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raheel naqvi

It's All The Web - John Battelle's Searchblog - 0 views

  • To me, it's a set of standards that allow for interconnection, sharing of experience and data, navigation between experiences, and a level playing field for anyone to create value.
raheel naqvi

Google News - 0 views

shared by raheel naqvi on 18 Oct 09 - Cached
  • More than 1000 protesters spent the weekend at the Ratcliffe-on-Soar site where police made arrests on both days following clashes.
raheel naqvi

Design Documentaries: Our company STBY - 0 views

  • very early stages of innovative service design projects when researchers and designers, in close collaboration with other experts such as engineers and marketeers, need to discover what matters to the people they design for.
raheel naqvi

innovation playground Idris Mootee - 0 views

  • Strategic planning is often used to describe operational planning, real strategic planning is about planning for the future.
  • Here’s advise from Steve Jobs in managing in a downturn. "We've had one of these before, when the dot-com bubble burst. What I told our company was that we were just going to invest our way through the downturn, that we weren't going to lay off people, that we'd taken a tremendous amount of effort to get them into Apple in the first place -- the last thing we were going to do is lay them off. And we were going to keep funding. In fact we were going to up our R&D budget so that we would be ahead of our competitors when the downturn was over. And that's exactly what we did. And it worked. And that's exactly what we'll do this time."
  • Some believe senior executives or the board should set the direction of the company and control all strategic directions and resource allocation. In fact, the better approach is to set the overall directions and then create favorable conditions and flexible architectures to support learning and innovation for middle management.
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  • Balanced Scorecard/Strategy Map methodology from Kaplan and Norton knows the importance of Leading Indicators:
  • "finding new products and services that meet not only the functional needs of consumers for tasty food or clean clothes but also their wider aspirations as citizens."
  • I believe strategic innovation and strategic planning are two very different (not mutually exclusive) approaches that people mixed it up.
  • Strategic innovation is a process to discover new value through new ideas while strategic planning process plan base on what happened and what to respond.
  • Without something happen, planners cannot plan further. In most case, strategic planner assumes business as usual.
  • It is hard to find business as usual today.
  • Their job is not to read and interpret “weak signals”. That’s why innovation, strategy and operations and three different functions and require very different skill sets.
  • A first step is to formally integrate innovation into the executive planning agenda
  • Second, executives can make better use of external talent for innovation, people who bring proven tools and multi-disciplinary thinking. Bring them in as your innovation partner and have a formal innovation program that span across different business units and geographies.
  • Finally, identify leaders to help foster an innovation culture based on creativity and trust. In such a culture, people understand that their ideas are valued, trust that it is safe to express those ideas, and oversee risk collectively, together with their managers. Give them space to experiment.
  • Brainstorming is really about purposeful use of creativity and imagination.
  • Purpose is really the heart of any business strategy and should provide the guiding principle for corporate strategy (and brand).
    • raheel naqvi
  • The next big issue is “authenticity”?  Today this word carries extra meanings thanks to the Internet.  This is not something one can “buy” with big ad dollars. This is truly how brand differentiates and is strongly associated with trust, not just brands but also on a corporate level. Adv agencies (including interactive and direct mkt agencies) fundamentally operate differently and are not really good candidates for innovation and design explorations.
raheel naqvi

