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Irene V.

5 Reasons Why Responsive Design Is Not Worth It - ManageWP - 0 views

    "accessing a web page on my phone, I'm doing it for a different reason than if I was using my laptop. If I'm on the road (aka, not at home and not at work), and I access a website on my phone, usually it's for very specific information that I want to ingest quickly and without much fuss. For example, if I access the USTA (United States Tennis Association) website on my phone, these are my priorities: 1) What channel is the current match on? (15 seconds on site) 2) When's the next match? (15 seconds on site) 3) What does the bracket look like now? (1 minute on site) If I'm at my laptop, these are my priorities: 1) Stream the match live. (potentially 3 hours) 2) See real-time stats. (as long as the match lasts) 3) Watch instructional videos. (5 minutes to 2 hours) So really it's the type of content that changes based on the platform, and therefore the IA of the site should be different based on the platform to accommodate what people want the most based on which platform they are on. My issue with responsive design is that almost all of the examples I've seen have nearly-identical IA. This is ignoring differences in usage behavior which, I feel, is detrimental to the overall satisfaction of users."
    leyendo sobre responsive design, checando cual si jala y cual no...
Irene V.

Social Software: What It Is And How It Impacts Individuals And Organizations - A Report... - 0 views

  • Social software is whatever software or online network that enables users to interact and share knowledge in a social dimension, emphasizing the human potential instead of the technology that makes the exchange possible
  • reshaping the way in which collaboration happens
  • new generation organizations.
  • ...26 more annotations...
  • Innovators: Brave people - pulling the change. Innovators are very important communicators. Early Adopters: Respectable people - opinion leaders, try out new ideas, but in a careful way. Early Majority: Thoughtful people - careful but accepting change more quickly than the average. Late Majority: Sceptical people - will use new ideas or products only when the majority is using it. Laggards: Traditional people - caring for the "old ways", are critical towards new ideas and will only accept it if the new idea has become mainstream or even tradition.
  • empowers individuals to: Make It – i.e. user-driven content Name It – i.e. social bookmarking referred to as folksonomy Work on It – i.e. mass collaboration or crowdsourcing Find It – i.e. online product search generating the new business model, Long Tail.
  • landscape is dynamically changing
  • These were 3D or virtual worlds (eg Second Life), photo publishing (eg Flickr), digital storytelling and podcasting
  • little causes have big effects; and changes happen not gradually but at one dramatic moment.
  • estimate target groups for communication purposes as well
  • enables people to rendez-vous, connect or collaborate through computer mediated discussion and to form online communities. Broadly conceived, this term could encompass older media such as mailing lists but some would restrict its meaning to more recent software genres such as blogs and wikis."
  • They are the messengers who spread social messages.
  • Connectors: People with a special gift for bringing the world together, people specialists, know lots of people and are able to make social connections. Mavens: Information specialists and problem solvers with social skills who like to share their knowledge. Salespeople: Have the skills to persuade when we are unconvinced of what we are hearing.
  • creating "contagious" social change
  • The characteristics of the exceptional people who start epidemics
  • (the early adopters) are ready to engage with social software: "I believe that it is the autonomy and freewill that has caught the attention of the second wave and it is their ability to "do it for themselves" that will be the sustainable feature of their ongoing elearning practices. It is the simplicity and ease of use of these social networking tools that has brought most success in the shortest amount of time during the [Framework] projects run in 2006."
  • new challenges and a desire to make things better
  • empowered, professional and extremely resourceful.
  • confidence
  • characteristic of the "blogger"
  • intrinsic motivation
  • it is a learned skill...if we want to communicate, through using blogs, we have to comment ...we have to have the confidence to 'talk' and build a profile. Commenting is a good starting point even if it is just to say 'thank you'."
  • meaning of groups, networks and communities.
  • blurring
  • linking and the forming of networks and/or communities that evolve from its use that many find so attractive.
  • Siemens’ Connectivism theory and is further supported by Stuckey and Arkell (2006) who state that, "The current mantra for knowledge management is connect don’t collect". (p 7)
  • "the importance of communities of practice and their generative knowledge building capacity"
  • The Domain – a shared interest The Community – Engaging in joint activities and discussions, help each other, and share information. The Practice - They develop a shared repertoire of resources: experiences, stories, tools, ways of addressing recurring problems - in short a shared practice.
  • A key element of linking, networking and forming communities of practice is "trust". You need to have trust in the judgments of the people with whom you are connecting. Trust is the basis of all human interactions. Boone in Stuckey and Arkell (2006 p 7) states, "I don’t want raw data, I don’t want information, I want the judgments of people I can trust".
  • Ownership – Fundamental to the whole "revolution" is the fact that individuals can now ‘own’ their own space on the Web – moving from being consumers to becoming contributors and collaborators. Sites that allow individuals to create and maintain their own collections of photos, videos, music and bookmarks online are examples of this. Personalization – the ability to customize the interface of many of these sites is an example of the personalized approach. But personalization goes a lot deeper with this, and includes the ability to actually ‘construct’ the way in which information is represented, where it comes from, how it is used etc. Participation – the move from simply publishing or participation is another hallmark of this software. Even blogs, while being a personal publishing tool, allow for participation – at one level through the comments that can be left, and at another through the communities of interest that develop. Aggregation – the availability of software that makes use of RSS (Really Simple Syndication) demonstrates how information from one source can so easily be integrated into another. Sites that allow individuals to create their personal aggregations of news feeds, blog links, and other feeds, such as NetVibes and PageFlakes, are good examples of this. Other sites such as Technorati illustrate how easily communities of interest can be formed through the aggregation of people’s blog entries.
Irene V.

