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Randy Kolset

Over 20 Free Digital Classroom Tools… Customize… Plus No Log In! | 21 st Cent... - 0 views

    " What amazed me most about was not the valuable tools provided, but the ability for teachers to easily customize these tools and use them in any subject area. If that is not enough, how about the ability to embed your newly made instructional resource on your own classroom website, wiki, or blog? Any educator will also like the fact that students have no need to log in or sign up for an account… and neither do teachers! Need tutorials… they are provided! Do samples help you understand better… you will find plenty! Is budget a problem… then free should be affordable! is the work of educator, Russel Tarr, Head of History at the International School of Toulouse, France. Upon entering the site, educators will see the listing of tools. Clicking on a tool allows teachers to individualize that specific tool for their own classroom needs. Teachers then have the option of copying a generated link to place on their own web site or of copying a generated code to embed as a tool (widget) on their classroom site. Also, on the front page, are some video links that will provide further information. Two videos that provide excellent information are the 1 Minute Overview and How to Create Games. The Listing Of Over 20 Digital Tools For Your Classroom The tools that you can even customize are included below. Along with this tool listing you will find descriptions of each tool, an overview of and samples of specific tools (if provided), and any related video (if provided). * Arcade Game Generator - Allows teachers to create concept builders, practice exercises, and reviews. Best of all, one set up feeds into five different game possibilities at the same time The teacher can choose which game, or allow students a choice. Make sure you check out all the examples and pre-made games in (overview and samples). Also watch the How to Create Games . * Random Name Picker - Can be used as an activity management tool or skip the names.
Randy Kolset

A Guide to K-12 Open Source LMS Options -- THE Journal - 0 views

    "Which open source learning management systems are right for K-12? Which districts are using them? And what has the experience been compared with commercial alternatives? THE Journal offers this overview of both popular and emerging LMS options for K-12 technology decision makers."
Randy Kolset

CUE Conference Collection :: CUE Video Collection :: Brokers of Expertise - 0 views

    "Overview The CUE Conference collection contains videos featuring the best of curriculum technology solutions, resources, and techniques presented by outstanding educators. Through engaging interviews, panel discussions, or keynote presentations, leading education and technology experts discuss the ways that innovative uses of technology are making a positive impact on education."
Randy Kolset

Flipped Learning - Highfill Crew 2011-2012 - 0 views

    lisa highfill overview of lessons that have been flipped
Randy Kolset

Overview | WeVideo - 0 views

    "We live in the cloud Available anywhere, any time, across your devices WeVideo makes video creation accessible to everyone, using cloud-based technologies to make it easier, faster and more convenient. Because it's cloud-based, we make social video editing possible, where people come together online to collaborate on a video project."
Randy Kolset

Microsoft Educator Network - Professional Development : Educators : Courses : Overview - 0 views

    "Help your students get the skills they need The 21st Century Learning Design (21CLD) rubrics provide a research-based methodology to help you identify how to evolve your lesson plans and learning activities to build and assess your students' 21st century skills. "
Randy Kolset

NetSupport School Student for ChromeOS - Overview - Google ChromeBook for Education - 0 views

    The #1 choice for IT educators worldwide, NetSupport School delivers the tools you need to help maximize the effectiveness of computer-led teaching and now you can utilize the power of NetSupport School in a Google Chromebook education environment. For use in an existing or new NetSupport-managed classroom, the NetSupport School Student app extension can be installed on each student Chromebook running Google Chrome OS. From the teacher's desktop they can then connect to each chromebook system enabling them to monitor the screens and interact with each student quickly and efficiently.
Randy Kolset

Innovation Incubator Program - SIIA: Software & Information Industry Association - 0 views

    "SIIA's Innovation Incubator program identifies and supports entrepreneurs in their development and distribution of innovative learning technologies. The program began in 2006 and has provided incubation for dozens of successful products and companies in their efforts to improve education through the use of software, digital content and related technologies. SIIA's Innovation Incubator program is unique in that it both employs a peer review process to identify the most innovative and most likely to succeed products, and those peers - successful industry leaders - provide one-on-one mentorship to support the growth and success of identified innovators."
Randy Kolset

Using PBworks in Education - 0 views

    "PBworks in Education PBworks hosts over 300,000 educational workspaces, and has helped transform teaching and learning for millions of students, parents and teachers. Educators ranging from major universities like DePaul, school districts like Baltimore County Public Schools and individual teachers trust PBworks as their collaborative learning environment. Learn how PBworks can help your classroom, library, school, or university: "
Randy Kolset

Microsoft Educator Network - For Schools : Partners in Learning School Research Overview - 0 views

    "What is School Research? Educators around the globe recognize that teaching and learning needs to be transformed to align with the realities of life and work in the 21st century. Today's learners need to develop higher order skills and know how to create and collaborate. At the same time, school leaders need to build their teachers' capacity to develop these skills in students."
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