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Randy Kolset

Over 20 Free Digital Classroom Tools… Customize… Plus No Log In! | 21 st Cent... - 0 views

    " What amazed me most about was not the valuable tools provided, but the ability for teachers to easily customize these tools and use them in any subject area. If that is not enough, how about the ability to embed your newly made instructional resource on your own classroom website, wiki, or blog? Any educator will also like the fact that students have no need to log in or sign up for an account… and neither do teachers! Need tutorials… they are provided! Do samples help you understand better… you will find plenty! Is budget a problem… then free should be affordable! is the work of educator, Russel Tarr, Head of History at the International School of Toulouse, France. Upon entering the site, educators will see the listing of tools. Clicking on a tool allows teachers to individualize that specific tool for their own classroom needs. Teachers then have the option of copying a generated link to place on their own web site or of copying a generated code to embed as a tool (widget) on their classroom site. Also, on the front page, are some video links that will provide further information. Two videos that provide excellent information are the 1 Minute Overview and How to Create Games. The Listing Of Over 20 Digital Tools For Your Classroom The tools that you can even customize are included below. Along with this tool listing you will find descriptions of each tool, an overview of and samples of specific tools (if provided), and any related video (if provided). * Arcade Game Generator - Allows teachers to create concept builders, practice exercises, and reviews. Best of all, one set up feeds into five different game possibilities at the same time The teacher can choose which game, or allow students a choice. Make sure you check out all the examples and pre-made games in (overview and samples). Also watch the How to Create Games . * Random Name Picker - Can be used as an activity management tool or skip the names.
Randy Kolset

Revolutionizing Education - Project RED - 0 views

    "Technology is woven into every aspect of our lives, and education is no exception. With the belief that technology can make a substantial impact on schools and students, three research organizations - The Greaves Group, The Hayes Connection and One-to-One Institute - established Project RED: Revolutionizing Education. Initially these organizations conducted a national survey of technology programs in 1,000 schools, which is the first and only national research focusing on academic results and the financial implication of education technology. The findings showed that if effectively implemented, technology programs can lead to improved student achievement and significant return on investment."
Randy Kolset

Technology Integration Matrix - 0 views

    "The Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) illustrates how teachers can use technology to enhance learning for K-12 students. The TIM incorporates five interdependent characteristics of meaningful learning environments: active, constructive, goal directed (i.e., reflective), authentic, and collaborative (Jonassen, Howland, Moore, & Marra, 2003). The TIM associates five levels of technology integration (i.e., entry, adoption, adaptation, infusion, and transformation) with each of the five characteristics of meaningful learning environments. Together, the five levels of technology integration and the five characteristics of meaningful learning environments create a matrix of 25 cells as illustrated below."
Randy Kolset

Teachers' Use of Educational Technology in U.S. Public Schools: 2009 - 0 views

    This First Look report presents data from a spring 2009 Fast Response Survey System (FRSS) survey on the availability and use of educational technology by public elementary/secondary school teachers. The teacher survey includes information on the use of computers and Internet access in the classroom; availability and use of computing devices, software, and school or district networks (including remote access) by teachers; students' use of educational technology; teachers' preparation to use educational technology for instruction; and technology-related professional development activities.
Randy Kolset

OCDE Student Showcase on California K-12 High Speed Network - 0 views

    Orange County Student Technology Showcase The Orange County Department of Education is searching for the best student curriculum technology integration projects in Orange County. Selected student representatives will present at the OC Student Technology Showcase and may be asked to present at the 6th annual State Student Technology Showcase in Palm Springs. Use the information found within the Guidelines, Rubric and Submission sections of this website to help prepare your application.
Randy Kolset

The 4 Cs of Technology Integration -- THE Journal - 0 views

    "If you Google "four c's of technology integration" you'll get links to a myriad of "c-words" including Creativity/Creation, Consumption, Curation, Connection, Collaboration, Communication and Critical Thinking. All of these are important elements of learning and can be enhanced with the use of technology, but for the sake of this article, I am going to focus more on what devices themselves can do, so my four C's are the following:                     "
Randy Kolset

Student Technology Showcase on California K-12 High Speed Network - 0 views

    Student Technology Showcase As a joint effort of CDE, CTAP and CUE, the Student Technology Showcase serves to inform parents, teachers, administrators, legislators and higher education representatives about curriculum-based student technology projects being undertaken in Kindergarten through grade 12. Click here for more information.
Randy Kolset

