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Which-way detector unlocks some mystery of the double-slit experiment - 1 views

    ( -- One of the greatest puzzles of the double-slit experiment - and quantum physics in general - is why electrons seem to act differently when being observed. While electrons traveling through a barrier with two slits create interference patterns when unobserved, these interference patterns disappear when scientists detect which slit each electron travels through. By designing a modified version of the double-slit experiment with a new "which-way" electron detector at one of the slits, a team of scientists from Italy has found a clue as to why electron behavior appears to change when being observed.
Janos Haits

Plagiarism detector, free plagiarism check - 0 views

  • offers an innovative, user-friendly online tool that helps students and instructors with detection and prevention of academic plagiarism. Our sophisticated, yet easy-to-use detector conducts thorough and in-detail detection for plagiarism of a submitted document within a few minutes only. The plagiarism detection software is designed to leave no chances for plagiarized works and runs against all the available Internet resources, including websites, digital databases and online libraries (such as Questia, ProQuest, etc.). As a result, the program underlines the plagiarized parts of the text and indicates the original source the passage was initially taken from. Finally, generates a full report, indicating the overall originality rating and the percentage of plagiarized materials in the submitted text. Customer has an opportunity to share plagiarism reports with other people by simply giving them the link, generated by our program.
Janos Haits

ATLAS Experiment - 0 views

    ATLAS is a particle physics experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. The ATLAS detector is searching for new discoveries in the head-on collisions of protons of extraordinarily high energy. ATLAS will learn about the basic forces that have shaped our Universe since the beginning of time and that will determine its fate. Among the possible unknowns are the origin of mass, extra dimensions of space, unification of fundamental forces, and evidence for dark matter candidates in the Universe.
Erich Feldmeier

Suspicion resides in two regions of the brain: Our baseline level of distrust is distin... - 0 views

    ""We wondered how individuals assess the credibility of other people in simple social interactions," said Read Montague, director of the Human Neuroimaging Laboratory and the Computational Psychiatry Unit at the Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute, who led the study. "We found a strong correlation between the amygdala and a baseline level of distrust, which may be based on a person's beliefs about the trustworthiness of other people in general, his or her emotional state, and the situation at hand"

How Fiber Optics Work? - 2 views

To understand how fiber optic cables work, imagine an infinitely long drinking straw or flexible plastic tube. For example, imagine a pipeline that is several kilometers long. Now, suppose the inne...

Science research TECHNOLOGY

started by susanbelly on 10 Mar 22 no follow-up yet
Atico Export

HPLC Manufacturers in India - 0 views

    The HPLC systems by one of the best HPLC Manufacturers, Atico Export. It comprises a pump, injector, and column compartment containing an HPLC column and detector.
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