ICT in my Classroom - 1 views
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dean groom on 20 Jul 08Tom Barretts, reflective blog on how hes been inspired to use the classic game 'Myst' in his year 5 classroom as a literacy task. Fanstatic practical guide
Gifted Education Professional Development Package - 0 views
Gifted Education Professional Development Package Using the Package All modules in the Package contain a pre-test for teachers to determine what they might already know. Both the Core Modules and the Extension and Specialisation modules contain practical components with case studies and tasks for teachers to demonstrate that they have understood the module before moving on to the next one. The modules contain an overview of current research about particular areas of gifted education. This research, in plain language, is illustrated by cartoons, case studies and examples of how it can be applied in the mainstream classroom. The modules cover all levels of schooling: early childhood (the initial years of schooling), Primary (later years of primary schools), and secondary (secondary school). The modules are also ordered according to whether a teacher is in a rural or urban school, teaching in the classroom or involved in school administration, or whether the teacher is working alone or undertaking professional development in a small group or whole school situation. The Extension and Specialisation Modules consist of the same six topics as in the Core Modules with additional advanced material, case studies, further reading and examples for use in the classroom. While the Core Modules were designed to cover the essential information every teacher should know, the Extension and Specialisation Modules are designed to build on this knowledge to allow teachers and teachers in training, principals and school staff to develop a deeper understanding of the issues in gifted education, develop more complex responses to addressing the needs of gifted students in the classroom, and be confident in sharing these skills with colleagues and parents. Coloured Icons throughout the modules allow quick identification of research, case studies, information and activities according to individual needs.
Project Based Learning and the One to One Classroom - Home - 0 views
You are about to discover some amazing ways you can amplify your PBL experience in the 1 to 1 classroom. This workshop has been designed to meet the needs across the multiple device classrooms that are found all across the educational setting. For this reason there will be a lot of emphasis on pedagogy and integration of the tools in PBL. Because of the wide range of devices there will not be an emphasis on any one device. Please enjoy our journey into creating that One to One classroom that allows technology to transparently bring together the student centered learning, editing engagement, and authentic learning that Project Based Learning makes possible. Remember that there is so much wisdom in the crowd and this workshop has been designed for all of us to learn from each other. Please enjoy the journey!
Why Use an iPod Touch in Science and Math Classrooms? - 14 views
www.teachscienceandmath.com/...in-science-and-math-classroomsmobile learning ipod touch science and math how why interactive technology teaching strategies critical thinking teach to
shared by David Wetzel on 19 Aug 10 - Cached
Wordle Blog: How to make Wordle safe for classroom use. - 2 views
FROM the Creator/Owner of WORDLE: "I'm happy to announce that from now on, the Wordle front page will never feature images or links that are inappropriate for classroom use. It's now possible to configure an institution's "site-blocking" software to keep Wordle safe for classroom use." Simply have your networking administrator block the following base URLs1: * http://www.wordle.net/gallery * http://www.wordle.net/next * http://www.wordle.net/random
Question - 38 views
If you're talking Acceptable Use Policies try: http://www.techlearning.com/blog/2006/09/aup_20.php http://schools.becta.org.uk/index.php?section=is http://stream.minot.k12.nd.us/blog/craig/?p...
How to Turn Your Classroom into an Idea Factory | MindShift - 1 views
blogs.kqed.org/...classroom-into-an-idea-factoryproject based learning innovation creativity classroom pbl ideas education
shared by Maryann Angeroth on 25 Aug 12 - No Cached
Classroom Guide: Top Ten Tips for Assessing Project-Based Learning | Edutopia - 71 views
www.edutopia.org/-based-learning-resource-guideassessing free download edutopia assessment PBL education Web2.0 learning technology tools resources project projectbasedlearning collaboration
shared by edutopia .org on 17 Mar 11 - No Cached
Newest classroom guide from Edutopia focuses on assessment strategies and tools for PBL. "Tips" are organized to follow the arc of a project.
This classroom guide is intended to inspire and expand your thinking about effective assessment for project-based learning. The tips are organized to follow the arc of a project. First comes planning, then the launch into active learning, and then a culminating presentation. Reflection is the final stage. Download this today and get started!
4 Keys To Designing A Project-Based Learning Classroom - - 0 views
"Traditional American classrooms tend to fit a particular mold: Students face the front of the class where teachers lecture. Students take notes, finish assignments at home, and hope to memorize enough information just long enough to pass a test. Engagement and passion are often in short supply - among students and teachers. The system does not necessarily accommodate all learning styles, and even those who fair well may be missing out on other important work-life lessons, like how to creatively solve problems, stay focused, work as part of a team, and organize their thoughts in a way others will understand. This is where project-based learning enters the equation."
