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Gaming could be the ultimate tool to re-engage boys in education - 4 views

    This TEDtalk might not answer directly to open knowledge topics so far, however it speaks to some of the issues raised in this week's lectures: pop-culture and technology can and should be used to engage people into educational & social activities (especially evident in Dr Jenkins' talk). Here, Ali Carr-Chellman talks about issues boys face in school - basically, they just don't belong there, as teaching is usually brought about from a woman's point of view (most teachers are female) and boys are told to be girls. Eventually, they feel they just won't succeed and take up other things - e.g. video games. The speaker advocates that video games could and should be used as a valuable tool to reach boys. Providing more resources, games could become THE ultimate way to deliver important messages and to teach effectively. (This also speaks to the point in Clarke's lecture, that games can be made into powerful scientific and educational plarforms.)
    This has certainly been the case with my 15 year-old, who through Minecraft has created extensive networks for exchanging ideas and interests that have turned into research projects for his debate class.

Citizen science - 6 views


European Communication Professionals Skills & Innovation Programme (ECOPSI) - 0 views

    The ECOPSI team published information regarding the project through various print and online mediums in 2012 and 2013. The reference list below itemizes each of the documents into the following categories: Journal Article Books Magazine Articles Conferences and Presentations Online Dissemination Journal Article Tench, R., Vercic , D., Tkalac, A., Juma, H.

The Mutopia Project - 0 views

    Underdeveloped website for public domain classical sheet music. I would love to see better sites with the inclusion of much more public domain music that is easy to explore and navigate. Would love any suggestions!

BOINC - 5 views

    BOINC is an open-source software platform where you can choose a project, download the software, and use the idle time on your computer to assist in scientific research. It's not about citizen science, but it's a useful resource for people who are interested in participating in citizen science.
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