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Randy Kolset

Synergyse Google Apps Training - 0 views

    "Increase productivity with Google Apps training By leveraging the power of Chrome we bring training software directly into Google Apps. Like a virtual tutor, the training guides people inside their own Google Apps environment and intelligently trains them to be more productive as they work throughout the day."
Randy Kolset

Google Training - 0 views

    "Visions In Education- FREE Training Materials for educators! Welcome to the Google Docs for Education training site! This resource is designed to help educators and staff learn how to effectively use Google Docs in the classroom and district office. Here you will find information on the six chapters we will cover as well as schedules, resources and the latest announcements. Don't hesitate to contact on of the Google Certified Teachers on our training team should you have any questions. "
Randy Kolset

eLearning Training | Elluminate Inc. - 0 views

    Training guides for Elluminate
Randy Kolset

Marc - 0 views

    Marc has created over 50 software games for learning, including the world's first fast-action videogame-based training tools and world-wide, multi-player, multi-team on-line competitions. He has also taught at all levels. Marc has been featured in articles in The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal, has appeared on CNN, MSNBC, PBS, and the BBC, and was named as one of training's top 10 "visionaries" by Training magazine. He holds graduate degrees from Yale (Teaching) and Harvard (MBA).
Randy Kolset

Flipping the Emergency Medical Training Classroom - Emerging Education Technologies - 0 views

    "Emergency Medical Technician courses are a natural for the flipped classroom It's 17:00 and I'm walking into the high school cafeteria that is currently host to my Emergency Medical Technician class. The room is set up for maybe two hundred students with round and rectangular dining hall tables. A little big for our group if we were doing a traditional lecture style, but just perfect for our discussion and activity based classroom. "
Randy Kolset

Brain Games & Brain Training - Lumosity - 0 views

    Brain Games SCIENTIFICALLY DESIGNED Shown to improve memory and attention Detailed feedback and improvement tracking Fun and easy: full workout in less than 10 minutes/day Start your training today
Randy Kolset

MOUSE Squad of California (MSCA) Student Tech - 0 views

    MOUSE Squad of California (MSCA) Student Tech provides youth access to technology education and training necessary to be successful in today's information society while assisting schools to realize a vision for 21st century teaching and learning. MSCA Student Tech enables students to learn information technology (IT), customer service, communication and leadership skills while providing a service to their schools. A student-run IT support help desk is set up where students put into practice what they have learned. It can be an after-school program or an in-school elective.
Randy Kolset

PhishMe - Take the PhishMe Quiz! - 0 views

    "We hope you are having a happy and safe holiday season! To help educate you about some to the tricks used by Phishers to try and steal your information, please play the free Cyber Monday version of our game training module from the new PhishMe Consumer Edition. Please click on the image above to play, or feel free to answer a few questions about your experience with phishing and then play. "
Randy Kolset

Free Products and Services - 0 views

    "Microsoft offers free tools to help engage students in a variety of subject areas-from moviemaking to collaboration to science and beyond. Teachers can download these tools for free, the majority of which require no special training. "
Randy Kolset

dgrice - home - 0 views

    " Welcome to Here you will find outlines and links from my workshops and trainings. Select one from the list below:"
Randy Kolset

California Student Bill of Rights Initiative | Home - 0 views

    "The California Student Bill of Rights Initiative is proposed for the November 2012 ballot. It will break down the barriers between students and all of the education options available to them in the classroom and online, leading to continued education or career training beyond high school. This action on the part of the people of California will ensure California students do not fall behind their peers in other states and position California for maintaining an advantage in the U.S. and global economy."
Randy Kolset

Teachscape - 0 views

    "Establish a common language for teaching effectiveness with an online training and assessment system and use innovative software tools for classroom walkthroughs and evaluation management."
Randy Kolset

6 Ways to Be a Better Online Teacher -- Campus Technology - 0 views

    "With more and more faculty being asked to teach blended or online courses, the need for faculty training has never been higher. CT looks at tried-and-tested strategies for molding better online instructors. "
Randy Kolset

OER Commons - 0 views

    "Welcome to the Commons The network that brings together 49,972 OER, tools for sharing curriculum with the world, and news and training on the brave new world of open education. LEARN ABOUT THE MOVEMENT"
Randy Kolset

OCDEWeb2point0 - home - 0 views

    "his wiki will host a variety of Web 2.0 applications to address instructional goals, student learning, and technology integration for participants. This wiki will also include relevant online resources that link to articles, files, and media about use and application related to personal and educational usage. Along with the discussion from the training and these resources, the wiki aims to include participant collaboration to develop usable guidelines for Web 2.0 applications within a K12 classroom."
Randy Kolset

Sales Negotiation Training Seminars : Building Rapport : - 0 views

    BrainX is an adaptive online learning system that uses a Digital Tutor to teach any content to any person in the way that person learns best. The BrainX system is based on cutting edge research from the fields of cognitive psychology, education and neuroscience.
Randy Kolset

Samsung Digital Presenters, Document Cameras, Visual Presenters, Video Visualizers - 0 views

    Samsung Digital training videos on document cameras
Randy Kolset

Learn about the Canvas LMS, the new, open learning management system | Instructure - 0 views

    "Clean, intuitive interface See how our easy-to-use interface has helped teachers and administrators save dozens of hours of time by using Instructure Canvas in their classes and institutions. Because Instructure Canvas is intuitive and uncomplicated, students and teachers require less training to utilize it effectively, and find it far more enjoyable to use. Comprehensive feature set Canvas rolls all the best LMS features into one complete package. What you may think of as extras, we consider to be essentials, so it's all included in the Canvas LMS. These are features like integrated multimedia, ePortfolios, web conferencing and learning outcomes, to name a few. Modern technology Technology moves fast. Instructure Canvas makes sure you move faster. The Canvas Cloud model ensures that you'll have instant access to the best tools available and won't get stuck waiting for your LMS to catch up. "
Randy Kolset

PD 360 - Professional Development On Demand - 0 views

    Welcome to PD 360! This is the world's first and largest online, on-demand professional development platform for educators. We're glad you're here. What's new to v5.0: * Simplified reports, Focus Objective creation and organization, and user account management * Easier to use courses for effective structured learning experiences * Common Core Standards content and training videos * Improved community features * User Uploaded Video * Integration with Facebook and Twitter * Enhanced integration with Observation 360 And so much more! Feel free to explore all the new features. New to PD 360? Get free access to a library of over 1,500 videos on 97 topics from 120 experts and free lifetime membership to the world's largest community of verified educators-just sign up for a free 30-day trial on the right! For more information, contact us! 1.800.572.1153
Randy Kolset

EON Reality, Inc. - The world's leading interactive 3D visual content management and Vi... - 0 views

    " EON Reality, Inc. is the world's leading interactive 3D solutions provider for business and education based on Virtual Reality technology. It's powerful break through interactive 3D collaborative technology enables users to experience more by revolutionizing the way companies leverage their digital assets and communicate. [ learn more ] With EON's software tools and applications including Interactive 3D Virtual Meeting, Customer Interaction Management, Simulation Based Learning and Immersive 3D solutions users are able to create realistic authentic product experiences anytime, anywhere. EON delivers versatile productivity to the energy, aerospace/defense, education, government, industrial and medical sectors. Industry leaders and academic institutions use EON's solutions to increase sales, better communicate product functionality, decrease cost of training and travel less by facilitating rich 3D communication over distance."
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