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Creating impact - a game of two halves - - 2 views

    "So what did I learn from this novel experience? For me, it was the combined power of social media and open access publishing. Social media acted as a sign post to the research for a wide range of people, largely outside academia. Open access then meant that everyone could read it."
Kevin Stranack

A New Digital Divide? - NZ Commons - 0 views

    "So why do we have an emerging digital divide in society where one group has easy and instant access to new research often funded out of the public purse yet others face significant costs, delays or barriers to accessing knowledge?" "In the past, one might have expected society's 'critics and consciences' to be located in universities. Now many of these voices, including some who have retired, are outside these institutions."
Kevin Stranack

Open Access Scientific Publishing and the Developing World by Jorge L. Contreras :: SSRN - 1 views

    "Responding to rapid and steep increases in the cost of scientific journals, a growing number of scholars and librarians have advocated "open access" (OA) to the scientific literature. OA publishing models are having a significant impact on the dissemination of scientific information. Despite the success of these initiatives, their impact on researchers in the developing world is uncertain. This article analyses major OA approaches adopted in the industrialized world (so-called Green OA, Gold OA, and OA mandates, as well as non-OA information philanthropy) as they relate to the consumption and production of research in the developing world. The article concludes that while the consumption of scientific literature by developing world researchers is likely to be significantly enhanced through such programs, promoting the production of research in the developing world requires additional measures. These could include the introduction of better South-focused journal indexing systems that identify high-quality journals published in the developing world, coupled with the adjustment of academic norms to reward publication in such journals. Financial models must also be developed to decrease the reliance by institutions in the developing world on information philanthropy and to level the playing field between OA journals in industrialized and developing countries."
Kevin Stranack

Reactionary Rhetoric Against Open Access Publishing | Bivens-Tatum | tripleC: Communica... - 0 views

    "In 2013, Jeffrey Beall published an attack on the open-access scholarship movement in tripleC: "The Open-Access Movement Is Not Really About Open Access". This article examines the claims and arguments of that contribution. Beall's article makes broad generalizations about open-access advocates with very little supporting evidence, but his rhetoric provides good examples of what Albert O. Hirschman called the "rhetoric of reaction". Specifically, it provides examples of the perversity thesis, the futility thesis, and the jeopardy thesis in action. While the main argument is both unsound and invalid, it does show a rare example of reactionary rhetoric from a librarian."
Kevin Stranack

The Standards of Critical Digital Pedagogy - Hybrid Pedagogy - 0 views

    "Educational standards limit the consciousness towards which critical pedagogy aims. Yet, those committed to developing critical digital pedagogies need to pay attention to standards anyway. Specifically, critical digital pedagogues at all levels of education must familiarize themselves with standards regarding Information and Communications Technology (ICT) literacy"

Technology and Digital Scholarship | The Scholarly Kitchen - 0 views

    " it is important to note that one of the drivers of OA is the notion that the more content and ideas that are shared, the more likely breakthroughs will materialize; OA is associated with innovation."
Kevin Stranack

The Hope and Hype of MOOCs - 2 views

    "Following is a summary of the thoughtful and provocative discussion that took place, as the panelists debated the future of education and where libraries fit in."

College Libraries Push Back as Publishers Raise Some E-Book Prices - Technology - The C... - 0 views

    "11 academic publishers, including major players like Taylor & Francis and Oxford University Press, would be raising the cost of short-term e-book loans effective June 1. In some cases the increase would be as much as 300 percent."

One Professor Schemes to Keep Colleges in the Web's Fast Lane - Technology - The Chroni... - 1 views

    " "Paid prioritization and other forms of preferential access will significantly disadvantage libraries, education, and other nonprofit institutions,""
Kevin Stranack

Designing Open Projects: Lessons From Internet Pioneers | IBM Center for the Business o... - 4 views

    "This report offers practical design advice to public managers and political leaders who are facing complex, dynamic public challenges involving multiple stakeholders on issues or problems where there is no clearly defined solution. In these situations, open project approaches have the potential to spark large-scale activity that could fundamentally change society."
Kevin Stranack

Opening the Textbook: New Opportunities for Libraries and Publishers? | Ithaka S+R - 0 views

    "What solutions might we find within our community to solve the problem of rising textbook prices? In our latest issue brief, Nancy Maron, Ithaka S+R's Program Director for Sustainability and Scholarly Communications, looks at recent trends in textbook publishing and suggests that collaborations between university presses and academic libraries might yield a new breed of textbook more aligned to the needs of faculty and students."

Ending with Open Access, Beginning with Open Access | The Scholarly Kitchen - 1 views

    "This raises the interesting and important question of whether publication in an OA journal represents the end of a process or the beginning of a different one. The difference is marketing, a term that is often misunderstood in scholarly circles. Marketing means creating demand for something. Traditional publishers do this with their brands and (for books) their authors. For OA publishers the challenge is to continue to keep pushing a particular paper after it has appeared online. There are many ways to do this, of which simply making the content openly available is one (allowing an article to get indexed by search engines and pointed to by bloggers and others). But to continue to keep the article in the eyes of its prospective readers, new means of attracting attention have to be developed. "
Kevin Stranack

Taylor & Francis Online :: 2014 open access survey - 0 views

    "Taylor & Francis carried out a worldwide survey, with the aim of exploring journal authors' views on open access. Having previously conducted a survey on open access in 2013, we have been able to see how authors' opinions have developed, and whether the discussion and debate on open access has helped to inform and shape views. With responses to both the 2013 and 2014 survey given side-by-side, you can easily see how attitudes have changed. Alongside this, the 2014 survey explores many new areas and gives a fascinating insight into authors' current perceptions of open access."
Kevin Stranack

OLH Overlay Journals | Open Library of Humanities - 0 views

    "An overlay journal performs all the activities of a scholarly journal and relies on structural links with one or more archives or repositories to perform its activities."
Kevin Stranack

A Scalable and Sustainable Approach to Open Access Publishing and Archiving for Humanit... - 2 views

    A plan to convert traditional subscription publication formats, including society-published journals and books or monographs, to OA, based on an annual or multi-year payment made by every institution of higher education, no matter what its size or classification, and by any institution that benefits from the research that is generated by those within the academy.
Kevin Stranack

Can Libraries Help Stop this Madness? | Peer to Peer Review - 0 views

    "Instead of calling for more money to prop up a traditional model that was never particularly viable in the first place, we need to embrace a variety of alternatives. Academic librarians are well positioned to lead the way here, both because of their long history of managing change and because they often hold the purse strings."
Kevin Stranack

The Mentor and the MUSe: Engaging Faculty in Undergraduate Student P… - 1 views

    A poster providing an overview of why faculty should support undergraduate journals, including a list of recommendations.
Kevin Stranack

Global Internet Report | Internet Society - 0 views

    "This report focuses on the open and sustainable Internet - what we mean by that, what benefits it brings, and how to overcome threats that prevent those of us already online from enjoying the full benefits, and what keeps non-users from going online in the first place." Available in English, Spanish, French.
Kevin Stranack

A relationship cut short in B.C. with one fell swoop by Enbridge - 1 views

    "You might as well have come into our archives and burned our documents." An example of different ways of knowing between different cultures, and the opportunities for misunderstanding.
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