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Tony Richards

The Atlantic Online | January/February 2010 | What Makes a Great Teacher? | Amanda Ripley - 0 views

    "What Makes a Great Teacher? Image credit: Veronika Lukasova Also in our Special Report: National: "How America Can Rise Again" Is the nation in terminal decline? Not necessarily. But securing the future will require fixing a system that has become a joke. Video: "One Nation, On Edge" James Fallows talks to Atlantic editor James Bennet about a uniquely American tradition-cycles of despair followed by triumphant rebirths. Interactive Graphic: "The State of the Union Is ..." ... thrifty, overextended, admired, twitchy, filthy, and clean: the nation in numbers. By Rachael Brown Chart: "The Happiness Index" Times were tough in 2009. But according to a cool Facebook app, people were happier. By Justin Miller On August 25, 2008, two little boys walked into public elementary schools in Southeast Washington, D.C. Both boys were African American fifth-graders. The previous spring, both had tested below grade level in math. One walked into Kimball Elementary School and climbed the stairs to Mr. William Taylor's math classroom, a tidy, powder-blue space in which neither the clocks nor most of the electrical outlets worked. The other walked into a very similar classroom a mile away at Plummer Elementary School. In both schools, more than 80 percent of the children received free or reduced-price lunches. At night, all the children went home to the same urban ecosystem, a zip code in which almost a quarter of the families lived below the poverty line and a police district in which somebody was murdered every week or so. Video: Four teachers in Four different classrooms demonstrate methods that work (Courtesy of Teach for America's video archive, available in February at At the end of the school year, both little boys took the same standardized test given at all D.C. public schools-not a perfect test of their learning, to be sure, but a relatively objective one (and, it's worth noting, not a very hard one). After a year in Mr. Taylo

