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Skeptical Debunker

Top home-school texts dismiss Darwin, evolution - Yahoo! News - 1 views

  • Christian-based materials dominate a growing home-school education market that encompasses more than 1.5 million students in the U.S. And for most home-school parents, a Bible-based version of the Earth's creation is exactly what they want. Federal statistics from 2007 show 83 percent of home-schooling parents want to give their children "religious or moral instruction." "The majority of home-schoolers self-identify as evangelical Christians," said Ian Slatter, a spokesman for the Home School Legal Defense Association. "Most home-schoolers will definitely have a sort of creationist component to their home-school program." Those who don't, however, often feel isolated and frustrated from trying to find a textbook that fits their beliefs. Two of the best-selling biology textbooks stack the deck against evolution, said some science educators who reviewed sections of the books at the request of The Associated Press. "I feel fairly strongly about this. These books are promulgating lies to kids," said Jerry Coyne, an ecology and evolution professor at the University of Chicago. The textbook publishers defend their books as well-rounded lessons on evolution and its shortcomings. One of the books doesn't attempt to mask disdain for Darwin and evolutionary science. "Those who do not believe that the Bible is the inspired, inerrant Word of God will find many points in this book puzzling," says the introduction to "Biology: Third Edition" from Bob Jones University Press. "This book was not written for them." The textbook delivers a religious ultimatum to young readers and parents, warning in its "History of Life" chapter that a "Christian worldview ... is the only correct view of reality; anyone who rejects it will not only fail to reach heaven but also fail to see the world as it truly is."
    Home-school mom Susan Mule wishes she hadn't taken a friend's advice and tried a textbook from a popular Christian publisher for her 10-year-old's biology lessons. Mule's precocious daughter Elizabeth excels at science and has been studying tarantulas since she was 5. But she watched Elizabeth's excitement turn to confusion when they reached the evolution section of the book from Apologia Educational Ministries, which disputed Charles Darwin's theory. "I thought she was going to have a coronary," Mule said of her daughter, who is now 16 and taking college courses in Houston. "She's like, 'This is not true!'"
    Home Fooling.
thinkahol *

Web of Popularity, Achieved by Bullying - - 0 views

    For many teenagers navigating the social challenges of high school, the ultimate goal is to become part of the "popular" crowd. But new research suggests that the road to high school popularity can be treacherous, and that students near the top of the social hierarchy are often both perpetrators and victims of aggressive behavior involving their peers. The latest findings, being published this month in The American Sociological Review, offer a fascinating glimpse into the social stratification of teenagers. The new study, along with related research from the University of California, Davis, also challenges the stereotypes of both high school bully and victim
thinkahol *

Schoolchildren can learn complex subjects on their own | KurzweilAI - 0 views

    Educational researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have found that schoolchildren can independently develop strategies for solving complex mathematical tasks, with weaker students proving just as capable as their stronger classmates. Researchers in mathematics education worked with approximately 1600 8th grade high-school students in various German states. Following an introduction to the general topic by their teachers, the school children were given a workbook of geometric tasks that they had to solve on paper and using a computer over four school periods. Calculating the surface area of Gran Canaria was one of the real-world, free-form assignments the students had to tackle. The workbook material included explanations and examples of various problem-solving approaches. The teachers took a back seat during the session but were on hand to answer questions from the children, who worked in pairs. After testing the students' skills before and after the session, the researchers recorded a significant improvement in their capabilities. The students learned to apply mathematics more effectively, the researchers said. The students were also able to call on these skills in a further test three months later. "We expected students who were weaker at math to benefit more from a greater degree of guidance through the module," said professor Kristina Reiss.  "But we didn't see a significant difference between these and stronger students." The researchers also found that there were also no differences between boys and girls. "We now know that students - also those who are weaker in math - have the skills to master even very complex subject matters at their own pace," said Reiss. Topics: Cognitive Science/Neuroscience
Atico Export

School Science Lab Equipments Manufacturers Product List - 0 views

    School science lab equipments provides essential hands-on experience that fosters curiosity and an appreciation of learning. It can also foster lifelong passion for STEM careers. Top School science lab equipments manufacturer specialize in offering affordable laboratory supplies to schools at competitive pricing and exceptional customer service, prioritizing safety and security as they do so
Atico Export

School Science Lab Equipment Manufacturer - 1 views

    21 School Science Laboratory Equipment List and Uses is given in this blog. Contact details of school science lab equipment manufacturers
Atico Export

