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Get a Fulfilling and Explosive Sex Life - 1 views

started by Sonny Cher on 20 Apr 11 no follow-up yet

Bird sex gene found :The Scientist - 0 views

    Researchers have cracked the long-time mystery of how sex is determined in birds: A dose-dependent effect of a single gene on one of the sex chromosomes does the trick, according to a study published this week in Nature.

"Sex at Dawn": Why monogamy goes against our nature - Nonfiction - - 0 views

    From testicle size to our slutty ancestors, a new book explains what human history teaches us about sex and couples

Musical chills: Why they give us thrills - 1 views

    ScienceDaily (Jan. 12, 2011) - Scientists have found that the pleasurable experience of listening to music releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter in the brain important for more tangible pleasures associated with rewards such as food, drugs and sex. The new study from The Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital -- The Neuro at McGill University also reveals that even the anticipation of pleasurable music induces dopamine release [as is the case with food, drug, and sex cues]. Published in the journal Nature Neuroscience, the results suggest why music, which has no obvious survival value, is so significant across human society.

#complexity #evolution @biogarage Mit Sex die Informatik verbessern - 0 views

    "Die Natur produziert die besten Lösungen: Keine Maschine klettert so wendig engste Rohre hinauf wie eine Ratte. Und eine effektivere Schmutzabwehr als bei der Lotusblüte gibt es kaum. Den Erfolg der Evolution in der Natur auf die Informatik übertragen, will nun ein internationales Team.. Denn obwohl Partner benötigt werden - und diese zu finden einen beträchtlichen Aufwand bedeutet -, scheint sich Sex zu lohnen, wie die Evolution beweist. Das Ergebnis der sexuellen Fortpflanzung - „die Lösung" - ist robuster, selbst bei veränderter Umgebung. Ob und wie sich dieser evolutionäre Prozess auf Algorithmen, die anders als in der Natur z. B. auch mehr als zwei „Partner" rekombinieren können, übertragen lässt, das wird Prof. Friedrich gemeinsam mit einem neuen Postdoktoranden in Jena untersuchen. Dabei ist ihm durchaus bewusst, dass die Natur viel zu komplex ist, um sie 1:1 zu übertragen"

Sex on the brain: Orgasms unlock altered consciousness - life - 11 May 2011 - New Scien... - 4 views

    Our intrepid reporter performs an intimate act in an fMRI scanner to explore the pathways of pleasure and pain

Sex and the Red Queen hypothesis | KurzweilAI - 1 views

    The hypothesis suggests that sexual reproduction via cross-fertilization keeps host populations one evolutionary step ahead of the parasites, which are frantically co-evolving to infect them. So both hosts and parasites are running (evolving) as fast as they can just to stay in the same place.

Sabino Kornrich - Warum Männer sich um Garten, Geld und Auto ... - 0 views

    "Bislang hatte man eigentlich angenommen, dass die sexuelle Aktivität eher zunimmt, wenn der Mann im Haushalt hilft. Es kommt aber offenbar stark darauf an, welche Arbeiten er übernimmt - männliche oder "unmännliche". War die Aufgabenteilung klassisch - kümmerten sich die Männer also praktisch ausschließlich um Garten, Auto und Geld - hatten die Paare im Durchschnitt 1,6 Mal so häufig Sex wie Paare mit einer gerechteren Arbeitsteilung.... Sabino Kornrich (Juan March Institute, Madrid) et al.: American Sociological Review, doi: 10.1177/0003122412472340"

Infusion of pseudo-poo cures gut infections in two women - Phenomena: Not Exactly Rocke... - 0 views

    "People swap bacteria all the time-through sneezes and coughs, through hugs and sex, or through touching the same surfaces. Then there are people who swap bacteria because a doctor deliberately transplants faeces from one into the other. This isn't a bizarre medical perversion. It's usually a life-saving gambit. Faecal transplants-which are exactly what they sound like-are used to treat people who suffer from intense diarrhoea following rounds of antibiotics. The goal is simple: recalibrate the beneficial bacteria in a person's gut to fight off the ones that are causing them harm."

Bschiss, Lug und Trug Das Richtige am Falschen - 0 views

    "Doch nicht nur homo sapiens beherrscht die Kunst der Wahrheitsverfälschung. Mit dem Lügen ist es wie mit dem Sex: Alle tun es - Pflanzen und Insekten, Fische und Säuger... Das ganze Leben ist ein einziges Lügengespinst. Umso erstaunlicher ist, dass wir Schwindlern dennoch immer wieder aufs Neue auf den Leim gehen. Doch obwohl wir es eigentlich besser wissen sollten, haben wir im Schnitt nur eine Trefferquote von 50 zu 50, um den Unterschied zwischen Lüge und Wahrheit zu erkennen. Der Grund: Die Wahrnehmung ist nur beschränkt aufnahmefähig. Was sie überfordert, blendet sie aus. Und auch Personalchefs erhalten einen wertvollen Hinweis: Männliche Mitarbeiter zwischen 36 und 45 Jahren, die besonders erfolgsorientiert, entscheidungsfreudig, extrovertiert, gut im Betrieb integriert, unbescholten und überdurchschnittlich gebildet sind, sollten ihnen suspekt sein. Dies nämlich, so haben die internationale Wirtschaftsprüfungsfirma KPMG und die Universität St. Gallen herausgefunden, sind die typischen Merkmale eines Wirtschaftsbetrügers. "

