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Haines M

Why Teen Pregnancy Is a Poverty Problem - 19 views

    This article explains how poverty and teen pregnancy are related.
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    That is really shocking! I've never thought that poverty would be related to teen pregancy, but now that I read this it makes so much sense. It's so sad, but it's also promising, because if we can beat poverty, then that can significantly help teen pregnancy.
    Wowwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you would never think that teen pregnancy and poverty were related!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    wow. i agree with avery-you don't really relate poverty and teen pregnancy
    i don't think that we could beat teen pregnancy. you really can't tell someone to stop you know. but poverty could be beaten easily then again there both decisions. or well teen pregnancy is.
    or maybe i read the comment wrong.
    i agree with suzi, this aritcle seems a lil over strong though. i dont like the point of view its coming from
    ya, you can't really control how many teens get pregnant, but poverty can lead to teen pregnancy (and vice versa).
    its really sadening that if the mother has not earned a high school diploma or equivalency degree, the child will grow up in poverty 64 percent of the time. i think that this problem needs to be adressed so that we can stop this vicious cycle.
    i didnt think that teen pregnancy could be related to poverty.
    I never linked poverty and teen pregnancy to poverty, but after reading thing article, it all makes sence. I also think that it would be really tough to be a teen mom in general, but then on top of that living in poverty. I cant image how hard and stressful that would be on a family.
    i think its sad that a child born to an unmarried teen mother has a 27 percent chance of growing up in poverty. i mean, how would you feel if that was your mom who made that decision. ?
    WOAH!!! theres 2.2 billon children in the world and theres 1 billion in poverty:(
    Its sad that just some dumb mistakes made by teenagers can change there lives forever. and part of beeing a teenager is makeing duimb mistakes, so you can learn and become expirenced adult. But all you can say is "abstinance" I beliveve that the gov't needs to work even harder to prevent it, and really spend some time and money to fight this growing problem.
    Its so sad, if a baby is born to a poor mom they are more likely to live in poverty when their older
    I never thought teenage pregnancy would ever be related to poverty. I was amazed at how the numbers of poverty in a state was closely followed by the numbers of teen pregnancy in that area. I would never what to have a kid when I am like 16. But living poverty at the same time must be so hard. It was so shocking how the teen's kid would must likely grow up to be like their parents were. Which is so sad.
    I thought that this article was interesting because i never would have thought that that getting pregnant would be a cause of poverty.
    It doesn't really suprise me that teen pregnancy is linked to poverty. Most teenage mothers can't pay for all the costs of a baby.
    It sad but clearly obvious that teen pregnacy is a vicious cycle. Born to a teen mother, children are likely to grow up in poverty, making it likely that they will get pregnant in their teenage years.
    This article was very shocking for me. "The report's rankings of states by teen pregnancy rates looks eerily similar to the U.S. Census rankings of states by poverty rates." That line really just took my breath away, because I seriously had no idea that teen pregnancy could be linked to poverty in any way. It just hurt my heart seeing the way that poverty can really have that much of an effect on people.
    I agree with Kelsey, its not surprsing at all. Yestarday i went to the food pantry and Mr.Maddox noticed a can of maybe formula and said that pint of baby formula lasts two days and costs $15. its crazy how much a child costs and especially for a teen whose not prepared finacually and mentally
    I liked how this article gave another example of what can cause many people to be in poverty because of. I think its really sad how many young girls throw their life away and have to end up being homeless or in poverty.
    I think it's sad how 27% of children with teen moms grow up in poverty. They deserve a better life than that even though they can't control who their mom is.
    I think this site should open peoples eyes. .When i think of causes of poverty this never came to mind. This is a big cause of people who are in poverty. I also feel bad because if you are in poverty you cant provide your kid with the right essentials. And its says that about 27% of kids grow up living in poverty because their mothers were living in poverty too. Dont have sex kids. thanks. (:
Plummer H

