

In the last post, we looked at gratitude, happiness and serving others and how your self-talk can guide you in these areas.  The result of your networking will be to increase the odds of build...

Personal Development Coach Personal Development Training how to build confidence and self esteem Self-Improvement Coaching Self Improvement Training Self Improvement Development Training Personal Growth development training Personal Growth

started by Steve Scott on 29 Feb 20 no follow-up yet
Steve Scott

To Keep Your Networking Working: What Do You Say When You Talk to Yourself: Part 3 - 0 views

In the last post, we looked at gratitude, happiness and serving others and how your self-talk can guide you in these areas.  The result of your networking will be to increase the odds of build...

Personal Development Coach Personal Development Training how to build confidence and self esteem Self-Improvement Coaching Self Improvement Training Self Improvement Development Training Personal Growth development training Personal Growth

started by Steve Scott on 29 Feb 20 no follow-up yet
anna lidman

Benefits of Reiki Courses to Children, Teenagers, Adults and Elders - 0 views

    How Reiki training courses for children, teenagers, adults and wise elders help them to relax, instil confidence and act as preventative measure against physical challenges.
Edgar Anderson

Highly Competent Dietitian - 1 views

It is a fact that every woman loves to have a beautiful body. This leaves the overweight ones insecure and dream of getting their ideal body shape. Yes, it happened to me. I have tried several weig...

started by Edgar Anderson on 18 Apr 13 no follow-up yet
Hypnosis Training Academy

18 Top Hypnosis Articles: Powerful Resources To Enhance Your Hypnotherapy, Conversation... - 0 views

    The Hypnosis Training Academy is packed with powerful hypnosis resources that have been mindfully created to guide, teach and nurture you through your hypnosis training journey and pursuit of mastery. So to help you know where to start, the Hypnosis Training Academy has compiled a list of the 18 most influential articles in 4 main hypnosis categories: ethical conversational hypnosis, hypnotherapy, self-hypnosis and general hypnosis. The articles listed in this post are the most popular among readers in their quest to be a force for good in the world using the power of hypnosis. Read them, share them and never stop enhancing your hypnosis skills!
anna lidman

Make your Life Better with Reiki 1, Reiki 2 and Reiki Master Courses in Dublin - 0 views

    With Reiki 1, Reiki 2 and Reiki Master Courses in Dublin hundreds of people change their lives. Reiki helped them elevate their minds and emotional states and as a result their lives started to unfold differently.
mathersro dney

Journey Of Hope With Rodney Mathers (81) - 0 views

    Welcome to this week's show! Want some help dealing with stress? Well, I've got just the thing for you! Ex-offenders and the people who support them know all too well the pressures, and therefore stresses, associated with reintegration. It can literally be a killer. Everything from blood pressure to eating habits and social interaction skills can be negatively altered. Dealing with stresses in a way that doesn't lean on some sort of addiction can be tricky as well. My guest this week, Heidi Thompson, has what just might be the answer for you. In her book Calm Focus Joy The Power Of Breath Awareness Heidi explains how a simple exercise can reduce stress and improve focus. Join us this week for our discussion with Heidi Thompson and after the interview you can learn more about Heidi at the following link: Heidi Thompson Remember, If God is for you, who can be against you?
anna lidman

Benefits of Self Reiki Treatments after a Reiki Training Course with Angela Gorman - 0 views

    Self Reiki Treatments after Reiki training course with Angela Gorman helped Jeanette at a very challenging time of her life though she had lingering doubts about its effectiveness and people let go of their doubt and self limitations following Reiki 1 courses.
Allen Loomis

5 Inspirational Videos That Will Wake You Up - 0 views

    I hope you enjoy these motivational videos including Obama, Randy Pausch, Tim Ferriss and More. Please share and help spread the good word.
Meredith Blige

My Father Purchased Effective Anti-Snoring Products - 2 views

How can I stop snoring is what I always hear from my father. He said it bothered him knowing that my mom was not able to sleep peacefully due to his snoring issues. He even wondered if he was suffe...

how can I stop snoring

started by Meredith Blige on 24 May 11 no follow-up yet
mathersro dney

At what point in a relationship should an ex-offender reveal their past? - 0 views

