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Clayton Trombley

Arizona Gay Service Bill - 1 views

    This article is about the bill that was proposed to give businesses the right to refuse people who are gay service. It goes through what would happen if the bill passed and it shows who was supporting it. It talks about the rights of people and discrimination. Overall it was a good read
    Yes, however I think it overshadows the fact though that the law was about religious differences, rather than specifically targeting homosexuality.
Caroline Camara

Bill Kuhns - 3 views

You are so very lucky to have this man in your life! What are you three going to do for him?

pl College Teacher Person Smart Engineer Programmer

Rider Maccrellish

Bill Nye vs. Ken Ham - 1 views

    This debate has been a very popular and controversial subject over the past weeks since it was aired. Ken Ham represents the christian, old testament, view of creationism and debates Bill Nye, who defends the theory of evolution, and the earth being 4 billion years old. The premise of Ken Hams argument is that there is a large misconception in modern science, in which "historical science" is studied in he same way as "observational science." His claim is that scientists cannot make claims about the age of the earth or "the past" solely by observing the present. Bill Nye tries to prove his own point that observational science and historical science are in the same category of study, and that the only way to make conclusions about the past, present or future is by observing the natural earth as it is now. Nye also makes a strong effort to disprove the old testament's claim that the earth is only 6,000 years old, and that during Noah's Ark there in fact was a global flood. The debate is extremely thought provoking, no matter who you agree with coming into it. This particular debate is at the core of my ILO focus, and I recommend it to anyone who is interested in the idea of creation.
Caroline Camara

Response to Nye Ham Debate - Evolution vs. Creation - 0 views

    This is a wonderful response to the debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham that occurred on 2/4/14. A real defense of the process of science.
Tyler Hebert

Farmer Bill Veldman - 0 views

Bill showed me more feed work type of skills. i learned how to be beside a chopper in the field in a dump truck.

farming chopping dump truck field

started by Tyler Hebert on 06 Jan 15 no follow-up yet
megan hill

Hoard's Dairyman - 0 views

    This is a resource I use frequently to catch up on all that's happening in the dairy industry. Hoard's Dairyman talks about everything from the farm bill to crops.
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