Ted Williams with Golden Voice and the Myths About Homelessness - 7 views

    I liked this artical because not only did it show that some myths about homless people arn't ture is also showed a story about a man who wasonce homless but now has a job and i thought i was uplefting.
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    I remember hearing abut that guy n tv! I never really knew that there where "myths" about poverty. It was really interesting to see the stereotypes that people come up with.
    TED WILLIAMS. he is so amazing I love his story. It makes me really happy to know that hes going to visit his mom for the first time in like 40 years thats so sweet. C:
    That's so sweet that he's the announcer for the Cavaliers now! He was in a macaroni and cheese commercial too. It's so crazy that he went from homeless to famous in two days!
    Its nice to see someone overcome such a problem and able to beat it. Really gives me hope that our nation can beat this problem
    i think people really need to read this srticle-it's short and sweet, but kills a lot of mithys about poverty. go Ted!
    I think that this story shows that you can get out of poverty! It shows hope to a lot of different people including those in poverty.
    yeah Declan........ All you need is a perfect radio voice.... -_____-
    At first I thought that this man's story was amazing, but as his real story developed, I was disgusted by this story. Turns out that he was a drug addict and that he has (still is) physically abused his daughter, lying to her, saying that he was sober when really he was slobbering drunk. Now he is going to rehab. Guys, rehab isn't free. Who's paying for that? Some person who felt generous. Well, why is it that the people who have chosen to throw their lives away get all this support? What about the people who are pure? While this man gets attention for being a drug addict, people are STILL starving on the streets. Juss' sayin.
    shelby, the guy overcame homelessness and poverty and has pratically turned his life around. Rehab will help the guy to become a better person. I think his story is pretty remarkable
    He a drug addict. He can't pay for it so someone elso is paying for his rehab when that money can go to the streets were familys need it most.
    I would disagree; other people turned his life around for him. Do you really think that if he didn't have rehab PAYED FOR HIM he would have sought help for his addiction? He wouldn't have told anybody :/ Sure, it's awesome that he was found on the street, and that HIS life is better, but there are STILL people who I believe deserve help more than him. It makes me sick that all the corrupt people are the ones who get all the attention, when the pure are left to fend for themselves.
    I like this article it is very interesting about how he was homeless one day and then in 3 days he's now rich and has a house. so i think what they are trying to say is that not all homeless people are non talented school drop outs. they are trying to say that some are very talented and might have messed up in life.
Oberly K

In Ohio, Marriage Drops the Probability of Child Poverty by 87 Percent - 1 views

    this article has a suprising chart that shows the difference in poverty rates between a married couple with kids and a single mother with the same amount of kids
    Do you think that even if a single mother had a good education she would still be in poverty? I think so IFF the child or children could take care of themselves long enough for the mother to find a decent job to support the family.
    that very interesting. i never would have thought that married families are at less risk of poverty affecting them, but now that i think about it i guess they could both work and would get more money then one person.
Gonzalez A

Child Deaths and Poverty - 6 views

    This article talks about poverty around the world and gives statistics. I was shocked when it said that 1 child dies every four seconds due to poverty. 15 children die every minute.
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    This site was really an eye opener. You here that children are dying, and not having food, but when you put number sto it, like 8.1 million children every yeaar, it really makes you want to do something about it.
    I was very unpleasantly suprised to see that every 4 seconds a child dies.
    I cant believe that so many children die every year of poverty. And its really sad that 88million died in the span of 9 years. It makes me want to help even though I know it will always be a problem. The least we can do is donate and help decrease the number of deaths each year.
    the way the statistics were explained were good, the numbers weren't just numbers. they make sense, and it breaks my heart. a child dies every four seconds. We are letting precious life slip away.
    wow this is so sad. i world of never thought over 8 million kids die a year in the world. the Haiti earthquake was terrible but i never knew every ten days as many people died in the earth quake was as many kids died in the ten days around the world. thats so sad :(
    i can not believe that a child is dieing every 4 seconds, and 15 every minute. I don't know how they know that 15 children are dieing every minute or 22,000 children are dieing every day. I think that it is sad that most people don't donate money to people who need it.
    Its so sad that so many children died before there 5th birthday! 8 MILLION children. It really gives perspectice to the situation and i know people go with 8 million children dying if i helped by donating it wouldn't make a difference but it will. If everyone thought that same way the number of kids dying each year would be soooo much higher.
    I was completly shocked at what this article had to say. I was not happy with the notion that every four seconds a child dies and most likely it is causes realates to poverty. I want to help those in need. The pictures that they had of the children made my heart ache. I know that we might not save every child in the world but maybe we can reduce those numbers.
    Definatly a eye-opening article. The first few lines of text were like a bomb to the heart. It's just so sad that so many children are dying, and that there is no clear, easy solution.
Carnahan H

Causes and Effects of Poverty - 3 views

    The world spends money trying to build armies, fight wars and and build econimies which helps the rich but does nothing for the people in poverty. I think this is surprising that the world focuses on helping themselves and not the people that need it but I can beleive that the countries are trying to make themselves more powerful and poverty is a result.
    A lot of information about poverty. why is everything so freaking sad
    This article gives cause and effect, which makes it a little easier to userstand poverty
Walouke A

