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Combustion Analysis For The Better Understanding Of An Element - 1 views

The contemporary world is living under the awe of the magic of science, but a lot of us are unaware that science is yet to go a long way. Scientists and researchers across the world are making some...

CHNSO analyzer Combustion analysis elemental analysis Trivedi Science microbial genetics

started by anonymous on 07 Mar 15 no follow-up yet

Elemental Analysis For A Depth Understanding Of The Elements - 0 views

    Elemental Analysis is the process where an element is analyzed under different conditions, sometimes the analysis is dependent on the outer level while there are times when the element is broken and analysis is done over to the deepest level. These analyses are done on the molecular and atomic level.

Comprehensive Structural Analysis Through Trivedi Effect - 1 views

We all will agree to the fact that engineers have made our lives comfortable and full of choices, and we all have access to numerous numbers of choices and we can always choose something that is be...

Structural analysis elemental analysis scientific research science experiments

started by anonymous on 16 Feb 15 no follow-up yet

Elemental Analysis For A Depth Understanding Of The Elements - 1 views

The horizons of science are unbound, and there is a huge intricacy in it. Scientists and researchers have been dedicating meticulous efforts for discovering new and amazing things every other day. ...

Elemental advanced materials research structural analysis thermal polymer science trivedi

started by anonymous on 02 Feb 15 no follow-up yet

Thermal Analysis By Mahendra Trivedi - 0 views

    Mahendra Trivedi Thermal analysis can be read at Trivedi Science. He has done analysis over Alginic Acid Sodium Salt, Ethyl Cellulose, Activated Charcoal, Magnesium Nitride etc.

The Trivedi Effect - Thermal Analysis on Treated Organic Products - 0 views

    Click to see the impact seen in thermal analysis TGA / DTA for treated organic products by Mahendra Trivedi's energy transmission.

Trivedi Effect in Particle Size Analysis, BET Test - 0 views

    Particle Size Analysis by Mahendra Trivedi, with the help of Trivedi Effect.

Particle Size Analysis Of Ceramics- Trivedi Science - 0 views

    Particle Size Analysis for Treated Ceramics by Mahendra Trivedi at (SICART) - Anand, Gujarat- India, a Trivedi Science report.

Overcome The Limitations Of Soil Testing Analysis - The Trivedi Effect - 0 views

    Soil testing analysis provides information about the health of the soil and all other contents of the soil sample. Soil testing includes testing of soil fertility, heavy metal in soil, and organic content in soil.

Particle Size Analysis On Silver By Mahendra Trivedi - 0 views

    Know, On what parameters, Mahendra Trivedi had done experiments on Silver - Particle Size Analysis.
David Haow

(99+) Evaluation of water deficient stress tolerance in spring wheat lines using canoni... - 0 views

    Canonical discriminant analysis (CDA) in combination with cluster analysis was used to assess 296 spring wheat lines derived from a cross between Bam (drought tolerant) and Arta (drought sensitive) cultivars using stress tolerance indices, at two
Janos Haits

LAWA | Longitudinal Analytics of Web Archive Data - 0 views

    LAWA will federate distributed FIRE facilities with the rich Web repository of the European Archive, to create a Virtual Web Observatory and use Web data analytics as a use case study to validate our design. The outcome of our work will enable Internet-scale analysis of data, and bring the content aspect of the Internet on the roadmap of Future Internet Research. In four work packages we will extend the open-source Hadoop software by novel methods for wide-area data access, distributed storage and indexing, scalable data aggregation and data analysis along the time dimension, and automatic classification of Web contents.
Janos Haits

CloudBioLinux - 0 views

    CloudBioLinux offers genome analysis resources for cloud computing platforms such as Amazon EC2. We develop freely available, community maintained software images and data repositories for biological analysis.
Janos Haits