Buy Old Instagram Accounts - SmmTopMarket - 0 views

    Buy Old Instagram Accounts Introduction Buying an Instagram account is a good way to grow your business. You can build a following, increase engagement and start making money from advertising. However, it can be difficult to find a good Instagram account at an affordable price. This is where we come in! We offer top quality aged social media accounts that are ready for use by our clients who need them for their businesses or personal profiles. Buy Aged Instagram Accounts When you buy an Instagram account, it's important to remember that the account has been around for a long time. The account's followers may be older than yours and might not engage with your content as much as they would if they were younger or newer. If this is the case, then buying aged or old Instagram accounts can be a good option for you. Buying aged and/or old Instagram accounts can also help boost your reach on the platform by offering access to older audiences who are likely less likely to follow new accounts (especially since advertisers tend not spend money on these types of platforms). buy Instagram account Buy Instagram Accounts You can buy Instagram accounts that have a large following and are popular with many people. These accounts are usually used by businesses to promote their own brand or services, but they can also be used as an incentive for new users who want to join the platform. If you're looking for a way to boost your own account's visibility on the site, buying an Instagram account is the perfect solution! buying an Instagram account Buying an Instagram account is a great way to get started on the platform. You can use it as your personal brand, and if you have a good following already, it will be easier for you to grow that number. You might also want to consider buying Instagram accounts with fake likes and followers so that they look more authentic when viewed by other users. This increases the likelihood of attracting new fans or followers who may be inte
  • ...1 more comment...
    Buy Old Instagram Accounts Introduction Buying an Instagram account is a good way to grow your business. You can build a following, increase engagement and start making money from advertising. However, it can be difficult to find a good Instagram account at an affordable price. This is where we come in! We offer top quality aged social media accounts that are ready for use by our clients who need them for their businesses or personal profiles. Buy Aged Instagram Accounts When you buy an Instagram account, it's important to remember that the account has been around for a long time. The account's followers may be older than yours and might not engage with your content as much as they would if they were younger or newer. If this is the case, then buying aged or old Instagram accounts can be a good option for you. Buying aged and/or old Instagram accounts can also help boost your reach on the platform by offering access to older audiences who are likely less likely to follow new accounts (especially since advertisers tend not spend money on these types of platforms). buy Instagram account Buy Instagram Accounts You can buy Instagram accounts that have a large following and are popular with many people. These accounts are usually used by businesses to promote their own brand or services, but they can also be used as an incentive for new users who want to join the platform. If you're looking for a way to boost your own account's visibility on the site, buying an Instagram account is the perfect solution! buying an Instagram account Buying an Instagram account is a great way to get started on the platform. You can use it as your personal brand, and if you have a good following already, it will be easier for you to grow that number. You might also want to consider buying Instagram accounts with fake likes and followers so that they look more authentic when viewed by other users. This increases the likelihood of attracting new fans or followers who may be inte
    Buy Old Instagram Accounts Introduction Buying an Instagram account is a good way to grow your business. You can build a following, increase engagement and start making money from advertising. However, it can be difficult to find a good Instagram account at an affordable price. This is where we come in! We offer top quality aged social media accounts that are ready for use by our clients who need them for their businesses or personal profiles. Buy Aged Instagram Accounts When you buy an Instagram account, it's important to remember that the account has been around for a long time. The account's followers may be older than yours and might not engage with your content as much as they would if they were younger or newer. If this is the case, then buying aged or old Instagram accounts can be a good option for you. Buying aged and/or old Instagram accounts can also help boost your reach on the platform by offering access to older audiences who are likely less likely to follow new accounts (especially since advertisers tend not spend money on these types of platforms). buy Instagram account Buy Instagram Accounts You can buy Instagram accounts that have a large following and are popular with many people. These accounts are usually used by businesses to promote their own brand or services, but they can also be used as an incentive for new users who want to join the platform. If you're looking for a way to boost your own account's visibility on the site, buying an Instagram account is the perfect solution! buying an Instagram account Buying an Instagram account is a great way to get started on the platform. You can use it as your personal brand, and if you have a good following already, it will be easier for you to grow that number. You might also want to consider buying Instagram accounts with fake likes and followers so that they look more authentic when viewed by other users. This increases the likelihood of attracting new fans or followers who may be inte
