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Randy Kolset

OCDE Student Showcase on California K-12 High Speed Network - 0 views

    "The Orange County Department of Education is searching for the best student curriculum technology integration projects in Orange County. Selected student representatives will present at the OC Student Technology Showcase and may be asked to present at the 11th annual State Student Technology Showcase in Palm Springs. Use the information found within the Guidelines and Rubric sections of this website to help prepare your application. "
Randy Kolset

flipped learning - 0 views

    "Launched spring of 2012, the Flipped Learning Network's mission is to provide educators with the knowledge, skills, and resources to successfully implement Flipped Learning. The vision is preparing educators to adopt the Flipped Learning Ideology."
Randy Kolset - 0 views

    Launched spring of 2012, the mission of the Flipped Learning Network™ is to provide educators with the knowledge, skills, and resources to successfully implement Flipped Learning. The goals of the FLN are to provide professional learning opportunities on Flipped Learning; to conduct, collaborate and disseminate relevant research on Flipped Learning; and to act as the clearinghouse for distributing best and promising practices for current and future "flipped" educators.
Randy Kolset

Spring 2014 Smarter Balanced Field Test - Assessment Information (CA Dept of Education) - 0 views

    The Smarter Balanced Field Test will take place between March 18 and June 6, 2014. Students in grades three through eight and grade eleven will be assessed via computer in English-language arts and mathematics. A small sample of grade nine and grade ten students will also participate in the Field Test.
Randy Kolset

Teachers' Use of Educational Technology in U.S. Public Schools: 2009 - 0 views

    This First Look report presents data from a spring 2009 Fast Response Survey System (FRSS) survey on the availability and use of educational technology by public elementary/secondary school teachers. The teacher survey includes information on the use of computers and Internet access in the classroom; availability and use of computing devices, software, and school or district networks (including remote access) by teachers; students' use of educational technology; teachers' preparation to use educational technology for instruction; and technology-related professional development activities.
Randy Kolset

OCDE Student Showcase on California K-12 High Speed Network - 0 views

    Orange County Student Technology Showcase The Orange County Department of Education is searching for the best student curriculum technology integration projects in Orange County. Selected student representatives will present at the OC Student Technology Showcase and may be asked to present at the 6th annual State Student Technology Showcase in Palm Springs. Use the information found within the Guidelines, Rubric and Submission sections of this website to help prepare your application.
Randy Kolset

Over 20 Free Digital Classroom Tools… Customize… Plus No Log In! | 21 st Cent... - 0 views

    " What amazed me most about was not the valuable tools provided, but the ability for teachers to easily customize these tools and use them in any subject area. If that is not enough, how about the ability to embed your newly made instructional resource on your own classroom website, wiki, or blog? Any educator will also like the fact that students have no need to log in or sign up for an account… and neither do teachers! Need tutorials… they are provided! Do samples help you understand better… you will find plenty! Is budget a problem… then free should be affordable! is the work of educator, Russel Tarr, Head of History at the International School of Toulouse, France. Upon entering the site, educators will see the listing of tools. Clicking on a tool allows teachers to individualize that specific tool for their own classroom needs. Teachers then have the option of copying a generated link to place on their own web site or of copying a generated code to embed as a tool (widget) on their classroom site. Also, on the front page, are some video links that will provide further information. Two videos that provide excellent information are the 1 Minute Overview and How to Create Games. The Listing Of Over 20 Digital Tools For Your Classroom The tools that you can even customize are included below. Along with this tool listing you will find descriptions of each tool, an overview of and samples of specific tools (if provided), and any related video (if provided). * Arcade Game Generator - Allows teachers to create concept builders, practice exercises, and reviews. Best of all, one set up feeds into five different game possibilities at the same time The teacher can choose which game, or allow students a choice. Make sure you check out all the examples and pre-made games in (overview and samples). Also watch the How to Create Games . * Random Name Picker - Can be used as an activity management tool or skip the names.
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