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Alison J. Head on Modeling the Information-Seeking Process of College Students in the D... - 0 views

    "What is it like to be a college student in the digital age? Alison Head - lead researcher for the national study, Project Information Literacy, Berkman Fellow, and Research Scientist in University of Washington's Information School - presents a working typology of the undergraduate information-seeking process, including students' reliance on and use of Web sources."

College of Liberal Arts informs, engages via innovative social media - Teaching and Lea... - 0 views

  • So, why are they so involved in social media? Geoff Halberstadt, undergraduate student in the College of the Liberal Arts, said that social media has reached the point where it cannot be ignored. Students are heavily engaged in social media, and it is a primary method of communication for them. “Students live in an age of technology, an instantaneous age, and they want information now,” Halberstadt said. “The College can truly engage students by providing instant information.”

ELearning Platform Reviews - ETS - 3 views

    In early 2010, Cole Camplese, then Director of Education Technology Services at Penn State, created a Web site (hereafter referred to as the OCDM wiki) that invited University Park learning designers and administrators to provide a summary of their unit's online course development models in order to capture a snapshot of practice at Penn State's main campus. In Summer 2010, an invitation was sent to the entire learning design community at Penn State to elicit the same information for other campus locations.  In January 2011, Ann Taylor, Assistant Director of the Dutton e-Education Institute in the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences and Chair of the Senate Outreach Committee, joined Camplese in his efforts to gather and analyze information about University-wide course development models. Several additional invitations were made to the University community, asking learning designers and administrators to update and/or to add their unit's online course development model summary to the OCDM wiki.

7 Things You Should Know About the Modern Learning Commons | EDUCAUSE - 4 views

  • The learning commons, sometimes called an “information commons,” has evolved from a combination library and computer lab into a full-service learning, research, and project space. As a place where students can meet, talk, study, and use “borrowed” equipment, the learning commons brings together the functions of libraries, labs, lounges, and seminar areas in a single community gathering place. The cost of a learning commons can be an obstacle, but for institutions that invest in a sophisticated learning commons, the new and expanded partnerships across disciplines facilitate and promote greater levels of collaboration. The commons invites students to devise their own approaches to their work and to transfer what they learn in one course to the work they do for another.
    This is a critical discussion today and will be more important going forward. If TLT wants to create a vision related to creating the best learning spaces in higher education we need to better understand what is and isn't working.  My emerging goal is to establish a strategic direction that has us look at our spaces on a continuum from very informal to very formal in a consistent and systematic way.
    The writing process around this particular 7 Things paper was a lot of fun. I got a real sense that what we're doing with the Media Commons spaces, especially plans for the Knowledge Commons and Ritenour are in line with the kinds of spaces being developed at other universities. There was a lot of discussion around the political side of these spaces since the physical space, staffing, and resources don't fall into a neat hierarchy of organizational structure. Anyway, I'd really enjoy being part of a discussion about space design. There are a set of recommendations that the informal learning spaces group generated two years ago that haven't been acted upon. Not that those recommendations are still the right way to go, but it's a starting point for some of the discussion:

What Defines a Meme? | Arts & Culture | Smithsonian Magazine - 1 views

  • What lies at the heart of every living thing is not a fire, not warm breath, not a ‘spark of life.’ It is information, words, instructions,”
  • “If you want to understand life,” Dawkins wrote, “don’t think about vibrant, throbbing gels and oozes, think about information technology.”

