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Alex Street

Sony Qriocity service takes on Apple iTunes with streaming music and video | Technology... - 0 views

  • Sony has embarked on an ambitious challenge to Apple's iTunes,
  • based around the PlayStation 3
  • movies and songs
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • web-enabled Sony devices, including its TVs, laptops and digital music players
  • Amazon also thought to be aggressively planning a web-based subscription service
  • online TV-on-demand market is about to expand dramatically.
  • Fujio Nishida, Sony's president for Europe
  • major expansion of its Qriocity
  • Qriocit
  • Qriocit
  • Qriocity
  • Music streaming will be added to Qriocity by the end of this year.
  • pricing.
  • Initially the service will just work on new network-enabled Bravia TVs, Sony Vaios and the PS3
  • Restricting the service to Sony products may damage take-up
  • open it up over time.
  • 54 million registered PS3s in use worldwide
  • move comes three years after Sony decided to abandon an earlier music streaming site, Connect Music
  • sers were restricted to using Sony hardware and software to listen
Alex Street

Sony Global - News Releases - Sony Redefines Home Entertainment with the World's First ... - 0 views

    Sony Internet TV Blu-ray Disc Player
Alex Street

Sony Confirms PlayStation Home 'Quite Profitable' - 0 views

  • PlayStation Home director Jack Buser h
  • Home features 100 games, an average user session time of 70 minutes, over 50 virtual spaces, 85% repeat users, and 14 million users overall. 
  • 5,000 virtual items Sony has offered for sale through Home's virtual goods store
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • through micropayments, they can gain social context and social capital,
  • gameplay context, upgrade their gameplay experience through microtransactions.
  • Sony is trying to integrate Home more deeply with the gameplay experience offered by various PS3 games
  • Players of Red Dead Redemption can unlock exclusive Home items through gameplay.
Alex Street

Sony To Launch Social Games In Home - 0 views

  • Sony To Launch Social Games In Home
  • social initiative is part of Sony's plan to leverage Home as a social platform for PS3 owners. 
  • These will not be the first social or freemium games launched in Home
  • ...1 more annotation...
  • 100 games embedded into the world including Sodium, a game that supports microtransactions
Alex Street

Latest sales data - 0 views

  • 8.7 million Xbox 360 and PS3 consoles in the U
  • 6.9 million) own a Wii,
  • UK gamers today
  • ...12 more annotations...
  • Table One: UK Sales Forecast, September-December 2010[4]
  • UK consumers are planning to buy 1.8 million new game consoles by Christmas,
  • 2.2 million consumers will buy into motion gaming
  • entice almost 1.8 million consumers in the UK
  • PS3 is projected to sell the highest number of consoles this Christmas
  • 155 million units since their individual launch dates
  • Sony and Microsoft are now tapping into the popularity of motion gaming,
  • Sony PlayStation Move and Xbox Kinect are more technologically advanced than the Wii a
  • capture the imagination of casual gamers
  • ntry level motion gaming experience
  • Total number of Xbox 360 and PS3 active consoles in the UK – 8,700,000
  • Market share data based on historical statistics of total number of consoles purchased to date
Alex Street

Vudu is Apple TV's greatest threat in online movie sales | News | Rapid TV News - 0 views

  • says Apple iTunes accounts for 64.5% of all sales
  • Apple's market share is slipping: it accounted for nearly three-quarters ( 74.4%) of all online movie sales in 2009. Its competitors are taking a few bites here and there: Microsoft has increased its market share from 11.6% to 17.9%. It offers titles via the X-Box 360 and Microsoft Zune. Sony, which sells movies online through the PlayStation 3 player and select Sony Bravia HDTVs, has gone from 5.7 % to 7.2% in 2010. The rest of the bunch accounts collectively for 10.4% of the market, up from 8.3% in 2009--and that includes Wal-Mart's Vudu se
  • iSuppli said online movie sales increased 60%in 2010, but the company did not release actual sales numbers
Alex Street

List of Net channels - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

Alex Street

List of DirecTV channels (Latin America) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • enevision Venezuela (General Entertainment) 103 RCTV Internacional Venezuela (General Entertainment) 104 TVES Venezuela (General Entertainment) 106 Televen Venezuela (General Entertainment) 107 Venevisión Plus Venezuela (General Entertainment) 108 VTV (Venezolana de Televisión) Venezuela (General Entertainment)
  • DirecTV Sport Venezuela Venezuela (Sport) 112 MeridianoTV Venezuela (Sport)
  • (FOX) Fox Channel Oeste (Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, the caribbean, Perú and Venezuela)
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • (ESPN) ESPN Latin A
  • NBA) NBA TV US (Puerto Rico)
  • Fútbol Peruano Perú (Sport)
  • (SONY) Canal Sony (Except Puerto Rico)
  • 2 (CINE) DirecTV Cinema (16:9) 404 (CINE) DirecTV Cinema
  • (TNT) TNT Latin América (Except Puerto Rico)
  • CMAX) Cinemax (Except Puerto Rico)
  • MGM) MGM Channel Latin América
  • . (DTVS) Directv Sports Latin America (Except Puerto Rico)
  • 48 La Red Chile (General Entertainemt) 149 TVN - Television Nacional de Chile Chile (General Entertainemt) 150 MEGA Chile (General Entertainemt) 151 Chilevisión Chile (General Entertainemt) 152 Canal 13 Chile (General Entertainemt) 156 Novasur Chile (Educational)
  • (MLBN) MLB Network (Puerto Rico)
  • (MCHD) Moviecity HD
  • WTV) Warner Channel (Except Puerto Rico)
  • (SYFY) Syfy Latin America (Except Puerto Rico) 222. (E!) E! Entertainment TV
  • (FOXS) Fox Sports + (Event) (Argentina, Ecuador, Perú and Uruguay
Alex Street