Reversing the Enterprise 2.0 Pricing Model - ReadWriteWeb - 0 views

  • Reversing the Enterprise 2.0 Pricing Model
  • Why is the Enterprise 2.0 market not taking off more strongly? The reason has to do partly with ill-conceived pricing structures: volume-discount (VD) schemes. Fix them, and you fix one of the obstacles preventing the market from expanding rapidly. And by fixing them is meant reversing them, in particular by using volume-increasing schemes. Pricing Tied to Volume Enterprise social computing offerings -- such as social networks or the numerous Twitter-for-the-enterprise applications that currently abound -- generally don't have complex pricing structures. They are volume-discount based: that is, the more accounts customers buy, and the more employees who use them, the larger the discount vendors give them, and the lower their average price per user will be. Some vendors advertise flat pricing schemes, but when a customer is big enough, a volume-discount deal inevitably creeps in. Value and Cost Out of Balance
  • Volume-discount pricing structures are simple, tried, and true. So, why aren't they efficient? The reason is because of where returns on investment (ROIs) are located. Enterprise social computing offerings provide increasing marginal productivity as they scale, at both the individual and organizational level. The more that employees use a service, the higher the margin gained by their company in productivity, and the more the company extracts value from the product. A corporate customer that has 10% of its employees using a Twitter-like product won't extract as much value as one that has 50% of its employees using it.
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  • Increasing returns to scale can come in different ways: positive network effect, viral economies of scale, distributed economies of scale, etc. All enterprise services offer some of these dynamics (or at least the simple network effect), and the better designed the product, the bigger these economies of scale. (Download this PowerPoint presentation of Umair Haque's work for more on the subject.)
raheel naqvi

The Financial Services Club's Blog: Mobile social money, the final frontier? - 0 views

  • Mobile social money, the final frontier? In the final part of discussions of social networks, media, banking and money, I thought I would turn attention to the use of mobile devices as access media to these networks. Mobile usage in banking has grown to a crescendo in the past year, after bubbling away nicely since the turn of this century. This is in part down to the fact that the latest smartphones allow a bank to deploy fully functional internet banking services to mobile devices using the same platform as their main websites. In other words, it is now cost-effective and appropriate to do this. However, the challenge with mobile finance is that we tend to discuss mobiles as one homogenous group of devices when: (a) there are many devices; and (b) the use of mobile devices to access financial services are not homogenous. Let’s look at (a) first.
raheel naqvi

The Financial Services Club's Blog: Internet Banking: 2010 and beyond - 0 views

  • Internet Banking: 2010 and beyond I’ve been reading a range of articles about the next generation internet, or the semantic web as it is called by those in the trade. Semantic is a method of looking for the meaning and relationships between things, and the semantic web effectively moves us away from files and downloads to databases and integration. In practice, this means that rather than going on to the internet to pull things out and push emails and files around, the internet continually monitors you and your tastes and finds things to push at you which match your electronic lifestyle. In other words, it makes everything online much more relevant to you as an individual, and moves us away from having to search because the semantic web will find for you. Take the way we use Google today. When you go into Google and search, it is very rare that you find what you want straight away. In fact, you often have to crawl through screen after screen, and change searches three or four times to even come close. The semantic web overcomes these difficulties because you will not have to search. The semantic web knows you and finds for you. It knows you work for a bank or technology firm, and therefore knows that when you say ‘payments’ you mean it in a professional sense, not a generic sense. Therefore it senses the most relevant things to the way you search and your profile of usual interests.
raheel naqvi

The Financial Services Club's Blog: Technology is a key for banking in 2009 - 0 views

  • Technology is a key for banking in 2009 I found a whole range of technology predictions for 2009.  One of the best general forecasts comes from Gartner, who say that the top ten technology areas to focus upon during an economic crisis are:1. Reduce headcount or freeze hiring2. Renegotiate with technology and service providers3. Curtail data center expansion, virtualize assets and lease them back4. Consolidate systems5. Outsource commodity6. Offshore outsource7. Investment shutdown8. Prioritize projects9. Mothball businesses and projects10. Change leadership and restructure IT teamsI agree with this list.In banking, it goes further.  In banking, technology is a critical part of the solution for the crisis, and technology also provides a way to avoid the crisis occurring again.  That is why I titled this as technology providing 'a key for banking in 2009'.Technology is the key. 
raheel naqvi