Is lecture capture the worst educational technology? | Mark Smithers - 32 views

    Should we be investing in a University wide initiative?
  • ...12 more comments...
    This is a pretty standard critique. Reasons for lecture capture from my readings on class podcasts: Accessibility (physical, sensory, and learning disability), time shifting (TiVo), exam review, increased student satisfaction, ESL students, hybrid learning, and student feedback (on presentations). I could probably list several more. Smithers doesn't really address these kinds of uses. He also mentions that preparing short videos to augment classroom materials is a worthwhile effort, and we'd get desktop capture along with the system that we'd purchase.
    When I first started thinking about lecture capture, what this article is saying pretty much summed up my position. Lectures represent poor instruction, and all lecture capture does is perpetuate that. I've come to have a more nuanced perspective on this issue than this author seems to have. First, there are certain realities we have to deal with. Large-enrollment courses and large lecture halls aren't going away anytime soon. In fact, they're only going to get more common as higher educational institutions try to operate more efficiently. Given this, as educational technologists, we need to look into technologies which provide the best teaching and learning experience with this contraint. Clickers are a good example of encouraging student engagement in large lecture halls. Lecture capture can improve this situation in a number of ways. If a student falls behind and is not able to ask questions due to the sheer size of a section, they can review the lecture later and engage with peers using the collaboration features of most lecture capture systems. Faculty can use lecture capture to create supplementary materials to supplement their instruction and minimize rote lecture, which may open an opportunity for incorporating critical dialogue in class. There are many other ways to use lecture capture to address the difficult teaching challenge of large lectures. Second, one situation that came up numerous times in my focus groups was that lecture captures helped students particularly in courses where the content was particularly challenging or informationally dense. No matter how good an instructor is, there are times that information presented in a lecture needs to be reviewed, and the presence of a lecture capture system provides that capability. Good systems, like the ones we're looking at, capture multiple sources like slides and document cameras, do OCR to make content searchable, etc., so review is a fairly rich experience.
    (continued.. Diigo cut off my comment) Third, another affordance good lecture capture systems offer is collaboration. Reviewing a lecture capture is not a one-way consumption of a capture, but rather a place for contextual discussion of course materials with peers, or a place for students to ask targeted questions regarding a particularly difficult section of a lecture. Given that this discussion is contextual, it's often far more useful than an LMS discussion area. Finally, this technology aids teaching by offering instructors the ability to more easily see where students are having problems (via observing what sections they are reviewing the most or where they have the most questions) so they can address this in class. There's more value in lecture capture beyond what I've suggested here, such as in supporting distance or hybrid instruction (another growing need at this institution). Perhaps the problem is in the name 'lecture capture', as this doesn't really encapsulate much of what I just described. And there's definitely a faculty training need created here, in order to help develop pedagogies to properly leverage this technology and not just perpetuate bad teaching. But I think that's the case with any technologies we introduce. In short, this article provides a very one-dimensional view of lecture capture, and is probably based on observations of a small handful of poor uses. I think we can do better, and I am much more hopeful about this technology.
    I think the original author would argue that the points you bring up would be better suited by series of short desktop recordings. It is a better way to present informationally dense materials. Students can collaborate around the desktop recording as much as a recorded lecture, and analytics on desktop recordings can reveal areas where students are struggling just as well as a recorded lecture. To the first point of classrooms getting larger - maybe it is incumbent on ed technologists to find ways to increase efficiency in ways other than increasing capacity of lecture halls - like allowing faculty to present content from their desktop via the web and rethinking the assumptions of getting everyone together in a large room. I certainly don't have all the answers or all the information, but just a little advocating for the devil.
    That's a good point, Brad. You're right that desktop capture applications can do some of what systems like Echo360 can do. Something like Camtasia Relay is a good example of a desktop capture app that publishes into a centralized system, which could then integrate into an LMS, blogs, or whatever. I would say that Echo360's personal capture solution might be able to produce a more rich capture of multiple sources, and has some other collaboration and analytics features that Camtasia doesn't (can you tell I've been evaluating these tools for the last two months?). But still, you might say Echo360 is overkill if primarily what you want to do is desktop recording. I'm not convinced that that's all faculty will want to do, or if that's the right approach pedagogically speaking. But I guess that's why we need to pilot this stuff. I agree that packing students into larger and larger classroom isn't the right answer being more efficient. To some extent it's inevitable though, at least until more modern pedagogies that include active and social learning become more mainstream, and there's proven technology to support that on a large scale. Maybe lecture capture is just an interim step towards that model. I'm not sure..
