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Erich Feldmeier

Meaghan Christian: Family meals can help children reach their 5 A Day: a cross-sectiona... - 0 views

    "The CADET tool found that children consumed on average 293 g F&V (95% CI 287 to 303) per day. Clustered (by school) multilevel regression models with total F&V as the primary outcome were conducted to explore how the home environment affects children's F&V intake. Children of families who reported 'always' eating a family meal together at a table had 125 g (95% CI 92 to 157; p=
Kane Nolan

tree transplanting il - 0 views

    I actually had never experienced much better tree transplanting service provider in IL like Arbor Care, Inc. They have finished this task together with terrific efforts. The group members were impressive. I am extremely pleased with their efforts. A pleasant work in very economical cost.
Janos Haits

Robohub | news, views and everything robotic - 0 views

    "Robohub is an online platform that brings together leading communicators in robotics research, start-ups, business, and education from around the world."
Janos Haits - 0 views

    '.. our Semantic Web Portal technology will be a community portal for the Semantic Web community, at We aim to bring together research groups, research projects, software developers and user communities in the Semantic Web area.'
Janos Haits

Intelligence in Wikipedia Project - 0 views

    The Intelligence in Wikipedia Project aims to accelerate the extraction of Wikipedia knowledge, e.g. with construction of infoboxes, and link the resulting schemata together to form a knowledge base of outstanding size. Not only will this `semantified Wikipedia' be an even more valuable resource for AI, but it will support Faceted browsing and simple forms of inference that may increase the recall of question-answering systems.
Erich Feldmeier

Do-it-yourself biotech: Ellen Jorgensen at TEDGlobal 2012 - 0 views

    "t turns out that all over the world there were people trying to do similar things - opening biohacker spaces. Three years later, this is a thriving global community. Each lab has a flavor of where it was created - people work together or alone, in big cities or small villages, they build things and take them apart, and do much, much more. The spirit is open. But what about the dark side? What about biosafety, biosecurity? The minute Genspace opened their doors, journalists called. And the only question they wanted to ask was, "Would this lab create the next Frankenstein?" The press was overestimating their capabilities - and underestimating their ethic"
Erich Feldmeier

DIYgenomics - 0 views

    "Nature: "A group called DIYgenomics has banded together to analyse their genomes, and even conduct and participate in small clinical trials" - October 2010 Nature Medicine: "...early adopters are showing how empowering and beneficial to science personal genetic information can be" - September 2010 WIRED: "...they wanted to build a model trial that could be easily replicated by citizen scientists anywhere" "
Janos Haits

What is FIA?: Future Internet - 0 views

    The European Future Internet Assembly also known as FIA, is a collaboration between projects that have recognised the need to strengthen European activities on the Future Internet to maintain European competitiveness in the global marketplace. Currently FIA brings together around 150 research projects that are part of Challenge 1 of the ICT programme of FP7.
Janos Haits

Digital Public Library of America - 0 views

    The vision of a national digital library has been circulating among librarians, scholars, educators, and private industry representatives since the early 1990s, but it has not yet materialized. Efforts led by a range of organizations, including the Library of Congress, HathiTrust, and the Internet Archive, have successfully built resources that provide books, images, historical records, and audiovisual materials to anyone with Internet access. Many universities, public libraries, and other public-spirited organizations have digitized materials that could be brought together under the frame of the DPLA, but these digital collections often exist in silos.
Janos Haits

eScholarship@UMMS at the University of Massachusetts Medical School - 0 views

    eScholarship@UMMS is a digital repository offering worldwide access to the research and scholarly output of the University of Massachusetts Medical School community. The goal is to bring together all of the University's research under one umbrella, in full text whenever possible, in order to showcase, preserve, and provide access to that research. eScholarship@UMMS is administered by the Lamar Soutter Library.
Janos Haits - 0 views

    PeerJ provides academics with two Open Access publication venues: PeerJ (a peer-reviewed academic journal) and PeerJ PrePrints (a 'pre-print server'). Both are focused on the Biological and Medical Sciences, and together they provide an integrated solution for your publishing needs. Submissions open late Summer.
Erich Feldmeier

'Roy Taylor, Iain Frame Reversing' type 2 diabetes? | Quality in Care - 0 views

    "The results are indeed worthy of attention, with Prof Taylor's team finding that in an early stage clinical trial of 11 people who were put on a diet of just 600 calories As written about in Dr Ben Goldacre's latest Bad Science column, producing a pattern from experimental data to come to a conclusion can be a 'magical' experience, but medicine is an 'imperfect art'. "We all know one atom of experience isn't enough to spot a pattern." writes Goldacre, "But when you put lots of experiences together and process that data, you get new knowledge.""
Janos Haits

iAMscientist - 0 views

    iAMscientist is a global community of science, technology and medical researchers who come together to accelerate research, support career development and drive the distribution of discoveries.
Janos Haits

Piazza - Ask. Answer. Explore. Whenever. - 0 views

    Piazza-a place where students can come together to ask, answer, and explore under the guidance of their instructor. It'll save you time, and your students will love using it. It's also free, and easy to get started. Learn more...
Janos Haits

Coming March 2014: OCLC WorldCat Discovery Services - 0 views

    "WorldCat® Discovery Services provide a new suite of cloud-based applications that brings the FirstSearch® and WorldCat® Local services together. The suite will enable people to discover more than 1.66 billion electronic, digital and physical resources in libraries around the world through a single search of both WorldCat® and a central index that represents nearly 2,000 e-content collections. This will make it possible for 18,000+ FirstSearch libraries to offer a richer discovery experience."
Erich Feldmeier

Cory Abate-Shen: A Molecular Signature Predictive of Indolent Prostate Cancer - 0 views

    Many newly diagnosed prostate cancers present as low Gleason score tumors that require no treatment intervention. Distinguishing the many indolent tumors from the minority of lethal ones remains a major clinical challenge. We now show that low Gleason score prostate tumors can be distinguished as indolent and aggressive subgroups on the basis of their expression of genes associated with aging and senescence. Using gene set enrichment analysis, we identified a 19-gene signature enriched in indolent prostate tumors. We then further classified this signature with a decision tree learning model to identify three genes-FGFR1, PMP22, and CDKN1A-that together accurately predicted outcome of low Gleason score tumors. Validation of this three-gene panel on independent cohorts confirmed its independent prognostic value as well as its ability to improve prognosis with currently used clinical nomograms. Furthermore, protein expression of this three-gene panel in biopsy samples distinguished Gleason 6 patients who failed surveillance over a 10-year period. We propose that this signature may be incorporated into prognostic assays for monitoring patients on active surveillance to facilitate appropriate courses of treatment.
Janos Haits

EMBL European Bioinformatics Institute - 0 views

    "The EBI RDF Platform aims to bring together the efforts of a number of EMBL-EBI resources that provide access to their data using Semantic Web technologies. It provides a unified way to query across resources using the W3C SPARQL query language. We welcome comments or questions via our feedback form."
Janos Haits

Collection Home | History of Science and Technology | University of Wisconsin Digital C... - 0 views

    "The History of Science and Technology Collection brings together in digital facsimile two categories of primary and secondary publications: writings about scientific research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and unique or valuable titles in science and technology held by the UW-Madison libraries. "
Erich Feldmeier

BiotechLikemind - 0 views

    "Great times for science lovers Together we can make science more rewarding Biotech is more than you think"
Janos Haits

Real Economy Lab | Real Economy Lab - 0 views

    The Real Economy Lab provides an interactive platform where the cumulative knowledge, aims, and resources of the movement can be drawn together in order to seek common ground and drive coordinated action
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