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John Pearce

The Complete Guidebook To Web Searching [PDF] - 5 views

    Though an American based guide, this pdf download from MakeUseOf nontheless has some useful and interesting basic information about the most interesting search engines. Because it is largely for the US market some of the references to more specific engines such as price comparison searches will not be relevant. The guide is useful however in pointing out that search and Google are not interchangeable terms.
Rhondda Powling

Better Than Dropbox: The 6 Quickest Ways To Share Any File With Anyone - 8 views

    From @makeuseof blog: Offers a list of extra simple file-sharing services. With these services, there are no accounts, no clients and no interfaces to learn. Simply upload your file, get a link, and share it.
John Pearce

The Best Free Facebook Proxies - 4 views

    In order to better understand students and others use proxies to get around system filters, (and also to perhaps argue against the ultimate futility of filters), this article from on how to use proxies and hacks to check your Facebook account behind a filter, makes for sobering reading.
John Pearce

10 Youtube URL Tricks You Should Know About - 0 views

    Once you've begun working with YouTube for some time you might like to play with the movies that are available. This list from the makeuseof site is a collection of ten interesting hacks associated with YouTube movies. Here you can learn how to view and embed high quality videos, link to the video part way through the clip, hide the search box, embed only the relevant part of a movie, autoplay and loop an embedded movie, disable the related video link, Bypass regional filters and use kickyoutube to download videos.
John Pearce - How the Internet Works - 0 views

    "So you and your students use the Internet everyday, but are you fluent in its language? Perhaps you've found yourself listening to a "techy" conversation where the terms IP, DNS, or PHP were being used and you wanted to know what those terms mean. What is an IP address? What is a DNS record? And just who is in charge of the Internet? Get answers to those questions and many more in Make Use Of's free ebook How the Internet Works."
Rhondda Powling

INFOGRAPHIC : How To Create An Infographic | MakeUseOf - 4 views

    Creating a quality infographic is not an easy task and not everyone can do it properly. Here is an infgraphic that tries to give a step-by-step guide to haw to create a better one.
Andrew Jeppesen

Plagiarism Checkers: 5 Free Websites To Catch The Copycats - 0 views

    Plagiarism Checkers: 5 Free Websites To Catch The Copycats
Rhondda Powling

Vocabla: Build Up Your Vocabulary For Spanish, Polish & Advanced English - 1 views

    This is a simple tool that will assist with learning English (to Advanced English), Spanish, and Polish vocabulary. More languages may follow. It can be used online or with a free Android app. It is similar to a lot of other language learning applications. You can create lists of words and phrases that you want to learn or you can select a list that was made by someone else and shared to the Vocabla library. You can study each list as a type of flashcard and when you are ready you can take a practice quiz. Teachers might like using Vocabla to create a list of words and share with their class. All the students could use the list to study on their own
Rhondda Powling

Top 6 Visual Search Engines For Finding The Image You Want - 7 views

    Description a 6 search engines that are good for finding images - 4 were familiar but 2 are new or updated. TinEye now has a MulticolorEngine and WeSEE is new.
Rhondda Powling

StatusPeople: Scans Your Twitter Followers For Fake Accounts - 4 views

    "Twitter allows us to make connections with real people from different walks of life, but it is also a haven for spammers and fake accounts. There is now an app called Status People that scans your Twitter followers and flag fake accounts for you"
John Pearce

5 Easy Ways To Download & Convert Online Videos - 11 views

    "Streaming video websites are such a big part of our lives, it's hard to remember a time when they didn't exist. These websites revolutionized our computer video experience - no longer do we have to download every single video we want to watch - it's all right there! But the opposite is also true. Sometimes sending a link or embedding a video is not enough, and we need the actual file, or only its soundtrack. And when that happens, the default FLV file format rarely cuts it. Luckily, there are several downloaders-converters out there that make it easy as pie to download videos and convert them into almost every possible format."
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