    this is a highly relevant article for me. by way of background, my director & I have been making the rounds to faculty meetings for the departments in our college (there are 13 in total) to talk about our center and what we do. one of the first comments/questions we get has something to do with lecture capture as a proposed "online course" model. for myriad reasons, I am against the notion that lecture capture can represent the foundation of a high-quality online learning experience. and, in fact, I am positive that the reason it comes up so often is that it is far and away the lowest burden on faculty in terms of effort: no course redesign; no reconsideration of teaching approaches; no change in anything, really, just record an already-ongoing in class presentation and stream it. I think it's lazy work and leads to a subpar instructional experience. that said, I have no issue with it at all as an ancillary resource for a res class. in fact, the content covered in many of our classes would benefit from allowing students to go back and review example problems, equations, in-class demos, etc.
    At the ELI meeting, I went to an excellent session by some folks at George Washington University where they're using lecture capture as the primary delivery platform for a distance education program. According to them, it works very well and both on-campus and on-line students are happy with the program. My notes are here:
    Lecture capture is just a technology. It can be used poorly (using it to re-broadcast bad teaching) or it can be used well (to prompt students and facilitate in-class discussion). The important thing is to understand its affordances and apply sound instructional design to its use. Again, I think people get hung up on the term "lecture capture" and miss all the other compelling uses of the technology. It take your point though, Gary, and there is a chance that these systems will encourage people to be lazy and call it innovative teaching practice anyway. But isn't that true with any technology?
    good points, chris. again, my issue is with lecture capture as the foundation (ie primary content delivery approach) of a completely online course. as a way to making materials available outside of a residential course, I think lecture capture has clear application. we've also been working on "classroom flip" models for years in our college, which provide students with recorded lectures in preparation for in-class meetings. our architectural engineering department has done a good deal of these over the years and refined his process. so there is clear value to providing recordings of lectures. my criticisms are in the specific context of online instruction. we're incorporating lots of screencasts and other shorter video clips into courses currently under development, and have been doing so since I joined the center three years ago. but in terms of effective content delivery in an online environment, 50-minute captured lectures are a poor approach; if folks are interested in more info, I have a lit review I assembled last year on this exact issue. in short, long uninterrupted blocks of video are a poor choice for engagement & the realities of learner attention. however, steps can be taken to address these issues with pacing and building in opportunities for learner-to-content interaction within the larger elearning framework. to put another way, many of the benefits of redesigning for distance instruction are not the obvious ones: tasks such as revisiting learning objectives; reconsidering how interaction will work; reconsidering the balance between student-centered and instructor-led content delivery; how central student discussions or presentations are to mastery of specific course goals; and so on. i'm of the mind that simply posting recorded lectures does not force a closer examination of the course, and thus is philosophically equivalent to posting PPT slides/PDFs and calling that an online course. would we (as learning design professionals) la
    I think it is better than the Aqua Bar, that's for sure ;-). I also wonder if this discussion would have happend as a comment thread to a blog post ... I doubt it. I like that the discussion is happening though. I wonder if we should organize an open discussion with people from around campus to see what they think. Conversations with designers and faculty might prove really interesting. Would the implementation of LC in all GPC's on campus change the design models for web courses or the world campus? Would that be a good thing? I just don't know. Anyone want to consider this as a way to get a larger conversation going?
    aside: is there a character limit for these comments? I was looking over my second comment and the last 2 paragraphs are truncated. here they are: i'm of the mind that simply posting recorded lectures does not force a closer examination of the course, and thus is philosophically equivalent to posting PPT slides/PDFs and calling that an online course. would we (as learning design professionals) laugh at the notion that posting slides from a lecture constitutes a "quality course?" I think we might. and if we would, what makes a recorded lecture different? in my opinion, not much. and according to the educause quarterly article from 2009, there's no empirical evidence of an impact (pro or con) on grades, test scores or learning outcomes. anyway, thanks for the good discussion. I like this diigo thing, it's certainly got a leg up on delicious in the conversation department. :)
    regarding a larger discussion, I think there would be interest. some collegues & I talked about it as a possible topic for the all-ld meeting late last fall, but the timing didn't work out. I've had conversations about it with elearing peers because "why don't we just post lectures as an online course?" is a common question from faculty. how, specifically, lc might change things is an interesting question. the ability to quickly & easily capture video would certainly have a benefit to online learning units, even if it's not full lectures. but something akin to a "one button studio" for faculty to create a quick demo/intro/expand on a confounding point? that would be great for sure.
    It would be great to get others involved in this discussion. Lecture capture has the potential to very broadly affect teaching and learning at Penn State, and there no better time than now to develop our thinking and strategies on the subject. The weekly All-ID meetings and the Learning Design Summer Camp would both be great forums for the discussion. A focused discussion with World Campus would be a good idea as well.
    agree that all-ld is a good place to talk about things. would you be interesting in providing an overview of the lc committee's work? what you're looking for, how vendors are being evaluated, etc? then perhaps we could segue into a discussion of the larger implications with the group. if that sounds reasonable, we can talk to jeff about getting on the agenda. as for a focused session with WC, that's a good idea. I wonder if it could be a WC + online learning units from colleges, since we'd all be interested in impacts for online instruction.

