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Irene V.

Marketing trends in 2012 | B&T - 0 views

    Marketing trends in 2012 25 January, 2012 Madeleine Ross comments "Opportunities go begging in a market ripe for the brave," says Deloitte chief marketing officer David Redhill, and that's certainly the attitude of many marketers looking at the next 12 months. In this year's tough economic climate, with financial trouble plaguing most of Europe and the USA, Australian marketers will be cautious, but that doesn't mean they'll stop spending. Local consumers have grown accustomed to being circumspect and are now looking to do business with reliable institutions. According to Commonwealth Bank's chief marketing and online officer, Andy Lark: "if you're trusted and you've got a good brand, you're in a good position." Reports of flailing foreign economies won't wreak the same havoc they used to on the industry, with agencies and clients now looking towards the  potential downturn as an opportunity to cleverly and cost-effectively win over customers at their most vulnerable. "There is a lot of caution in the market and we are as circumspect as the next business," says Redhill. "But at the same time marketers who invest in brands in downtime are usually the winners because they will emerge stronger as competitors shrink their budgets and reel in their more expansive plans."  The Tontine Group's product development and marketing manager, Lucinda Kew, agrees: "It is actually the brands that invest through difficult times which end up getting the best results because… you're resonating with people and when they get through those difficult times, hopefully you're their brand of choice." More for the same The Commonwealth Bank, bedding manufacturer Tontine and financial advisory firm, Deloitte all plan to maintain their marketing spends this year. That's a relief for agencies, especially in the midst of rumours about a 'race to the bottom' where agencies are fighting for clients and remuneration offers are slumping. But that's not to say brands or agencies can r
Irene V.

In networks, cooperation trumps collaboration. | Social Media Today - 0 views

  • In networks, cooperation trumps collaboration. Collaboration happens around some kind of plan or structure, while cooperation presumes the freedom of individuals to join and participate. Cooperation is a driver of creativity. Stephen Downes commented here on the differences:collaboration means ‘working together’. That’s why you see it in market economies. markets are based on quantity and mass.cooperation means ’sharing’. That’s why you see it in networks. In networks, the nature of the connection is important; it is not simply about quantity and mass …You and I are in a network – but we do not collaborate (we do not align ourselves to the same goal, subscribe to the same vision statement, etc), we *cooperate*We are only beginning to realize how we can use networks as our primary form of living and working
  • form in itself that can address issues that the three other forms could not.
  • network
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • implementing social business (a network mode) within corporations (institutional + market modes). Real network models are new modes, not modifications of the old ones, and cooperation is how work gets done.
  • Wirearchy: a dynamic multi-way flow of power and authority based on information, knowledge, trust and credibility, enabled by interconnected people and technology.Heterarchies are networks of elements in which each element shares the same “horizontal” position of power and authority, each playing a theoretically equal role [wikipedia].Chaordic refers to a system of governance that blends characteristics of chaos and order. The term was coined by Dee Hock the founder and former CEO of the VISA credit card association [wikipedia].
  • Combine the TIMN perspective with the Cynefin framework, and I created this table, looking at how work gets done:Shifting our emphasis from collaboration, which still is required to get some work done, to cooperation, in order to thrive in a networked enterprise, means reassessing some of our assumptions and work practices. For instance:The lessening importance of teamwork, versus exploring outside the organization may change our perceptions about being a “team player”.Detailed roles and job descriptions are inadequate for work at the edge.You cannot train people to be social.Collaboration is only part of working in networks. Cooperation is also necessary, but it’s much less controllable than our institutions, hierarchies and HR practices would like to admit.
    Este articulo realmente me inspiro, de alguna manera me dio una clave para dar estructura a el caminito hacia el futuro del trabajo y la evolucion de los sistemas y modelos que estamos viviendo. es algo futurista, considerando que lo que hace la punta pasa tiempo hasta que se convierte en mainstream... pero nos habla de procesos y dinamicas y formas realmente diferentes, really open. y eso requiere de evolucion interna , de metas, de emociones, de coportamiento, y de ideas. Creo que ya hay generaciones haciendolo y listas, pero el mundo de las organizaciones y empresas aun esta liderado por gente del viejo mundo, de mi generacion inclusive. Es un reto usar la plasticidad del cerebro para trabajar de nuestro lado enfrente de ls esque mas y patrones aprendidos. De forma que creo que para seguir los pasos de ese caminito hace fata un entrenamiento personal mas alla que la asesoria de estructura. Primer paso: usar las herramientas. -En este punto estamos nosotros ofreciendo apoyo; como planteamos los siguientes pasos?- segundo paso: conocer lo posible tercer paso : trabajar las areas de reto para poder caminar en lo posible (normalmente de proceso personal primero) cuarto paso : entrar a la nueva estructura y navegar en ella, tomar las oportunidades, crearlas, vivirlo.
Irene V.

