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Julia Rickner

Cappex- College Research - 0 views

    Again, another great tool for college research. This site is very organized. Though it shares a lot of the same qualities as other college research sources (finding a college, scholarship chances, admission chances, etc.) my favorite part of it is how organized the student reviews are. Through Cappex, you can choose one of your favorite colleges, and see one students review of the school in entirety, then scroll down and see the next students review of the school. It is organized in a way that you can see clearly multiple students opinions about the same area of the college. Cappex is easy to navigate, and another strong source to use for college research.
Eliot Brett

Understanding Your Fictional Writing - 0 views

    I used this site when I was confused about what I was writing about but I used this site that shows many different ways to get out of writers block and clear up and move on in my writing. It also provided different ways to organize who your characters are and ways to organize the tense you are writing in. This site also gives good writing tips.
Carina Isbell

Blue Mountain Organics - 0 views

    This company I feel is like how every other company should strive to be like. They're dedication to producing the best products that are both good for the earth and for human health.
Carina Isbell

Food Navigator - 0 views

    I absolutely love this website. It has articles that cover everything from sustainability, organics, food science, and the fast food industry. There is something here for everyone.
Riley Forbes

Biology study site: - 1 views

    Summarize: The main points of the Environmental Biology website is to show the five main nutrient cycles: nitrogen, oxygen, carbon, phosphorus and water and how energy flows through ecosystem. The topics covered include: ~the roles of an organism (such as a consumer, herbivores, etc.) ~energy flow through an ecosystem ~food chains and webs/ pyramids and biological magnification ~Humans vs. natural food chains This article goes through the basics of ecology and is very easy to understand. There are pictures of the cycles that relate to the reading. Review and access: This is a wonderful source because it includes all the different nutrient cycles as well as pictures and writing. It also brings up many concepts: bio magnification, the different roles of an organism and human vs. natural food chain. This website doesn't go in depth in a specific part of ecology, but is instead a basic and broad overview of the whole thing. Most websites either only talk about food chains or nutrient cycles, yet this website includes it all. This website is reliable, because I have compared it to other websites and classwork. I would recommend using this website when learning basic ecology or just refreshing your mind because a lot of simple concepts are mentioned. This article won't take long to read, because everything is pretty broad. Reflect: This source was helpful for me when refreshing my knowledge on the water cycle and learning about the oxygen and nitrogen cycle. I have used this site as a notes resource for the ecology unit in my biology class. This site has helped me to better understand the different cycles, the movement of energy through an ecosystem and food chains vs. food webs. ~Riley
Riley Forbes

Aromatherapy - 0 views

    I was introduced to this website when I began my Human Development final project on aromatherapy. This site is the best one that I have come across throughout all of my research; it is very organized and there is just so much information. The main headers are aromatherapy articles, aromatherapy recipes, carrier oil profiles, essential oil profiles, hydrosol profiles and aromatherapy books. The purpose of this article is to give you information about what essential oils are and how to use them. I think that this is an amazing source; it starts at the very basics and becomes more complex as you continue. Not only does it tell you about a bunch of oils and their health benefits but it shows you how to make your own aromatherapy recipes. The aromatherapy web is definitely accurate because there are a bunch of people who work on it and I'm sure that they would correct each other if anyone made a mistake. I would recommend this source to anyone who wants to research aromatherapy or who wants to try it. Because this website was so organized it was easy for me to answer my questions. This site helped me to expand my knowledge on aromatherapy and think about all the natural ways of healing.
Louissa Rozendaal

Open Sky Wilderness Therapy - 0 views

    Open Sky Wilderness Therapy is the largest wilderness therapy organization in the U.S. Wilderness therapy is a profession I would like to pursue, and Open Sky is an organization that I would like to work for.
megan hill

Making a Difference - 0 views

    "The National FFA Organization (also known as Future Farmers of America) is an organization that helps young people develop career, leadership and life skills through agricultural education." quoted from the FFA page. Visit this website, there is some great information about farming.

Brain Parts Overview - 0 views

shared by ameliafbruhl on 16 Jan 15 - No Cached
    The source different from other sources I've used because it is actually a slideshow, not an article (which is helpful in the sense that you do not have to read a lot, it is very short and concise information). The slideshow gives plenty of information about the five senses of the body and the various organs related to those senses. I took notes on the entire slideshow. This source is useful because, as I mentioned before, it is written out in the simplest form possible and most important terms are highlighted. This source helped me understand the fundamentals of the senses and how they operate in the brain. I will use this source from time to time when I need to reference the information on the senses.