BBC News - Hundreds of GPs admit to using the website Wikipedia as a medical research tool - 0 views

    Shades of the Shirky Symposium Keynote? At first glance this might seem frightening to the layman, but think about it: knowledgeable, trained doctors using an additional but social source to find information that augments peer reviewed journals.
    I wonder how much time doctors have to devote to research in peer reviewed journals. Maybe they get to read JAMA. When Andrew needs to look up something medical, he often starts with Wikipedia or PubMed and then digs deeper from there.

Chromebook - 2 views

    More information about the just launched chromebook. Watch the guided tour. 

Wired Campus - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 0 views

    "The game EteRNA, which was started by the Stanford biochemist Rhiju Das and the Carnegie Mellon computer scientist Adrien Treuille, allows researchers to farm out some of the intellectual legwork behind RNA design to 26,000 players, rather than a relatively few lab workers. Players are given a puzzle design-an RNA molecule in the shape of a star or a cross, for example-that they must fill in with the components, called nucleotides, to produce the most plausible solution. The community of players then votes for the blueprint it thinks will have the best chance of success in the lab. The Stanford researchers select the highest-rated blueprints and actually synthesize them. The scientists then report back the results of the experiments to the crowd to inform future designs. The crowd-sourcing has produced results that tend to be more effective than computer-generated arrangements. "Computational methods are not perfect in making these shapes," says Mr. Das, "and as we get to more and more complex ones, they essentially always fail, so we know that there are rules to be learned." Players are figuring out these principles on their own, says Mr. Treuille. He says that while they're more like a grandmother's instructions on baking a cake than a strict scientific formula, they work remarkably well in practice. "EteRNA players are extremely good at designing RNA's," says Mr. Treuille, "which is all the more surprising because the top algorithms published by scientists are not nearly so good. The gap is pretty dramatic.""
    Interesting example of crowdsourcing to work on scientific issues.

What if he is right? - 2 views

  • The printing press brought about a radical change. People began getting their information primarily by seeing it -the printed word. The visual sense became dominant. Print translates one sense-hearing, the spoken word-into another sense sight, the printed word. Print also converts sounds into abstract symbols, the letters. Print is or derly progression of abstract, visual symbols. Print led to the habit of categorizing-putting everything in order, into categories, "jobs," "prices," "departments," "bureaus," "specialties." Print led, ultimately, to the creation of the modern economy, to bureaucracy, to the modern army, to nationalism itself.
  • People today think of print as if it were a technology that has been around forever. Actually, the widespread use of print is only about two hundred years old. Today new technologies-television, radio, the telephone, the computer-are causing another revolution. Print caused an "explosion"-breaking society up into categories. The electronic media, on the other hand, are causing an "implosion," forcing people back together in a tribal unity.
  • . There will be a whole nation of young psychic drop- outs-out of it-from the wealthy suburbs no less than the city slums. The thing is, all these TV-tribal children are aural people, tactile people, they're used to learning by pattern recogni tion. They go into classrooms, and there up in front of them are visual, literate, print-minded teachers. They are up there teaching classes by subjects, that is, categories; they've broken learning down into compartments -mathematics, history, geography, Latin, biology-it doesn't make sense to the tribal kids, it's like trying to study a flood by counting the trees going by, it's unnatural.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • "Well . . . they're all working from very obsolete premises, of course. Almost by definition." By definition? "Certainly. By the time you can get a thousand people to agree on enough principles to hold such a meeting, conditions will already have changed, the principles will be useless." McLuhan pulls his chin down into his neck. The Hayakawa conference . . . disappears.
  • One thing that drew them to McLuhan was his belief in "generalism" -pattern recognition. McLuhan, for example, dismisses the idea of university "departments," history, political science, sociology, and so forth; he considers all that obsolete and works in four or five of the old "fields" at once. It is all one field to him.
  • from The New Life Out There by Tom Wolfe (c) 1965 The New York Herald Tribune