Examples of Flowcharts, Organizational Charts, Network Diagrams and More - 0 views

    herramientas utiles para la presentacion grafica
Irene V.

Marketing trends in 2012 | B&T - 0 views

    Marketing trends in 2012 25 January, 2012 Madeleine Ross comments "Opportunities go begging in a market ripe for the brave," says Deloitte chief marketing officer David Redhill, and that's certainly the attitude of many marketers looking at the next 12 months. In this year's tough economic climate, with financial trouble plaguing most of Europe and the USA, Australian marketers will be cautious, but that doesn't mean they'll stop spending. Local consumers have grown accustomed to being circumspect and are now looking to do business with reliable institutions. According to Commonwealth Bank's chief marketing and online officer, Andy Lark: "if you're trusted and you've got a good brand, you're in a good position." Reports of flailing foreign economies won't wreak the same havoc they used to on the industry, with agencies and clients now looking towards the  potential downturn as an opportunity to cleverly and cost-effectively win over customers at their most vulnerable. "There is a lot of caution in the market and we are as circumspect as the next business," says Redhill. "But at the same time marketers who invest in brands in downtime are usually the winners because they will emerge stronger as competitors shrink their budgets and reel in their more expansive plans."  The Tontine Group's product development and marketing manager, Lucinda Kew, agrees: "It is actually the brands that invest through difficult times which end up getting the best results because… you're resonating with people and when they get through those difficult times, hopefully you're their brand of choice." More for the same The Commonwealth Bank, bedding manufacturer Tontine and financial advisory firm, Deloitte all plan to maintain their marketing spends this year. That's a relief for agencies, especially in the midst of rumours about a 'race to the bottom' where agencies are fighting for clients and remuneration offers are slumping. But that's not to say brands or agencies can r
Irene V.

Institute for Participatory design methods - 0 views

  • The Institute for Participatory design, we draw on a large Methodenrepertoir, to get some ideas for the design of our design process. Because we believe that each project and each method requires its own context, we offer classic methods reference and inspiration. My methods are constantly being developed and fully adapted to new requirements. In the end it is always important that your individual requirements are higher than the pure doctrine. We present here a small selection of our repertoire: Citizen activation and Community Organizing Civic Forum Citizen-based design workshop Design-oriented mediation Open Space Palodium Planning Workshop Round Table World Café
    example of personalizacion del servicio
Irene V.