Digital Media Trends: The Future Guide To The Best Predictions For 2011 - 0 views

    • Irene V.
      ver la barra de la izquierda con iconos de how to guides disponibles en el sitio
    varios articulos recopilados aqui  cloud computing, small business, ...
Irene V.

The Future of Work Platforms: An Overview - GigaOM Pro - 0 views

  • The enterprise collaboration space has entered an exciting new phase of collaboration. New software and applications are coming to market, as are new concepts for how to work and communicate in the knowledge age. From consumer-grade apps like those from and Huddle to software from long-established players like Microsoft and Oracle, these tools are taking collaboration technology past the traditional IT decision-making process and changing the way we approach the workday. Additional companies in this report include Skype, Huddle, Jive, Moxie and Yammer.
    solo es una intro al articulo pues no estoy inscrita a este medio...
Irene V.

Kids predict the future of technology | eSchool News - 0 views

  • intuitive, touchable, and an extension of oneself
  • kids ages 12 and under are predicting that the future of media and technology lies in better integrating digital experiences with real-world places and activities.
  • suggesting that more intuitive, human-like interactions with devices, such as those provided by fluid interfaces or robots, are a key area for development.
Irene V.

SETI@home - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

shared by Irene V. on 23 May 12 - Cached
  • SETI@home ("SETI at home") is an Internet-based public volunteer computing project
  • The two original goals of SETI@home were: to do useful scientific work by supporting an observational analysis to detect intelligent life outside Earth, and to prove the viability and practicality of the 'volunteer computing' concept.
  • With over 5.2 million participants worldwide, the project is the distributed computing project with the most participants to date. The original intent of SETI@home was to utilize 50,000-100,000 home computers.[11] Since its launch on May 17, 1999, the project has logged over two million years of aggregate computing time[when?]. On September 26, 2001, SETI@home had performed a total of 1021 floating point operations. It is acknowledged by the Guinness World Records as the largest computation in history.[18] With over 278,832 active computers in the system (2.4 million total) in 234 countries, as of November 14, 2009, SETI@home has the ability to compute over 769 teraFLOPS.[19] For comparison, the K computer, which as of June 20, 2011 was the world's fastest supercomputer, achieved 8.162 petaFLOPS.
Irene V.

Multitude Project: Why I don't like crowdsourcing - 0 views

  • Crowdsourcing came from the realization that companies (i.e. closed and hierarchical (feudal) organizations) can use the new technology to coordinate input from a very large number of entities, including a mass of individuals. The relation remains asymmetrical between the outsourceR, a closed, intrinsically individualistic organization and the outsourceE. The only thing that changes is the nature of the outsourceE. Instead of being one entity (individual or organization) executing a particular set of tasks, it is now an informal group of individuals, the crowd. In the eyes of the outsourceR the role of the outsourceE is the same. Although the different nature of the outsourceE forces the outsourceR to slightly modify its practices. There are two important patterns of crowdsourcing A company creating and maintaining it's own crowd for harvesting - the case of FIAT and its Mio project.  A web-based company offering a matchmaking service between companies' needs and the crowd -   
  • over the crowd
  • which has some advantage
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • powerful entity
  • Structurally speaking, a crowdsourcing network is highly centralized.
  • The multitude movement we are observing is a movement that empowers the individual. We are all waking up realizing that we have power as individuals AND as groups. We are also realizing that power relations are not necessary anymore to organize ourselves in large and productive/efficient groups, if we have at our disposal effective means of communication and coordination. Hence the growing tendency to form decentralized networks rather than hierarchies. In fact, it is possible for a decentralized value network to self-structure and to produce very complex output. We don't need that powerful entity to analyse and coordinate action. That entity has lost its power, because it doesn't play a necessary and irreplaceable role anymore. That entity is still strong today, because it still has under its control important assets and capacity of production. But these things are now being transferred to the crowd. So we don't need a corporation to milk the crowd anymore. The crowd can deliver by itself.
  • SENSORICA, the open value network I am setting up is an example of a system centered around the individual and its capacity to work in collaboration. SENSORICA is not an entity exploiting the crowd, it is the crowd creating solutions for its own problems. It's mode of production is commons-based peer production (Yochai Benkler).
Irene V.