    Welcome to this week's show. Have you ever stuck your foot in your mouth? We all have and my guest this week, Marie Dubuque, has some advice on how to smooth a situation like that over. That's just the tip of the ice berg when it comes my discussion this week with Marie. Marie specializes in the navigation of the social interactions we all encounter. As ex-offenders, we already have a strike against us as we start new relationships, date, and generally move through our social lives. Marie Dubuque has some great advice and we touch on a variety of subjects during this week's interview. After the show be sure and check out Marie's videos on You Tube along with the hundreds and hundreds of followers who have found her advice helpful. Remember, if God is for you, who can be against you?
Hypnosis Training Academy

5 Essential Hypnosis Training Tips & Tricks - 0 views

    What benefits can hypnosis bring you? Plenty, depending on what you use it for. You might choose to use hypnosis in one of the following ways: As a powerful tool for self-growth As a viable career option to help people lead more rewarding lives As a means of entertainment Or, if you want to, you can combine all three. Whatever you decide to do with it, certain things will remain constant. And to do that, you'll need to have the right gear in your hypnosis toolbox. Visit Hypnosis Training Academy to know about the 5 Essential & Indispensable Hypnosis Training Tools.
Hypnosis Training Academy

How to Use the NLP Swish Pattern to Redefine Self-Image - 0 views

    Interested to discover the NLP technique that can be used to redefine a negative self-image and increase confidence? Then you won't want to miss this important demo where Master Hypnotist Martijn Groenendal uses the NLP Swish Pattern to redefine a subject's negative and judgmental self-image into a happier, more accepting version of himself. In this video, you'll get a clear sense of how to help people create a healthy self-image, improve their confidence and drive change. Visit today to hear master hypnotist Martijn Groenendal explain how.
Hypnosis Training Academy

How to Lose Weight Using Hypnosis: A 5-Step Guide - 0 views

    Interested in discovering how you can use hypnosis for weight loss? Yes? Well we've got good news for you as the Hypnosis Training Academy has created an in-depth guide that explains 5 key reasons for weight gain and how you can overcome them. With this guide, you'll get a very clear sense of how you can effectively use hypnosis for weight loss so you can help your subjects lead healthy and happy lives. No matter the fitness or health level, hypnosis allows for longer lasting results than any other diet or fad treatment because you're dealing with weight gain at a core and holistic level. Visit today to find out how you can use hypnosis for weight loss with this 5-step guide.
Hypnosis Training Academy

[INFOGRAPHIC] How To Hypnotize Yourself: 6 Easy Steps - 0 views

    Interested in discovering the many rewards that come from a regular self-hypnosis practice, but not quite sure how to hypnotize yourself? Well the good news is, you'll be surprised just how easy self-hypnosis actually is, all it takes is some practice and dedication on your behalf. It's a little like going to the gym - at first your muscles don't have much stamina, but as you continue to train, they get stronger and stronger, and what once seemed difficult, now you're able to accomplish with ease. Learning how to hypnotize yourself is much the same - it might seem uncomfortable or even impossible to begin with, but with time, you'll find it easier and easier… and eventually you'll begin to wonder how you ever got through your week without spending some time going inwards. To discover the benefits of self-hypnosis and 6 easy steps that'll help you flex your "self-hypnosis" muscles, check out this infographic from the Hypnosis Training Academy today.
Hypnosis Training Academy

50 Inspiring Quotes from Hypnotists and Thinkers - 0 views

    Hypnotists have a "superpower" like ability to help other people overcome challenges, break habits and be better versions of themselves. When you think about it, they're really a lucky bunch of people. They get to work in a profession that has meaning and adds real value to the lives of others, and to themselves. In short, the work they do is nothing short of inspiring. If you'd like to discover more about hypnosis and get inspired by the wisest words and wisdom from the greatest hypnotists and thinkers, check out this blog of hypnosis quotes from the Hypnosis Training Academy. In it you'll find 50 inspiring hypnosis quotes from hypnotists such as Igor Ledochowski, Milton Erickson, Richard Bandler and Émile Coué, in addition to a few philosophers, psychologists and top thinkers. So check it out to discover the true power of the mind.
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