Santa Ana Unified School District | Ed Tech & Media Services - 0 views

    "Assembly Bill 307 requires that California students and teachers receive instruction in Internet Safety and the ethical use of information. To fulfill the requirements of AB 307 as incorporated into the SAUSD District Technology Plan (2009-2012) and District Technology Goals and Benchmarks, Education Technology and Instructional Media Services is providing lesson materials to educate pupils and teachers on the appropriate and ethical use of information technology in the classroom, Internet safety, plagiarism, copyright, and the implications of illegal peer-to-peer network file sharing. The materials are provided for SAUSD classroom teachers to use during CyberSafety Week, February 23-27, 2009. Teachers should plan to spend 10-15 minutes delivering information to students on the topic for that day."
Randy Kolset

OCDE Student Showcase on California K-12 High Speed Network - 0 views

    "The Orange County Department of Education is searching for the best student curriculum technology integration projects in Orange County. Selected student representatives will present at the OC Student Technology Showcase and may be asked to present at the 11th annual State Student Technology Showcase in Palm Springs. Use the information found within the Guidelines and Rubric sections of this website to help prepare your application. "
Randy Kolset

7 Habits of Highly Effective Tech-leading Principals -- THE Journal - 0 views

    The conventional wisdom in education is that any school reform--be it curriculum, instruction, assessment, or teacher professionalism--is most likely to take hold in schools that have strong leadership. The same holds true for technology. Any educator will tell you the most successful implementation of technology programs takes place in schools where the principal sees him or herself as a technology leader. 
Randy Kolset

Logical Choice Letters alive ™ Curriculum (pre-K & K) - 0 views

    "Educators traveling to the Florida Educational Technology Conference 2011 in Orlando the first week of February were exposed to some mind-boggling new technology- education's first curriculum featuring "augmented reality" (AR). Pioneered by Logical Choice Technologies, Letters alive™ brings a kingdom of 26 "seemingly-alive" digital 3D animals into classrooms with the ultimate goal of teaching children to read at the kindergarten level."
Randy Kolset

OCDE EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY COURSES | Integrating Technology in Education | - 0 views

    Scoopit edtech page with great up to date information
Randy Kolset

CUE Conference Collection :: CUE Video Collection :: Brokers of Expertise - 0 views

    "Overview The CUE Conference collection contains videos featuring the best of curriculum technology solutions, resources, and techniques presented by outstanding educators. Through engaging interviews, panel discussions, or keynote presentations, leading education and technology experts discuss the ways that innovative uses of technology are making a positive impact on education."
Randy Kolset

Common Core Connect Technology Home page - 0 views

    "Welcome to the Common Core Connect Technology Home Page, where you'll find news and information helpful to integrating technology into your  Common Core curriculum."
Randy Kolset

Education Technology - 1 views

  • Through innovation in their design to create an exciting and dynamic classroom teachers, school districts and administrators in Orange County have incorporated technology in many different curricular areas. Technology is no longer another subject but a vital and vibrant part of the educational environment. This mirrors the world that our students are experiencing and engaging in currently outside of schools. The Orange County Department of Education supports these efforts and applauds our schools in preparing students in the 21st Century.
    • Randy Kolset
      OCDE's Ed Tech Department is looking for innovative connections to technology in education. Do you have a school or event that you could recommend?
    • Randy Kolset
      Don't forget to check out the Student Technology Showcase programs to make sure you see what teachers are doing in the classroom.
    Ed Tech Site for OCDE
Randy Kolset

Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies: Home Page - 0 views

    "Welcome to the Centre for Learning and Performance Technologies (C4LPT) A resource site for the use of new technologies for working and learning"
Randy Kolset

Twelve Essentials for Technology Integration - StumbleUpon - 0 views

    Stumble Upon book on integrating technology.
Randy Kolset

EmergingEdTech. Education Technology. Internet and instructional technologies for teach... - 0 views

    Technology being released to the public. Great ideas on productivity web2.0tools and presentation tools
Randy Kolset

Research Center: Technology in Education - 0 views

    Education Week's information on Technology in Education
Randy Kolset

Engaging Parents to Fund Education Technology - Online Sign Up Blog by VolunteerSpot - 0 views

    "Engaging Parents to Fund Education Technology Parents as Key Influencers in Purchase Decisions"
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