(2) Mom Diminishes 38 lbs Of Fat By Avoiding 2 Vegetables She Thought Was Healthy. - 0 views

shared by nmsinfo on 24 Feb 16 - No Cached
    A complete guide to reduce fat and make yourself healthy without any damage of your body organs.You can also learn some food recopies.
Melinda Lathrop

Scholarships - 1 views

    This is the site for students looking for financial help and college info.
    This site was really helpful. It provides so much imformation for those who do not know much about college. Such as, cost, scholarships, and financial aid. This site is easily divided by tabs to help with organization.
    VSAC is a place that offers many college bound students scholarships. This is a great place to look at if you are anticipating on paying for college out of your pocket so that you can earn as many scholarships as possible.
Katherine Moody

Science- Stream Erosiom - 0 views

    This website is very well organized and is easy to find the information that you need. I used this site during a stream erosion unit and it was very helpful because it had the science vocabulary and helpful diagrams.
Riley Forbes

Colonists coming to the New World - 0 views

    The main points in this article are the settlements, population sources, the relationships with Native Americans, government, religion, and economy and population growth for the English, French and Spanish Colonies. The purpose of this article is to show the similarities and differences between the English, French and Spanish Colonists during the founding of the New World. There are many topics covered in this article, however the most important topic is the colonists and how they are different even though they came from the same continent: Europe. This articles is a comparison of the three colonists groups and which group would be the best suited to colonize the New World. This is a very useful source to use as notes or to help you debate a certain side, because it shows you the group's strong points as well as the drawbacks. Other sources that I have used only talk about on group of colonists and you really have to dig for answers, whereas this site is organized in a chart and all the information is right in front of you. This was very useful for my U.S. History class because this website showed the different groups of European colonists and their strengths and weaknesses.
Louissa Rozendaal

AMGA - 0 views

    The American Mountain Guides Association is an organization I would like to work for in the future. They have a lot of incredible mountaineering programs.
Myles Towsley

Timetoast Timelines - 1 views

    This is a handy tool for classroom use that guides students through the process of organizing information in timeline form and results in a polished finished product. To add events to a timeline simply click on the "add an event" button and a simple event box pops up in which you can enter enter text, place a link, or add a picture.
    Timetoast is a place to create timelines that you can add to your blog or website. You can create historical timelines of important events, or build a timeline of your vacation.
Maureen Deppman

Time Glider Timeline - 0 views

    Create, collaborate and publish zooming and panning interactive timelines
Margaret Moody

Prezi - 0 views

    Prezi is a presentation tool that helps you organize and share your ideas
    This is a website where you can create a presentation. It is a very useful and efficient way to share your ideas and/or projects. It is also a great way to be innovative and original with a presentation to make it aesthetically pleasing.
Julia Rickner

College Board- SAT Question of the Day - 0 views

    SAT Question of the day was such a great tool! Studying for something like the SAT is stressful, and sometimes you just avoid it all together because you don't know how to go about it! Believe me, I did...until I found this source! SAT Question of the day works in two ways; you can have the site email you one practice question a day, or you can go on the the College Board SAT site and do a question (or many questions) each day! I found this to be a very laid back, effective, and organized way to study for the SATs. I highly recommend using this source!
Julia Rickner

Prep Matters- College Admission Requirements - 0 views

    This source was a treasure to find. Flipping from college website to college website in attempt to figure out all their individual requirements was a nightmare. Frustrated, I searched "college requirements" and found this gem of a website! Prep Matters is very simply a list of colleges and their testing and deadline requirements. It is organized in alphabetical order and lists the college or universities SAT scale, optional test and super scoring policies, ACT requirements, subject test requirements, whether or not the college is on Common App, and all early action/decision and regular admission deadlines. I think my favorite part of this website, however, is the ability to 'click' the college you are interested in, and it takes you directly to the college's homepage. The only downfall of this source is it does not have all colleges!
Carina Isbell

Coconut and Quinoa - 0 views

    I just discovered this blog recently, and I'm already in love. The blogger highlights seasonal vegetables and everything she posts seems to be filled with color and goodness. I'd suggest this to those who are looking to get out of the "norm" of vegetarian eating, because the stuff she makes tends to be not what most people are used to eating. Locavores, organic food market regulars, and foodies rejoice; this is your blog.
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