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John Pearce

Get off my cloud: when privacy laws meet cloud computing - 1 views

    "What does privacy mean in an age of ongoing privacy breaches? With new privacy law coming online in Australia on March 12, our Privacy in Practice series explores the practical challenges facing Australian business and consumers in a world rethinking privacy."
Rhondda Powling

A Quick Guide to YouTube Privacy - 1 views

    "You don't share as much personal information on YouTube as on other social networks, but if you're conscious of online privacy, you may want to take a look at your privacy settings. This video takes a quick look at how to protect your privacy on the video-sharing site with a few easy steps to ensure your account is set up in a way that satisfies your need for online confidentiality."
John Pearce

10 New Privacy Settings Every Facebook User Should Know - 3 views

    Facebook has recently updated their privacy settings. If like me you have been prompted to adjust your settings you may also have experienced a deal of confusion as to what these changes mean in practice. All Facebook, Unofficial Facebook Resource has realised this and have developed a 10 point guide on resetting your privacy including comparisons with previous settings. In addition to the online version they also offer the opportunity to download a copy of the guide.
John Pearce

Edudemic » The Ultimate Guide To Online Privacy - 2 views

    "If you've ever visited a website that handles even the smallest bit of your personal information, there's a good chance (hopefully) that it's asked you to read through a privacy policy or two. Rather than pour over the details, many of us simply click on 'I AGREE!' and proceed with using the application. Even the companies and websites involved understand this and make it as easy as possible to satisfy lawyers as well as users. What's the harm in essentially ignoring that privacy policy? While the majority of the time it's harmless, there are some ne'er-do-wells that may gather your personal information and sell it to marketers, advertisers, or spammers. While terrible, it's not unheard of."
Rhondda Powling

How to Remove Your Google Search History Before Google's New Privacy Policy Takes Effec... - 1 views

    On March 1st, Google will implement its new, unified privacy policy, which will affect data Google has collected on you prior to March 1st as well as data it collects on you in the future.  If you want to keep Google from combining your Web History with the data they have gathered about you in their other products, such as YouTube or Google Plus, you may want to remove all items from your Web History and stop your Web History from being recorded in the future. It is important to note that disabling Web History in your Google account will not prevent Google from gathering and storing this information and using it for internal purposes. More information at the end of this post.
Roland Gesthuizen

Australians more concerned about privacy than ever before - 1 views

    "Australians are more concerned about their privacy than ever before, quickly abandoning companies they believe abuse their information, a new report shows."
Rhondda Powling

Privacy, digital citizenship and young children | Australian Policy Online - 3 views

    "A growing number of educators and advocates in the online safety field are now embracing the term 'digital citizenship' to describe education about privacy, safety, security and responsible use of information and communication technologies (ICT). There is also a growing understanding of the importance of beginning this education when a child first starts their use of ICT. "
John Pearce

Think before you upload - 0 views

    Think Before You Upload is a great new animation from Privacy Victoria which aims to highlight the possible risks for young people of using on-line technologies such as social networking and gaming sites. It explores a number of familiar scenarios in a humorous way to re-inforce the need to consider the consequences of uploading to the interent. The only pity is that it is at present only available in a Flash version without any embed code.
John Pearce

End of Privacy - Special Coverage on - 1 views

    "As people share more information about themselves online, the internet, in effect, has created a public transcript of consciousness -- storing our thoughts, locations, social lives and memories in data warehouses all over the world. This has enabled technological advances and shaped our social interactions. It's also really freaked some people out. "

Hide My IP 6 Crack Serial plus License Keygen full download - 0 views

    Hide My IP 6 Crack Serial is the best privacy software that can be secure your personal information and keep your accounts ID, s personal. It can also hide

Imobie Phoneclean Pro Crack Serial+License Key Full Here! - 0 views

    Imobie Phoneclean Pro Crack Serial+License Key Full Free is best and many people worry about privacy, now with the brand new PhoneClean pro becomes your
John Pearce

WackWall - Social Network Builder | Create a Social Network Free - 5 views

    "WackWall is a free tool for creating custom social networks with easy setup and complete feature set. " It has # Photo, Video sharing; # Blogs, forums, friends; # Comment, tag, rate any kind of content; # Privacy and profile customization; # Groups; # Events, wiki; (coming soon) # Collaboration, file sharing, video-conference tools; (coming soon) # ... and much much more!
Lisa Dumicich

Free Custom Toolbar | Conduit - 0 views

    Conduit Community Toolbars Are Absolutely Free We Deliver Real Value at No Cost! Yes, we provide this great service completely free. Do you collect or sell data to earn revenues? No, we neither collect nor sell any personal usage data. We are committed to the highest standards of privacy. We also guarantee no adware, no malware and no spyware.

The Key Benefits of Venetian Blinds - 0 views

    An elegant look and increase privacy, nothing is better than these affordable blinds. Venetian Blinds become very popular because of its light-weight, lower maintenance and wide range of varieties & ideal for long term purpose. Key Advantages -

Advanced SystemCare Pro Keygen + Crack 2020 - 0 views

    Advanced SystemCare PRO Crack helping clean, optimize, speed up and protect your pc system, as well as secure your online privacy.
Chris Betcher

Is the Internet hurting children? - - 2 views

  • By the time they're 2 years old, more than 90% of all American children have an online history. At 5, more than 50% regularly interact with a computer or tablet device, and by 7 or 8, many kids regularly play video games. Teenagers text an average of 3,400 times a month.
  • The impact of heavy media and technology use on kids' social, emotional and cognitive development is only beginning to be studied, and the emergent results are serious. While the research is still in its early stages, it suggests that the Internet may actually be changing how our brains work.
  • From PCs in school to online schooling Should you bet on Mark Zuckerberg? It goes without saying that digital media have also altered our fundamental notions of and respect for privacy. Young people now routinely post and share private, personal information and opinions on social media platforms without fully considering the potential consequences.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • We are at, arguably, an even more important crossroads when it comes to digital media and technology.
  • Movies today -- even G-rated ones -- contain significantly more sex and violence, on average, than movies with the same rating 10 or 20 years ago.
    The explosive growth of social media, smartphones and digital devices is transforming our kids' lives, in school and at home. Research tells us that even the youngest of our children are migrating online, using tablets and smartphones, downloading apps. 
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