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Bill Keller's self-defense on "torture" - Glenn Greenwald - - 0 views

    In response to the Harvard study documenting how newspapers labeled waterboarding as "torture" for almost 100 years until the Bush administration told them not to, The New York Times issued a statement justifying this behavior on the ground that it did not want to take sides in the debate. Andrew Sullivan, Greg Sargent and Adam Serwer all pointed out that "taking a side" is precisely what the NYT did: by dutifully complying with the Bush script and ceasing to use the term (replacing it with cleansing euphemisms), it endorsed the demonstrably false proposition that waterboarding was something other than torture. Yesterday, the NYT's own Brian Stelter examined this controversy and included a justifying quote from the paper's Executive Editor, Bill Keller, that is one of the more demented and reprehensible statements I've seen from a high-level media executive in some time (h/t Jay Rosen):

t r u t h o u t | David Sirota | Synthetic Novelty Is Not Reality - 0 views

    A week removed from the ninth anniversary of 9/11, after all the sound and fury has temporarily subsided, we can look back and know that we have just witnessed the realization of historian Daniel J. Boorstin's most renowned prophecy.

t r u t h o u t | Iraq: The Age of Darkness - 0 views

    In the immediate aftermath of the 2003 invasion, the triumphalist verdict of the mainstream media was that the war had been won; Iraq was assured of a benevolent, democratic future. The Times's writer William Rees-Mogg hymned the victory: "April 9, 2003 was Liberty Day for Iraq … It was achieved by "the engine of global liberation," the United States. "After 24 years of oppression, three wars and three weeks of relentless bombing, Baghdad has emerged from an age of darkness. Yesterday was an historic day of liberation."

William Blum: Libya and the Holy Triumvirate - 0 views

    ‎"Six countries that Barack H. Obama has waged waragainst in his 26 months in office. (To anyone who disputes that dropping bombs on a populated land is an act of war, I would ask what they think of the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor.) America'sfirst black president now invades Africa. Is there anyone left who still thinks that Barack Obama is some kind of improvement over George W. Bush?"

Roger Ailes' Secret Nixon-Era Blueprint for Fox News - 0 views

    Republican media strategist Roger Ailes launched Fox News Channel in 1996, ostensibly as a "fair and balanced" counterpoint to what he regarded as the liberal establishment media. But according to a remarkable document buried deep within the Richard Nixon Presidential Library, the intellectual forerunner for Fox News was a nakedly partisan 1970 plot by Ailes and other Nixon aides to circumvent the "prejudices of network news" and deliver "pro-administration" stories to heartland television viewers. The memo-called, simply enough, "A Plan For Putting the GOP on TV News"- is included in a 318-page cache of documents detailing Ailes' work for both the Nixon and George H.W.

t r u t h o u t | Ten Things That Terrify Right-Wingers - 0 views

    "These are some of the things that keep American conservatives awake at night. Modern American conservatism is based on an almost endless series of grievances. Author Thomas Frank coined a term for it: the conservative "plenty-plaint" -- a long and ever-evolving list of personal and cultural gripes dressed up as an ideology. But there's also fear! And while it spans the breadth of the movement, this is the year of the Tea Party revolt, when the grassroots right, disgusted with the idea of semi-affordable health-care and tepid financial reforms is rebelling against even its own establishment. And the divide between the grassroots base and its leadership extends to the very fears that animate them. As we'll see, the conservative movement's business-attired hacks and the hard-Right tea Party types waving misspelled signs out in the streets have some very different causes for alarm. So, here are ten of the most interesting things that absolutely terrify Wingnuttia. First, a few terrors of the real hard-core Right. For the Tea Partier, the midterm GOP primary voter, it's not just the anxiety over social change that typifies more traditional conservatism. A broad chunk of the GOP base today is animated by wildly unrealistic terrors -- monsters stalking them as the sun sets, perhaps hovering just beyond their peripheral vision."

NachDenkSeiten - Die kritische Website » Hinweise des Tages - 0 views

  • Nachtrag zur manipulativen Berichterstattung über den Fall Mehdorn Leser H.P. schrieb uns dazu: „Mit Interesse habe ich ihren Artikel zum Mehdorn-Abgang gelesen. Jedoch ist es nicht nur “Mehdorn (…) gelungen (…), sein Scheitern bei der Heidelberger Druck AG aus den Meldungen der Medien herauszuhalten”, sondern es wird auch anhand der Heidelberger Druck AG weitläufig die Legende des Erfolgsmanagers und Sanierers gestrickt bzw. von Medien unkritisch aus der PR übernommen (offenbar für eine möglichst “komplette” Biographie). Die Süddeutsche etwa schreibt: “…wechselt Mehdorn 1995 auf den Chefposten der hochprofitablen Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (Heideldruck). Obwohl der Konzern schon damals Weltmarktführer ist, sorgt Mehdorn mit einer geschickten Expansionsstrategie für starkes Wachstum: Der Umsatz steigt binnen fünf Jahren von 3,3 Milliarden Deutsche Mark (DM) auf 4,0 Milliarden DM, der Gewinn vervielfachte sich bis 1999.” Der Tagesspiegel wandelt für die Imagebildung unauffällig die Heideldruck (damals laut Süddeutsche hochprofitabel) gar auch noch zum Sanierungsfall für Mehdorn um: “Mehdorn hatte zugegriffen, nachdem er den Machtkampf beim Luftfahrtkonzern Dasa um die Spitze verloren und den Maschinenbauer Heidelberger Druckmaschinen saniert hatte.” Ergänzenswert wäre daher noch diese Richtigstellung aus dem Manager Magazin: “Wie ein Rückbau funktioniert, ist bei Mehdorns vormaligem Arbeitgeber zu besichtigen, der Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG alias Heideldruck. Von 1996 bis 1999 blähte der damalige Vorstandschef Hartmut Mehdorn den Buchdruck-Spezialisten mit spektakulären Übernahmen zum Universalanbieter auf, von der Vorstufe bis zum Zeitungsdruck. Nach dem Wechsel des Visionärs zur DB geriet Heideldruck in Existenznot, auch der unverdaulichen Akquisitionen wegen. Das Management startete eine Rettungsaktion und verkaufte das gesamte neue Portfolio.”
    - Bahnchef Mehdorn wurde von etlichen Medien zum fähigen Sanierer hochgeschrieben, dabei hat sein Engagement bei der Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG dem Unternehmen eher geschadet
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