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Erich Feldmeier

Michael Nielsen: Reinventing Discovery | Michael Nielsen - 0 views

    The book is about networked science: the use of online tools to transform the way science is done. In the book I make the case that networked science has the potential to dramatically speed up the rate of scientific discovery, not just in one field, but across all of science. Furthermore, it won't just speed up discovery, but will actually amplify our collective intelligence, expanding the range of scientific problems which can be attacked at all. But, as I explain in the book, there are cultural obstacles that are blocking networked science from achieving its full potential. And so the book is also a manifesto, arguing that networked science must be open science if it is to realize its potential. Making the change to open science is a big challenge. In my opinion it's one of the biggest challenges our society faces, one that requires action on many fronts. One of those fronts is to make sure that everyone - including scientists, but also grant agencies, governments, libraries, and, especially, the general public -- understands how important the stakes are, and how urgent is the need for change.
Janos Haits

Open Science Federation | to open science - 0 views

    The Open Science Federation is a nonprofit alliance working to improve the conduct and communication of science. The purpose of Open Science is not different from that of science itself - open science is simply proper science - reproducible, extensible, accessible.
Erich Feldmeier

Wissenschaft revolutionieren: die neue Ära der vernetzten Wissenschaft | Open... - 0 views

    "Michael Nielsen ist Buchautor und ein Vertreter der Open Access/Open Science Bewegung. Sein Buch, „Reinventing Discovery" wird im Oktober bei Princeton University Press erscheinen. Michael Nielsen hat als international renommierter Physiker die Forschung an Quanten-Computern mit begründet, das Standard-Lehrbuch des Gebiets verfasst und über 50 wissenschaftliche Fachartikel publiziert bevor er seine Professur 2008 aufgab um sich voll und ganz der Open Access/Open Science Bewegung zu widmen."
Erich Feldmeier

A Scicurious CV « Are you Scicurious? - 0 views

    "A Scicurious CV In which Sci can boast about herself. Professional Honors Semifinalist in the 3 Quarks Daily 2010 Prize in Science: Featured in The Open Laboratory: Best Science Blogging 2008 Blogging Anthology. "Uber Coca, by Sigmund Freud" Featured in The Open Laboratory: Best Science Blogging 2009 Blogging Anthology. "Addiction and the Opponent-Process Theory" Nominated for Eureka's Top 30 Science Blogs at the Times Online."
Janos Haits

The Open Data Handbook - Open Data Handbook - 0 views

    handbook introduces you to the legal, social and technical aspects of open data. It can be used by anyone but is especially useful for those working with government data. It discusses the why, what and how of open data - why to go open, what open is, and the how to do open.
Janos Haits

Thomson Reuters | Web of Science | Science - 0 views

    Web of Science ® provides researchers, administrators, faculty, and students with quick, powerful access to the world's leading citation databases.  Authoritative, multidisciplinary content covers over 12,000 of the highest impact journals worldwide, including Open Access journals and over 150,000 conference proceedings.  You'll find current and retrospective coverage in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities, with coverage to 1900. Overcome information overload and focus on essential data across more than 250 disciplines.
Janos Haits

eLife - the funder-researcher collaboration and forthcoming journal for the best in lif... - 0 views

    eLife is a researcher-driven initiative for the very best in science and science communication. We promote rapid, fair, and constructive review. We will use digital media and open access to increase the influence of published works. We commit to serving authors and advancing careers in science.
Skeptical Debunker

Use of DNA evidence is not an open and shut case, professor says - 0 views

  • In his new book, "The Double Helix and the Law of Evidence" (Harvard University Press), Kaye focuses on the intersection of science and law, and emphasizes that DNA evidence is merely information. "There's a popular perception that with DNA, you get results," Kaye said. "You're either guilty or innocent, and the DNA speaks the truth. That goes too far. DNA is a tool. Perhaps in many cases it's open and shut, in other cases it's not. There's ambiguity."
  • One of the book's key themes is that using science in court is hard to do right. "It requires lawyers and judges to understand a lot about the science," Kaye noted. "They don't have to be scientists or technicians, but they do have to know enough to understand what's going on and whether the statements that experts are making are well-founded. The lawyers need to be able to translate that information into a form that a judge or a jury can understand." Kaye also believes that lawyers need to better understand statistics and probability, an area that has traditionally been neglected in law school curricula. His book attempts to close this gap in understanding with several sections on genetic science and probability. The book also contends that scientists, too, have contributed to the false sense of certainty, when they are so often led by either side of one particular case to take an extreme position. Scientists need to approach their role as experts less as partisans and more as defenders of truth. Aiming to be a definitive history of the use of DNA evidence, "The Double Helix and the Law of Evidence" chronicles precedent-setting criminal trials, battles among factions of the scientific community and a multitude of issues with the use of probability and statistics related to DNA. From the Simpson trial to the search for the last Russian Tsar, Kaye tells the story of how DNA science has impacted society. He delves into the history of the application of DNA science and probability within the legal system and depicts its advances and setbacks.
    Whether used to clinch a guilty verdict or predict the end of a "CSI" episode, DNA evidence has given millions of people a sense of certainty -- but the outcomes of using DNA evidence have often been far from certain, according to David Kaye, Distinguished Professor of Law at Penn State.
Janos Haits