CHB - 0 views

    Come work with us Interested in working with researchers from different disciplines within the Harvard, MIT and Broad community and an unique opportunity to participate in world-class research to make an impact on human health? Come work with us! We are looking for a computational biologists to handle data from a wide variety of experimental methods, focusing on next-gen sequencing technologies. Keep Reading...  SCDE is live The Stem Cell Discovery Engine (SCDE) is an integrated platform that allows users to consistently describe, share and compare cancer and tissue stem cell data. It is made up of an online database of curated experiments coupled to a customized instance of the Galaxy analysis engine with tools for gene list manipulation and molecular profile comparisons. The SCDE currently contains more than 50 stem cell-related experiments. Each has been manually curated and encoded using the ISA-Tab standard to ensure the quality of the data and its annotation. Keep Reading...  The Center for Health Bioinformatics at the Harvard School of Public Health provides consults to researchers for the management, integration and contextual analysis of biological high-throughput data. We are a member of the Center for Stem Cell Bioinformatics, the Environmental Statistics and Bioinformatics Core at the Harvard NIEHS Center for Environmental Health and the Genetics & Bioinformatics Consulting group for Harvard Catalyst and work closely with our colleagues in the Department of Biostatistics and the Program in Quantitative Genomics to act as a single point of contact for computational biology,
John Smith

Webinar On Statistical Analysis of Gages - 0 views

    The seminar begins with an examination of the fundamental vocabulary and concepts related to metrology. Topics include: accuracy, precision, calibration, and "uncertainty ratios". Several of the standard methods for analyzing measurement variation are then described and explained, as derived from AIAG's Measurement System Analysis reference book. The methods include: Gage R&R (ANOVA method, for 3 gages, 3 persons, 3 replicates, and 10 parts), Gage Correlation (for 3 gages), Gage Linearity, and Gage Bias. The seminar ends with an explanation of how to combine all relevant uncertainty information into an "Uncertainty Budget" that helps determine the appropriate width of QC specification intervals (i.e., "guard-banded specifications"). Spreadsheets are used to demonstrate how to perform the methods described during the seminar.
Skeptical Debunker

A mini-laboratory for all cases - Research News 03-2010-Topic 5 - Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft - 0 views

  •  »We’ll just have to wait for the results of the laboratory tests.« These words are familiar to many patients. It then usually takes several days for specimens to be sent to the laboratory and analyzed and for the doctor to receive the results. For many illnesses, however, a speedy diagnosis is crucial if the treatment is to be successful. In future, the patient might only have to sit in the waiting room for a few minutes until the results are ready. In a joint project, researchers from seven Fraunhofer institutes have developed a modular platform for in vitro diagnosis which enables various types of bioanalysis – of blood and saliva for example – to be conducted in the doctor’s surgery. »Thanks to its modular design our IVD platform is so flexible that it can be used for all possible bioanalytical tasks,« states Dr. Eva Ehrentreich-Förster from the Fraunhofer Institute for Biomedical Engineering (IBMT) in Potsdam-Golm.The core element of the mini-laboratory is a disposable cartridge made of plastic which can be fitted with various types of sensor. For an analysis the doctor fills the cartridge with reagents – binding agents which indicate the presence of certain substances such as antigens in the specimen material. Various tests or assays are available for different types of analysis. To perform an assay, the doctor only has to place the relevant substances in the cartridge and the test then takes place automatically. »We have optimized the assays so that up to 500 assay reactions can be conducted in parallel in a single analysis step,« explains Dr. Ehrentreich-Förster. Even in the case of complex analyses the doctor obtains a result within about 30 minutes. A new module on the reverse side of the cartridge also makes it possible to analyze the specimen material at DNA level.Once the cartridge has been prepared, the doctor places it in the measurement system. The results can be read out with either optical or electrochemical biosensors. The researchers have installed a readout window for both methods in the measurement system, which features a bypass through which the specimen is pumped.
    Many illnesses can be reliably diagnosed through laboratory tests, but these in vitro analyses often use up valuable time. A system developed by Fraunhofer research scientists, which can carry out complex analyses on the spot, will soon be ready for the market.

C-H-N-S-O analysis for Treated Organic Products - Trivedi Research - 0 views

    Click to view c-h-n-s-o analysis on treated organic products done at (SAIF) - IIT- Bombay for Mahendra Trivedi. A Trivedi research.

Thermal Analysis and Testing Treated Ceramic - Trivedi Research - 0 views

    Trivedi Research - Thermal analysis DSC testing and experiment for ceramics at Testing done at Sophisticated Instrumentation Centre, Anand, Gujarat- India.

Thermal Analysis and Testing on Treated Metals - Trivedi Science - 0 views

    Testing done at Sophisticated Instrumentation Center for Applied Research and Testing for thermal analysis DSC - for various metals.

Polymers Thermal Analysis Experiments by Trivedi Science - 0 views

    Thermal analysis TGA / DTA test on treated polymers at (SAIF) - Nagpur, by Mahendra Trivedi. Experiment shows amazing impact of external energy on polymers
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