J. Lee, Vincent Harley: The male fight-flight response: MAO-A, A result of SRY regulati... - 0 views

    "Males and females differ in their biobehavioural response to stress, where males exhibit a heightened sympathetic response to stress compared with females. Specifically, Taylor et al. 1 propose that the classic "fight-or-flight" response to stress is adaptive for males, whilst females engage in a so-called "tend-and-befriend" response to stress. We propose that the Y-chromosome gene, SRY (sex-determining region on the Y chromosome), provides a genetic basis for the heightened sympathetic reactivity to stress and thus predominance of "fight-flight" response in males. Our idea is based on studies that demonstrate (i) the presence of SRY in brain regions and peripheral tissues abundant in catecholamines, (ii) the regulation of catecholamine synthesis and breakdown by SRY, and (iii) the role of SRY in voluntary movement and blood pressure in males"

From the Archives: Power, Confidence, and High Heels | Anthropology in Practice, Scient... - 0 views

    "Suffering for Fashion … and Sex Appeal? Nine out of ten women wear shoes that are too tight for them. And eight out of ten women admit to wearing shoes that hurt... These ideas have been explored previously by numerous other researchers. For example, Rossi notes that high-heels alter the tilt of the pelvis, resulting in more prominence of the buttocks and displaying of the breasts, creating a "come-hither pose" also described by Rossi as the "pouter pigeon" pose, "with lots of breast and tail balanced precariously on a pair of stilts "

Home - 0 views

    The Health System Measurement Project tracks government data on critical U.S. health system indicators. The website presents national trend data as well as detailed views broken out by population characteristics such as age, sex, income level, and insurance coverage status.

Alec Beall, Jessica Tracy - 0 views

    Denn Rot ist nicht nur die Farbe, die am ehesten Aufmerksamkeit erregt und als Signal dient, sie wird auch in vielen Kulturen mit Liebe und Sex verbunden - man denke nur an Rotlichtbezirke, blutroten Lippenstift oder rote Rosen als Zeichen der Leidenschaft. Zudem ist sie, wie bereits erwähnt, bei unserer affigen Verwandtschaft sehr beliebt, um den Herren der Schöpfung eine gewisse Paarungsbereitschaft zu signalisieren. Männer denken nur an das Eine... Das Beste an Rot ist aber, dass es auch bei menschlichen Männern wirkt: Sie finden Frauen, die rote Kleidung tragen, nämlich sexuell besonders attraktiv - auch wenn es sich nicht um ein hautenges rotes Kleid, sondern nur um ein rotes T-Shirt handelt. Das gilt übrigens nicht nur für die westliche Welt, sondern auch für andere Kulturen, hatten Beall und Tracy erst Anfang dieses Jahres nachgewiesen: Auch Männer aus einer ziemlich isoliert lebenden Dorfgemeinschaft in Burkina Faso reagieren ähnlich auf Rot - und das, obwohl die Farbe dort ausschließlich mit negativen Assoziationen verbunden ist

@vbioeev Why have young people in Japan stopped having sex? | World news | The Observer - 0 views

    "45% of Japanese women aged 16-24 are 'not interested in or despise sexual contact'. More than a quarter of men feel the same wa"

Where Does Sex Live in the Brain? - DISCOVER Magazine - 0 views

    Neuroscientists explore the mind's sexual side and discover that desire is not quite what we thought it was.

Does promiscuity prevent extinction? - 0 views

  • Known as 'polyandry' among scientists, the phenomenon of females having multiple mates is shared across most animal species, from insects to mammals. This study suggests that polyandry reduces the risk of populations becoming extinct because of all-female broods being born. This can sometimes occur as a result of a sex-ratio distortion (SR) chromosome, which results in all of the Y chromosome 'male' sperm being killed before fertilisation. The all-female offspring will carry the SR chromosome, which will be passed on to their sons in turn resulting in more all-female broods. Eventually there will be no males and the population will die out. For this study, the scientists worked with the fruitfly Drosophila pseudoobscura. They gave some populations the opportunity to mate naturally, meaning that the females had multiple partners. The others were restricted to having one mate each. They bred several generations of these populations, so they could see how each fared over time. Over fifteen generations, five of the twelve populations that had been monogamous became extinct as a result of males dying out. The SR chromosome was far less prevalent in the populations in which females had the opportunity to have multiple mates and none of these populations became extinct. The study shows how having multiple mates can suppress the spread of the SR chromosome, making all-female broods a rarity. This is because males that carry the SR chromosome produce only half as many sperm as normal males. When a female mates with multiple males, their sperm will compete to fertilise her eggs. The few sperm produced by males carrying the SR chromosome are out-competed by the sperm from normal males, and the SR chromosome cannot spread.
    Promiscuous females may be the key to a species' survival, according to new research by the Universities of Exeter and Liverpool. Published today (25 February) in Current Biology, the study could solve the mystery of why females of most species have multiple mates, despite this being more risky for the individual.

Study proves conclusively that violent video game play makes more aggressive kids - 0 views

    "Iowa State University Distinguished Professor of Psychology Craig Anderson has made much of his life's work studying how violent video game play affects youth behavior. And he says a new study he led, analyzing 130 research reports on more than 130,000 subjects worldwide, proves conclusively that exposure to violent video games makes more aggressive, less caring kids -- regardless of their age, sex or culture."

Nuclear radiation affects sex of babies, study suggests - 0 views

    ScienceDaily (May 27, 2011) - Ionizing radiation is not without danger to human populations. Indeed, exposure to nuclear radiation leads to an increase in male births relative to female births, according to a new study by Hagen Scherb and Kristina Voigt from the Helmholtz Zentrum München.
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