    Buy Old Instagram Accounts Introduction Buying an Instagram account is a good way to grow your business. You can build a following, increase engagement and start making money from advertising. However, it can be difficult to find a good Instagram account at an affordable price. This is where we come in! We offer top quality aged social media accounts that are ready for use by our clients who need them for their businesses or personal profiles. Buy Aged Instagram Accounts When you buy an Instagram account, it's important to remember that the account has been around for a long time. The account's followers may be older than yours and might not engage with your content as much as they would if they were younger or newer. If this is the case, then buying aged or old Instagram accounts can be a good option for you. Buying aged and/or old Instagram accounts can also help boost your reach on the platform by offering access to older audiences who are likely less likely to follow new accounts (especially since advertisers tend not spend money on these types of platforms). buy Instagram account Buy Instagram Accounts You can buy Instagram accounts that have a large following and are popular with many people. These accounts are usually used by businesses to promote their own brand or services, but they can also be used as an incentive for new users who want to join the platform. If you're looking for a way to boost your own account's visibility on the site, buying an Instagram account is the perfect solution! buying an Instagram account Buying an Instagram account is a great way to get started on the platform. You can use it as your personal brand, and if you have a good following already, it will be easier for you to grow that number. You might also want to consider buying Instagram accounts with fake likes and followers so that they look more authentic when viewed by other users. This increases the likelihood of attracting new fans or followers who may be inte
Rhondda Powling

Reading Australia - Home - 2 views

    Reading Australia has been developed by the Copyright Agency and aims to make significant Australian literary works more readily available for teaching in schools and universities. These works are supplemented with online teacher resources and essays by popular authors about the enduring relevance of the works. There is a list of titles (download as a PDF). These titles have been selected by the Australian Society of Authors' (ASA) Council. They were asked to select works they thought students and others should encounter, to give a view of Australia's rich cultural identity: works that would tell Australia's history and also how we are currently developing as a nation. The ASA Council are adamant that this list should be merely the beginning, and it should be built upon with other works that have already been published, as well as the great new works that continue to be published in Australia. There is a wide range of teacher resources available (PDF) for Primary and Secondary school teachers and all of these teacher resources include classroom activities, assessments and links to the Australian Curriculum. In addition, many of the Secondary resources include an introductory essay on the text written by high profile writers. The Primary level resources have been commissioned by the Primary English Teaching Association of Australia and the Australian Literacy Educators' Association, and the resources for Secondary level have been jointly commissioned by the Australian Association for the Teaching of English and the English Teachers Association NSW."
    Reading Australia has been developed by the Copyright Agency and aims to make significant Australian literary works more readily available for teaching in schools and universities. These works are supplemented with online teacher resources and essays by popular authors about the enduring relevance of the works. There is a list of titles (download as a PDF). These titles have been selected by the Australian Society of Authors' (ASA) Council. They were asked to select works they thought students and others should encounter, to give a view of Australia's rich cultural identity: works that would tell Australia's history and also how we are currently developing as a nation. The ASA Council are adamant that this list should be merely the beginning, and it should be built upon with other works that have already been published, as well as the great new works that continue to be published in Australia. There is a wide range of teacher resources available (PDF) for Primary and Secondary school teachers and all of these teacher resources include classroom activities, assessments and links to the Australian Curriculum. In addition, many of the Secondary resources include an introductory essay on the text written by high profile writers. The Primary level resources have been commissioned by the Primary English Teaching Association of Australia and the Australian Literacy Educators' Association, and the resources for Secondary level have been jointly commissioned by the Australian Association for the Teaching of English and the English Teachers Association NSW."