Home - 0 views

    "The European Open Science Cloud for Research"
Janos Haits

SpringerOpen - 0 views

    SpringerOpen gives you the opportunity to publish open access in all areas of science. It makes it easier than ever for you to widen your readership, comply with open access mandates, retain copyright, and benefit from Springer's trusted brand.
Janos Haits

Open Archives Initiative - 0 views

    Standards for Web Content Interoperability The Open Archives Initiative develops and promotes interoperability standards that aim to facilitate the efficient dissemination of content. OAI has its roots in the open access and institutional repository movements. Continued support of this work remains a cornerstone of the Open Archives program. Over time, however, the work of OAI has expanded to promote broad access to digital resources for eScholarship, eLearning, and eScience.
Janos Haits

Informationsplattform Open Access: Homepage - 0 views

    The platform aims to meet the growing demand for information on the subject of Open Access (OA). Our editorial team gathers information which is scattered across many sources and bundles it thematically for presentation to various target groups.
Janos Haits

OAIster - 0 views

    "OAIster is a union catalog of millions of records representing open access resources that was built by harvesting from open access collections worldwide using the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH). Today, OAIster includes more than 30 million records representing digital resources from more than 1,500 contributors."
Erich Feldmeier

@vbioeev @biogarage Biohacking Pieter van Boheemen - Waag Society - 0 views

    "Life Science Technologist Pieter van Boheemen works as a project developer for Waag Society's Open Wetlab. Pieter is a Life Science Technologist. In his work he mixes his Genomics degree with lots of experience in IT. He gets his every day inspiration from working with great people, then do cool stuff to maximize everyones motivation and performance"
Janos Haits

Knowledge Media Institute | The Open University - 0 views

    The Knowledge Media Institute (KMi) was set up in 1995 in recognition of the need for the Open University to be at the forefront of research and development in a convergence of areas that impacted on the OU's very nature: Cognitive and Learning Sciences, Artificial Intelligence and Semantic Technologies, and Multimedia. We chose to call this convergence Knowledge Media. 
Janos Haits - 0 views

    PeerJ provides academics with two Open Access publication venues: PeerJ (a peer-reviewed academic journal) and PeerJ PrePrints (a 'pre-print server'). Both are focused on the Biological and Medical Sciences, and together they provide an integrated solution for your publishing needs. Submissions open late Summer.
Erich Feldmeier

Do-it-yourself biotech: Ellen Jorgensen at TEDGlobal 2012 - 0 views

    "t turns out that all over the world there were people trying to do similar things - opening biohacker spaces. Three years later, this is a thriving global community. Each lab has a flavor of where it was created - people work together or alone, in big cities or small villages, they build things and take them apart, and do much, much more. The spirit is open. But what about the dark side? What about biosafety, biosecurity? The minute Genspace opened their doors, journalists called. And the only question they wanted to ask was, "Would this lab create the next Frankenstein?" The press was overestimating their capabilities - and underestimating their ethic"
Janos Haits

Open Economics - 0 views

    Open Economics Working Group is run by the Open Knowledge Foundation in association with the Centre for Intellectual and Property Law (CIPIL) at the University of Cambridge. Its membership consists of leading academics and researchers, public and private sector economists, representatives from national and international public bodies and other experts from around the world.
Janos Haits

Massive open online course - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    A Massive open online course (MOOC) is a course where the participants are distributed and course materials also are dispersed across the web. This is possible only if the course is open, and works significantly better if the course is large. The course is not a gathering, but rather a way of connecting distributed instructors and learners across a common topic or field of discourse.[1] MOOCs are a more recent form of online course development --
Janos Haits - 0 views

  • is the North Rhine-Westphalian Library Service Center's (hbz) Linked Open Data service. The akronym 'lobid' stands for "Linking Open Bibliographic Data". We support the process of creating Linked Open Bibliographic Data out of existing libraries and other associated data.
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