3 Ways To Kickstart Your PLN This Summer | Edudemic - 0 views
www.edudemic.com/...kickstart-your-pln-this-summerPLN twitter education web2.0 learning Edudemic resources technology edtech social media tools collaboration
shared by Don Doehla on 09 Jul 13 - No Cached
It's summertime! This is when educators, free from the daily schedule of a classroom, can focus on professional development. More specifically, summer is a great time to network and to build your personal learning network (PLN). If you're unfamiliar with a PLN, it's a network of individuals you foster specifically to learn from and cultivate your professional skills. They are especially important in the world of education where classrooms can easily isolate you from your colleagues and peers. Starting a PLN and cultivating it is surprisingly easy and doesn't take a lot of time.
http://wwwimages.adobe.com/www.adobe.com/content/dam/Adobe/en/education/pdfs/digital-st... - 0 views
wwwimages.adobe.com/...digital-storytelling.pdfAdobe units proficiency PBL authentic digital_storytelling DigitalStorytelling education
shared by Don Doehla on 30 Sep 13 - No Cached
Like paintings, personal narrative stories that mix images, graphics, sound, and music with the author's own storytelling voice will exist over time and be enjoyed long past their creation. The ideas and content for this Digital storytelling guide have been compiled and written by Bernajean Porter, whose book, DigiTales: The Art of Telling Digital Stories, includes detailed step-by-step processes for bringing this emerging oral storytelling style into today's classrooms. Learn how software like Adobe Photoshop Elements and Adobe Premiere Elements can become effective digital storytelling tools in your classroom. Unleash your students' imagination as they create unique, personal 3-to 5- minute movies.
Corwin: Digital Storytelling in the Classroom: New Media Pathways to Literacy, Learning... - 0 views
www.corwin.com/...Book229157digital storytelling storytelling classroom media literacy learning creativity units proficiency PBL authentic digital_storytelling digitalstorytelling
shared by Don Doehla on 30 Sep 13 - No Cached
Integrating digital storytelling with instruction becomes a creative opportunity for both novice and technologically experienced educators when using Jason Ohler's Digital Storytelling in the Classroom. Ohler links digital storytelling to improving traditional, digital, and media literacy, and guides teachers on how to empower students to tell stories in their own native language: new media and multimedia. Aligned with NCTE standards and covering important copyright and fair use information, this text provides information on integrating storytelling into curriculum design and using the principles of storytelling as a measurement of learning and literacies. Implementation tips and visual aids abound, giving teachers an exciting new resource.
ISTE | Digital Storytelling Guide for Educators By Midge Frazel - 1 views
www.iste.org/productiste guide educators units proficiency PBL authentic digitalstorytelling resources digital digital_storytelling
shared by Don Doehla on 30 Sep 13 - No Cached
Storytelling is an age-old art form. With Web 2.0 and the tools already available on most computers, students can use text, music, sound effects, videos, and more to create a multimedia presentation that links them to the world beyond the classroom. Storytelling has the potential to unleash creativity, engage, and motivate. Applicable across the curriculum, digital storytelling teaches students to work collaboratively and use new technologies, skills they will be required to have in the workforce of the future. This book offers an overview of digital storytelling as well as its variations, including e-portfolios, digital photo essays, and scrapblogs. The many recommendations, overviews, and explanations of digital storytelling tools, along with lists of additional digital storytelling resources, will help educators to apply this exciting technology in their classrooms. Educators will also discover the ways digital storytelling can be used for their own professional development. Digital Storytelling Guide for Educators provides detailed directions to preparation, production, and presentation, and rounds out with a discussion on creating rubrics and evaluating student work. Readers will come away with an understanding of digital stories and the tools needed to create them.
Flip Classroom Instruction: How to Guide Part 1 » Educational Technology Tips - 1 views
www.edtechtips.org/...flip-classroom-instruction-1web2.0 tools flipped flip flipped classroom flipped instruction ideas technology tech pedagogy instruction how to guide educational technology techtool web_2.0 instructional coaching classroom Teaching learningwithcomputers k-12 Education collaboration pr
shared by Debbie Nichols on 17 Sep 12 - No Cached
PBL Delivery - whos using Web2.0 in their projects - 105 views
Jane - I'd like to Skype chat with you about the book and PBL/Web2.0 take up
Integrating Technology into Project Based Learning - 24 views
Second Classroom Ning! - 2 views
A Hero's Journey for the 21st Century | Edutopia - 0 views
www.edutopia.org/...journey-21st-century-betty-raycritical thinking learning education tools resources skills journey edutopia
shared by Don Doehla on 12 Jul 13 - No Cached
"A New Hero's Journey in the Classroom Kids need to know the basics of story creation -- character, conflicts, resolutions etc. -- before they can write their own. Have them read, watch, and play video games with a critical eye towards identifying these basic story elements. Then you can use life timelines as way of uncovering their personal narratives. Have them identify heroes of their own from real life or fiction as inspiration. You can go as deep as you have time for here! There are myriad tools available for actual story creation (see Resources below). "
A New Hero's Journey in the Classroom Kids need to know the basics of story creation -- character, conflicts, resolutions etc. -- before they can write their own. Have them read, watch, and play video games with a critical eye towards identifying these basic story elements. Then you can use life timelines as way of uncovering their personal narratives. Have them identify heroes of their own from real life or fiction as inspiration. You can go as deep as you have time for here! There are myriad tools available for actual story creation (see Resources below).
8 Tips and Tricks to Redesign Your Classroom | Edutopia - 0 views
3 Ways To Use Vine In The Project-Based Learning Classroom - - 0 views
shared by Don Doehla on 30 Sep 13 - No Cached
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