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Tony Richards

The Atlantic Online | January/February 2010 | What Makes a Great Teacher? | Amanda Ripley - 0 views

    "What Makes a Great Teacher? Image credit: Veronika Lukasova Also in our Special Report: National: "How America Can Rise Again" Is the nation in terminal decline? Not necessarily. But securing the future will require fixing a system that has become a joke. Video: "One Nation, On Edge" James Fallows talks to Atlantic editor James Bennet about a uniquely American tradition-cycles of despair followed by triumphant rebirths. Interactive Graphic: "The State of the Union Is ..." ... thrifty, overextended, admired, twitchy, filthy, and clean: the nation in numbers. By Rachael Brown Chart: "The Happiness Index" Times were tough in 2009. But according to a cool Facebook app, people were happier. By Justin Miller On August 25, 2008, two little boys walked into public elementary schools in Southeast Washington, D.C. Both boys were African American fifth-graders. The previous spring, both had tested below grade level in math. One walked into Kimball Elementary School and climbed the stairs to Mr. William Taylor's math classroom, a tidy, powder-blue space in which neither the clocks nor most of the electrical outlets worked. The other walked into a very similar classroom a mile away at Plummer Elementary School. In both schools, more than 80 percent of the children received free or reduced-price lunches. At night, all the children went home to the same urban ecosystem, a zip code in which almost a quarter of the families lived below the poverty line and a police district in which somebody was murdered every week or so. Video: Four teachers in Four different classrooms demonstrate methods that work (Courtesy of Teach for America's video archive, available in February at At the end of the school year, both little boys took the same standardized test given at all D.C. public schools-not a perfect test of their learning, to be sure, but a relatively objective one (and, it's worth noting, not a very hard one). After a year in Mr. Taylo
Rhondda Powling

SignApp Now - Simple Sign Up Sheets. Create a Sign Up Sheet now. - 4 views

    SignApp Now is a very easy way to create a sign-up sheet for keeping track of who's coming to an event. You don't need to register, people signing up don't need to register. You just create a sign-up page, email the url, and wait for people to sign up.
John Pearce

Education Week: Battle for Whiteboard-Market Supremacy Heats Up - 0 views

    "The battle for supremacy in the K-12 whiteboard market is heating up. Companies are scrambling for new sources of revenue, making strategic moves to reinvent their products in the age of tablet computing, and sizing up their competitors to see what they can do to differentiate themselves from the pack. Who ultimately ends up on top has huge implications for educational technology leaders, who must determine which company is the best fit for their needs, and at a cost their districts can afford in still-difficult budget times. Complicating those decisions are changes in the technological landscape that are raising questions about the long-term educational relevance of interactive whiteboards. Do classrooms really need them in the age of iPads?"
John Pearce

Using Angry Birds to teach math, history and science - 4 views

    "It doesn't seem to matter what age group or demographic that I talk to, kids (and adults) everywhere are fans of Angry Birds. As I was playing around with Angry Birds (yep I'm a fan too), I started thinking about all of the learning that could be happening. I have watched a two year old tell an older sister that "you have to pull down to go up higher". I have watched as kids master this game through trial and error. Being the teacher that I am, I started dreaming up a transdisciplinary lesson with Angry Birds as the base. I happened to be writing an inquiry lesson that has students look at inventions throughout time and thought: the catapult-that is an invention that has technology and concepts that are used even today. This is one of those inspirational moments that comes when you are drifting off to sleep and has you frantically searching for paper and pen to record as fast as the ideas come. So what did I do? I got myself out of bed and went to work sketching out a super awesome plan. Here is the embedded learning that I came up with"
 Lisa Durff

Promises | Horizontal Change Management - 0 views

    "Integrity1 My daughters class flip chart list to describe Integrity. Can you name a few people around you, or in the public spotlight, that seemed to have missed that day in first grade? Promises Mrs. Dillon's first graders are well aware of the power of keeping promises. They know that promises are a contract between two people. One person expects things when that promise is made. Multiple kept promises, those smart kids know, helps build trust. They feel comfortable making friends with those they trust. In class they know it is much easier to finish things together if the other kids keep their promises. The really bright ones know that promises and promises kept are the deposits and withdrawals into and out of the account of collaboration, effort and success. Things get better when you manage that account- you know, positive change. Truthtelling Those little ones know early on what it means to not lie, to lie and to be dishonest. What Giordan's class has figured out is that being aware of the truth and revealing it, even if you know the result might be hard to deal with, is a good thing. The one who added this to the list might have done something wrong, separate from a lie, felt bad and fessed up. Smart he/she was to know that those consequences were much less severe than the ones that follow silence. Mistakes These kids are 7. I will let you figure out who, in the public limelight in those years, might have made mistakes and never admitted them- despite resounding evidence to the contrary. They have some negative role models. On their own level they know there is lots to be learned from having to explain a mistake, from gathering the courage to do so and from the connection that gives you to better future decision making. altruism First grader, kids in general, have a knack for the real kind of black and white. The kind where you know if someone might get hurt, you know if you might get hurt and you just feel what is right or wrong. They al
Pam Thompson

