"The Science of Science (Sci2) Tool is a modular toolset specifically designed for the study of science. It supports the temporal, geospatial, topical, and network analysis and visualization of scholarly datasets at the micro (individual), meso (local), and macro (global) levels."
CHNSO elemental analyses of treated products. Total nitrogen, carbon, nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen are determined with significant improvements. Read Trivedi Science report here
Agriculture is greatly dependent on the right kind of seeds and the right quality of soil that can hold the nutrient of the seed. Thus, it is clear that the quality of the soil plays a very important role in growth and yield of the crop.
On top of our platform we have developed new sophisticated statistical models and machine learning algorithms for a wide range of applications including product targeting, market segmentation, community detection, network security, text analysis, and computer vision. These models enable our customers extract more value from their data and better understand and respond to a rapidly evolving world.
"These findings clearly state that there is a relationship between summer suicide rates and biochemical (e.g., plasma L-TRP and melatonin levels, [3H]paroxetine binding to blood platelets), metabolic (serum total cholesterol, calcium and magnesium concentrations), and immune (number of peripheral blood lymphocytes and serum sIL-2R) variables.[18]
Another study focused on the association between depression, suicide, and the amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). They state that "depression is accompanied by a depletion of n-3 poly-unsaturated fatty acids".[22] Their methodology involved taking periodic blood samples-every month for one year-of healthy volunteers, allowing them to analyze the "PUFA composition in serum phospholipids and [relating] those data to the annual variation in the mean weekly number of suicides". They used an analysis of variance (ANOVA) to document their results, finding that PUFA like arachidonic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid, and docosahexaenoic acid all occurred at significantly lower rates in winter than in summer months. The association between depression, suicide, and PUFA rates is indicative of there being a biological factor in seasonal effects on suicide rates"
Two million news articles are published every day. Someone's probably talking about you. We track media in real time, and measure it for emotional bias. "
"For 20 years, researchers have reported a potential link between gum disease and atherosclerotic heart disease from hardening of the arteries or stroke.
"The message sent out by some in health-care professions, that heart attack and stroke are directly linked to gum disease, can distort the facts, alarm patients and perhaps shift the focus on prevention away from well-known risk factors for these diseases," said Dr. Peter Lockhart, a professor and chair of oral medicine at the Carolinas Medical Center in Charlotte, N.C.
Lockhart wrote the heart group's new position statement in the journal Circulation.
The statement was prepared after a three-year analysis of about 600 studies by an expert panel led by a dentist and a cardiologist."
Welcome to the future! Here you will find a speculative timeline of future history. Part fact and part fiction, the timeline is based on detailed research that includes analysis of current trends, projected long-term environmental changes, advances in technology such as Moore's Law, future medical breakthroughs, and the evolving geopolitical landscape. Where possible, references have been provided to support the predictions. FutureTimeline.net is intended to be an ongoing, collaborative project that is open for discussion - we welcome ideas from scientists, futurists, inventors, writers and anyone else interested in the future of our world.
"Social interactions require fast and efficient person perception, which is best achieved through the process of categorization. However, this process can produce pernicious outcomes, particularly in the case of stigma. This study used fMRI to investigate the neural correlates involved in forming both explicit ("Do you like or dislike this person?") and implicit ("Is this a male or female?") judgments of people possessing well-established stigmatized conditions (obesity, facial piercings, transsexuality, and unattractiveness), as well as normal controls. Participants also made post-scan disgust ratings on all the faces that they viewed during imaging. These ratings were subsequently examined (modeled linearly) in a parametric analysis. Regions of interest that emerged include areas previously demonstrated to respond to aversive and disgust-inducing material (amygdala and insula), as well as regions strongly associated with inhibition and control (anterior cingulate and lateral prefrontal cortex). Further, greater differences in activation were observed in the implicit condition for both the amygdala and prefrontal cortical regions in response to the most negatively perceived faces. Specifically, as subcortical responses (e.g., amygdala) increased, cortical responses (e.g., lateral PFC and anterior cingulate) also increased, indicating the possibility of inhibitory processing. These findings help elucidate the neural underpinnings of stigma"
BrainBrowser is web-based, 3D visualization tool for neuroimaging. Using web-standard technologies, such as WebGL and HTML5, it allows for real time manipulation and analysis of 3D neuroimaging data whether it be precalculated maps, such as the MACACC data set (Mapping Anatomical Correlations Across Cerebral Cortex), or models provided by the user in MNI object format and data in one of the many currently supported formats (Minc, Nifti, object files, plain text).