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Contents contributed and discussions participated by aleksanderkrk

Rosa Munoz-Luna

"Cite this for me" - 4 views

open access knowledge open MOOC publishing Module9
started by Rosa Munoz-Luna on 18 Nov 14 no follow-up yet

A usuful tool for making online tests for students - 11 views

    Allows for having different classes, public and private test, etc. Very well organized!
Kutty Kumar

I need information for Free Statistics websites - 1 views


Writing scientific papers - the greates course online - 1 views

    For those who haven't participated yet, please keep track on the on line courses offer at Stanford, and when you have the opportunity, you must take the Writing in Science course. Really, really, really great adventure - after completing you'll just not be able to wait to write your next paper.

Open Chemistry Database - 0 views

    Very user friendly free chemistry database: chemicals 2D and 3D structres, most important characteristics ect
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