A 'Moneyball' Approach to College - Technology - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 2 views

shared by bartmon on 13 Dec 11 - No Cached
  • Think of it as higher education meets Moneyball.
  • Today, half of students quit college before earning a credential. Proponents feel that making better use of data to inform decisions, known as "analytics," can help solve that problem while also improving teaching.
  • In April, Austin Peay debuted software that recommends courses based on a student's major, academic record, and how similar students fared in that class.
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  • One analytics tactic—monitoring student clicks in course-management systems—especially worries critics like Gardner Campbell, director of professional development and innovative initiatives at Virginia Tech. He sees these systems as sterile environments where students respond to instructor prompts rather than express creativity. Analytics projects that focus on such systems threaten to damage colleges much like high-stakes standardized testing harmed elementary and secondary schools, he argues.
  • Mr. Mazur argues that his new software solves at least three problems. One, it selects student discussion groups. Two, it helps instructors manage the pace of classes by automatically figuring out how long to leave questions open so the vast majority of students will have enough time. And three, it pushes beyond the multiple-choice problems typically used with clickers, inviting students to submit open-ended responses, like sketching a function with a mouse or with their finger on the screen of an iPad. "This is grounded on pedagogy; it's not just the technology," says Mr. Mazur, a gadget skeptic who feels technology has done "incredibly little to improve education."
  • By the eighth day of class, Rio Salado College predicts with 70-percent accuracy whether a student will score a C or better in a course.
    Great article on Learning Analytics. I respectfully disagree with Gardner Campbell's quote, but I do see where he's coming from and that is something that universities need to be careful of.

Learning Technologies - Yammer - 2 views

  • Yammer enables co-workers to discuss ideas, post news, ask questions, and share links and other information. It’s your virtual watercooler that helps you get things done faster. Find answers to questions, connect with colleagues and learn more about what is going on around ECU on Yammer.

Games and Accessibility - 0 views

shared by bartmon on 23 Jan 12 - Cached
  • The AbleGamers Foundation, an organization focused on providing disabled peoples with information and technology that allows them to more easily enjoy video games, has awarded Star Wars: The Old Republic its 2011 Accessible Mainstream Game of the Year Award for launching with "colorblind friendly options, full subtitles, and control options to let those with mobility impairments play the game as easy as possible."
    Interesting blurb about the new Star Wars game winning an award for accessibility.

How Facebook is Killing Your Authenticity - steve's blog - 0 views

    I don't see fb as a broadcast platform the way the author does ... it is a broadcast platform, but what I see in fb is an attempt to be a whole other Internet of sorts.  An Internet that is constructed by much more passive users that live within the space itself.  All the links, articles, and now comments are being ingested at an amazing rate as they add more users.  How long until fb becomes one of the top search engines?  That is what I mean by "a whole other Internet."  I wonder if that makes any sense whatsoever?
    I think he's on to something. I think the integration of Facebook with multiple services has made people rethink how it's being used. Do people want all of their information made available to all of their associates? Some will say yes, but many others not. Even college kids who grew up with this technology are not willing to give it total control, much as kids growing up watching TV are very skeptical of TV ads. Facebook may be ubiquitous, but it may lose it's personal character and become just another utility like the phone or e-mail.

The Twitter Trap - - 3 views

    "But my inner worrywart wonders whether the new technologies overtaking us may be eroding characteristics that are essentially human: our ability to reflect, our pursuit of meaning, genuine empathy, a sense of community connected by something deeper than snark or political affinity. " "Genuine Empathy" is the one that really concerns me, and I see it in how my nieces, and others, use facebook. The FB birthday thing comes to people get as many "Happy birthday!" notes as they have friends...but are the well-wishers even thinking about my birthday? Probably not, it's just FB reminding them "Hey, it's bart's bday" and now the norm is to stop by and say "happy birthday" without even thinking about it. The end of the article has a nice quote from a novel as well: "The generation that had information, but no context. "
    This is a well written piece. The author does a great job at tugging on our emotions. However, I believe he possesses only a superficial understanding of the medium.

