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Anxiety Disorder - 0 views

    An Anxiety disorder is an abnormal state comprising of both mental and physical symptoms of anxiety. There are various types of anxiety disorders like phobias, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder etc.
yc c

Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders - 0 views

    The Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders contains comprehensive medical articles on mental disorders and conditions. Over 150 mental disorders are organized alphabetically and each entry details the definition, purpose, precautions, description, and external resources that can be used to obtain additional information about every condition.
Robert Kamper

Science News / Don't Worry, Get Attention Training - 0 views

  • Attention training helps subjects practice how not to focus on threatening words or on photos of threatening faces
  • anxiety disorder to achieve remission. The disorder, estimated to affect 6.8 million U.S. adults, involves constant, exaggerated worries about impending disasters regarding health, money or other issues.
  • A similar form of attention guidance, directed by psychologist Norman Schmidt of Florida State University in Tallahassee, provided marked relief for many patients diagnosed with social anxiety disorder. About 15 million U.S. adults struggle with this condition, which is characterized by a debilitating dread of everyday social situations and a fear of being watched and judged by others.
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  • attention training requires minimal professional supervision, causes no side effects and could be completed over the Internet.
  • Amir and Schmidt hypothesize that a habitual focus on potentially threatening events or situations causes the pervasive fear typical of anxiety disorders.
    attention training studies indicate technique works in reducing anxiety disorders
v s

Bipolar Disorder - 0 views

    In a Bipolar Disorder patient experiences fluctuations between depressed mood and what is known as 'mania'.
MrGhaz .

A Little Light Relief - New Remedy for an Old Disorder - 0 views

    Darlene Barry, a freelance writer living in Washington, D.C., used to experience crisis every fall. She would gain weight - as much as 30 pounds over the winter - due to an obsessive craving for food. She also became depressed, irritable, and unable to concentrate on her job. She was constantly tired and slept as much as possible. Miss Barry had a classic case of the winter blues - known today as seasonal affective disorder, or, appropriately, SAD.

Clinical Psychology: psychopathology by systematically examining the history, classific... - 0 views

    What do we think? What do we feel? How do we react to a particular situation? How do we define it? How To Examine Whether Someone Is A Patient Of Mental Illness Or Not? How To Do A Patient's History Examined Systematically? The main classes of mental illness : Cause and Treatment of psychological disorder: Detailed Information: Reference: Why pubrica? When you order our services, we promise you the following - Plagiarism free, always on Time, outstanding customer support, written to Standard, Unlimited Revisions support and High-quality Subject Matter Experts. Contact us : Web: Blog: Email: WhatsApp : +91 9884350006 United Kingdom: +44-74248 10299
Michael Britt

UOCD: Introduction Understanding Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. - 0 views

  • OCD is 1 of the 5 Anxiety Disorders
  • what drives the OCD: Anxiety, Fear (Thus OCD being categorized as an Anxiety Disorder.)
  • You have the many different types of OCD symptoms which can be subdivided in 2 groups: the Obsessions and the Compulsions
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  • the Obsession may trigger a Compulsion
  • This is sometimes referred to as the the OCD Cycle.

Clinical Psychology Examining the history, classification, causes and treatment of psyc... - 0 views

    What do we think? What do we feel? How do we react to a particular situation? How do we define it? How To Examine Whether Someone Is A Patient Of Mental Illness Or Not? How To Do A Patient's History Examined Systematically? The main classes of mental illness : Cause and Treatment of psychological disorder: Detailed Information: Reference: Why pubrica? When you order our services, we promise you the following - Plagiarism free, always on Time, outstanding customer support, written to Standard, Unlimited Revisions support and High-quality Subject Matter Experts. Contact us : Web: Blog: Email: WhatsApp : +91 9884350006 United Kingdom: +44-74248 10299
my serendipities

