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Clayton Trombley

Arizona Gay Service Bill - 1 views

    This article is about the bill that was proposed to give businesses the right to refuse people who are gay service. It goes through what would happen if the bill passed and it shows who was supporting it. It talks about the rights of people and discrimination. Overall it was a good read
    Yes, however I think it overshadows the fact though that the law was about religious differences, rather than specifically targeting homosexuality.

10 Things You Should Do Before Having Brain Surgery - 0 views

    The main point of this article is to go over what one person should do before brain surgery, such as by giving tips to keep yourself stress free during and after the operation, and what to eat after surgery. The purpose of the article is to make a list of things someone should do before undergoing brain surgery, because it can be a traumatic experience, and the author of the article wants only the best for the readers health. The author of the article tackles the issues of health, both mental and physical, attitude, and different ways to handle different situations you may be in before, during, and after the surgery; Essentially, the author goes over the right and wrong things to do in the situation where you require cranial surgery. And as for what the article is about? It is about 10 things to do before having brain surgery, but the article also discusses some things to do after the surgery as well.
    The main point of this article is to go over what one person should do before brain surgery, such as by giving tips to keep yourself stress free during and after the operation, and what to eat after surgery. The purpose of the article is to make a list of things someone should do before undergoing brain surgery, because it can be a traumatic experience, and the author of the article wants only the best for the readers health. The author of the article tackles the issues of health, both mental and physical, attitude, and different ways to handle different situations you may be in before, during, and after the surgery; Essentially, the author goes over the right and wrong things to do in the situation where you require cranial surgery. And as for what the article is about? It is about 10 things to do before having brain surgery, but the article also discusses some things to do after the surgery as well.
Amelia Bruhl

How to Become a Set Designer - Set Designer Career | Academic Invest - 0 views

    This website has an entire on what it takes to become a set designer. It also has information on what a job as set designer looks like, what a set designer does for work, how much set designers get paid per year, who they work for, what the job environment is like, and the recommended education for becoming a successful set designer. At the bottom of the website is more information on whether or not a career on scenic design is the right choice for you. Also, there are links to sites with even more information on the subject.
    What does a set designer do? How much do they make? How do I become a set designer? Visit our 'Set Designer Career Guide' to find out everything you need to know about becoming a set designer.
Kristen Farrell

Ancient Egyptian Burial Rituals - 1 views

I was trying to open this site, but it is a little different how you are posting these articles. You might be starting and not giving the comment option right from the home page. Look at someone ...

Research Ancient Egypt http:__www2.sptimes.com_Egypt_EgyptCredit.4.3.html

Sam Jarvis

Turkey, Jordan says world has responsibility to end Syria war - 1 views

    This is A recap of all that's happened in Syria so far, and hopefully what will happen in the future. Its still up in the air right now.
    Obama said it was not for America to determine who would lead Syria, but he added: "A leader who slaughtered his citizens and gassed children to death cannot regain the legitimacy to lead a badly fractured country." Does anyone know what this quote has to do with the Natural Rights Philosophy 18th century philosopher John Locke wrote about in Two Treatise of Government?
Will Aldrich

Pharmacy is Right for Me - 0 views

    This website has to be the most useful if not second most useful website I used in my project. It tells you the skills needed to become a pharmacist and it also tells you everything you want to know about it! Even their little side projects and it even gives you writing prompts. I would recommend this website to anyone who has even the slightest thought that they may want to become a pharmacist.
Alec Towsley

If the Earth hit the event horizon of a black hole right this moment, what would we see? - 0 views

    This is a good place to get feedback from other professionals.
Kelsey Haskins

3 Ways to Know When to End Your Chapters | - 0 views

  • 3 Ways to Know When to End Your Chapters
    This website gave me information that I never knew. It said to worry about chapters after you were finished writing the piece. This tip was made so that you focus on writing your story and what you need to put in instead of worrying about what part goes into what chapter. This website helped me figure out how to do that and it was incredibly helpful for where I am right now in my book.

Royster, Jones, Jacqueline. Southern Horrors and Other Writings The Anti-Lynching Campa... - 1 views

Ida B. Wells isn't as well known as Rosa Parks because she was more into writing about the issue at hand, whereas Rosa Parks didn't move from her seat. This book shows the bravery, sacrifice, coura...