Buy Elite Yelp Reviews - 100% Safe Permanent Reviews - 0 views

    Buy Elite Yelp Reviews Introduction Yelp is one of the most popular review sites in the world. It has millions of users, and people use it to find restaurants, shops and other places to visit. Yelp is a great tool for consumers because it allows them to share their experiences with others. But if you want more people to see your business on Yelp, then you need some positive reviews from other users who have already patronised your establishment! Why Need Buy Elite Yelp Reviews? If you are interested in buying Yelp Elite Reviews, then this guide will help you understand how to buy them. Buy Yelp Elite Reviews You can get genuine and authentic reviews by purchasing them from users who have used the product or service in question. This means that they have tried it themselves and can give their own opinion about its quality. Buy Elite Yelp Reviews Buying a review is an effective way to create trust with your customers so they feel comfortable using your product or service again if needed. It also helps build brand awareness among potential customers who may be unaware of what type of products/services exist within their industry; therefore, making it easier for them when deciding whether or not they want something similar down the line! What is Yelp Elite Reviews? Yelp Elite Reviews are written by verified users who have bought something from the business. Users must have purchased a service or product at the business, or had a positive experience with it. Elite reviewers are more likely to be positive than regular reviewers because they are more invested in their experiences with businesses. They also tend to write longer reviews that give more detailed explanations of why they enjoy using this type of business over others. Buy Elite Yelp Reviews Is it safe to buy Yelp reviews? Yes, it is safe to buy Yelp reviews. The website has been around for years and has a great reputation among the public. In fact, many people rely on it as a credible source of informatio
  • ...1 more comment...
    Buy Elite Yelp Reviews Introduction Yelp is one of the most popular review sites in the world. It has millions of users, and people use it to find restaurants, shops and other places to visit. Yelp is a great tool for consumers because it allows them to share their experiences with others. But if you want more people to see your business on Yelp, then you need some positive reviews from other users who have already patronised your establishment! Why Need Buy Elite Yelp Reviews? If you are interested in buying Yelp Elite Reviews, then this guide will help you understand how to buy them. Buy Yelp Elite Reviews You can get genuine and authentic reviews by purchasing them from users who have used the product or service in question. This means that they have tried it themselves and can give their own opinion about its quality. Buy Elite Yelp Reviews Buying a review is an effective way to create trust with your customers so they feel comfortable using your product or service again if needed. It also helps build brand awareness among potential customers who may be unaware of what type of products/services exist within their industry; therefore, making it easier for them when deciding whether or not they want something similar down the line! What is Yelp Elite Reviews? Yelp Elite Reviews are written by verified users who have bought something from the business. Users must have purchased a service or product at the business, or had a positive experience with it. Elite reviewers are more likely to be positive than regular reviewers because they are more invested in their experiences with businesses. They also tend to write longer reviews that give more detailed explanations of why they enjoy using this type of business over others. Buy Elite Yelp Reviews Is it safe to buy Yelp reviews? Yes, it is safe to buy Yelp reviews. The website has been around for years and has a great reputation among the public. In fact, many people rely on it as a credible source of informatio
    Buy Elite Yelp Reviews Introduction Yelp is one of the most popular review sites in the world. It has millions of users, and people use it to find restaurants, shops and other places to visit. Yelp is a great tool for consumers because it allows them to share their experiences with others. But if you want more people to see your business on Yelp, then you need some positive reviews from other users who have already patronised your establishment! Why Need Buy Elite Yelp Reviews? If you are interested in buying Yelp Elite Reviews, then this guide will help you understand how to buy them. Buy Yelp Elite Reviews You can get genuine and authentic reviews by purchasing them from users who have used the product or service in question. This means that they have tried it themselves and can give their own opinion about its quality. Buy Elite Yelp Reviews Buying a review is an effective way to create trust with your customers so they feel comfortable using your product or service again if needed. It also helps build brand awareness among potential customers who may be unaware of what type of products/services exist within their industry; therefore, making it easier for them when deciding whether or not they want something similar down the line! What is Yelp Elite Reviews? Yelp Elite Reviews are written by verified users who have bought something from the business. Users must have purchased a service or product at the business, or had a positive experience with it. Elite reviewers are more likely to be positive than regular reviewers because they are more invested in their experiences with businesses. They also tend to write longer reviews that give more detailed explanations of why they enjoy using this type of business over others. Buy Elite Yelp Reviews Is it safe to buy Yelp reviews? Yes, it is safe to buy Yelp reviews. The website has been around for years and has a great reputation among the public. In fact, many people rely on it as a credible source of informatio
    Buy Elite Yelp Reviews Introduction Yelp is one of the most popular review sites in the world. It has millions of users, and people use it to find restaurants, shops and other places to visit. Yelp is a great tool for consumers because it allows them to share their experiences with others. But if you want more people to see your business on Yelp, then you need some positive reviews from other users who have already patronised your establishment! Why Need Buy Elite Yelp Reviews? If you are interested in buying Yelp Elite Reviews, then this guide will help you understand how to buy them. Buy Yelp Elite Reviews You can get genuine and authentic reviews by purchasing them from users who have used the product or service in question. This means that they have tried it themselves and can give their own opinion about its quality. Buy Elite Yelp Reviews Buying a review is an effective way to create trust with your customers so they feel comfortable using your product or service again if needed. It also helps build brand awareness among potential customers who may be unaware of what type of products/services exist within their industry; therefore, making it easier for them when deciding whether or not they want something similar down the line! What is Yelp Elite Reviews? Yelp Elite Reviews are written by verified users who have bought something from the business. Users must have purchased a service or product at the business, or had a positive experience with it. Elite reviewers are more likely to be positive than regular reviewers because they are more invested in their experiences with businesses. They also tend to write longer reviews that give more detailed explanations of why they enjoy using this type of business over others. Buy Elite Yelp Reviews Is it safe to buy Yelp reviews? Yes, it is safe to buy Yelp reviews. The website has been around for years and has a great reputation among the public. In fact, many people rely on it as a credible source of informatio

Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager - Unlimited FB Business Manager - 0 views

    Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Introduction The Facebook business managers are one of the best ways to advertise your company. They can help you grow your brand by posting content that people want to see, they can also be used as a tool for engagement marketing, and they can also be used in sales. A verified Facebook Business Manager account is an account that has been confirmed by Facebook as being genuine so you know exactly who you're dealing with. This helps protect against scams and fraudsters trying to take advantage of businesses using their services without ever really knowing what's going on behind the scenes with these sorts of sites! Why you need to buy a verified Facebook Business Manager Account A verified Facebook Business Manager Account is the best way to run ads on Facebook. It's more expensive than a regular account, but it's worth it. You can use them to create ads, manage your page and create audiences. To get started with a verified Facebook Business Manager Account: Download the app from our website (or click here if you are reading this in email). Login using your username and password that we sent earlier in this guide. Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager with Documents Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager with PVA (Proof of Authentication) Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager with PVA, Documents and Phone Number Buy Facebook Ads Accounts You can buy Facebook Ads accounts with documents, phone number, email address and credit card. You can buy Facebook Ads accounts from $10-$200 per day. You can choose to pay with PayPal or Amazon gift cards. What is Facebook Business Manager? Facebook Business Manager is a tool that helps you manage your business on Facebook. It's a single place to manage multiple Facebook accounts, ads and pages. Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager It has some other features too: It can help you navigate the p
  • ...1 more comment...
    Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Introduction The Facebook business managers are one of the best ways to advertise your company. They can help you grow your brand by posting content that people want to see, they can also be used as a tool for engagement marketing, and they can also be used in sales. A verified Facebook Business Manager account is an account that has been confirmed by Facebook as being genuine so you know exactly who you're dealing with. This helps protect against scams and fraudsters trying to take advantage of businesses using their services without ever really knowing what's going on behind the scenes with these sorts of sites! Why you need to buy a verified Facebook Business Manager Account A verified Facebook Business Manager Account is the best way to run ads on Facebook. It's more expensive than a regular account, but it's worth it. You can use them to create ads, manage your page and create audiences. To get started with a verified Facebook Business Manager Account: Download the app from our website (or click here if you are reading this in email). Login using your username and password that we sent earlier in this guide. Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager with Documents Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager with PVA (Proof of Authentication) Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager with PVA, Documents and Phone Number Buy Facebook Ads Accounts You can buy Facebook Ads accounts with documents, phone number, email address and credit card. You can buy Facebook Ads accounts from $10-$200 per day. You can choose to pay with PayPal or Amazon gift cards. What is Facebook Business Manager? Facebook Business Manager is a tool that helps you manage your business on Facebook. It's a single place to manage multiple Facebook accounts, ads and pages. Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager It has some other features too: It can help you navigate the p
    Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Introduction The Facebook business managers are one of the best ways to advertise your company. They can help you grow your brand by posting content that people want to see, they can also be used as a tool for engagement marketing, and they can also be used in sales. A verified Facebook Business Manager account is an account that has been confirmed by Facebook as being genuine so you know exactly who you're dealing with. This helps protect against scams and fraudsters trying to take advantage of businesses using their services without ever really knowing what's going on behind the scenes with these sorts of sites! Why you need to buy a verified Facebook Business Manager Account A verified Facebook Business Manager Account is the best way to run ads on Facebook. It's more expensive than a regular account, but it's worth it. You can use them to create ads, manage your page and create audiences. To get started with a verified Facebook Business Manager Account: Download the app from our website (or click here if you are reading this in email). Login using your username and password that we sent earlier in this guide. Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager with Documents Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager with PVA (Proof of Authentication) Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager with PVA, Documents and Phone Number Buy Facebook Ads Accounts You can buy Facebook Ads accounts with documents, phone number, email address and credit card. You can buy Facebook Ads accounts from $10-$200 per day. You can choose to pay with PayPal or Amazon gift cards. What is Facebook Business Manager? Facebook Business Manager is a tool that helps you manage your business on Facebook. It's a single place to manage multiple Facebook accounts, ads and pages. Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager It has some other features too: It can help you navigate the p
    Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Introduction The Facebook business managers are one of the best ways to advertise your company. They can help you grow your brand by posting content that people want to see, they can also be used as a tool for engagement marketing, and they can also be used in sales. A verified Facebook Business Manager account is an account that has been confirmed by Facebook as being genuine so you know exactly who you're dealing with. This helps protect against scams and fraudsters trying to take advantage of businesses using their services without ever really knowing what's going on behind the scenes with these sorts of sites! Why you need to buy a verified Facebook Business Manager Account A verified Facebook Business Manager Account is the best way to run ads on Facebook. It's more expensive than a regular account, but it's worth it. You can use them to create ads, manage your page and create audiences. To get started with a verified Facebook Business Manager Account: Download the app from our website (or click here if you are reading this in email). Login using your username and password that we sent earlier in this guide. Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager with Documents Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager with PVA (Proof of Authentication) Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager with PVA, Documents and Phone Number Buy Facebook Ads Accounts You can buy Facebook Ads accounts with documents, phone number, email address and credit card. You can buy Facebook Ads accounts from $10-$200 per day. You can choose to pay with PayPal or Amazon gift cards. What is Facebook Business Manager? Facebook Business Manager is a tool that helps you manage your business on Facebook. It's a single place to manage multiple Facebook accounts, ads and pages. Buy Verified Facebook Business Manager It has some other features too: It can help you navigate the p