Excessive internet use linked to depression, research shows - 27 views

    "people classified as internet addicts are more likely to be depressed than non-addicted users..." "This study reinforces the public speculation that over-engaging in websites that serve to replace normal social function might be linked to psychological disorders like depression and addiction."
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    This is a classic... perhaps it is the fact that the people who are depressed find solace in spending excessive time on the Internet..? The link is not over use of the Internet causes depression or addiction but people prone to these disorders are drawn to spending time on the Net..
    This seems odd to me and I'm an internet addict. If you examine what the people were doing online, it's likely a clue as to what they feel is 'missing' from their lives - the story said "They also discovered that addicts spent proportionately more time browsing sexually gratifying websites, online gaming sites and online communities." Maybe they're looking for true love, fun, and that feeling of community. Maybe it's something wrong with our "mediated culture" that's forcing that hand. I believe that this topic will likely grow worse as time progresses, unless we all find a way to bond on a global-level.
    I completely agree with you on the need and benefits of treatment, as well as the need for private counselling. This is a constant requirement. Especially for those who have experienced various forms of trauma throughout their lives best online therapy reviews has a lot of respect in my eyes, and he helps me cope with my ailments online.
thinkahol *

Long-term solitary confinement: a method of torture - 0 views

    19-01-2011 Medical evidence has shown that long-term solitary confinement is a form of torture. Dr Joost J den Otter, Medical Director at the International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT), adds that while there is no doubt about the damage caused by long periods of isolation, solitary confinement for a short period may also cause psychological harm. Dr den Otter highlights the fact that many qualitative and quantitative scientific studies have documented how solitary confinement in prison has damaging health effects. He asserts that the scientific debate on solitary confinement as a method of torture has been settled for many years, but that it seems there is still confusion among policy makers, prison authorities, and the general public. A recent commentary published by the Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law about solitary confinement and mental illness in U.S. Prisons, the authors, Jeffrey L. Metzner and Jamie Fellner, support Dr den Otter's judgment. "Isolation can be psychologically harmful to any prisoner, with the nature and severity of the impact depending on the individual, the duration of confinement, and particular conditions (e.g., access to natural light, books, or radio). Psychological effects can include anxiety, depression, anger, cognitive disturbances, perceptual distortions, obsessive thoughts, paranoia, and psychosis". In August 2010, Physicians for Human Rights published a report (Experiments in Torture) which added to the growing body of evidence that solitary confinement causes psychological harm consistent with torture. In an interview with 'Life's Little Mysteries', Dr Scott Allen, one of the authors of the paper, said that solitary confinement "can lead to anxiety, depression, certainly disorientation, [and] it can even lead to thought disorders including psychotic thoughts." He added "The consequences can be significant." This backs up researcher Peter Scharff Smith, of The Danis
Natalie Stewart

Psychology Programs Online | Psychology Update | - 0 views

    Want information about psychology programs online? This page will tell you about their content, where to locate suitable programs, the prospects, and more …
Sue Frantz

Smoking Away Schizophrenia?: Scientific American - 0 views

    "Schizophrenia is famous for its symptoms of hallucinations and delusions, but sufferers also face debilitating cognitive impairment-and standard treatments with antipsychotic medications do little to compensate for intellectual loss. Seeking improved mental clarity, many patients turn to a seemingly mundane source: cigarettes. The extraordinarily high incidence of smoking in individuals with schizophrenia-about 85 percent of patients smoke compared with some 20 percent of the general population-has spurred researchers to investigate the therapeutic effects of nicotine in the diseased brain."
Sue Frantz

Tracing The Roots Of 'Irish Madness' : NPR - 0 views

    " For more than five generations, Patrick Tracey's family has been plagued by what he calls "a perfect storm of schizophrenia." In his new book, Stalking Irish Madness, he traces his family lineage - and the roots of the disease - all the way back to Ireland."
Caramel Crow

This American Life: 81 Words - 0 views

    making best indexing in goggle and bing. RADJASEOTEA is a master of backlinks. You want indexing in goggle and bing. LOOK THIS
Caramel Crow

Psych Central - 0 views

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Caramel Crow

The Peace Drug - - 1 views

    making best indexing in goggle and bing. RADJASEOTEA is a master of backlinks. You want indexing in goggle and bing. LOOK THIS
Caramel Crow

Malignant Self Love: Narcissism ... - Google Book Search - 9 views

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