History Civil Movement Ida Wells Lynching Discrimination Unequal rights

started by jezrielberry14 on 02 Oct 14 no follow-up yet
Riley Forbes

Susan B. Anthony History - 0 views

    This website describes Susan B. Anthony's lifestyle in six different sections: abolitionist, educational reformer, labor activist, temperance worker, suffragist and women rights campaigner. As Susan B. Anthony grew older her interests changed. The goal of this site was to focus on the main points in her life, give an overview for each of them and show how she made the decision that helping women achieve the right to vote was a greater problem than establishing stronger liquor laws. This was the most useful resource that I used in my essay on Susan B. Anthony and how she impacted American History; I specifically needed information about her life from when she was a young adult (20's) to her death. The Susan B. Anthony House does not include very much about her childhood, which was fine for my purposes. The information is reliable because the Susan B. Anthony House isn't a bias source; it is all facts and doesn't have include any opinions about her life. I would definitely recommend this website to anyone who wants to learn about Susan B. Anthony's adult life. The organization of the site was wonderful and the material was easy to understand. I was able to find information about Susan B. Anthony's rebellion, campaigns and petitions. I used this source to support the idea that Anthony effect America's History. When learning about Susan B. Anthony I realized that throughout the world equality still hasn't been fully achieved; in some places women are still paid less than men.

"The Fountas and Pinnell Prompting Guide, A Tool for Literacy Teachers" - 1 views

I read a prompting guide called The Fountas and Pinnell Prompting Guide, A Tool for Literacy Teachers. This book helps first and second grade teachers with the basics of teaching literacy for their...

Education Literacy English Fountas Pinnell PromptingGuide YoungChildren SecondGrade

started by adupoise on 08 Oct 14 no follow-up yet
logan marsano

Gun control - 0 views

    This article is about Obama, the current U.S. President, who is trying to outlaw guns by going behind the citizens backs and making it a crime for any citizen to own a gun by not stopping the U.N. from passing international gun control laws. This will allow the secretary of state, without consent from the citizens of the United States, to decide the gun control laws in our country and across the globe. This article came from CNN, which is a reliable news source. I fear Obama's actions are going to start a civil war if this actually happens because it would violate the second amendment right of all U.S. citizens by creating a larger global law banning guns. I am strongly opposed to the U.N. setting our country's gun control laws and want to protect my current rights as a U.S. citizen.
Chelsea Bingham

Reasons to Attend a Liberal Arts College - 0 views After seeing this it only made me feel better for being interested in going to a liberal arts college. I thought it was inte...

College Research

started by Chelsea Bingham on 16 Jan 14 no follow-up yet
Chelsea Bingham

College Peronality Quiz - 1 views I found this quiz and it helped me figure out what kind of college I was interested i...

College research

started by Chelsea Bingham on 11 Jan 14 no follow-up yet
Arden Krampetz

Being a Better Writer - 0 views This article gives insight to 201 ways to become a better writer. From topics on, finding the right mindset to becoming more creative it covers everything...

writing Creative tips

started by Arden Krampetz on 16 Jan 14 no follow-up yet
Britney hill

5 Tips about Recommendation letters - 0 views

    These helpful tips will help any college bound senior find the right people to write their recommendation for them.

Harold M. Stratton - 0 views

    This Wikipedia brief right up of Harold Stratton. it has a little on what he did before Stephen Briggs and himself created BASCO (Briggs And Stratton CO)
    Can you use this research for the local influence part of your paper?

Outrageous Audio - Understand Subwoofers - 0 views

    Outrageous Audio provides information for you to better understand subwoofers and car audio in general. Do it right the first time!
Demitra Potter

How to Write an Artist Statement - 0 views

    This wikihow article helped me write my first artist statement, I wasn't quite sure what to include at first and this article helped point me in the right direction.
Riley Forbes

Colonists coming to the New World - 0 views

    The main points in this article are the settlements, population sources, the relationships with Native Americans, government, religion, and economy and population growth for the English, French and Spanish Colonies. The purpose of this article is to show the similarities and differences between the English, French and Spanish Colonists during the founding of the New World. There are many topics covered in this article, however the most important topic is the colonists and how they are different even though they came from the same continent: Europe. This articles is a comparison of the three colonists groups and which group would be the best suited to colonize the New World. This is a very useful source to use as notes or to help you debate a certain side, because it shows you the group's strong points as well as the drawbacks. Other sources that I have used only talk about on group of colonists and you really have to dig for answers, whereas this site is organized in a chart and all the information is right in front of you. This was very useful for my U.S. History class because this website showed the different groups of European colonists and their strengths and weaknesses.
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