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Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended Serial Number+Crack Keygen - 0 views

    Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended Serial Number is most desirable software that is fully designed your photos just like as professional making.Adobe Photoshop CS
Tony Searl

Education cringe - An Australian epidemic ::  Larvatus Prodeo - 0 views

    The question of equity extends far beyond the well-worn "public v. private" controversies, as important as they are. The new problem is that public education too is becoming less equitable. There are Federal Partnership Programs that pour vast sums into some schools, while passing over others, on a competitive selection basis. Academic selective schools are streaming off the highest achievers and putting some of the best teachers in front of them. The result is that some students in the public system are receiving a great deal more resources than are others who have the same or greater levels of need. Such inequita
Amanda Rablin - where words go - 0 views

    What is woices? Woices is a FREE internet service that allows people to create, share and consume echoes, audio records that are linked to a very specific geographical location or real-world object. Woices ultimate goal is to extend reality by creating a new layer of audio information, what we call the echoesphere, that will make the world a more interesting place.
dean groom

Google Spreasheet - Mashup Screencast - 0 views

    A quick and suprising demonstration of the extended mashup/lookup functions that Google adds to spreadhseets. Nicely narrated too - US content (of course)
Roland Gesthuizen

Putting heads together - 1 views

  • Groups whose members had higher levels of “social sensitivity” — the willingness of the group to let all its members take turns and apply their skills to a given challenge — were more collectively intelligent. “Social sensitivity has to do with how well group members perceive each other’s emotions,”
  • What our results indicate is that people with social skills are good for a group — whether they are male or female.
  • We also think it’s possible to improve the intelligence of a group, by either changing the members of a group, or teaching them better ways of interacting
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • the key point is great, that features of the group can be more important than features of the individuals that make up the group, for determining outcomes
  • clarifying the conditions under which the proportion of women makes a difference would be interesting
    "A new study co-authored by MIT researchers documents the existence of collective intelligence among groups of people who cooperate well, showing that such intelligence extends beyond the cognitive abilities of the groups' individual members, and that the tendency to cooperate effectively is linked to the number of women in a group."
    Some interesting implications here for teams at schools including their composition and providing training to develop social skills.
Ruth Howard

How to Encourage Critical Thinking in Science and Math | Teaching Science and Math - 5 views

    Beaut list of queries to prompt extended queries. Love! 
Rhondda Powling

Ten Surprising Truths about Video Games and Learning | MindShift - 9 views

    An extended interview with James Gee. The video is from the PBS Documentary Digital Media - New Learners Of The 21st Century.
Rhondda Powling : All-Ages Reader: BRIAN SELZNICK is WONDERSTRUCK - 0 views

    An interview with Brian Selznick (Hugo Cabret and Wonderstruck) by Zack Smith (Newsarama) "Brian Selznick won the Caldecott Award for best children's illustrated book in 2008 with The Invention of Hugo Cabret, which was the basis for the upcoming film Hugo, directed by no less than Martin Scorsese. That book combined extended illustrated sequences with prose, and his new book, Wonderstruck, is even more ambitious, with silent illustrated sequences taking up more than 400 of the book's 600-plus pages"
Nigel Coutts

The challenge and promise of learning organisations - The Learner's Way - 0 views

    There is a great deal that I like about this description of humanity at its best from Ryan & Deci. It is both a goal to be achieved and an indicator of conditions which are required for us to fulfil our potential. While the focus of this statement is on the actions of the individual we can see how society might act to deny individuals the opportunities to lead such an inspired and agentic life. I like to imagine what a school might be like if every individual who plays a part in its functioning strove to extend themselves, master new skills and apply their talents responsibly.  Maybe schools would be like the 'learning organisations' described by Peter Senge. 

Large Size Extended Anti-slip Gaming Mouse Pad - 0 views

Feature long length, not only for mouse, but also for your keyboard, or for anything you would like to put

started by ava777 on 03 May 19 no follow-up yet

Wireless Wifi Repeater Range Extender Signal Booster - 0 views

started by ava777 on 18 Jun 19 no follow-up yet

Wireless Wifi Repeater Range Extender Signal Booster - 0 views

started by ava777 on 02 Sep 19 no follow-up yet
software villa

Ultimate Microsoft Edge extensions you must use - SoftwareVilla News - 0 views

    Extensions are an important part of any web browser. They significantly extend the functionality of your web browser. That's why choosing the extensions, which are indeed very helpful, is very important. Here in this post, we've come up with such ultimate Microsoft Edge extensions which you must use.
Roland Gesthuizen

Schools' choice on teacher contracts - National News - National - Education - Goondiwin... - 1 views

  • ''If you don't look after younger people coming into the profession, you potentially run the risk of not having enough teachers in the future,'' Mr Phillips said. ''You can always extend probation if you are not satisfied with performance.''
    SCHOOLS have options to make new teachers permanent rather than offering them only short-term contracts, according to the head of a prominent secondary college.
Rhondda Powling

WordPress › Picture finder « WordPress Plugins - 1 views

    This plugin is built for people keen to reuse flickr images in their blogs. Searching for just CC-BY material the plugin helps to make using flickr co. This plugin was developed for the Politics InSpires ( project at the University of Oxford.

IB Global Academy,IB Tutor,IB Tutor in Delhi,IB Maths Home Tutor in Delhi,IB Maths Tuto... - 0 views

    IB Global Academy has been helping students excel in IB Math tutor in gurgaon, IB Physics tutor in gurgaon, IB Chemistry tutor in Gurgaon, and Business Management(HL,SL) by providing the right skills for success.

Ventilated Bulk Bags: Understanding Their Uses and Applications - 0 views

Ventilated bulk bags, also known as FIBC bags with vents, are specialized packaging solutions designed to allow air circulation within the bag. These bags are ideal for storing and tr...

ventilated bulk bags

started by singhalpvtltd on 10 Sep 24 no follow-up yet
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