Buy Verified Cash App Accounts - 100% Verified Best BTC Enabled - 0 views

    Buy Verified Cash App Accounts Introduction If you are looking for the best Verified Cash App Accounts, then look no further. We have compiled a list of some of the best verified cash app accounts in the market today. These verified accounts will help you get started with owning a business on Cash App. We also provide guidance on how to buy real verified cash app accounts so that you can get more benefits out of this platform! What Is Verified Cash App Accounts? Verified Cash App Accounts are a type of verified account. They're real accounts that have been verified by the cash app and are used to send money to friends, family or businesses you trust. Verified Cash App Accounts are available when you start using the cash app to send money with other people (people who don't have a verified cash app account). When someone else sends you money through the cash app, it's added onto your balance by default. In this case, it's called "adding funds" because they're adding funds onto your account balance Buying cash app accounts Buying a verified cash app account Buying a verified cash app account for business Buying a verified cash app account for personal use How to verify a Cash App accounts? To verify your account, you can: Provide your personal information. This includes providing a valid email address and phone number, as well as uploading a photo of yourself in order to confirm that you are the owner of the account. Provide your address information by giving us a physical mailing address (if you reside outside of California), or providing an alternate physical location where we can mail something back to you (if you reside in California). How can I buy Real Verified Cash App Account? You can buy a verified cash app account from the official website. You can also buy a verified cash app account from the official app store. And, last but not least, you can also buy a verified cash app account directly through our website! Can you actually buy fully ve
    Buy Verified Cash App Accounts Introduction If you are looking for the best Verified Cash App Accounts, then look no further. We have compiled a list of some of the best verified cash app accounts in the market today. These verified accounts will help you get started with owning a business on Cash App. We also provide guidance on how to buy real verified cash app accounts so that you can get more benefits out of this platform! What Is Verified Cash App Accounts? Verified Cash App Accounts are a type of verified account. They're real accounts that have been verified by the cash app and are used to send money to friends, family or businesses you trust. Verified Cash App Accounts are available when you start using the cash app to send money with other people (people who don't have a verified cash app account). When someone else sends you money through the cash app, it's added onto your balance by default. In this case, it's called "adding funds" because they're adding funds onto your account balance Buying cash app accounts Buying a verified cash app account Buying a verified cash app account for business Buying a verified cash app account for personal use How to verify a Cash App accounts? To verify your account, you can: Provide your personal information. This includes providing a valid email address and phone number, as well as uploading a photo of yourself in order to confirm that you are the owner of the account. Provide your address information by giving us a physical mailing address (if you reside outside of California), or providing an alternate physical location where we can mail something back to you (if you reside in California). How can I buy Real Verified Cash App Account? You can buy a verified cash app account from the official website. You can also buy a verified cash app account from the official app store. And, last but not least, you can also buy a verified cash app account directly through our website! Can you actually buy fully ve
    Buy Verified Cash App Accounts Introduction If you are looking for the best Verified Cash App Accounts, then look no further. We have compiled a list of some of the best verified cash app accounts in the market today. These verified accounts will help you get started with owning a business on Cash App. We also provide guidance on how to buy real verified cash app accounts so that you can get more benefits out of this platform! What Is Verified Cash App Accounts? Verified Cash App Accounts are a type of verified account. They're real accounts that have been verified by the cash app and are used to send money to friends, family or businesses you trust. Verified Cash App Accounts are available when you start using the cash app to send money with other people (people who don't have a verified cash app account). When someone else sends you money through the cash app, it's added onto your balance by default. In this case, it's called "adding funds" because they're adding funds onto your account balance Buying cash app accounts Buying a verified cash app account Buying a verified cash app account for business Buying a verified cash app account for personal use How to verify a Cash App accounts? To verify your account, you can: Provide your personal information. This includes providing a valid email address and phone number, as well as uploading a photo of yourself in order to confirm that you are the owner of the account. Provide your address information by giving us a physical mailing address (if you reside outside of California), or providing an alternate physical location where we can mail something back to you (if you reside in California). How can I buy Real Verified Cash App Account? You can buy a verified cash app account from the official website. You can also buy a verified cash app account from the official app store. And, last but not least, you can also buy a verified cash app account directly through our website! Can you actually buy fully ve
Roland Gesthuizen

YouTube - TAC Campaign - 20 year Anniversary retrospective montage "Everybody Hurts" mu... - 0 views

  • On December 10th 1989 the first TAC commercial went to air. In that year the road toll was 776; by last year 2008 it had fallen to 303.A five minute retrospective of the road safety campaigns produced by the TAC over the last 20 years has been compiled. The montage features iconic scenes and images from commercials that have helped change they way we drive, all edited to the moving song Everybody Hurts by REM.This campaign is a chance to revisit some of the images that have been engraved on our memories, remember the many thousands of people who have been affected by road trauma and remind us all that for everyones sake; please, drive safely.Transport Accident Commission Victoria.
    "On December 10th 1989 the first TAC commercial went to air. In that year the road toll was 776; by last year 2008 it had fallen to 303. A five minute retrospective of the road safety campaigns produced by the TAC over the last 20 years has been compiled. The montage features iconic scenes and images from commercials that have helped change they way we drive, all edited to the moving song Everybody Hurts by REM"
Peter Ruwoldt

Sintel - Third Open Movie by Blender Foundation - 2 views

    "Sintel" is an independently produced short film, initiated by the Blender Foundation as a means to further improve and validate the free/open source 3D creation suite Blender. With initial funding provided by 1000s of donations via the internet community, it has again proven to be a viable development model for both open 3D technology as for independent animation film. This 15 minute film has been realized in the studio of the Amsterdam Blender Institute, by an international team of artists and developers. In addition to that, several crucial technical and creative targets have been realized online, by developers and artists and teams all over the world.
Rhondda Powling - Free Pictures - - 0 views

    This is a collection of images developed by Ian Britton. FreeFoto offers a mix images that are available for free and for a licensing fee. Students can use the images on FreeFoto for free provided that they adhere to the student use guidelines. Visitors to FreeFoto can search for images by keyword or they can browse the galleries. The galleries are arranged by the locations of where the images were captured, by natural subject (sunsets, seasons), and many other subjects.

