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Roger Cook

Learning Design Tool - Aust Flexible Learning Framework - 3 views

    Seems like a new tool from AFLF that may have some application to higher ed and summarise some important LD ideas. A PDF Guide is also available:
Emma Somogyi

Web 2.0 Tools in Education: A quick guide - 1 views

    Simple overview of particular technologies and 'how to'. Not too strong in the pedagogy, but easy instructions for using various tools. Possibly good to share with novice users.
Roger Cook

Collaborate and share - Google Maps - 0 views

    Student groups can work together to annotate the same Google Map! A Google account is needed and sharing is done in a similar way as other Google Drive tools (e.g. Docs, Sheets, Slides etc).
Roger Cook

7 Things You Should Know About Navigating the New Learning Ecosystem | EDUCAUSE - 1 views

    The LMS was once the undisputed center of the digital learning ecosystem. But on many campuses, the situation has changed such that the campus online learning environment might be better viewed as a continuum, with the LMS at one end and a student's own collection of applications, tools, and websites at the other.
Roger Cook

Succeeding With Reverse Instruction - One Instructor's Inspired Approach | Emerging Edu... - 0 views

    Kieran Mathieson, an Associate Professor at Oakland University who has developed an online site at where he publishes lessons, tools, a textbook and more, commented and shared his work.
Roger Cook

Student engagement guidelines - 0 views

    These guidelines have been designed as a developmental tool for individual staff, schools and faculties to consider how they can progressively increase student engagement in the online environment.
Steven Kickbusch

Google Apps for Education - Technology Tutorials for Teachers - 3 views

    A Google site which is full of tutorials on using Google Apps (Google Docs, Google Sites, etc).  I'm sure our team could use these when instructing others in how to use these tools.
Roger Cook

The Google Docs Drawing Tool Makes Collaborative Drawing Easier - 0 views

    A possible way to do live and collaborative mindmapping.
Natasha Giardina

The Rapid eLearning Blog - 0 views

    Great site showing lots of tools especially stuff on using powerpoint as an image and animation tool
    Thanks Natasha!
Natasha Giardina

Test-Taking Cements Knowledge Better Than Studying, Researchers Say - - 0 views

    Interesting article on the effects of test-taking as a learning tool.
Roger Cook

University of the future is here | The Australian 01/06/2011 - 3 views

    In our new world of online plenty, "no matter what you are interested in you can go online and join a group of people attracted to something because they want to learn about it", ... "It also means education, knowledge and achievement are opening up to a much broader range of students, particularly visual learners who didn't have a chance to shine in text-based education systems, international e-learning expert Marc Prensky says. "What many educators often forget is that reading and writing, although they have enjoyed primacy for hundreds of years, are very artificial ways to communicate, store and retrieve information," he says." ... "We have to get over the myth that mobile phones have eaten the brains of our children and talk productively about using new communications tools. "There is an untapped reservoir of interest and enthusiasm, and if you can find the right tasks [that] empower students, it's like reaching a [teaching] tipping point," Allen says.
Tim Plaisted

About > - 2 views

    Showcase and planned to be tool to create and share info graphics. Could be good.. the about movie is nice
Roger Cook

The TWiT Netcast Network with Leo Laporte - 0 views

shared by Roger Cook on 30 Jun 11 - No Cached
    "Tech geeks Leo Laporte and Sarah Lane love their iPads so much, they've created "iPad Today," the TWiT network's first show highlighting the best apps, most helpful tools, coolest tricks, and essential news surrounding the iPad revolution. "iPad Today" is smart, informative, and lots of fun. Recorded live Thursdays at 1:30pm PT/4:30pm ET on"
Roger Cook

Google testing HTML5-based, Flash-killing converter | 9 to 5 Mac | Apple Intelligence - 0 views

    "Google is advertising on its Google Labs page an experimental tool which aims to liberate web developers from the confines of Adobe's Flash platform. They are calling it Swiffy (sweet) and its sole purpose is to convert Flash SWF files to HTML5. But make no mistake about it - this is about Apple's iOS gadgets. "
Roger Cook

Mapping Web 2.0 Benefits to Known Best Practices in Distance Education - DE Oracle @ UMUC - 1 views

    The benefits of using Web 2.0 tools and technologies in the online classroom reaches far and wide. This section looks at both documented and undocumented advantages.
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