Why can't people escape poverty? - 3 views

    This is an article that came out March 30, 2010. A personal story about a girl coming out from college trying to find a way in this world. It also talks about the live's of black families and white families and comparing their wealth.
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    that was a really inspirational article...i hope more people realize that often it isn't the people's fault-they just weren't given a chance to start a new life without all that baggage.
    Peterson's story was very sad but it was interesting too see that she used education as her solution. I hope that people who are like her read her story and use education as their solutions. If she can inspire me im sure she can inspire alot of people just like her.
    Its so hard to escape poverty because they have to get a job. In this bad economy it so hard.
    People ask why people stay in poverty for so long, and this article answers that question
    I liked the last part that said with personal education comes, the need for others to be educated. I thought this was really good because it was saying that the first and most important step to helping others in poverty is to be educated well.
    I think that it's really interesting that education is one of the big reasons people are in poverty. If we could give everyone a proper education, we could probably take a lot of people out of poverty.
Teets S

Children in Poverty: America's War - 3 views

    A lot of true facts about children in poverty. I can't believe about 15 million children live below the poverty line :(
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    15 million children that sad. Why want people help them?
    I don't know if we should be giving money to other nations to hepl poverty when we have so many people here in america that are experiencing the same hardships.
    i fond this fact very disturbing and suprising: "Everyday 2,660 children are born into poverty; 27 die because of it.'
    I liked this article because although it talked about the sad poverty statistics it did talk about how the government is trying to help compared to other articles which blame the government.
    This article was not only informational, but it made me hopeful. Full of statistics, this article gives you information on the effects of poverty AND tells you what is currently being done to help this growing problem in America. "Everyday 2,660 children are born into poverty; 27 die because of it." Although this fact is saddening, I was inspired by this fact: "In 1995, 49% of American adults regularly did some form of volunteer work -- a total of 20.3 billion hours." It's good to see that children in poverty are being helped by those more fortunate than themselves. (:
    I cant believe that in 2008 15.45 million children were living in poverty or were poor. Those children will probably not get an adequate education or have a good healthy childhood. Most likly when those children are old enough they will have to get a job as soon as they can to help the family pay for the things they need. We are so lucky and most of us dont realise it.
    1 in 4 children in America live under the poverty line. Its sad
Shockley L

Federal Poverty Guidelines - 0 views

    Poverty Threshold is different that poverty guidelines. Threshold is normaly used for statistics, such as estimating the number of Americans in poverty. Poverty guidelines are used for administrative purposes, such as seeing if someone meets the requirments of certain programs. The poverty guildelines may also be known as 'federal poverty level.' (There are charts showing the poverty guidelines for different family sizes that live in the 48 connected staes, Alaska, and Hawii) The poverty guideline changes depending on where you live. \nI was surprized to see that in 2009 Alaska had the highest poverty guideline at $13,530 and the 48 connected states had the lowest with $10,830. I also cant imagine my family of six living off $29,530. It also makes me think about all the other nessesities that we take for granted and how people living in poverty would be really greatful for them.
Allen C

Regional Differences in Family Poverty - 1 views

    This article shows the differences in poverty in different places and reasons why the poverty levels are different.
Plummer H

Ways to Help Poor People - 3 views

    i liked how it said help stop proverty by educatong yourself and friends. It reminded me of the qoute at the zoo "plan for a month plant rice plan for a year plant trees plan for a life plant education"
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    It is very brilliant to educate people to help stop poverty; for "knowledge equals power," and we need as much power as we can get to cure the "plague" of pverty around the world.
    I agree that educating people about poverty is one of the best ways to help it and to prevent it. educating people about the effects of poverty and educating people in general so they can go to school and get jobs is good.
    I also agree that education is one of the ways to help stop poverty. Because if people are educated, they can get a job and provide for the family. It wont solve the probelm all the way because their income may not match up to the amount of money needed to live. But educating people is a good start.
    it's so nice to see a website full of solutions. i mean, statistics and facts are important, but we need more sites like this that educate and give solutions.
    I thought the article wasn't the most detailed but it still outlined ways of helping people in poverty
    I think that this article had some good ideas for helping to stop poverty. It also had links to organizations that help end poverty. The article really showed me how easy it is for us to use organizations to help the world.
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