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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Olivia Azar

Olivia Azar


    What's going to happen with printed books?
Olivia Azar

DRM on books - 0 views

    5 reasons to eliminate DRM on books. This favors open knowledge.
Olivia Azar

Digital ID + its' importance - 1 views

    A really complete must read on Digital ID
Olivia Azar

MOOCS in Mexico - 0 views

    For those of you interested in taking upon more moocs in Mexico.
Olivia Azar

Copyright in MOOCS - 5 views

    If you want to dig deeper in terms of copyright, this PDF might be helpful.
Olivia Azar

Citizen Journalism - 0 views

    Came across this list of citizen journalism websites. Some better than others but all of them work as a reference of what this activity is.
Olivia Azar

$ of technological change - 0 views

    Great insight on the costs in the long run of technological change.
1 - 8 of 8
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