The Cloud Instititute for Sustainability Education - 0 views
Scott Ashwell on 30 Jan 09You have 10 days to catch as many fish as you can. The money you make from these fish will need to support your family for the next month. Each fish nets $2. Each day, you'll choose whether you want to take none, one, two, or three fish for the day. There are two other fisher folk also trying to catch as many fish as they can - they will follow your lead, and base their catch on yours. The lake in which you are fishing can only support 20 fish (that is the carrying capacity of the lake). Every night, the fish that remain after a day of fishing will reproduce at a rate of 25% (for the purpose of this game, we round to the nearest whole number). However, the total number of fish can't exceed 20. For instance, if there are 12 fish, they will multiply to 15 overnight. If there are 19, they will multiply to 20. Ready to play?