Are kids really motivated by technology? | SmartBlogs SmartBlogs - 3 views

  • What students are really motivated by are opportunities to be social — to interact around challenging concepts in powerful conversations with their peers. They are motivated by issues connected to fairness and justice. They are motivated by the important people in their lives, by the opportunity to wrestle with the big ideas rolling around in their minds, and by the often-troubling changes they see happening in the world around them. Technology’s role in today’s classroom, then, isn’t to motivate. It’s to give students opportunities to efficiently and effectively participate in motivating activities built around the individuals and ideas that matter to them.
  • Basically what I’m arguing is that finding ways to motivate students in our classrooms shouldn’t start with conversations about technology. Instead, it should start with conversations about our kids. What are they deeply moved by? What are they most interested in? What would surprise them? Challenge them? Leave them wondering? Once you have the answers to these questions — only after you have the answers to these questions — are you ready to make choices about the kinds of digital tools that are worth embracing.

Buy Verified Cash App Account- Safe! Old Cash App Account - 0 views

    Buy Verified Cash App Account 1. Understanding a Verified Cash App Account An Authentic Money Account is a monetary account that has gone through comprehensive verification to ascertain the owner's identity. Verifying government-issued IDs, proof of residence, and in some cases, financial documentation is part of this. Transaction security is increased, the chance of fraud is reduced and there is compliance with regulations through effective verification. The word "verified" indicates that the individual behind the account has had their identity confirmed by a reputable organization which increases confidence and dependability during money transfers. 2. Why Buy a Verified Cash App Account? Acquiring a Verified Cash App Account offers several compelling advantages: Enhanced Credibility and Trust:A verified account means to others that the account holder has been validated by a credible organization thus increasing reliability and encouraging confidence in money exchanges. Access to Premium Features:For personal and business transactions, being verified can earn you special features on that platform, bigger transaction limits, and other advantages. Increased Security:Account security can be enhanced through verification procedures which reduce chances of unauthorized access and fraud. The level of protection offered by this extra security measure is critical for high-value transactions or sensitive financial processes. Regulatory Compliance:In various regions, compliance with anti-money laundering (AML) and know-your-customer (KYC) regulations necessitates a verified account to be able to legally operate in some financial segments. Buy Verified Cash App Account 3. Steps to Buy a Verified Cash App Account The process of acquiring a Verified Cash App Account typically involves several key steps: Assess Your Needs:Start with an exact explanation of what it means to obtain a verified account. This may involve anything from online transactions to investmen
Rhondda Powling

Make students curators - 3 views

    A very good piece posted on the by Leslie M-B, exploring in depth the opportunity to have students master their selected topics by "curating" them, rather than by reading and memorizing facts about them.
Rhondda Powling

Instant Wild - Live Wildlife Photographs - 0 views

    "Images of wild animals are sent to you directly from small automatic cameras placed in remote locations. When you identify the wild animal by matching the photo with the relevant image in the Field Guide you save conservationist thousands of hours by helping to sort the images by species group. This enables scientists to analyze the data much faster and assess whether the threatened animals are increasing or decreasing."
Andrew Williamson

EduApps | - Supporting the #UKEdChat Education Community - 1 views

    A fantastic list of apps for iPads in edu. On this page, we are showcasing Apple Apps which can help educators with teaching and learning activities, as recommended by various educators within the #UKEdchat forum. You can easily sort the columns by clicking the arrows by each heading. Are we missing an iPad app which you use a lot in school? Please let us know in the comments box at the foot of the page, or via @UKEdchat on twitter, facebook, or Google+.
Tony Searl