School Science Lab Equipment Online Sale By Atico - 0 views

    Young minds are naturally inquisitive; they have an innate curiosity about all things around them. Natural things or man-made things all make them wonder and the urge to explore them increases. The School Science Lab Equipment by Atico Export staunchly supports the love for science and would appreciate it if their parents, teachers, and facilitators actively participate in the same. The School Science Lab Equipment Online Sale By Atico Export offers these and many benefits, such as:
Atico Export

School Science Lab Equipment List by Atico Export in India - 0 views

    The school science laboratories are well-equipped with School Science Lab Equipment provided by the top…
Janos Haits

Code School - 0 views

    Code School teaches web technologies in the comfort of your browser with video lessons, coding challenges, and screencasts.
Janos Haits

Naxos Music Library - Invaluable Resource for Music Enthusiasts and Collectors - 0 views

    Invaluable resource for universities, music schools, public libraries, schools, music professionals and collectors
Janos Haits | Dedicated to growing computer programming education - 0 views

    We're building a comprehensive list of all computer programming schools, classes, summer camps, and after school clubs. Click below to include your class.
Janos Haits

eScholarship@UMMS at the University of Massachusetts Medical School - 0 views

    eScholarship@UMMS is a digital repository offering worldwide access to the research and scholarly output of the University of Massachusetts Medical School community. The goal is to bring together all of the University's research under one umbrella, in full text whenever possible, in order to showcase, preserve, and provide access to that research. eScholarship@UMMS is administered by the Lamar Soutter Library.
Erich Feldmeier

Ilseung Cho, Martin Blaser - Gewichtige Folgen - 0 views

    "Es ist möglich, dass eine frühzeitige Exposition gegenüber Antibiotika den Stoffwechsel von Kindern umprogrammiert, sodass Übergewicht im späteren Leben entstehen kann", sagt Co-Autor Martin Blaser von der New York University School of Medicine. Er betont, dass noch weitere Forschung nötig sei, um diese Theorie zu bestätigen. Klar sei aber bereits: Alles was die Darmflora beeinflussen kann, sollte vorsichtig behandelt werden. Ilseung Cho (New York University School of Medicine) et al.: Nature, doi:10.1038/nature11400"
Erich Feldmeier

Adam Maltese, (Siam Beilock!) Sparks to Science, Math and Tech Careers Differ among Sex... - 0 views

    "Based on data from a randomized sample of universities and online volunteers who completed a survey, men and women who pursue STEM degrees tend to become interested in science in elementary school. When asked which people and experiences helped to spark their interest, women were more likely than men to select a teacher, a class at school, solving math problems and spending time outdoors, whereas men were more influenced by tinkering, building and reading. As men and women enter college, passion for the field far outweighs all other influences as the main reason for their persistence"
Janos Haits

Learn by Doing - Code School - 0 views

    "Code School teaches web technologies in the comfort of your browser with video lessons, coding challenges, and screencasts."
Janos Haits

InterMath / Dictionary / Welcome - 1 views

    The Interactive Mathematics Dictionary is a dictionary for middle school students, teachers, parents, and anyone else interested in learning more about mathematical topics in the middle school curriculum.
Atico Export

Atico Export is School Science Lab Equipment suppliers from India - 2 views

    Atico expor is leading School Science Lab Equipment suppliers in India but now they provide School Science Lab Equipments to following countries like Nigeria, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, singapore etc
Atico Export

School Science Lab Equipment manufacturer and Lab Equipment list - 0 views

    The School Science lab equipment list is essential for every school that aims to give students practical knowledge. Science is a crucial subject that students…
Erich Feldmeier

Meaghan Christian: Family meals can help children reach their 5 A Day: a cross-sectiona... - 0 views

    "The CADET tool found that children consumed on average 293 g F&V (95% CI 287 to 303) per day. Clustered (by school) multilevel regression models with total F&V as the primary outcome were conducted to explore how the home environment affects children's F&V intake. Children of families who reported 'always' eating a family meal together at a table had 125 g (95% CI 92 to 157; p=

Home Tuition Shah Alam: GUIDE TO MAKE A... - 0 views

    "Home tuition teacher in Shah Alam can help your children prepare for examinations." Preparation Exam Begins On First Week of School. Exam preparation begins on the first day of instruction for the start of the topic. Due to the topics included in the syllabus of the examination, the problem will occur if the student defer to learn it.
    "Home tuition teacher in Shah Alam can help your children prepare for examinations." Preparation Exam Begins On First Week of School. Exam preparation begins on the first day of instruction for the start of the topic. Due to the topics included in the syllabus of the examination, the problem will occur if the student defer to learn it.
Walid Damouny

Epidemic of student cheating can be cured with changes in classroom goals - 1 views

    Schools have the ability to drastically reduce cheating among their students - all they need to do is follow the relatively simple and inexpensive solutions suggested by research.
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