Writing Prompts for the 6+1 Traits - 0 views

    Prompts main image The best prompts are the ones that spark a personal connection between the writer and their ideas. Provided here are some generic writing prompts to get you started, but you will also find some tips on how to write your own prompts. These self-written prompts will offer better starting blocks for your students than the generic prompts because they spring from the immediacy of their lives. Another source for writing prompts is Blowing Away the State Writing Assessment by Jane Bell Keister. Narrative 1. It is 20 years from now. Your name has just been called and you are about to receive an award. Tell the story of how you came to be so successful and win this award. (Gr. 6-12) 2. Rewrite a fairy tale from a different point of view. For instance, * The Three Pigs as the wolf would tell it * Hansel & Gretel as the witch would tell it OR, use any example you like. (Gr. 5-8) 3. Write a story based on one of the following: * Where is it? * Breaking loose * If I had my way ... * Suddenly, in the headlights ... * That noise! * Don't even remind me * The biggest nuisance * Annoying! * At last! (Gr. 5-12) 4. Think of your best or worst day in school. Tell the story of what happened. (Gr. 4 & up) 5. Write a story based on ONE of the following * Little brothers (or sisters) * Older sisters (or brothers) * A narrow escape * My first memory * I'd like to go back * You won't believe it, but ... (Gr. 4 & up) 6. Think of a friend you have, in or out of school. Tell one story that comes to mind when you think of this friend. (All grades) 7. Think of an event you will want to remember when you are old. Tell about what happened in a way that's so clear that if you read this story again when you are eighty, every detail will come flooding back as if it happened y
    Prompts main image The best prompts are the ones that spark a personal connection between the writer and their ideas. Provided here are some generic writing prompts to get you started, but you will also find some tips on how to write your own prompts. These self-written prompts will offer better starting blocks for your students than the generic prompts because they spring from the immediacy of their lives. Another source for writing prompts is Blowing Away the State Writing Assessment by Jane Bell Keister. Narrative 1. It is 20 years from now. Your name has just been called and you are about to receive an award. Tell the story of how you came to be so successful and win this award. (Gr. 6-12) 2. Rewrite a fairy tale from a different point of view. For instance, * The Three Pigs as the wolf would tell it * Hansel & Gretel as the witch would tell it OR, use any example you like. (Gr. 5-8) 3. Write a story based on one of the following: * Where is it? * Breaking loose * If I had my way ... * Suddenly, in the headlights ... * That noise! * Don't even remind me * The biggest nuisance * Annoying! * At last! (Gr. 5-12) 4. Think of your best or worst day in school. Tell the story of what happened. (Gr. 4 & up) 5. Write a story based on ONE of the following * Little brothers (or sisters) * Older sisters (or brothers) * A narrow escape * My first memory * I'd like to go back * You won't believe it, but ... (Gr. 4 & up) 6. Think of a friend you have, in or out of school. Tell one story that comes to mind when you think of this friend. (All grades) 7. Think of an event you will want to remember when you are old. Tell about what happened in a way that's so clear that if you read this story again when you are eighty, every detail will come flooding back as if it happened y

Razer Cortex Game Booster Crack v7.x Full Free Download - 0 views

    Razer Cortex Game Booster Crack v7.x is the best gaming boost-up software for PC & Laptop gives you full auto fps rate for pc & no need id sign up
Rhondda Powling Simple Pop-Ups You Can Make! - 1 views

    Wonderful Robert Sabuda's webpage has a dedicated subsection packed with pop-up designs you can print and create yourself, including animals, celebrations and a whole series of Star Wars designs! For each pop-up design there's a template to download and print, followed by detailed photo tutorials taking you through the process step by step.
kaushal Jha

UP B.Ed Counselling 2023: A Comprehensive Guide to Securing Your Admission - VGIGROUP -... - 0 views

    Welcome to our comprehensive guide to securing your admission to UP B.Ed Counselling . If you're passionate about helping others overcome challenges and are considering a career in counseling, pursuing a Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) in Counselling is a logical next step.