Institute for Participatory Design: Welcome to the IPG - 0 views

    example of service expained
Irene V.

Future Ground | Web site development, technology consulting, Wordpress development in M... - 0 views

    love this design 
Irene V.

7 Great Examples of Alternatives to Corporate Power: W.L. Gore - Pioneer Human Services... - 0 views

  • Restraining corporate power requires changing the way we think about business. This means changing who owns, controls, and benefits from it. Profits, for instance, can flow to workers, consumers, or the community—not just to outside investors
  • The range is vast: from small worker- and community-owned firms to state pension funds, many of which are flexing their ownership muscle to force changes in corporate policy and target investment to meet public needs. What follows are seven of the best current models.
Irene V.

Multitude Project: Why I don't like crowdsourcing - 0 views

  • Crowdsourcing came from the realization that companies (i.e. closed and hierarchical (feudal) organizations) can use the new technology to coordinate input from a very large number of entities, including a mass of individuals. The relation remains asymmetrical between the outsourceR, a closed, intrinsically individualistic organization and the outsourceE. The only thing that changes is the nature of the outsourceE. Instead of being one entity (individual or organization) executing a particular set of tasks, it is now an informal group of individuals, the crowd. In the eyes of the outsourceR the role of the outsourceE is the same. Although the different nature of the outsourceE forces the outsourceR to slightly modify its practices. There are two important patterns of crowdsourcing A company creating and maintaining it's own crowd for harvesting - the case of FIAT and its Mio project.  A web-based company offering a matchmaking service between companies' needs and the crowd -   
  • over the crowd
  • which has some advantage
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • powerful entity
  • Structurally speaking, a crowdsourcing network is highly centralized.
  • The multitude movement we are observing is a movement that empowers the individual. We are all waking up realizing that we have power as individuals AND as groups. We are also realizing that power relations are not necessary anymore to organize ourselves in large and productive/efficient groups, if we have at our disposal effective means of communication and coordination. Hence the growing tendency to form decentralized networks rather than hierarchies. In fact, it is possible for a decentralized value network to self-structure and to produce very complex output. We don't need that powerful entity to analyse and coordinate action. That entity has lost its power, because it doesn't play a necessary and irreplaceable role anymore. That entity is still strong today, because it still has under its control important assets and capacity of production. But these things are now being transferred to the crowd. So we don't need a corporation to milk the crowd anymore. The crowd can deliver by itself.
  • SENSORICA, the open value network I am setting up is an example of a system centered around the individual and its capacity to work in collaboration. SENSORICA is not an entity exploiting the crowd, it is the crowd creating solutions for its own problems. It's mode of production is commons-based peer production (Yochai Benkler).
Irene V.

2012 Slow Food Terra Madre - 0 views

  • Slow Food means living a deep, meaningful life
  • beginning at the table
  • interest in the food they eat, where it comes from, how it tastes and how our daily food choices affect the rest of the world.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • It has been said that the best revenge is living well
  • simply reconnecting with those roots in today’s world by opposing the industrial standardization of taste and culture, and the unrestrained power of the food industry and industrial agriculture.
  • “Slow Food unites the pleasure of food with responsibility, sustainability and harmony with nature.”
  • The tenants of Slow Food are Good, Clean and Fair. Good simply means a fresh and flavorful seasonal diet that satisfies the senses and is part of our local culture. Clean designates food production and consumption that does not harm the environment, animal welfare or our health. Fair is accessible pricing for consumers and fair conditions and pay for small-scale producers. Farmers Markets, Community Supported Agriculture, local food swaps, community gardens, neighborhood gardens and over the fence backyard garden food trading are all examples of the ideals outlined above.
  • “Foods that Change the World”
    entonces slow internet....
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