Hulu Blog - 0 views

shared by Alex Street on 13 Jan 12 - Cached
  • 150 leading content companies, including FOX, NBC Universal, Comedy Central, Lionsgate, MGM, MTV Networks, National Geographic, Paramount, PBS, Sony Pictures Television, and Warner Bros. Television Group.
  • grew the business 60%
  • $420 million in revenue
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • 1.5 million paying subscribers
  • aster than any video subscription service launch (online or offline)
  • attracting more than 2x the number of subscribers each day when compared to this time last year
  • content offering grew approximately 40% vs 201
  • Hulu Plus’ content offering grew more than 105%
  • combined installed base of over 200 million
Alex Street / Media - Television goes smart in dramatic makeover - 0 views

  • Apple TV device is expected to be launched in September
  • smart TV
  • Web TV has failed to catch on in the pas
  • ...25 more annotations...
  • ability to stream in HD quality has transformed the offering
  • “dumb” monitors
  • Retailers are looking to increase their margins
  • Media companies, too, are spreading their bets,
  • Netflix,
  • Technology companies aim to serve all sides
  • network equipment makers
  • fighting among themselves over standards.
  • Walmart bought the Vudu digital media servic
  • Sonic Solutions acquired DivX
  • Pace, the world’s biggest set-top box maker, is buying 2Wire to serve telcos
  • Google’s developer conference
  • Google, Intel, Sony, Logitech, Adobe, Dish Networks and Best Buy appeared on stage together to launch Google TV
  • experimentation.
  • competing services on the same device
  • etflix and Vudu streaming movies and Yahoo Widgets
  • , Google TV represents Google and Intel trying to simplify and spur mass adoption with their own content combinations, operating system and interface,
  • Google TV as a unifying solution
  • app developers to target a Google TV platform and end up on multiple devices
  • Google TV concept allows viewers to find the content they want through search, with results that mix regular broadcast programming with web content, recorded TV and personal media such as photos and music
  • Google’s Chrome browser is the interface to the web and there is a big-screen version of YouTube
  • “Google TV is not designed for local TV needs
  • “Different markets around the world have different requirements,
  • problem with innovation in the TV industry is the go-to-market strategy,
  • TV industry has a subsidised model that gives everyone a set-top box for free. So no one wants to buy a box. Ask TiVo… ask us… ask Google in a few month
Alex Street

Google TV to launch this year | Technology | - 0 views

  • global TV advertising market
  • oogle TV service,
  • turised version of his Apple TV
  • ...8 more annotations...
  • full internet browsing via the television, would be free, and that Google would work with a variety of programme makers and electronics manufacturers
  • Google TV will consist of software written by Google embedded into hardware made by other companies:
  • HDTV set and a Blu-ray player from Sony, and a set-top box from Logitec
  • small apps
  • Adobe's Flash
  • t how easy it will be to integrate content
  • QWERTY keyboards" b
  • t a distance, with one hand, in the dark.
Alex Street

Apple TV vs. the competition -- how does it stack up? -- Engadget - 0 views

  • media streamer on the market -
  • Sony's Netbox and the Boxee Box o
  • Roku HD-XR, Popbox
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • LG Blu-ray playe
  • MLB.TV and most recently Hulu Plus
  • becoming more readily available thanks to Netflix's increasing popularity, but also from
  • Two years ago the average Roku customer used our product 11 hours a month, but now it's 43 hours a month
  • direct to customers (on
Alex Street

informitv - Views on YouView from Decipher - 0 views

  • informitv partners Decipher
  • market had failed to provide a solution for TV VOD’ —
  • By the time YouView launches in mid-2011 it will be just another product in an over-supplied market for video-on-demand devices
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • seven or eight products on sale in the United Kingdom
  • Every new Sony Bravia television screen and Blu-ray disk player has iPlaye
  • every PS3 ever sold in UK can already access iPlayer
  • TV Player, Demand Five and LoveFilm.
  • YouView can only justify itself, and survive commercially, if it delivers something significantly different and compelling into a market already
  • broadcast-centric way of presenting VOD
  • atform is designed and owned by companies that understand content’. I
  • At the outset, the Canvas project was put into the hands of many of the teams who had launched PC VOD ‘players’ for the broadcasters
  • Now it must be said that YouView is likely to be the only player in the short term with catch-up content from all the free-to-air broadcasters
  • Nigel Walley is the managing director of Decipher, an informitv partner.
Alex Street


  • CellMetric, Cisco, Digital TV Labs, Humax, NXP Semiconductors, Panasonic, ProTelevision Technologies, Screen Service, SIDSA, Sony, ST Microelectronics an
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