Turning Children into Data - 4 views

  • The teachers understood that learning doesn’t have to be measured in order to be assessed. 
  • It focused on teachers’ personal “connection[s] with our subject area” as the basis for helping students to think “like mathematicians or historians or writers or scientists, instead of drilling them in the vocabulary of those subject areas or breaking down the skills.”  In a word, the teachers put kids before data.
  • All that does is corrupt the measure (unless it’s a test score, in which case it’s already misleading), undermine collaboration among teachers, and make teaching less joyful and therefore less effective by meaningful criteria.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • kids should have a lot to say about their assessment.
  • we want to create an environment where students can “experience success and failure not as reward and punishment but as information."  
  • students’ desire to learn?
  • The more that students are led to focus on how well they're doing, the less engaged they tend to become with what they're doing. 
  • A school that’s all about achievement and performance is a school that’s not really about discovery and understanding.
  • teachers’ isolation, fatalism, and fear (of demands by clueless officials to raise test scores at any cost).
    "While some education conferences are genuinely inspiring, others serve mostly to demonstrate how even intelligent educators can be remarkably credulous, nodding agreeably at descriptions of programs that ought to elicit fury or laughter, avidly copying down hollow phrases from a consultant's PowerPoint presentation, awed by anything that's borrowed from the business world or involves digital technology. Many companies and consultants thrive on this credulity, and also on teachers' isolation, fatalism, and fear (of demands by clueless officials to raise test scores at any cost). With a good dose of critical thinking and courage, a willingness to say "This is bad for kids and we won't have any part of it," we could drive these outfits out of business -- and begin to take back our schools."
Lauren O'Grady

UsingMac - 101 Must Know Quick Leopard Tips - 0 views

    Increase/Decrease Volume Pressing modifier keys while increasing/decreasing (F4/F5 for MacBook) will slowly increase/decrease the volume bar by a quarter. Searching by Lyrics Spotlight in Leopard now supports searching music by its lyric. Attach Files into Mail Simple drag-and-drop to the icon helps you done the attaching in New Message. Working without Mouse or Trackpad Using only keyboard shortcuts with modifier key and keys F1 to F3, you can do Turn on Full Keyboard Access, Jump to Menubar and Go to Dock respectively. Assign a Shortcut to Multiple

iTALC - 0 views

    iTALC is a use- and powerful didactical tool for teachers. It lets you view and control other computers in your network in several ways. It supports Linux and Windows 2000/XP (Vista support will come) and it even can be used transparently in mixed environments! In contrast to widely used commercial equivalent software, iTALC is free! This means you do not have to pay for expensive licenses or things like that. Furthermore the source-code is freely available and you're free in changing the software to fit your needs as long as you respect the terms of iTALC's license (GPL). Freedom in two ways! Features iTALC has been designed for usage in school. Therefore it offers a lot of possibilities to teachers, such as * see what's going on in computer-labs by using overview mode and make snapshots * remote-control computers to support and help other people * show a demo (either in fullscreen or in a window) - the teacher's screen is shown on all student's computers in realtime * lock workstations for moving undivided attention to teacher * send text-messages to students * powering on/off and rebooting computers per remote * remote logon and logoff and remote execution of arbitrary commands/scripts * home-schooling - iTALC's network-technology is not restricted to a subnet and therefore students at home can join lessons via VPN-connections just by installing iTALC client Furthermore iTALC is optimized for usage on multi-core systems (by making heavy use of threads). No matter how many cores you have, iTALC can make use of all of them.
Lynne Crowe

The Comic Book Project - 0 views

    The Comic Book Project is an arts-based literacy and learning initiative hosted by Teachers College, Columbia University with materials published by Dark Horse Comics. The goal of the project is to help children forge an alternative pathway to literacy by writing, designing, and publishing original comic books.
John Pearce

FUSE - Department of Education and Early Childhood Development - 5 views

    The Victorian DEECD portal to high quality teaching and learning resources for schools. It enables teachers to Find, Use and Share Education resources. It is open to all teachers anywhere in the world and is located at It is free to use and managed by the Victorian Education Department. FUSE connects teachers to resources from across the world, Connect, Digilearn, Knowledgebank, the Learning Federation content and thousands of web resources recommended by Victorian teachers. In addition, it contains new resources provided by trusted education partners such as National Gallery of Victoria, the State Library, Museum Victoria, and Zoos Victoria. There are also access pages for students and early childhood children.
Kerry J

Doing What Works - About - 3 views

    Doing What Works (DWW) is a website sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education. The goal of DWW is to create an online library of resources that may help teachers, schools, districts, states and technical assistance providers implement research-based instructional practice. DWW is led by the Office of Planning, Evaluation & Policy Development (OPEPD) at the U.S. Department of Education. OPEPD relies on the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) at the U.S. Department of Education (and occasionally other entities that adhere to standards similar to those of IES) to evaluate and recommend practices that are supported by rigorous research.
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