When the Internet Thinks It Knows You - - 1 views

  • As a result, they’re racing to offer personalized filters that show us the Internet that they think we want to see. These filters, in effect, control and limit the information that reaches our screens.
  • the engineers who write the new gatekeeping code have enormous power to determine what we know about the world. But unlike the best of the old gatekeepers, they don’t see themselves as keepers of the public trust. There is no algorithmic equivalent to journalistic ethics.
  • We citizens need to uphold our end, too — developing the “filter literacy” needed to use these tools well and demanding content that broadens our horizons even when it’s uncomfortable.

Mobile Media Kit for Campus Instructional Designers | ETS - 5 views

  • To record and share case studies for faculty development purposes To interview students about how they learn or their reactions to different kinds of course activities To create audio and video content for hybrid and online courses To create just-in-time video tutorials for things like solving difficult math equations To document the design of learning spaces and reactions of faculty and students who use those spaces To capture guest speakers so their presentations can be seen by future students To record the stories about diversity from LGBT and minority students To collect evidence of the impact of a campus on its local community through efforts like service learning projects To record student presentations in ESL and foreign language courses so students can hear their speech I am impressed with the breadth of proposed projects and the creativity of these designers. I’m also hoping
  • To record and share case studies for faculty development purposes To interview students about how they learn or their reactions to different kinds of course activities To create audio and video content for hybrid and online courses To create just-in-time video tutorials for things like solving difficult math equations To document the design of learning spaces and reactions of faculty and students who use those spaces To capture guest speakers so their presentations can be seen by future students To record the stories about diversity from LGBT and minority students To collect evidence of the impact of a campus on its local community through efforts like service learning projects To record student presentations in ESL and foreign language courses so students can hear their speech I am impressed with the breadth of proposed projects and the creativity of these designers. I’m also hoping
  • To record and share case studies for faculty development purposes To interview students about how they learn or their reactions to different kinds of course activities To create audio and video content for hybrid and online courses To create just-in-time video tutorials for things like solving difficult math equations To document the design of learning spaces and reactions of faculty and students who use those spaces To capture guest speakers so their presentations can be seen by future students To record the stories about diversity from LGBT and minority students To collect evidence of the impact of a campus on its local community through efforts like service learning projects To record student presentations in ESL and foreign language courses so students can hear their speech
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • To record and share case studies for faculty development purposes To interview students about how they learn or their reactions to different kinds of course activities To create audio and video content for hybrid and online courses To create just-in-time video tutorials for things like solving difficult math equations To document the design of learning spaces and reactions of faculty and students who use those spaces To capture guest speakers so their presentations can be seen by future students To record the stories about diversity from LGBT and minority students To collect evidence of the impact of a campus on its local community through efforts like service learning projects To record student presentations in ESL and foreign language courses so students can hear their speech
  • To record and share case studies for faculty development purposes To interview students about how they learn or their reactions to different kinds of course activities To create audio and video content for hybrid and online courses To create just-in-time video tutorials for things like solving difficult math equations To document the design of learning spaces and reactions of faculty and students who use those spaces To capture guest speakers so their presentations can be seen by future students To record the stories about diversity from LGBT and minority students To collect evidence of the impact of a campus on its local community through efforts like service learning projects To record student presentations in ESL and foreign language courses so students can hear their speech
  • To record and share case studies for faculty development purposes To interview students about how they learn or their reactions to different kinds of course activities To create audio and video content for hybrid and online courses To create just-in-time video tutorials for things like solving difficult math equations To document the design of learning spaces and reactions of faculty and students who use those spaces To capture guest speakers so their presentations can be seen by future students To record the stories about diversity from LGBT and minority students To collect evidence of the impact of a campus on its local community through efforts like service learning projects To record student presentations in ESL and foreign language courses so students can hear their speech
  • To record and share case studies for faculty development purposes To interview students about how they learn or their reactions to different kinds of course activities To create audio and video content for hybrid and online courses To create just-in-time video tutorials for things like solving difficult math equations To document the design of learning spaces and reactions of faculty and students who use those spaces To capture guest speakers so their presentations can be seen by future students To record the stories about diversity from LGBT and minority students To collect evidence of the impact of a campus on its local community through efforts like service learning projects To record student presentations in ESL and foreign language courses so students can hear their speech
  • To record and share case studies for faculty development purposes To interview students about how they learn or their reactions to different kinds of course activities To create audio and video content for hybrid and online courses To create just-in-time video tutorials for things like solving difficult math equations To document the design of learning spaces and reactions of faculty and students who use those spaces To capture guest speakers so their presentations can be seen by future students To record the stories about diversity from LGBT and minority students To collect evidence of the impact of a campus on its local community through efforts like service learning projects To record student presentations in ESL and foreign language courses so students can hear their speech
