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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Jannicke Røgler

Jannicke Røgler

Learning 2.0 - Collaborative learning in the Age of 2.0 - 2 views

    "Comenius Regio Partnerships are bilateral partnerships between local and regional school authorities, including schools and other stakeholders in school education and youth work. Comenius Regio will foster cooperation among local / regional school authorities to enrich the educational offer to young people at school age in the participating regions or municipalities."
Jannicke Røgler - 1 views

    NLI is responsible for the websites, and NLI also publishes sources, handbooks, overviews of literature and sources, questioners, as well as other aids for local historians. In cooperation with the National Federation of Local History Associations (Landslaget for lokalhistorie), NLI publishes the magazine Lokalhistorisk magasin. NLI also organises seminars and conferences related to local history topics.
Jannicke Røgler

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy - 0 views

    Welcome to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (SEP). From its inception, the SEP was designed so that each entry is maintained and kept up-to-date by an expert or group of experts in the field. All entries and substantive updates are refereed by the members of a distinguished Editorial Board before they are made public. Consequently, our dynamic reference work maintains academic standards while evolving and adapting in response to new research. You can cite fixed editions that are created on a quarterly basis and stored in our Archives (every entry contains a link to its complete archival history, identifying the fixed edition the reader should cite). The Table of Contents lists entries that are published or assigned. The Projected Table of Contents also lists entries which are currently unassigned but nevertheless projected.
Jannicke Røgler

Nasjonal digital læringsarena | Frie digitale læremidler - 3 views

    Open Educational Resources For Secondary Schools in Norway. "Nasjonal digital læringsarena" - er et fellesinitiativ fra fylkeskommunene som har til hensikt å etablere fritt tilgjengelige, fullverdige, dynamiske fagnettsteder for alle fag i videregående opplæring.
Jannicke Røgler

The Norwegian Electronic Health Library - information in English - English - Helsebibli... - 2 views

    "The Norwegian Electronic Health Library - information in English The Norwegian Electronic Health Library ( is a publicly funded online knowledge service for healthcare professionals and students in Norway. 02/01/2014 | Hans Petter Fosseng Prof. Magne Nylenna MD is editor-in-chief for the Norwegian Electronic Health Library ( Photo: Hans Petter Fosseng The Norwegian Electronic Health Library is accessed online through the website The website provides free access to point-of-care tools, guidelines, systematic reviews, scientific journals, and a wide variety of other full-text resources for health-care professionals and students."
    "The Norwegian Electronic Health Library - information in English The Norwegian Electronic Health Library ( is a publicly funded online knowledge service for healthcare professionals and students in Norway. 02/01/2014 | Hans Petter Fosseng Prof. Magne Nylenna MD is editor-in-chief for the Norwegian Electronic Health Library ( Photo: Hans Petter Fosseng The Norwegian Electronic Health Library is accessed online through the website The website provides free access to point-of-care tools, guidelines, systematic reviews, scientific journals, and a wide variety of other full-text resources for health-care professionals and students."
Jannicke Røgler

Bibliotekens webbtv & -radio - Kirjastokaista - 2 views

    Library channel - The libraries webtv & radio. A service from the National Library of Finland.
Jannicke Røgler

Europeana - Homepage - 0 views

    Europeana has many resources that you may reuse with attribution ans different CC lisences.
Jannicke Røgler

Norway Is Digitizing All Its Books - 3 views

    "In a plan to scan all of its publications to the cloud, the National Library of Norway is digitalizing its books, and it and plans to make them all freely available to users with a Norwegian IP address. The library plans to have the project completed in about 15 to 20 years."
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