Buy Wechat Account - SmmTopMarket - 0 views

    Buy Wechat Account Introduction Wechat accounts are used for a variety of purposes, from transferring and entering dispatches and making calls to using the mobile payment service, Wechat Pay. Purchasing a Wechat account is a simple process, and one that can be done online. When buying a Wechat account, you'll need to give the account's unique ID number, as well as your own particular information, similar as your name and dispatch address. Once the account is registered, you'll be suitable to use it to communicate with your connections and access the features of Wechat. When buying a Wechat account, make sure you read the terms and conditions and read up on the security measures the account provider has in place to insure your data is kept secure. Companies can use. client service WeChat can be used to give client service to guests, responding to inquiries and furnishing support. Marketing Companies can use WeChat to produce juggernauts, post updates, and announce products and services. Payment WeChat allows companies to accept payments directly from guests through its mobile portmanteau. Content creation Companies can produce and partake blogs, papers, and other content on WeChat. Brand structure Companies can use WeChat to make their brand by connecting with guests and creating a sense of community. Recruiting Companies can use WeChat to retain new workers and share job rosters. Deals Companies can use WeChat to promote their products, services, and specials. Events Companies can use WeChat to host virtual events and promote them to their followers. Buy Wechat Account Are you looking for a way to market your business? Then wechat account is an excellent choice WeChat is a popular social media platform in China that allows druggies to shoot dispatches, make payments, share prints, and more. It's a great way to reach out to implicit guests and make your brand in the Chinese request. With WeChat, you can produce juggernauts, run contests, and offer
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    Buy Wechat Account Introduction Wechat accounts are used for a variety of purposes, from transferring and entering dispatches and making calls to using the mobile payment service, Wechat Pay. Purchasing a Wechat account is a simple process, and one that can be done online. When buying a Wechat account, you'll need to give the account's unique ID number, as well as your own particular information, similar as your name and dispatch address. Once the account is registered, you'll be suitable to use it to communicate with your connections and access the features of Wechat. When buying a Wechat account, make sure you read the terms and conditions and read up on the security measures the account provider has in place to insure your data is kept secure. Companies can use. client service WeChat can be used to give client service to guests, responding to inquiries and furnishing support. Marketing Companies can use WeChat to produce juggernauts, post updates, and announce products and services. Payment WeChat allows companies to accept payments directly from guests through its mobile portmanteau. Content creation Companies can produce and partake blogs, papers, and other content on WeChat. Brand structure Companies can use WeChat to make their brand by connecting with guests and creating a sense of community. Recruiting Companies can use WeChat to retain new workers and share job rosters. Deals Companies can use WeChat to promote their products, services, and specials. Events Companies can use WeChat to host virtual events and promote them to their followers. Buy Wechat Account Are you looking for a way to market your business? Then wechat account is an excellent choice WeChat is a popular social media platform in China that allows druggies to shoot dispatches, make payments, share prints, and more. It's a great way to reach out to implicit guests and make your brand in the Chinese request. With WeChat, you can produce juggernauts, run contests, and offer
    Buy Wechat Account Introduction Wechat accounts are used for a variety of purposes, from transferring and entering dispatches and making calls to using the mobile payment service, Wechat Pay. Purchasing a Wechat account is a simple process, and one that can be done online. When buying a Wechat account, you'll need to give the account's unique ID number, as well as your own particular information, similar as your name and dispatch address. Once the account is registered, you'll be suitable to use it to communicate with your connections and access the features of Wechat. When buying a Wechat account, make sure you read the terms and conditions and read up on the security measures the account provider has in place to insure your data is kept secure. Companies can use. client service WeChat can be used to give client service to guests, responding to inquiries and furnishing support. Marketing Companies can use WeChat to produce juggernauts, post updates, and announce products and services. Payment WeChat allows companies to accept payments directly from guests through its mobile portmanteau. Content creation Companies can produce and partake blogs, papers, and other content on WeChat. Brand structure Companies can use WeChat to make their brand by connecting with guests and creating a sense of community. Recruiting Companies can use WeChat to retain new workers and share job rosters. Deals Companies can use WeChat to promote their products, services, and specials. Events Companies can use WeChat to host virtual events and promote them to their followers. Buy Wechat Account Are you looking for a way to market your business? Then wechat account is an excellent choice WeChat is a popular social media platform in China that allows druggies to shoot dispatches, make payments, share prints, and more. It's a great way to reach out to implicit guests and make your brand in the Chinese request. With WeChat, you can produce juggernauts, run contests, and offer
    Buy Wechat Account Introduction Wechat accounts are used for a variety of purposes, from transferring and entering dispatches and making calls to using the mobile payment service, Wechat Pay. Purchasing a Wechat account is a simple process, and one that can be done online. When buying a Wechat account, you'll need to give the account's unique ID number, as well as your own particular information, similar as your name and dispatch address. Once the account is registered, you'll be suitable to use it to communicate with your connections and access the features of Wechat. When buying a Wechat account, make sure you read the terms and conditions and read up on the security measures the account provider has in place to insure your data is kept secure. Companies can use. client service WeChat can be used to give client service to guests, responding to inquiries and furnishing support. Marketing Companies can use WeChat to produce juggernauts, post updates, and announce products and services. Payment WeChat allows companies to accept payments directly from guests through its mobile portmanteau. Content creation Companies can produce and partake blogs, papers, and other content on WeChat. Brand structure Companies can use WeChat to make their brand by connecting with guests and creating a sense of community. Recruiting Companies can use WeChat to retain new workers and share job rosters. Deals Companies can use WeChat to promote their products, services, and specials. Events Companies can use WeChat to host virtual events and promote them to their followers. Buy Wechat Account Are you looking for a way to market your business? Then wechat account is an excellent choice WeChat is a popular social media platform in China that allows druggies to shoot dispatches, make payments, share prints, and more. It's a great way to reach out to implicit guests and make your brand in the Chinese request. With WeChat, you can produce juggernauts, run contests, and offer
Roland Gesthuizen