  • To record and share case studies for faculty development purposes To interview students about how they learn or their reactions to different kinds of course activities To create audio and video content for hybrid and online courses To create just-in-time video tutorials for things like solving difficult math equations To document the design of learning spaces and reactions of faculty and students who use those spaces To capture guest speakers so their presentations can be seen by future students To record the stories about diversity from LGBT and minority students To collect evidence of the impact of a campus on its local community through efforts like service learning projects To record student presentations in ESL and foreign language courses so students can hear their speech
  • To record and share case studies for faculty development purposes To interview students about how they learn or their reactions to different kinds of course activities To create audio and video content for hybrid and online courses To create just-in-time video tutorials for things like solving difficult math equations To document the design of learning spaces and reactions of faculty and students who use those spaces To capture guest speakers so their presentations can be seen by future students To record the stories about diversity from LGBT and minority students To collect evidence of the impact of a campus on its local community through efforts like service learning projects To record student presentations in ESL and foreign language courses so students can hear their speech
  • To record and share case studies for faculty development purposes To interview students about how they learn or their reactions to different kinds of course activities To create audio and video content for hybrid and online courses To create just-in-time video tutorials for things like solving difficult math equations To document the design of learning spaces and reactions of faculty and students who use those spaces To capture guest speakers so their presentations can be seen by future students To record the stories about diversity from LGBT and minority students To collect evidence of the impact of a campus on its local community through efforts like service learning projects To record student presentations in ESL and foreign language courses so students can hear their speech
  • To record and share case studies for faculty development purposes To interview students about how they learn or their reactions to different kinds of course activities To create audio and video content for hybrid and online courses To create just-in-time video tutorials for things like solving difficult math equations To document the design of learning spaces and reactions of faculty and students who use those spaces To capture guest speakers so their presentations can be seen by future students To record the stories about diversity from LGBT and minority students To collect evidence of the impact of a campus on its local community through efforts like service learning projects To record student presentations in ESL and foreign language courses so students can hear their speech
  • To record and share case studies for faculty development purposes To interview students about how they learn or their reactions to different kinds of course activities To create audio and video content for hybrid and online courses To create just-in-time video tutorials for things like solving difficult math equations To document the design of learning spaces and reactions of faculty and students who use those spaces To capture guest speakers so their presentations can be seen by future students To record the stories about diversity from LGBT and minority students To collect evidence of the impact of a campus on its local community through efforts like service learning projects To record student presentations in ESL and foreign language courses so students can hear their speech
  • To record and share case studies for faculty development purposes To interview students about how they learn or their reactions to different kinds of course activities To create audio and video content for hybrid and online courses To create just-in-time video tutorials for things like solving difficult math equations To document the design of learning spaces and reactions of faculty and students who use those spaces To capture guest speakers so their presentations can be seen by future students To record the stories about diversity from LGBT and minority students To collect evidence of the impact of a campus on its local community through efforts like service learning projects To record student presentations in ESL and foreign language courses so students can hear their speech
  • To record and share case studies for faculty development purposes To interview students about how they learn or their reactions to different kinds of course activities To create audio and video content for hybrid and online courses To create just-in-time video tutorials for things like solving difficult math equations To document the design of learning spaces and reactions of faculty and students who use those spaces To capture guest speakers so their presentations can be seen by future students To record the stories about diversity from LGBT and minority students To collect evidence of the impact of a campus on its local community through efforts like service learning projects To record student presentations in ESL and foreign language courses so students can hear their speech
  • To record and share case studies for faculty development purposes To interview students about how they learn or their reactions to different kinds of course activities To create audio and video content for hybrid and online courses To create just-in-time video tutorials for things like solving difficult math equations To document the design of learning spaces and reactions of faculty and students who use those spaces To capture guest speakers so their presentations can be seen by future students To record the stories about diversity from LGBT and minority students To collect evidence of the impact of a campus on its local community through efforts like service learning projects To record student presentations in ESL and foreign language courses so students can hear their speech
    "If the campus instructional designers had a mobile media kit, how would they use it? We weren't sure and Jackie didn't want to speak for all of them, so we sent out a survey and got back some really interesting ideas including ones like these: To record and share case studies for faculty development purposes To interview students about how they learn or their reactions to different kinds of course activities To create audio and video content for hybrid and online courses To create just-in-time video tutorials for things like solving difficult math equations To document the design of learning spaces and reactions of faculty and students who use those spaces To capture guest speakers so their presentations can be seen by future students To record the stories about diversity from LGBT and minority students To collect evidence of the impact of a campus on its local community through efforts like service learning projects To record student presentations in ESL and foreign language courses so students can hear their speech"
    I wouldn't normally bookmark my own posts, but this Cole asked for this information and I thought it would be interesting to others.