The Financial Services Club's Blog: The next boom starts in ... 2014? - 0 views

  • The next boom starts in ... 2014? I don't normally share or post my speeches - I prefer to just talk rather than read - but I wrote my speech last night for a dinner presentation and thought I would share with you a shorter version here.  The speech disappointed a few folks as it forecast two years of flat or negative growth to 2011, three years of slow growth to 2014, and then another boom period from 2014 onwards.  They wanted the boom forecast to be more like 2010 (a year away?) but hey, I could paint nice rosy pictures to make you all feel happy, but what the heck, I'd just be lying.
raheel naqvi

An introduction to personas and how to create them » Step Two Designs - 0 views

  • An introduction to personas and how to create them Written by Tina Calabria, published March 2nd, 2004 Categorised under: articles, intranets, usability & information architecture, websites Before embarking on any intranet or website design project, it is important to understand the needs of your users. It is then possible to identify the features and functionality that will make the intranet or website a success, and how the design can support users with different goals and levels of skill. There are many ways to identify the needs of users, such as usability testing, interviewing users, discussions with business stakeholders, and conducting surveys. However one technique that has grown in popularity and acceptance is the use of personas: the development of archetypal users to direct the vision and design of a web solution. This article explains what personas are, benefits of using personas, answers to common objections about personas, and practical steps towards creating them. It is meant as an introduction to personas, and provides enough information to start creating your own. If you want to know more, there are lots of resources available, particularly the work of Alan Cooper and colleagues at Cooper Interaction Design. Alan is credited with having created the first persona for software development purposes back in the early 1980s.
  • What are personas? Personas are archetypal users of an intranet or website that represent the needs of larger groups of users, in terms of their goals and personal characteristics. They act as ’stand-ins’ for real users and help guide decisions about functionality and design. Personas identify the user motivations, expectations and goals responsible for driving online behaviour, and bring users to life by giving them names, personalities and often a photo. Although personas are fictitious, they are based on knowledge of real users. Some form of user research is conducted before they are written to ensure they represent end users rather than the opinion of the person writing the personas. Below is a sample persona for an intranet project. This persona describes Bob, a 52 year old mechanic that works for a road service company. From Bob’s persona you can start to get a feel for his goals when using the new intranet. He wants to avoid feeling stupid, would like to retain his status as a mentor to his younger colleagues, whilst seeing the potential of the intranet to make him more informed when interacting with customers.
raheel naqvi

Bubblegeneration Strategy Lab - 0 views

  • The New Economics of Music: File-Sharing and Double Moral Hazard Part 1: Why the Music Industry is (Really) Broken ‘The whole point of digital music is the risk-free grazing’ – Cory Doctorow Every major label 's setting up an iTunes these days. They're all, in the immortal words of Johnny Cash, 'born to lose, and destined to fail'. Why? The music industry doesn't understand the microeconomics of it's own business. If it did, it would see that it's business model is not just misguided, but broken- because, DRM or not, the implicit contract it signs with listeners is being broken in both directions. I reached this conclusion because, as I was scoping BoingBoing one day, I read Cory's statement, and it struck me as exactly right. For many people, digital music's more about risk than it is about music itself. Not legal risk - but transactional risk, the kind of risk you take when you buy a used car. Now, this statement has deep economic meaning. I'd like to explain why.
raheel naqvi