'You better be proud!' | The Australian - 0 views

  • There is no doubt that if our children had been met in high school by a team who got what strong and smart was all about, then who knows what exciting trajectory those students might have been on after another six years of stronger smarter schooling?
    "ON my first day as principal of Cherbourg State School it was freezing and windy. I decided to wear a tie, thinking that if kids at other schools see their principal wearing a tie, then these kids deserve to see their principal dressed up nice, too. I parked my car in the designated spot and took a few breaths, sizing up the situation that I was in charge of now. There were some kids sitting around in the sun trying to get warm, while others were running around and playing cricket."
John Pearce

Microsoft Word is cumbersome, inefficient, and obsolete. It's time for it to die. - Sla... - 3 views

    "Nowadays, I get the same feeling of dread when I open an email to see a Microsoft Word document attached. Time and effort are about to be wasted cleaning up someone's archaic habits. A Word file is the story-fax of the early 21st century: cumbersome, inefficient, and a relic of obsolete assumptions about technology. It's time to give up "
Chris Betcher

EdTechSandyK: Your Future Self May Thank You: Tidy Up Your Online Presence Over the Hol... - 2 views

    As a practical outworking of this reflection and anticipation, I encourage you to set aside some time to tidy up your online presence. And perhaps even encourage others around you to do the same.
Chris Betcher

UK tourists turned back from US over Twitter joke to 'destroy America' and dig up Maril... - 1 views

    UK tourists turned back from US over Twitter joke to 'destroy America' and dig up Marilyn Monroe's grave
Rhondda Powling

Study: The Brains of Storytellers And Their Listeners Actually Sync Up | 80beats | Disc... - 0 views

    Interesting study. Brains of people engaged in some communication/dialogue seem to sync up!
Alison Hall

Go For Your Life: Interactive Lunchbox - 0 views

    The Weigh up your lunch interactive game is designed to be a fun way to see how different combinations of foods add up to make a healthy, or not so healthy lunch.
John Pearce

Pecha Kucha Night - 0 views

    What is Pecha Kucha Night? Each presenter is allowed 20 images, each shown for 20 seconds each - giving 6 minutes 40 seconds of fame before the next presenter is up. This keeps presentations concise, the interest level up, and gives more people the chance to show.
Rhondda Powling

70 Awesome Open Source Tools for Graphic Designers - 10 views

    No longer limited to freehand logos, graphic design is a booming field. From website design, to publications, presentations, and much more, graphic designers are in demand in just about every field imaginable.With so much demand, graphic designers can get caught up on the supply end. Don't lose out on an opportunity or job because you aren't equipped to handle it Use the below 70 awesome open source tools for graphic designers to get a leg up, expand your resume, and much more. Best of all, the price to put all of them to use is completely free.
Nestor Ndzi Talla

Twitter buys location tracker start-up Mixer Labs - 1 views

    The micro-blogging website Twitter is buying the location tracking start-up Mixer Labs for an undisclosed sum.
Nestor Ndzi Talla

Snow storms batter U.S., killing 26 | Mail Online - 0 views

    A gigantic storm buried much of America's Midwest in snow and led to at least 16 deaths yesterday. The weather system created blizzard conditions, burying cars under huge drifts. Officials reported more than a foot of snow Des Moines, Iowa, and nearly 19 inches just south of Madison, Wisconsin. Gusts of up to 50 mph created snow drifts up to 15 feet tall and even knocked down a two-story Christmas tree in downtown Champaign, Illinois. Read more:
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