DNA/How to Stop Worrying and Learn to Love the Internet - 1 views

  • I suppose earlier generations had to sit through all this huffing and puffing with the invention of television, the phone, cinema, radio, the car, the bicycle, printing, the wheel and so on, but you would think we would learn the way these things work, which is this: 1) everything that’s already in the world when you’re born is just normal; 2) anything that gets invented between then and before you turn thirty is incredibly exciting and creative and with any luck you can make a career out of it; 3) anything that gets invented after you’re thirty is against the natural order of things and the beginning of the end of civilisation as we know it until it’s been around for about ten years when it gradually turns out to be alright really.
  • In other words the cost of connection is rapidly approaching zero, and for a very simple reason: the value of the web increases with every single additional person who joins it. It’s in everybody’s interest for costs to keep dropping closer and closer to nothing until every last person on the planet is connected.
  • Another problem with the net is that it’s still ‘technology’, and ‘technology’, as the computer scientist Bran Ferren memorably defined it, is ‘stuff that doesn’t work yet.’ We no longer think of chairs as technology, we just think of them as chairs. But there was a time when we hadn’t worked out how many legs chairs should have, how tall they should be, and they would often ‘crash’ when we tried to use them. Before long, computers will be as trivial and plentiful as chairs (and a couple of decades or so after that, as sheets of paper or grains of sand) and we will cease to be aware of the things. In fact I’m sure we will look back on this last decade and wonder how we could ever have mistaken what we were doing with them for ‘productivity.’
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • The same thing is happening in communication technology. Most of us are stumbling along in a kind of pidgin version of it, squinting myopically at things the size of fridges on our desks, not quite understanding where email goes, and cursing at the beeps of mobile phones. Our children, however, are doing something completely different. Risto Linturi, research fellow of the Helsinki Telephone Corporation, quoted in Wired magazine, describes the extraordinary behaviour kids in the streets of Helsinki, all carrying cellphones with messaging capabilities. They are not exchanging important business information, they’re just chattering, staying in touch. "We are herd animals," he says. "These kids are connected to their herd – they always know where it’s moving." Pervasive wireless communication, he believes will "bring us back to behaviour patterns that were natural to us and destroy behaviour patterns that were brought about by the limitations of technology."
    Great piece by the late Douglas Adams in 1999.  So true in the rearview mirror!
    An 11 year old text, the message of which still needs to be delivered to many people today.

Economics Game Ramp Up: Effective Achievements - Zac Zidik - 6 views

  • The real challenge in designing this game will be designing it so that there are many paths to success and and many paths to failure with all the mediums inbetween, while continually keeping the player informed on how they are doing in regards to the "expected achievements."
    Good post from Zac on design elements for game achievments.
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