How Strategic Imagination Happens - Umair Haque - - 0 views

  • How Strategic Imagination Happens
  • That's this: thinking differently about strategy is impossible - or, perhaps worse, that it's naïve.
  • Let's take a second to explore.
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  • Strategy isn't written in stone. Rather strategy is built upon a given set of economics - at the simplest level, a set of payoffs.
  • Today's economics are in shock - numerous shocks are rolling across the global economic landscape.
  • As economics changes, so must strategy. What was "strategic" yesterday is less and less strategic today.
  • And that requires us to have strategic imagination: to be able to imagine fundamentally new possibilities for truly strategic behaviour.
  • Now, that's hard work. Very few companies are able to tap - let alone master - strategic imagination.
  • Why not? Strategic imagination is tremendously difficult because it requires us to put aside yesterday's tired assumptions and orthodoxies, and begin to actively rethink from scratch the way value can be, should be, must be, will be created.
  • The surest, most lethal killer of strategic imagination is being reined in by orthodoxy: thinking that tomorrow must be like yesterday.
  • Here are a few examples of strategic imagination:
  • It was naïve for Apple to think that it could make a better mobile phone from scratch - and that a simple phone could redesign the rotting mobile value chain - or so Nokia and Sony Ericsson thought. It was naïve for Tata to believe that a car affordable for the world's poor could ever be designed, let alone produced - or so Detroit thought. It was naïve for Google to focus on doing no evil before focusing on revenue and profitability - or so Big Media thought. It was naïve for P&G to open up, and explore radical new modes of interaction, instead of pursuing orthodox advantage by staying closed - or so Wal-Mart thought. It was naïve for H&M and Zara to imagine that cheap clothes could be hyperfashionable - more fashionable than couture - or so the Gap thought. What do these examples have in common? They're examples of strategic imagination that required firms to be naïve: to start from scratch, to see, in Technicolor, a better world not constrained by today's stifling and suffocating status quo. Ratan Tata, in the article above, talks about a "leap of faith". That's the next stage of strategic imagination: being able to see and then believe in a vastly different, radically better future - and not being limited to seeing and believing in a grainy, washed-out future that seems depressingly inevitable.
  • But taking leaps of faith is exactly what orthodox firms are built not to do.
  • The edgeconomy demands firms explode their capacity for strategic imagination.
  • That's why only a single player on that list is an orthodox incumbent - P&G: the rest are new entrants, or lateral entrants.
  • Another example. I've been talking about artificial scarcity quite a bit. Here's JP Rangaswami discussing responding to artificial scarcity with artificial abundance. Now that's the beginnings of strategic imagination.
  • Edge strategy isn't for incrementalists. Those who think games built for an industrial era are still the only ones worth playing need not apply.
  • Rather, it takes a profound appetite for revolution: a profound ability to let go of yesterday's stale, tired, and thoroughly toxic orthodoxies - to explode the shrunken, stunted strategic imagination the industrial-era firm suffers from.
raheel naqvi

40 of the Best Twitter Brands and the People Behind Them - 0 views

  • 40 of the Best Twitter Brands and the People Behind Them
  • We all know brands are using Twitter — whether or not you want them around. Some of them don’t quite get the medium and just tweet self-serving links or marketing speak, but you won’t find any of those brands here. We’ve handpicked 40 of the best brands experimenting with the micro-blogging platform, and asked them a few short questions about how they’re using Twitter. If some of their responses seem short, well that’s because they are. I asked each brand correspondent to answer our queries in 140 characters or less. Most of them got the point, a few rambled on a bit too long, and only asked me if “u” was acceptable in lieu of “you.” All in all, we’ve found some amazing people, doing some pretty powerful things at big companies, and all via Twitter. Smart brands use Twitter in meaningful ways, and most of them use their brand name as a way to make sure customers can find and recognize them. This piece, and the knowledge I learned from the incessant hours invested, demonstrate why brands do belong on Twitter. No other medium gets you inside a business or brand quiet like Twitter. And if you’re a brand that didn’t make our list, let us know why your tweets deserve consideration in the comments.
  • Chevrolet
raheel naqvi

Social Networking Consultants wanted... | Econsultancy - 0 views

  • from my experience most social media consultancies are a waste of time, money and effort - a disproportionate amount of effort is placed on marketing (esp branding). most of the real strategic value in this medium is beyond purely the marketing function, and needs attention at a the central organizing function of the business. many of "social marketers" are far too obsessed with measuring brand. this is a BIG distraction imo. the interactive agencies lack the business rigor and corp strategy competency. SM is growing up - should be focusing instead, on achieving whole new levels of value. real step function increases.  a tip paul - my advise would be to pick a real GROWN UP innovation strategy firm. It's that important. It's not about selling the same old stuff, in a new way, but focusing further up the value chain. your precious contacts will thank you for it.
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