Gartner Says By 2015, More Than 50 Percent of Organizations That Manage Innovation Proc... - 0 views

  • By 2015, more than 50 percent of organizations that manage innovation processes will gamify those processes
  • By 2014, a gamified service for consumer goods marketing and customer retention will become as important as Facebook, eBay or Amazon, and more than 70 percent of Global 2000 organizations will have at least one gamified application
  • Gamification describes the broad trend of employing game mechanics to non-game environments such as innovation, marketing, training, employee performance, health and social change
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • The goals of gamification are to achieve higher levels of engagement, change behaviors and stimulate innovation. The opportunities for businesses are great – from having more engaged customers, to crowdsourcing innovation or improving employee performance.
  • four principal means of driving engagement using gamification: 1. Accelerated feedback cycles. In the real world, feedback loops are slow (e.g., annual performance appraisals) with long periods between milestones. Gamification increases the velocity of feedback loops to maintain engagement. 2. Clear goals and rules of play. In the real world, where goals are fuzzy and rules selectively applied, gamification provides clear goals and well-defined rules of play to ensure players feel empowered to achieve goals. 3. A compelling narrative. While real-world activities are rarely compelling, gamification builds a narrative that engages players to participate and achieve the goals of the activity. 4. Tasks that are challenging but achievable. While there is no shortage of challenges in the real world, they tend to be large and long-term. Gamification provides many short-term, achievable goals to maintain engagement.
  • Where games traditionally model the real world, organizations must now take the opportunity for their real world to emulate games," said Mr. Burke. "Enterprise architects must be ready to contribute to gamification strategy formulation and should try at least one gaming exercise as part of their enterprise context planning efforts this year
Irene V.

Harvard Business Review:The Future of Work & Social Business Leadership Gamification | ... - 0 views

  • This progressive path of innovation in the Enterprise is leading us to the next level of deeper Engagement through Gamification to support real Social Business.
  • how games will transform work, from repetitive call-center jobs to high-level teams who must collaborate with members dispersed around the globe. The authors show why you must begin building a game strategy now
  • strategy that includes a focus on engagement in the process of accomplishing business objectives will help achieve higher levels of success
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • exponential value
  • game theory
  • game mechanics
  • unlock deeper meaning
  • is easier though collaboration
  • will reduce risk and increase the return on investment
  • Game Elements can make Leadership easier today.
  • gamifying” their work environments in order to improve the quality of leadership — not in the future but right away
  • e benefits of network effects
  • beyond supporting internal collaboration, to include external partners and customers
Irene V.

6 Interesting Tools For Enterprise Social Network - 0 views

    articulito de blog
Irene V.

Mindful Solutions at Work (Video) | Mindfulness and Psychotherapy - 0 views

    quality of life at work
Irene V.

Inside Will Wright's next big game: HiveMind (exclusive) | VentureBeat - 0 views

    next edge games, for new economy? real life interaction! real life curation
Irene V.

Swatch | WooThemes - 0 views

Irene V.

GIST_Agile-final.png (1000×5272) - 0 views

    lineamientos o principios de management que pueden servir para metodologia 
Irene V.

» The Field-Process-Model - IPG Blog - 0 views

  • Bibliography Alexander, Christopher, A Pattern Language. New York: Oxford UP, 1977. Alexander, Christopher: Timeless Way of Building. New York: Oxford UP, 1979. Alexander, Christopher, The Nature of Order: the process of creating life. Berkeley: Center for environmental structure, 2002. Bortoft, Henri: The Wholeness of Nature. New York: Lindisfarne, 1996. von Foerster, Heinz: On constructing a reality. In P. Watzlawick (Ed.), Invented reality (pp. 41-61).  New York: Norton. Lewin, Kurt: Kriegslandschaft (The landscape of war). Zeitschrift für angewandte Psychologie 12/5-6, 1917. Mollison, Bill: A Designers Manual. Tyalgum: Tagari, 1988. Piontzik, Klaus: Das Magnetfeld der Erde; Scharmer, Otto: Theory U. San Francisco: Berret-Koehler, 2009
    sobre los modelos de procesos para diseñar . buena reflexion
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