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Roger Cook

iPad As.... - 2 views

    A good summary of iPad apps categorised according to these learning objectives: 1. I want my students to record and edit video on the iPad. 2. I want my students to record and / or edit audio on the iPad. 3. I want my students to read class content on the iPad. 4. I want my students to annotate course readings on the iPad 5. I want my students to be able to use audio books on the iPad. 6. I want my students to use the iPad as a digitial notebook / note-taking device. 7. I want my students to use their iPads to create screencasts to share and demonstrate their understanding. 8. I want my students to create presentations on the iPad. 9. I want my students to create digital stories on the iPad. 10. I want my students to be able to study with the iPad. 11. I want to use the iPad as a student response system. 12. I want my students to create written content on the iPad. 13. I want my students to blog on the iPad. 14. I want my students to create ePubs / iBooks to read on the iPad.
Roger Cook

The TWiT Netcast Network with Leo Laporte - 0 views

shared by Roger Cook on 30 Jun 11 - No Cached
    "Tech geeks Leo Laporte and Sarah Lane love their iPads so much, they've created "iPad Today," the TWiT network's first show highlighting the best apps, most helpful tools, coolest tricks, and essential news surrounding the iPad revolution. "iPad Today" is smart, informative, and lots of fun. Recorded live Thursdays at 1:30pm PT/4:30pm ET on"
Roger Cook

iPads for Education | Victoria, Australia - 0 views

    "This website is for educators who want to learn about using iPads in education. Here you will find information about the Victorian school iPads for Learning trial including the specially selected apps, classroom ideas and technical tips."
Roger Cook

10 Useful Apple iPad Tips and Tricks - 0 views

    Might be useful to try out and/or suggest to other iPad users.
Roger Cook

iPads In The Classroom | Trinity College - 0 views

    Trinity College Foundation Studies at the University of Melbourne began an iPad pilot in August 2010. We launched the pilot with roughly 50 students and 20 staff exploring the use of technology in the classroom.
Roger Cook

IPad program increases textbook use - Campus Review - 1 views

    University of Adelaide science needed a device for seamless access and the exchange of information so students could learn to educate themselves so they chose the iPad.
Roger Cook

mlearn project blog | Charles Sturt University's Mobile Learning Project - 0 views

    This blog follows CSU's investigation into mobile learning including iPad trials. Also see
Emma Somogyi

The Padagogy Wheel … it's a Bloomin' Better Way to Teach - 0 views

    Categorisation of iPad apps according to Bloom's taxonomy.
Roger Cook

Apps in Education: Monster List of iBook Tutorials - 2 views

    One of the hardest thing with using the iPad in the classroom is finding the time to go through all of the apps in the iTunes Store listed under the education banner. We have started to list some of the apps we've found under each of the Key Learning Areas.
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